"SKT finally chose verus! In this way, all the five heroes on both sides are chosen. SKT side hero position is very clear, but Ig side I don't really dare to make a conclusion. "

"Ha ha, I said Kamen's words can't be believed. What routine is used up, semi-final should use regular solid lineup, from the moment they choose the little mage, I know their routine

"Ig used Prince Ali to assist them before. If they still use Prince Ali to assist them, then they should use little mage to go in and Chiana to fight wild."

"But if the little mage goes, it seems that the early stage is too weak, and he can't control the line power, so it's easy for faker to find the rhythm. As we all know, now the single, will not swim, certainly not

"In fact, it can also be assisted by the little mage, and then the prince will fight wild, and Chiana will go. Or the little mage still plays assistant, but when the prince leaves, Chiana plays wild Anyway, it's hard to say now. "

"Now Ig is still playing smoke bombs. I'm not in a hurry to determine the location, but But time is running out. They Here we are. The time of the smoke bomb is over. The position is fixed! "

With Ig changing heroes in the last second, the lineup of both sides is finally determined. Blue square (Ig) vs Red Square (SKT):

on the road: Captain vs Crocodile

Daye: Prince vs wine bucket

Zhongdan: Chiana vs rez

ad: Explorer ezerell vs verus

Assistant: Little mage vs Tam.

"Oh, Ig finally gives Kiana to rookie, while Kamen uses the prince to fight the field with the help of the little mage. We've been looking forward to Kamen's Chiana, but actually rookie's Chiana has proved that it's very strong, OK

"It's not only Qiana of rookie, but also the prince of Kamen. I believe everyone knows. I still have his inverted V EQ flash video on my computer. I don't know if I have a chance to review it today. "

If other teams choose Ig, I'm afraid Guan Zeyuan and his team have already begun to spray people. Because the awesome line-up of IG doesn't seem to be very powerful. Besides the central route, the others are not strong.

It can't be said that the prince can't play in this version. It's just that the prince is too weak compared with the hero of wine barrel. The captain on the road needs a long time to develop and is not good at cooperating with gank.

EZ and the little mage on the next road are weak on the line. In addition, Ig's next pair group is the AP output of Ig, but EZ's AP damage is limited, and it takes more time for auxiliary mages to develop to have damage.

However, this lineup was selected by Ig, so Guan Zeyuan did not dare to express their opinions, they could only choose the right words as much as possible. Otherwise, they are likely to be beaten in the face.

After the start, Xiao Ge is still the first to run to the middle road. After seeing faker, he first lights up a sign, then goes to a dangerous position and starts dancing.

In the competition, generally no one will do anything in the first level league. We all choose a safe start, for fear that if there is something wrong with the first group, the game will end early.

When the top eight play G2, Xiao Ge always wants to find the people of G2 to light a brand and dance after going out. And G2 people are always easy to get on the top. In the face of Xiao GE's ridicule, they try their best to take advantage of it, but in the end they are all taken advantage of by Xiao Ge.

Jankos, in particular, suffered a great loss and even ruined a victory because of the ridicule of Xiao Ge. So that in the last few scenes, he had a shadow over Xiaoge, and was completely crushed by Xiaoge.

At this time, faker's response to Xiao GE's ridicule is much more humble. First, light up the most famous "SKT" team logo, and then go to a position where Xiao Ge Q can't reach, and dance with Xiao Ge.

"Damn, it's more difficult than jankos!" Xiao Ge said in a low voice, "but yes, if brother Li is as easy to get on as jankos, then he is not brother Li."

Faker doesn't want to make trouble, and Xiao Ge doesn't want to dance in the middle like a fool. He honestly came to the upper river station. In 1 minute and 10 seconds, Xiao Ge bypassed his own blue buff field and went to the lower half of the field to play F6.

Rookie, on the Middle Road, went with theshy to the F6 of SKT for another minute and 25 seconds.

This is the standard starting field of vision routine. Rookie's eye position can accurately detect the level of opposing field and the route of brushing field. At the same time, it can also play a certain role in protecting himself.

This is the regular start for Xiao Ge. He takes the lead to finish the three groups of wild monsters in the red buff area, and then goes down the road. Aware that there was no chance for gank, he went back to the city to supply and brush the river crab in the upper half of the field.

After brushing the river crab, Xiao Ge wanted to continue to brush the blue buff field, but the faker push line on the middle road is a little deep, so he has a chance to gank."Rookie, I'm coming!"

Whether gank is successful or not, this wave of songs will not bring him any bad influence. If gank succeeds, take a blood. Gank's failure is just a waste of a few seconds. It doesn't delay his brush, so Xiao Ge can't miss this opportunity.

"Come on, but be careful, CLID!"

While saying this, rookie has already begun to adjust his position carelessly but in a murderous way

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