"Wow! Ig's lineup, the most complete combo moment, has finally come out Wang remembers shouting: "just now we were still saying that Ig's tactical choice was very bad. I didn't expect that we were too young after all!"

"Now SKT pursues too tightly, and is directly provoked by Kamen's EQ two company to four people, and then the big move is even more exaggerated, directly covering five people! I really want to repeat once again, the prince of Kamen, the number one in the world today

"It is because of Kamen's perfect opening that SKT has no chance to cross flash at the first time. Qiana of rookie is always at the back. Kamen's counterattack is the first time to make a breakthrough with a grass element Q, and then E and flash to take the big move! "

"In the face of this combo, you only have a very short time to make flash and distance. Once you don't grasp this opportunity, you will have no chance to cross flash in the future, because the subsequent control and damage will melt you directly! "

Wang remembers that he said, "the main reason is that this wave of Kamen's EQ two company makes SKT have no chance to flash. Flash is not a Summoner skill that can be cast in any situation like punishment and healing."

"Under control, you can't give up the flash. And Kamen's Boka field of vision shot back. An EQ two company provoked four people, and then recruited five people. What kind of operation is this? "

"It's like a blind monk touching his eyes and directly kicking five people. This kind of operation in the professional arena, is really too rare, anyway, in my impression, it seems that no one has achieved such a feat

Now the situation on the field with Xiao Ge a look back, and then rookie took on the big move, the final result of the whole game, seems to be locked at this moment.

After rookie launched the big move, even though Khan's crocodile gave up the flash for the first time, the other four were not so lucky and were directly pushed by Chiana's big move.

As for Khan, although he escaped the prince's big move in time, he avoided being pushed by rookie's big move. But Ig's network is not only two axes, including Xiao GE's and rookie's moves, but also appetizers.

Baolan, who came to the scene later, didn't break down this time. She threw e-skills directly and stunned the crocodile. At the same time, she also stunned faker and CLID. At the same time, rookie lost verus with his own super high burst second.

Poor Teddy because SKT into a huge disadvantage, can only desperately add damage. Even if he knew that if he didn't do mercury, he would be directly killed in the group battle, and there was no room for adjustment.

Because the disadvantage of SKT is lack of damage, and as the main output point of SKT, if Teddy does mercury, then SKT will be more lack of damage. What's more, his development is extremely bad. Up to now, he hasn't made a two-piece suit, let alone mercury.

This choice is a kind of risk, Teddy can only choose to take this risk, and then provide more output for the team. But once he failed in his adventure, he would end up like this. There were flashes and big moves, but he would be killed if he couldn't release any skills.

But it might be a good thing for Teddy to be killed by rookie, because after rookie's seconds, he doesn't have to eat the captain's dynamite barrel (E) and cannon barrage (R).

He also doesn't have to eat EZ's precision barrage (R), little mage's dark matter (W) and energy burst (R). And his teammates, but also to bear a series of terrorist damage.

With such a perfect skill combo and such an explosive skill output, all members of SKT have been beaten into residual blood in the blink of an eye. By the time they recover from control, they have completely lost their ability to fight Ig.

"Now the regiment war has transited from the outbreak stage to the massacre stage! You're right, SKT is suffering from Ig's crazy massacre now! Among them, Khan, who is in the best condition, has only one third of his blood left at present

At this time, whether Guan Zeyuan or Wang remembers, or Wang Duoduo, they have already smelled the end of the game. But before calling out the final result, they still need to explain the battle in front of them.

The cry at the moment of victory is always so pleasant. Wang remembers that there is even more joy in his voice: "although the strength of SKT is well known, the fighting power of the two warring parties is not equal, which is also a fact!"

"But there seems to be no suspense about the outcome of this battle. First teddy was killed without any skills. Then Ig's final combo came and invited all SKT members to eat a set of damage feast

"Now Tam is able to survive with his thick skin (E) and swallow faker, but CLID's cask can't hold. The wave e of Baolan is perfect. It's dizzy for three people all at once

"And this dizzy, let the captain's big move, dynamite barrel exploded a happy, let a Shui's big move hit four people at once, at the same time, Baolan's own w also hit two people! Such a huge AoE damage is really destroying heaven and earthWang Duoduo continued: "and Baolan has more than one w. it's another big move to fight against CLID's wine barrel This big move didn't kill CLID in seconds, but it left CLID with a little blood. Then ah Shui gave an accurate Q skill and took the bucket head! "

"On the other side, TAM is still swallowing faker, but under the double beating of Kamen and theshy, Tam has also fallen. Faker wants to fight back, but he has nothing to show and is killed by a heavy blow from Kamen. "

"Now there is only one crocodile left in the whole SKT, but only one crocodile can't make any splash. The stubborn Khan still wants to operate, but it's only in vain. Tehshy's gunfire negotiation (q) is not reasonable at all, and finally takes the crocodile's head! "

"In this way, Ig relies on a wave of textbook level perfect Regiment Battle, which makes SKT have no power to fight, and eventually the regiment will destroy SKT! And they didn't lose one of them

Wang remembers shouting: "a wave of 0 for 5 regiments! Ig is not ready to fight dragon, want a direct wave! They have a chance to push off SKT

Guan Zeyuan said: "one wave, absolutely one wave! IG keeps the whole crew intact, pushes him fast and his troops are awesome. The second tower in the middle road is totally vulnerable in front of the Ig five

"The highland defense tower can't stop Ig either, and the rhythm keeps on. If you push down the barracks again, Teddy, the fastest resurrected SKT, will be resurrected in 17 seconds! A wave, really a wave! "

"The two front teeth towers were broken one after another, and the final base crystal was exploded one after another! At the end of the game, let's congratulate Ig for their good start in the semi-final with a great victory

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