For four minutes in a row, Ig and SKT played back and forth. Ig has already started to fight, and the trio of upper and middle field have been linked frantically to fight against the strong rolling situation of SKT. Although the process is difficult, the result is not at a loss.

It's just that Yasuo on SKT side has been taking the head, so it's meaningless for Ig to fight with SKT. Because with Yasuo getting fatter, as long as SKT plays around Yasuo, Ig is hard to resist.

Moreover, the combination of SAIN and ice on the road of Ig is very powerful, once it is opened, it will be very uncomfortable. But as the next road was blown up early, the effect of Ig next road combination has not yet had time to play a role, there is no chance at all.

In fact, as time goes on, Ig has become more and more difficult in the face of SKT. But a Shui and Bao Lan are almost useless now. They have no effect at all.

Baolan is very brittle because of its poor development. Now, let alone that SKT doesn't give ig the opportunity to open a group, even if SKT lets Ig open a group, the only consequence of Baolan's driving into the crowd is that it will be killed for the first time.

"Wow, now with Yasuo getting fatter and fatter, Ig has become more and more weak!" Guan Zeyuan said: "and after Yasuo made endless efforts, he really began to make three phases. When Aoen helps Yasuo make the big three phases, Ig will be even harder to fight. "

Guan Zeyuan didn't realize that what he said has been provoking the anger of the audience, and even the barrage has begun to spray on him, but now he just focuses on showing his understanding.

He seems to be worried about Ig, but his subtext seems to be saying: look, I have already said that ORN will not upgrade Yasuo endlessly, but will upgrade Yasuo endlessly after Yasuo makes three phases.

"Although Kamen, theshy and rookie are supporting the situation, they are really becoming more and more inferior now. Because Yasuo's development has not been limited, SKT's lineup has become more and more solid

Wang remembers that he is really worried about Ig. He likes the LPL team, and he has a good relationship with Xiao Ge, so he definitely wants Ig to win from the bottom of his heart.

"Now it seems that the double killing of Ig in the early stage of his downfall is really fatal. It is because napoyaso got the double that he can't be restricted in the subsequent group battle, which finally leads to such a difficult situation

"What's more, this little dragon is not good for Ig. The first one is the water dragon. At that time, Ig was able to compete. But then brush is fire dragon and Earth Dragon, at that time Ig has been very difficult to play

"There are still two minutes left for the dragon team to refresh. This wave of dragon team SKT must have an advantage. I just don't know if Kamen can capture the dragon. If he can, maybe Ig has a chance

Wang Duoduo could not help shaking his head. He could understand Wang's wish for Ig to win, but he also knew that Ig was already very difficult to win: "mainly because SKT doesn't need to win through the Dragon now!"

"They have such a strong ability to open, and with Yasuo's big move, they can kill anyone in Ig. Just like the last Ig combo suppressed SKT miserably, their initiative is very strong. "

"Since Kamen is a good dragon Snatcher, they can find a chance to drive Kamen. Wait for Kamen seconds before you fight the dragon. Then you don't have to be afraid of Kamen's robbing the dragon. "

With the analysis of the three commentators, the game went on minute by minute. At this time, the game has come to 20 minutes, the dragon has been refreshed.

SKT is not in a hurry to fight the dragon. Instead, it focuses on the dragon. Relying on their strong opening ability, they want to catch Xiao Ge, but Xiao Ge doesn't catch them. Instead, they catch Baolan and rookie once.

I can't help it. The last Ig used dragon to target SKT. This SKT gave Ig all the pain they suffered. And SKT is deliberately learning to play Ig, not anxious to play dragon.

Because over time, SKT's development speed is far faster than Ig's, so they dare to put the game back. In 26 minutes, Teddy's Yasuo finally made a three-piece set of green fork, endless and three phases.

Khan's ORN is determined to help Teddy upgrade the three phases. At this time, SKT finally stopped stalling with Ig, playing more and more radical, obviously want to end the game.

"Coming!" Finally, SKT began to work. Guan Zeyuan immediately yelled, "SKT is on! This time it's the prince who starts the group first! Baolan and ashui are caught! The two of them didn't flash. They were covered by the prince's big move. They couldn't run away! "

"Faker's big, too! When the prince comes into the court, garrio takes the big move. This move also has no solution! And a Shui's development is very poor, he can't beat the prince! Garrio has landed WOW! The damage is too explosive

Wang remembers yelling: "Baolan and ashui have been killed directly! On the other side, Kamen, they're ready to support, but now they have to withdraw! It's just that SKT doesn't want to let them go. ORN calls sheep (R), and the target is Kamen... ""But Kamen got out of ORN's way! The wine barrel is coming, direct e flash, target or Kamen, they this wave is to second Kamen! Just seconds, Kamen, they can take the dragon and end the game! "

"But Kamen dodged the barrel's e-dodge by an e ahead of time! Walking, Kamen once again a reverse position to avoid the R of the barrel! Oh, my God, Kamen's position is too bad! "

Wang Duoduo yelled: "but Kamen has reached the limit, but SKT has too many ways to open the group! ORN flashed directly, stuck to Kamen, and then made a fierce charge (E)... "

"No, Kamen's show hasn't reached the limit. He dodged ORN's close e! So many skills of SKT are hidden by Kamen in turn! It's a turn for the better! "

Guan Zeyuan suddenly yelled: "but Yasuo is here. Yasuo has wind in his hand But Yasso flashed an e! SKT is desperate to kill Kamen! This wave of Kamen really can't hide! "

"Yes, Yasuo's big move is on! Kamen really can't die. Once he dies, Ig will lose... "

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