Although theshy has been pressed all the time, he keeps his state very well, almost full of blood. He is not easy to be crossed. It's just that SKT has a good grasp of this time point. They're perfectly stuck when theshy came to gank him before six.

And SKT on the road is crocodile, crocodile itself is more able to cooperate with teammates over the tower of the hero. Not to mention the wave of faker with his teammates came to the road, the three of them over the tower, no matter how successful.

As long as this wave over tower is successful, they will have a greater advantage in the next fight for Bruce Lee.

"Rookie, hurry up! SKT is going to be on the road, and excavator and faker are going to be on the road together! If this wave of anti squatting is successful, we will return all the grievances we suffered earlier! "

After beating the three wolves, Xiao Ge ran to the middle of the first and second towers and squatted. At the same time, he called rookie and said, "faker and CLID have been a miss for a long time. I have a hunch that they are going to start soon."

At this time, Xiao GE's position is very particular. If normal people squat, they usually squat in the triangular grass behind a tower on the road. But although that position is the best anti squat position, it is also the best gank position of excavator.

Xiao Ge guesses that faker and CLID are probably working together, but now rookie hasn't arrived, so he doesn't dare squat alone in the triangular grass.

Otherwise, he would be in danger if faker and CLID tried to do the same thing to him first, not to mention helping him squat back. On the contrary, it is in the middle of the first tower and the second tower on the road, which is not only safe, but also can ensure that they are not detected by the digger's ground listening technique.

The key is that Ig has no vision in the river. All the judgments Xiao Ge makes come from his super consciousness. Because of this, SKT will unswervingly cross theshy's tower at this time.

Because SKT has a view of the river, they can be sure that their whereabouts are not exposed. What's more, theshy didn't show any vigilance. This is a good time to cross the tower.

This is the first confrontation between the two sides after the start, and before the formal exchange of fire, the two sides have carried out a conscious fight. But this wave of consciousness of the struggle, Xiao GE has unknowingly won the lead.

But this little bit of opportunity has not yet been converted into a real advantage, it has disappeared. Because when rookie just got to the tower, SKT had already started to attack theshy.

"Damn, song Yijin, you are too ink!"

Just now, theshy wanted to withdraw. He chose to lead under the tower after listening to Xiao GE's words. At this time, the deployment of Ig is not complete, and SKT has already started. Naturally, Xiao Ge can't just buy theshy.

Crocodiles are the heroes who cooperate with yueta, especially the zoo combination of crocodiles and spiders. As soon as the two heroes come out and the game is not played, the opponent's order will feel a sense of numbness.

It's just that this spider was ban, so there's no way for the unexplained zoo group to appear. But even if there are no spiders, SKT is enough, because their ability to cross the tower is not weak.

Originally, when he saw that rookie had not arrived, theshy tried to control the line outside the tower and wanted to drag it until rookie arrived. But all of a sudden, Khan's crocodile made a radical move that was not obvious.

With that small step, theshy had already judged that SKT didn't want to wait for the line to enter the tower, and wanted to be strong directly. Immediately, instead of continuing to control the line, theshy went straight down the tower.

Khan's crocodile, on the other hand, immediately used his own e to break in. Just now, if theshy didn't realize SKT's intention and stepped back two steps ahead of time, Khan's crocodile could burst into his side with an E.

At that time, Khan could keep the second e, and W could stop the shy and then scrape a Q, and then he could help his teammates carry the tower under the tower. When the carrying tower reaches the limit, use the second stage e to leave the attack range of the defensive tower.

But because of the early retreat of two steps, Khan had to use two stages of e to get to his side. In this way, it will not be so easy for Khan to carry the tower.

Khan can only carry four towers of blood at most now. If the output of theshy is added, he can only carry two towers, and can carry three towers.

Now Khan takes the lead and is hit by the defensive tower at the moment of rushing to the tower. Without the displacement of the second segment e, he will either turn around and leave the attack range of the defensive tower, or carry the tower more and then flash away.

Just now Xiao Ge guessed the trend of SKT under the condition of blind vision, and SKT is also ready for Xiao GE's anti squatting. And they also know that rookie, who will return to the city in a little while, has a high probability of supporting him.That's why they decided to cross the tower without waiting for the line. If theshy is the only one on the road of Ig, faker and CLID don't need Khan to carry the tower. As long as Khan settles the shy with W, faker and CLID will solve it.

But the problem now is that although rookie can't be there at this time, Xiao Ge is probably at the top of the table. So faker and CLID really need Khan's help to carry the tower twice so that they can cross the tower more safely.

In other words, SKT could have killed theshy without injury. But because theshy is very spiritually backward two steps, at least Khan is to give his flash.

As for whether SKT needs to pay more after Khan turns over the flash, it depends on the subsequent development.

Anyway, at the moment, Khan is using w to hold the shy, and then after adding a Q, he begins to carry the tower. Before that, faker's Ritz had successfully bypassed the rear and connected the control with the rune confinement (W).

CLID's Excavator had been drilled out to jack up theshy, which killed him.

It can be said that the details of the competition between the masters are. Facing the mindless control of SKT, theshy's previous calculation is already the limit.

But in the end, he just seems to be able to force a flash of Khan

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