It's really easy for people's mentality to be affected by such a big setback at the beginning. Especially in a series with such a tight schedule, when you have problems with your mentality, you often don't have much time to readjust your mentality.

This requires players on the field to have a strong heart, otherwise, it is easy to fall into a strange circle. You're going to get more and more disoriented, keep making mistakes, then lose the victory, and then lose the championship.

It's true that many people are fascinated by the stage of the final, but they really stand on the stage of the final and watch the champion cup play. When you win, you can enjoy the glory and take the trophy home directly, it is very important for you to keep your mind stable.

Mentality, this invisible thing, can really affect the outcome of the game to a great extent. In every league, there are a lot of big rank players who are very fierce, but they will be pulled down when they play.

The most typical one is the Ig elder, the kid of lpl002, wandering, and knight, the golden left hand, who was once the top of Hanfu. Both of them are the great gods in rank, but they seldom play well in the game.

There are also some people who are very fierce in the ordinary competition, and once they get to the real competition, they are used to pulling down. The typical representatives of this type are alpaca, deft, who used to be very popular in LPL, and karsa of RNG.

The reason for this is very simple, it is a mentality. Their heart is not strong enough, they are easy to shake hands when playing big games, so it is difficult to continue to play their normal level, and even often play catastrophic performance.

Now on the final stage, the pressure of the final already exists. Especially when you really stand on the stage, the pressure of bearing thousands of attention and heavy championship trophies is real.

It is absolutely impossible to say that those players who have been on such a grand stage for the first time are not affected at all. So experience is very important in competitive events, because experience will help you think and face difficulties.

A person who has never experienced the s-final, when in a specific situation, he does not know how to deal with the difficulties. Because he had never experienced this, he would even have a blank brain, completely confused.

It's the first time for FPX to play on the stage of s-final, even this is the first time for them to play s-final. It is conceivable that there must be pressure in their hearts. Maybe the team has carried out a series of measures before the game to ease their ideological pressure.

But when the game really starts, it's different, especially when Xiao Ge gives you a slap in the head at the beginning. It's all aimed at your mentality. It's really killing people!

The key is that Xiao Ge is playing s for the first time, even this is his first world game. Then, he has been a veteran for many years. He not only has a stable mentality, but also can carry out psychological warfare against his opponents.

I have to say that it's really terrible for such a person to become an opponent. He not only shows you in operation, but also completely destroys your mentality, and you just don't have any way

At present, Xiao GE's combat plan has achieved initial results, Ig has gained a huge advantage, and doinb has at least demonstrated the operation above. And the whole situation has become very difficult for them.

Lu Xi'an of a Shui is nine more than Lin Weixiang in mending Dao, and his level is one more than Lin Weixiang. At the same time, a Shui has a head. Lucian was originally a strong hero in the early stage. Now that Lucian has such a big advantage, the pressure of FPX will be even greater.

Moreover, Lucian is strong, and the goddess of dawn is the assistant who can open the group without brain. At the same time, a well-developed dawn goddess carrying the tower is invincible, watching Xiao Ge coming down the tower for a while.

Rookie in the middle of the road got a man's first assists, although doinb also got a head, but in the military line, doinb lost too much. So in the middle of the game, Ig still made money.

As for the field position, Xiao GE's advantage is really not too big. He is now level five, while Olaf of Xiaotian is only level three. Moreover, there is a bigger gap between them in terms of brush field and head.

This Xiaotian deliberately selected Chiana, who Olaf wanted to counter Xiaoge, but after the start, she was killed by Xiaoge in all aspects. At the beginning of the game, Xiao Ge went to the FPX tower to dance.

After that, Xiao gexiu took a walk, dodged the two controls of FPX, and then danced again. At that time, FPX was able to hold its mind and then dance with Xiao Ge. The scene was still full of joy.

We can't help feeling that the relationship between the two teams is really good, and in such an important game, both sides can play so well at the beginning, obviously their mentality has been adjusted very well. But who knows the situation will soon change, Xiao Ge began to show his intention to kill.

Forced to change the field area, everyone took it for granted that Xiao Ge would continue to brush the field on the next road when he went back to the city. Then Xiao Ge, a two-level player, takes the initiative to grab Olaf's monster at Level 3 in the wild area. It seems like he's going to die, but he's being reinvigorated by Xiao Ge.Two level Chiana in with three level Olaf fight punishment, unexpectedly won. And after winning, Xiao Ge also made a brand with Xiao Tianliang. As soon as this brand is on, Xiaotian can't keep calm as he did at the beginning.

This was shown on people's faces. The bright sign was obviously ironic. Xiao Tian, who is robbed of the blue buff by Xiao Ge, has no face to show his brand to Xiao Ge, so he can only sulk in his heart.

It's mainly the blue buff that Xiao Ge grabs. Olaf, the hero, was very short of blue in his early days. Even Olaf would rather not have a red buff than a blue buff.

If it's harmless for Xiao Ge to dodge twice at level 1, at most it's just Titan's level 1 learning Q to influence a little bit on the line. Then this wave of Xiaoge grabs the blue buff, and brushes one more field area, but it has a great influence.

And this kind of influence that can hurt the essence can really affect the mentality of FPX. But on the whole, this can only be regarded as a weak start, and FPX is generally acceptable.

But the rhythm of the next road really blew up the mentality of the FPX players. One of the most affected natural is doinb, who is really attracted by Xiao GE's series of grass elements Q.

In addition to doinb, Xiaotian must be the most affected person. Because Xiaotian has been highlighted by Xiao Ge three times since the beginning, which is the most extreme torture and ridicule.

Now the morale of the whole FPX has dropped to the lowest point, and they urgently need a wave of rhythm to improve their morale. However, it seems that gimgoon is the only one who can improve the morale. But do you expect gimgoon to find rhythm in theshy?

In all kinds of analysis before the game, everyone thinks that FPX is a line to be blown off. Now all of a sudden came the carry task, and no one believed that gimgoon could really do it.

However, what others don't think will happen, won't it really happen?

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