"Asiba!" Gimgoon is used to smelling, "I've been interrupted! I've been interrupted

In fact, although the wave of theshy interrupted gimgoon's e, it also means that he was not attacked by gimgoon. In addition, gimgoon entered the tower with a soldier's line, so gimgoon did not attract the hatred of the defense tower at this time.

At this time, as long as gimgoon continues to press forward and Xiaotian packs from the back, theshy can't run after all. But the problem is, at this time, Xiao GE's figure suddenly appears next to Xiao Tian's field of vision which is put in blue buff ahead of time.

"Here comes little K, here comes little K! We can't let him support us. When he comes, he feels that we have to be shown by him! This wave can't wait, I'll carry the tower! I'll slow down, you'll follow the control, and you'll go after you're done! "

Xiao Tian's voice is still like that, but the speed of his voice has been accelerated unconsciously. This way of speaking means that Xiaotian has been a little flustered.

"Demacia! Demacia

During the conversation, Xiaotian has already started a big move, and then q skills are arranged for the first time. At this time, theshy is still in the interlayer between the defensive tower and the edge of the map, because the doinb move has blocked his route to the outside of the tower.

Such a position completely limits the space for theshy to move, so Olaf's axe hit theshy perfectly. Counter current throwing (q) is Olaf's magic skill. It can not only cause high damage, but also cause deceleration.

Of course, it can also directly make Olaf attract the hatred of the defense tower. However, at the moment when Olaf's axe hit theshy, gimgoon also took advantage of theshy's deceleration to complete the close up.

There was a little accident in the whole process of FPX crossing the tower, that is, the crocodile's e was interrupted by Quine, but the whole situation has created the death of theshy. Especially after crocodile w settled on theshy, there was no suspense at all.

A-e-a-pick up the axe - take two steps, then turn back to Q. Xiao Tianxin is always on guard against Xiao Ge, so the tower didn't greedy for output after taking the risk to carry the tower, just played the most output in the shortest time, and then resolutely went out of the tower.

Olaf, after all, is Olaf. In his early days, he was the God of hurt. So Olaf's axe ramming on theshy is bleeding, and gimgoon can easily close his head after the tower's bleeding.

But at this time, Xiao Ge had passed the blue buff field, but he didn't go directly to the bottom of the tower, but walked along the field to the river. When passing the wall directly in front of the frog, an e directly passes the wall. It seems that he wants to go to the river to cut the sky.

Just now, Xiao Ge directed theshy to interrupt the crocodile's e, not to show him a clear way. Because Xiao GE has long understood that this wave of theshy is bound to die.

Interrupt the crocodile's e, just to force Olaf to carry the tower, and let theshy delay a little bit. At present, although these two goals can not be said to be achieved perfectly, they can also be accepted by Xiao Ge.

The most important thing is that after carrying the tower, Olaf of Xiaotian dare not turn around and retreat behind Ig tower, because Xiaoge is waiting for him behind. If you are looking forward to your own tower, you have to take two more steps, which means more resistance to the tower.

Therefore, the best way to retreat is to follow the direction of the tower at the beginning and to the river channel. In this way, he was able to rush out of the tower's attack area just before he was killed by the tower.

But Xiaotian's retreat route has been perfectly predicted by Xiao Ge. When Xiaotian just ran out of the attack range of the defense tower, he was right next to the wall of Ig blue buff field. Before that, Xiao Ge had launched a big move to Xiaotian across the wall!

Amazing (R): Chiana creates a shockwave to repel the enemy. Any river, grass and wall hit by the shockwave will explode, causing damage to the enemy and short-term stun effect.

Xiaotian's evacuation route is accurately calculated by Xiao Ge. When Xiaotian withdraws from the maximum attack distance of the defense tower, he absolutely relies on the wall. Xiaotian's move is over when he runs out of the attack range of the defense tower.

The combination of these three points of information is enough to make Xiao Ge perform a big move on the partition wall, and then use the combined explosion damage of the big move to stun Xiaotian. The only problem is that the timing of this big move must be accurate to the extreme.

It's just a moment for Xiaotian to stick to the wall, and the explosion damage of Chiana's big move is triggered along the wall. It's like two wires that are connected end to end and then ignite one of the two wires at the same time.

The wires that ignite quickly burn quickly and then overlap at the tail. The speed of Chiana's big move and the explosion is not slow, but Xiao Ge must ensure that Xiaotian is affected by the explosion damage at the moment when he sticks to the wall.

This time really needs extremely accurate calculation to find it accurately. It can't be found a second earlier or a second later. Xiao Ge was anxious enough to come all the way. In this case, he still needs to find the critical moment. The difficulty can be imagined.But just like theshy interrupted the crocodile's E in the limit state, Xiao Ge never let his teammates down when he needed to operate. And this kind of limit operation is exactly what Xiao Ge is good at.

"Ha! Boom "

under the operation of Xiao Ge, Chiana waves her weapon forward. A yellowish brown shock wave immediately hit the wall in front of us, and then a series of explosion damage began to spread rapidly along the wall.

The explosion damage is triggered before Xiaotian goes out of the range of the defense tower. When Xiaotian goes out of the farthest attack range of the defense tower and touches the wall, the explosion damage immediately attacks Xiaotian.

Just at this time, Xiaotian's big move has ended. In this way, Olaf just ran out of the defense tower, inexplicably ate a wave of damage, and then fainted in the same place!

"My God! Kamen was not in a hurry to save theshy under the tower just now. It turned out that he was waiting for Xiaotian here! And the prediction of this big move is too bad! How is that accurate? "

Miller, who witnessed Xiaoge's precise moves, couldn't help sighing: "it's so beautiful, it's so beautiful! Kamen, this wave of cattle fighting across the mountain is really beautiful! This precise computing power and the ability to seize opportunities can only make people marvel

The doll then yelled: "but the shy has been given seconds by gimgoon, and the damage of Kamen's big move is not enough! God, he's not dead! What's more, gimgoon has a lot of meat after he opened the tower. He didn't die after he finished the tower! "

"This wave of theshy interrupting E and Kamen's cattle fighting across the mountain is really beautiful, but it doesn't seem to affect the result!"

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