"I'll go. They want to join us."

As soon as Xiao Ge arrived near LAN buff, he found that Xiaotian and gimgoon, who had finished pushing the pagoda on the road, began to come to dalongkeng. And doinb is also if theshy also give up the line of the road, take the initiative to play the regiment, then FPX now has complete skills, and their Regiment Battle is fiercer than Ig, so they also have to play. Even after the Regiment Battle is handled, they can turn it over.

But the worst result of this is that theshy developed a wave in lumeimei, and Ig four people came to win the group battle and got the vanguard of the canyon. In that case, FPX can consider about 15 minutes to surrender.

After the plan was finalized, Xiao gebian came out of his blue buff field. Seeing Xiaotian and gimgoon who have already set their position in front of dalongkeng, they immediately show the appearance of an unexpected encounter, and then run back in panic.

After two steps, he came back, and at the same time, he was in a safe position where he would almost be opened, but he couldn't be opened. In such a position near Lai will walk, learn to call pull or hook!

Considering the current level, equipment and combat effectiveness of Xiao Ge, his appearance has the effect of pulling and hooking, but also with a little bit of deterrence. Deterring FPX, let them have a little hesitation in the matter of moving the canyon pioneer.

Now doinb still doesn't appear in a blind area of vision, and rookie also ignores the middle line and follows Xiao Ge carefully. Baolan left ashui and came to Xiao Ge.

At this time, only three people are still on the line. They are ashui and Lin Weixiang, who are on the road to the line, and theshy, who has just flown down the road and is ready to make up for a wave of development.

Therefore, from the respective perspectives of both sides, neither Ig's Zhongfu nor FPX's Zhongfu appears in the field of vision. Only Xiao Ge faces Xiaotian and gimgoon alone. But as everyone knows, the middle roads and auxiliary roads on both sides have arrived!

"What the hell! Did Ig send three players to play with us? It's too pretentious. They really have an advantage, but they look down on people if they want to play three against four

At this time, Liu Qingsong and doinb are standing in the grass behind their red buff. Liu Qingsong looks at Xiao Ge, who is constantly bashful in front of him, and fiercely says, "why don't you just drive Chiana! Little K, I'm really bored! "

Doinb shook his head and said, "no, no, you can't drive small K! We're going to play the vanguard of the canyon. He's going back and forth here, just to delay our time for theshy to develop. We won the vanguard of the canyon one second later, and the shy will grow one more second on the way down

"And little K is not so easy to drive. It would be disgusting to be shown by him again. And akali and the goddess of dawn must be nearby. If we open them rashly, maybe we will die first. "

"Go, go, go!" Gimgoon was furious: "they want to play a miracle on us, so we'll let them see our miracle today! Xiaotian, don't be robbed by little K! "

Xiaotian nodded: "let's go!" With that, they started directly, and doinb and Liu Qingsong stopped squatting in the grass. Everyone knows that everyone is here, so it doesn't make much sense to continue squatting.

"They started! Rambo and Titan are out. Shall we join them or wait? Little K, don't you want to be the vanguard of the Canyon? "

It seems that Baolan's understanding of the game has really improved, and his attitude towards the game has also changed. In the past, when encountering rhythm, he first thought of evasion and safety, but now he is more radical.

"Don't worry, don't worry! Why are you so irritable? Let them fight first! Let's start later. Shy can eat two more soldiers on the way down. If we want to win, it's better for brother shy to play a restraining role. "

Xiao Ge said calmly: "so now let's try our best to help brother shy gain more development time. As for the vanguard of the canyon, it's good to be able to get it. Even if we can't get it, we can kill as many people as possible."

Rookie continued: "it's still a bit difficult to take the lead in the canyon. If you want me to say, let's leave the valley pioneers alone and fight with them directly. Anyway, the valley pioneers are harmless. "

"After all, they have a Titan, little K. if you really want to take the vanguard of the canyon, Titan will give you a big move, then Rambo will give you a big move, and Olaf will rush at you, you can't handle it. When you die, it's hard for us to fight. "

Xiao Ge nodded. He had already thought about this: "I know, but if you really want to take the vanguard of the canyon, it's not impossible. Now that Titan is a threat to me, I'll tell you that Titan is finished. "

"I'm full. You still have to drive this wave. Take control of Titan first, and leave the rest to you for the time being. Now it's almost done. There isn't much blood left in the vanguard of the canyon. Don't talk to them. Let's go! "

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