Maybe it's the rolling victory at the beginning that makes people ignore some things, or maybe it's the supernatural performance of theshy for a long time that makes people always have unreserved trust in him and think that he must be the invincible single king.

So when Xiao Peng euphemistically said that it's not necessarily easy for him to play gimgoon next, everyone's first reaction was: ah? Is this man crazy? Is it hard for theshy to play gimgoon? You can't be scared, can you?

When gimgoon was playing at a super level, it happened that theshy was out of order, so he was beaten by gimgoon once. It's an accident. Don't you think theshy will be knocked down continuously?

Even if gimgoon can continue to play beyond the level, but as long as theshy play their normal level, gimgoon still can't play! Two people's strength level is not the same level, you can't expect that theshy always play wrong!

When did theshy play in the big game? And even if he doesn't play well again, there is Xiao Ge in the Ig array! With Xiao GE's ability, I'm sure I can find a way to help theshy build an advantage!

So Xiaopeng, from the beginning, you said that you are optimistic about FPX winning. Now gimgoon is playing better. It's said that it's not easy for theshy to beat gimgoon. You should not be a licking dog of FPX! You just wait to be hit in the face by theshy!

This is the public opinion environment of today's E-sports circle, full of strong stink of rice circle. You can't have different ideas and opinions with me. If your views are different from mine, you are either a sunspot or a licking dog.

But it doesn't matter how the barrage is, and it doesn't matter how the people on the Internet spray it. The most important thing is that at this time Ig and FPX's S9 global finals championship fight twice, now BP has begun!

"Good audience friends, welcome back to our final! In this game, FPX chose the edge first, and unexpectedly chose the blue side! In this way, BP will have less pressure on them! "

Doll took the lead in opening remarks: "at least for BP in the last game, FPX in the red side encountered a lot of trouble in BP because it wanted to give panson a ban. Finally, they took the risk to release Chiana."

"It turns out that this dangerous move is not good, because Kamen got Chiana, and then almost with his own strength to break the FPX team's defense, and led Ig to take the lead to win the crucial start."

"This FPX chooses the blue side, and they have one more ban than the first three hands. If there is no accident, the hero Chiana can't be released in any case, and probably won't be seen in the future. "

Miller said: "that's right. Kamen once again told you with his own performance that my Chiana couldn't be released for such a long time. It's not because other teams are in a bad mood, but because my Chiana is really too good."

"However, we all know that FPX has always had a clear idea about BP. You are like the last Rambo single, although they lost, but doinb's performance has improved, we see the bright future of Rambo single

"Rambo hit, early push line is not too much pressure. And because the middle route is short, it's not easy for gank to get to him. The most important thing is that Rambo's wandering support ability is very strong. "

"The ability of a hero's wandering support is an important factor that limits doinb's play. As long as Rambo reaches six, he can immediately go up and down the road and support in the field, and cast a big move from a long distance, which can directly play the role of fast support and gank. "

"To tell you the truth, Rambo Zhongdan is really a good idea. He is better than many traditional Zhongdan or the middle road heroes who have appeared in this s match. This is also a big move of FPX. I don't know if they can still get this game. "

"I think there's still a good chance, because this version of Red Square BP is really limited," he added. Generally speaking, BP, the first three hands of the red side, is easily restricted to death, so even Ig can't be perfect. "

"What's more, although Rambo Zhongdan showed some beautiful reverie, he still didn't show people's fear after all. From this point of view, Ig can continue to try and play Rambo again. "

"But I'm more looking forward to FPX's other big moves. After all, FPX is the same team Kamen has been in before. In terms of using big moves and fresh routines, they have always been in the forefront. "

Miller nodded, but with a little hesitation in his tone: "that said, but I think that since Rambo Zhongdan is a big move of FPX, that big move is actually only easy to use when it is suddenly taken out, and the future effect may not be so good."

"After all, Ig must have discussed the way to play Rambo. With Ig coaching team and Kamen's game understanding and ability, we can definitely find a way to play against Rambo"Ig is in the red side, although the first three hands of BP are limited, but the pressure of subsequent BP is not big. So FPX wants to continue to take Rambo, only in the first three hands. Otherwise, the latter two hands Ig will probably press Rambo out. "

"But if you show the first three hands of your middle single, there are many ways for Ig to counter. I don't think it's necessary for us to avoid some things, that is, BP of FPX usually gives counter to doinb. "

"Because only when doinb takes the counter position can he lead the team better. Once doinb is given to counter by rookie, it is likely that there will be no sound. Once doinb has no sound, xiaotianye will face too much pressure from Kamen. "

"As the core of the team and the only two rhythm points, doinb and Xiaotian must not be inferior. So I don't feel that LANBO has such a high priority, at least he can't be selected as the first three hands, otherwise FPX will put itself in an embarrassing situation. "

Compared with Changmao's analysis, Miller's analysis is more rigorous and has a longer-term vision. As the saying goes, "if you don't know the goods, you're afraid to compare them." Chang Mao and Miller spoke with their feet and made a decision.

But long hair is old oily son after all, and the skin is thick enough, this small field has little influence on him. His face did not change, heart does not jump, immediately opened the topic: "well, indeed, Miller's analysis is very reasonable."

"Since Rambo is no longer a threat, we'd better look forward to whether FPX will bring me something new. And don't forget Ig, if you want to play Sao routine, Ig is worthy of the king

"Doll nodded and said:" indeed, if the general team chooses their own side, they will consider the lineup they want in advance. If I really want to get a hero I especially want, I must choose the blue side. "

"But if there are too many version heroes, I will take two from one opponent. In this case, I usually choose the purple side a little more. FPX's choice of the blue side, of course, is more from the perspective of ban people, but it's hard to guarantee that they don't have other ideas. "

"It's meaningless for us to speculate about what FPX is going to do in this round. But it doesn't matter, because BP has already started, let's witness the game of the second game together

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