At this time, the two sides guess that they have just selected three heroes, but as soon as these three heroes appear, it is doomed that the rhythm of the game will not be too dull. An offensive battle destined to set off a bloodbath has obviously begun.

"Wow, we're not sure whether Chiana is playing wild or not. But there is one thing to say. In my impression, doinb has never played Kiana in a formal competition, so I think FPX, Kiana, is playing wild. "

Miller's tone of voice has gradually excited up: "it is reasonable to say that there is not too obvious counter and anti counter relationship between the blind hero and Chiana, but Kamen's selection must have his reason."

"At least, the blind monk has an e, which can crack Chiana's grass element Q. In this way, Kamen can ensure that he will not be shown by Xiaotian's grass element Q. You want to treat people in their own way. Sorry, I won't give you a chance! "

"Of course, I believe that if these two people want to play better, they must operate more delicately and accurately. In other words, only the more beautiful one can defeat the opponent. "

"Because Chiana and the blind monk are both heroes with a high limit. This kind of hero eats operation very much, when operation is enough, they can produce infinite amazing performance

By the time Miller and doll started their fancy licking, FPX had already locked in their next two hero choices: ad verus and deep sea Titan. Ig also determined their third choice: The Explorer, ezerell.

"Ah, this Titan It's a little interesting! Titan, a hero in other teams, is supposed to play auxiliary, but only in FPX team, it's the symbolic hero of doinb, and it's usually used to walk in the middle! "

Miller thought that the third hand of FPX was to take Rambo, but he didn't expect that the backhand of FPX would choose a Titan. For a moment, he couldn't understand the routine of FPX. Because in FPX, Titan is a pure swing position.

"In this way, the first three choices of both sides have been determined. FPX is verus, Chiana and Titan, while Ig is Jess, blind monk and EZ. Both sides of the line-up have two almost certain points, and then add a temporary invisible swing position

Doll doubts: "FPX side is Titan, I don't know whether it is auxiliary or single.". I don't know if Jesse is the only one or the only one. There is a tacit understanding between the two sides in the selection. "

"It's time for the second round of BP, Ig backhand first ban Tam, this is the expected choice, because verus gatam is still very strong. Now FPX got verus, Ig certainly can't let them get the next combination smoothly

"And FPX side is no longer the head iron, backhand pressed the dawn goddess. It seems that the performance of royal blue in this period has attracted the attention of FPX, so FPX has now begun to block the dawn goddess that royal blue has recently used very smoothly. "

Miller said again: "I feel that FPX BP has something to do with it. Ig's last hand ban should be to ban Rambo. Because if you don't ban, FPX will definitely rob you. "

"In that case, Titan shakes down the road to assist, and doinb continues to use Rambo. In this way, the selection of FPX lineup is too comfortable, so I think Ig still wants to ban Rambo! "

As soon as Miller's voice fell, Ig finally decided on their last hero, Rambo. Obviously, Miller's understanding of the game is still very online, and his thinking is relatively clear.

Then, FPX also showed their last hand ban - vampire! This hand ban people are also very smart, because although it is not sure whether Jess is going or going, it is certain that Ig lacks AP output now.

And theshy's vampires can effectively provide AP damage, and theshy's vampires are No. 1 in the League of heroes. But when FPX presses the vampire, it effectively blocks the AP selection of theshy on the road.

In this way, Ig can only let theshy go with Jess, while rookie chooses an AP in the middle. Before the game, Miller also said that FPX should think about their BP strategy, so it seems that their BP is really targeted.

"Now that the ban of both sides are over, what will Ig choose for the fourth hand This hand should be to choose the assistant, and then leave a final counter for rookie. You can't have the AP first out and the assistant last out. "

Miller continued his analysis and prediction: "bull head, Ig shows bull head! Is this a bull's choice? I feel that I can choose. EZ plus tauren, at least the line will not be pressed. I can choose. "

"Sure! Ig determined their next combination, EZ plus Tauren. Then it's time for FPX to confirm their lineup. Now FPX has a good choice in the upper unit, which is crocodile. Ig has no ban crocodile"Sure enough, FPX chose crocodile! And then Hammer stone! I really want to choose hammer stone! Once the hammer stone is chosen, Titan will hit! Sure! FPX confirmed that they chose hammerstone to assist Titan to go

"The doll then said:" now it's Ig's last hero. I feel that if it's AP in the middle, the enchantress might be more suitable Hindra? Cindra can be a hero like a witch. "

"And cindra is also a hero who can swim around. It's very popular in this version. Yes, Ig confirmed hindra! In this way, both sides of the lineup has been completely finalized

Red Square (Ig) vs blue square (FPX):

Road: Jess vs Crocodile

field: blind monk vs Chiana

Middle Road: sindera vs Titan

ad: Explorer vs verus

Assistant: Tauren vs hammerstone.

"To tell you the truth, I feel that the FPX lineup has completely put the treasure on Xiaotian. Their lineup, if Xiaotian doesn't get up, the other three roads are not easy to play. But when it comes to Xiaotian, you can't ignore Kamen. After all, they are directly opposite. "

Miller finally concluded: "so as we said before the game, the confrontation of playing wild will directly affect the direction of the whole final. It can even be said that which team of the two teams can suppress the opponent, which team will win! "

The baby said with a smile: "Hey, in fact, this is the best! Originally, Kamen and Xiaotian are very difficult, and they are the first and second field players in the world. It's very suitable for them to control the direction of the game

"What's more, we have just said that Chiana is fighting against the blind monk. It makes people look forward to it! Anyway, I already have a hunch that in this fight, there will be no less immortal operation on both sides. This is another fight between immortals! "

"Now that the game has officially started, let's look forward to it!"

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