——————————————————————————————————————————————————— ——————

Nothing escapes Valor's eyes.

I secretly threw the expired canned chicken into the rotten pyre, and he could spot it at a height of a few hundred meters.

Of course, he ended up pulling his stomach for days.

Oh forgot to mention, I always call Valor "he" because I think he's smarter than most people.

Except for gluttony.

- Quinn

Chapter 177 Ending

Katarina and Quinn stand in front of a carriage.

The road the carriage travels is an extremely hard-to-find secret road in the Immortal Fortress. It is located in a blind spot between the square and the garden. Even the veterans who have served in the Immortal Fortress for most of their lives know this road.

But this could not escape Valor's eyes.

There is nothing special about the appearance of the carriage, but on the day of the coup d'état, it must be abnormal for a carriage to leave the Immortal Fortress at this time.

Katerina looked at the carriage with a complicated expression, and she could almost determine who was inside.

Not long ago, she had believed that he was a symbol of Noxus, someone she would give everything to defend, but after so many things, she also became confused.

The coachman of the carriage confronted Katerina and Quinn with a sword, and Quinn stepped back, indicating that he would not be involved in this matter.

The curtain of the carriage was lifted, and a man stepped out.

Emperor Darkwill.

He didn't wear a royal robe, but he still wore his crown and looked at Katarina with a grim expression: "Get out of the way."

Katerina was expressionless: "What if I don't let it?"

"You know who Gu is!" the man yelled, "Gu is your emperor! Brown Darkwell!"

"You are my emperor." Katarina thought, "but you are not my country."

Katarina drew her curved blade.


Swain stood in the audience hall, staring silently at the throne.

"Lothar." Swain said to the boy who was still lying on the ground, "Do you know what the flag next to the throne stands for?"

Lothar closed his eyes, not wanting Liswain.

Swain didn't care, and explained himself: "These flags symbolize the lands that Noxus has conquered since the founding of the nation. These flags originally belonged to other countries and city-states, but now, they are all of Noxus. part."

Lothar opened his eyes and said sarcastically, "Noxus is just a war madman."

"War brings more than killing," Swain said. "It's fusion. Noxus accepts all nations and cultures, and that's what makes him great."

"I don't care if it's great or not." Lothar felt that the pain in his body had improved, and slowly got up. "You better promise me what you promised me."

"Don't worry, I never break my word." Swain was still admiring the flag next to the throne, "Valloran Road, except for Freljord and Demacia, is basically owned by Noxus. South The northern border of Shurima was occupied by us a few years ago, but the flag I wanted most was not available."


Swain didn't answer.

"Che..." Lothar was also used to Swain's constant selling out, and instead asked, "Have you killed the pale lady?"

"If she could be killed so easily, she wouldn't be called Lady Pale."

"What about the mother spider? There are black roses and others, you are not afraid of them"

"I'll take care of the black rose properly." Swain turned to look at Lothar with a smile on his face, "Or if you want to help me, why not join Noxus now? I'll give you your satisfaction status."

"No." Lothar refused without thinking.

"How about you think about it? If you want to mate with Katarina, I can help too. If you can't forget Ashe, I can send the army to take her over. If we're lucky, maybe we can catch Ishi. Liz, how about making her your prisoner then?"

Lothar looked at Swain's obviously joking expression, and secretly suppressed the idea of ​​throwing him an ice knife.

"Ah!" A man screamed from behind them.

Katarina kicked Darkwill to the ground, and the supreme emperor of Noxus gasped miserably on the ground, with several bleeding scars on his face, apparently being entertained by the female assassin.

Swain bent down and picked up the crown that had fallen from Darkwill's head and slipped at his feet.

Darkwill roared angrily: "You traitors! Who gave you the courage to be so lonely!"

"You'd better say a few words less." Swain played with the crown, "Ms. Pale has given up on you, you have no support."

Darkwill heard the words and said in surprise: "Jerico Swain! It's actually you! You are the master of the murder!"

Swain smiled lightly: "Don't say murder is so ugly, I'm just trying to set things right, Noxus doesn't need you anymore."

"You traitor!" Darkwill wanted to get up, but his weak body had some injuries. He could only slump on the ground like a crippled, looking at Swain's crimson magic arm unwillingly, "You...Aren't you a **** in Ionia...how can you defeat the pale lady where did you get your power?"

Lothar also looked at Swain, and he was also curious about where Swain's power came from.

But Swain just smiled: "It doesn't matter where the power comes from, it's how you use it that matters."

He looked outside the audience hall: "Well... the sound of hacking and killing has almost stopped. It seems that my people have completely occupied the immortal fortress."

Darkwill gritted his teeth and said, "Did you think you won! Gu and Black Rose! Each of them is enough to defeat you!"

Swain shook his head: "Don't you understand, Darkwill, the Black Rose has never been loyal to you."

"You are talking nonsense!"

"You should know if I'm talking nonsense," Swain said. "If they treated you with any sincerity, you wouldn't be what you are now."

Darkwill's face was pale.

After a long time, Darkwill gasped, "Why?"

"You're just an outcast that can be thrown away at any time. You're too selfish, and Noxus will only decay and decay in your hands, so I must take him back."

Katarina looked at Swain and Darkwill. She didn't know if Swain was telling the truth, but from now on... Swain was indeed more of a leader.

"Sounding!" Darkwill scolded. "You just want to sit in the lonely seat! It's lonely! You can't take it away!"

Swain sighed: "Do you still think you are special? Darkwill. The previous founding emperors of Noxus were indeed great. They made Noxus rise flat and swept all directions. I'm ashamed. But you... just have a **** that just fits on the throne."

Darkwill spat out a mouthful of blood in anger.

"At the end of your life, let's show you one more thing." Swain raised the crown with his left arm.

Darkwill was heartbroken, his crown was changing hands now, his Noxus, everything he had belonged to someone else.


Darkwill, and even Lothar and Katarina, were stunned.

Swain didn't put the crown on his head, he just squeezed it hard, and the Noxus crown, which had been passed down for hundreds of years, turned into powder in the crimson left hand.

"The Empire no longer needs an Emperor."

This was the last word Darkwill heard in his life.


According to the latest information, there was a coup d’etat in Noxus Imperial City five days ago. The leader of the coup d’état was the former legion commander Jericho Swain. He and his subordinates launched a lightning raid on the Immortal Fortress and quickly occupied the Immortal Fortress. Fortress, killing Emperor Bron Darkwell.

At present, the country of Noxus is shaking, and there may be some areas in the future who want to take the opportunity to break away from the rule of Noxus and cause war.

--Excerpt from "Piltover Journal"

Chapter 178 Stranger Road

Noxus has changed.

In one day, the imperial capital changed hands, and after Swain captured the immortal fortress, he quickly ordered his subordinates to take control of all the guards and garrison troops in the imperial capital one after another.

The emperor lost the usual liveliness and noise, and the commoners locked themselves at home one after another, for fear of bringing disaster to Chiyu.

The hereditary nobles were frightened and angry. The existence of the emperor was the source of their power. Now that the emperor has fallen, and the hereditary nobles have no military power in their hands, they can only temporarily act as dumb, and plan to observe the situation first.

Most of the military nobles supported Swain's coup, and many of them also participated in this coup. Darkville's behavior of squandering his troops has long distanced him from the military nobles.

The imperial capital has been completely controlled by Swain, and the next step is to see what attitudes the rest of Noxus has towards the emperor's resignation.

But all of this has nothing to do with Lothar.

He took a good night's rest to recover from the injuries caused by the use of True Ice magic, and then went to Swain early in the morning.

Swain seemed to know that Lothar was coming for him, and a raven led him to some steeple in the Immortal Citadel.

Swain stood by the balcony, looking down at the square below. His subordinates were recruiting the defenders of the Immortal Fortress. Everything was going well, and no one dared to resist.

"I have completed my task, it is time for you to fulfill your promise." Lothar said directly.

Swain didn't turn around, just pointed to the table beside him: "What you want is on it."

Lothar went to the table with a large map and a freshly bound book.

"This is……"

"The map of the world is very precious. The places marked on it can find solutions to your physical problems." Swain explained, "I wrote the specific how to do and what to pay attention to in that book."

Lothar flipped through the book carefully and found that this was what Swain had been writing about for months.

"I worked so hard and worked so hard to get these two things in exchange?" Losar said angrily, "I thought you could solve my problem directly."

"I'm not omnipotent." Swain said, "You have a powerful being living in you, so powerful that there are not many things in this world that can be compared. It's not easy for me to find a few solutions for you. "

Lothar looked back at the map. The map was huge. It carefully drew all the topography, landforms, and areas of Valoran, Shurima, and the giant island of Ionia. In some places, Lothar had not even heard of it. Pass. Combined with the detailed notes on Swain's book, I believe any explorer will be ecstatic when he sees it.

This is indeed a treasure whose value is inestimable, but it is not the best result in Lothar's mind.

"This is not the same as what we said." Lothar slammed the table hard, "I made this deal with you in order to return to the Freljord as soon as possible. According to the drawing on your map, I will solve my problem. Instead, we have to go further afield!”

"I'm sorry about that." Swain's tone was not apologetic at all. "But this is one of the few ways. Your problem is too difficult, and there are not many things in this world that can be solved."

Lothar pondered for a while: "I can't accept this deal unless you compensate me."

"Okay." Swain agreed quite readily, wondering if the successful capture of the Immortal Fortress made him feel good.

"First, I want the follow-up training methods for ice magic and blood magic."

"Okay, I'll let the cabinet mages give it to you in a moment. But blood magic, if you want to cultivate to the level of Vladimir, I think there is no other way but to join the Crimson Secret Society. The core secret of blood magic lies in him. in hand."

"Don't you know everything?"

"When did I say that I know everything, don't flatter me."

Lothar really wanted to backstab Swain, but he resisted: "Second, I want the right to go anywhere in Noxian territory."

The territory of Noxus depicted on the map is very large, occupying almost one-third of all land parts. In the past, Lothar had no idea when he heard that Noxus was the most powerful country in the world. After seeing this map, Lothar had a new understanding of Noxus.

Really strong.

"Yes." Swain agreed again readily, "I will give you a token, the military rank is equivalent to the army commander."


"A legion commander without a legion will not give you any power, but no one dares to trouble you."

"Third." Lothar took a deep breath, "I want to know where your power and knowledge come from."

Swain was silent.

After a long time, he turned around and smiled: "I can tell you, but you have to join Noxus and swear to always be loyal to the Empire."


"Then don't talk."

The two stared at each other in a stalemate.

Suddenly, a man stood beside them.

Lothar was shocked. He didn't notice the man's approach at all. There was no sound or smell at all. He seemed to appear there out of thin air.

"Swain." The man didn't look at Lothar, "Everything is ready, when will it start."

"I see." Swain replied to the man, then looked at Lothar, "Introduction, this is General Du Cocao and Caterina's father."

Lothar looked at the man in surprise. He knew that Katarina was a military noble, but he didn't expect her father to be a general.

The man never looked at Lothar, as if he was not at all interested in him.

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