But it was such a gloomy and terrifying place that Elise felt at ease.

She was wrapped in a black cloak, not showing any skin. This is against her habit, she always likes to show her beauty to others.

"Ma'am." The deaconess walked behind Elise and said respectfully, "The 'food' is ready."

"Um..." Elise said briefly.

Her voice was no longer as sweet and enchanting as before, but became an extremely unpleasant hoarse tearing sound.

She didn't even want to listen to herself, and when she thought of such an ugly voice coming out of her throat, Elise made her eyes bleed with hatred.

"Madam..." The deaconess hesitated for a moment, but asked, "Do you really want to eat it on the boat? Would it be better to leave it on the island to eat it?"

Elise didn't reply, she turned around and walked slowly towards the cabin.

Her walking posture is no longer as elegant as smoke and willows, and she stumbles like a lame person step by step.

The deaconess sighed, walked to the edge of the boat, and looked into the distance.

She didn't want to see what was about to happen.

Elise walked slowly into the cabin, her own room.

There was already someone in the room, a handsome young boy.

"Hu... madam!" The boy hurriedly stretched his body straight when he saw Elise coming.

He is not a member of the Zaafan family, but a child adopted by the family.

In his impression, Elise has always been a beautiful and gentle lady, and she was the one who brought herself back home when she was abandoned on the roadside.

"Hu... Madam" Seeing Elise's current appearance, the boy was a little flustered, "Are you injured?"

Elise did not speak, but took off her cloak.

The boy saw the most terrifying picture he had ever seen in his life.

This is either his beautiful Mrs. Elise, or a monster with a hideous face, seven or eight eyes, dark fur and spikes all over the body, all kinds of wounds all over the body, black pus and blood constantly oozing out.

Elise slowly approached the boy who was too frightened to speak.

Suddenly, Elise saw herself.

Through the boy's clear eyes.

"Ahhh!" Elise let out a scream of extreme anger and slammed onto the boy. The fangs and claws ripped directly into the boy's body, and a kind and young life disappeared in an instant.

The ferocious mouthparts on Elise's face devoured the boy's flesh and blood. Slowly, Elise's originally smooth and white tender flesh grew back.

"Ha..." Elise dug out the boy's eyes with her jade fingers, and used his clear eyes as a mirror to reflect on her own face.

Although not all recovered, most of Elise's face came back.

But this beauty didn't last, Elise's fair skin slowly melted away at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Damn." Elise cursed angrily.

It is magic to corrode her body. On that day, the strange ice crystals released by Luo Ji injected a lot of ice magic power into Elise's body.

Elise is not afraid of mages. Most mages' magic hits her without losing a single hair, but the boy doesn't know what kind of power he has mastered to force her into this situation. If she is a mortal, she must be long dead.

If it weren't for this ice magic, Elise felt that she might not be afraid of the big crow.

The injuries on her body will not recover until she goes to the island, but she is not worried. This time she brought a lot of "food". Ms. Pale said that she would ask other people from Black Rose to help her bring some "food". Elise will recover fairly quickly.

"Luo Ji..." Elise put her eyes into her mouth and bit it, letting the sweet juice make up for the wounds on her body "You will be mine sooner or later, you can't escape... wait until I become more beautiful , we'll be together again..."

In the room, the sound of spiders eating continued.

The third chapter

I left the Dauntless Vanguard.

To be honest, although everyone at Fearless Pioneer is very kind and friendly, and they give me various snacks every day, I always feel that they are a little too enthusiastic and rub me every day.

I admit it was comfortable, especially when they rubbed my belly, it was the greatest pleasure for a poro.

But I'm a stubborn and a joker, I was born in the cold and windy Freljord mountains, I was trained by a well-trained Demacian army, I'm already a warrior, I can take the sword to defend the good, defeat the good treacherous.

But suddenly one day, I realized that I didn't seem to have anything to beat.

In this way, wouldn't my hard-working martial arts be in vain! My current swordsmanship is even scaring an old yellow dog three times bigger than me!

I don't think I can go on like this.

I remember Lothar used to tell me that the world is a big place with all kinds of places and people. He told me that his biggest dream is to leave the tundra with the girl he likes and go to the world.

So I decided, I am going to travel.

Although my swordsmanship is already strong, the Freljord's trolls and giant reptiles are terrible, much larger than the old yellow dog, and I need more strength to defeat them.

Returning the helmet and sword that the Dreadnoughts gave me, I bid them farewell.

I walked all the way to the east, I remember Lothar said that the sun rises in the east, and I just wanted to see what the sun lived in.

I walked for a long, long time. Although the spring just arrived, the fruit of the tree and grass were still sour, so sour that I could not open my eyes, but I held back. I am a soldier, and all soldiers can endure hardship.

The east is really not the same as the Freljord, not much snow, rock and dirt everywhere.

Then, I met a weird guy.

He was also short, like Poppy. I'm very fond of these little people because they're not much taller than me, and everyone in the Intrepid Pioneer is so tall and big that they have to crouch down to hear me.

This man has white fur all over his body, but unlike mine, which is snow-white and snow-white, he is gray-white and gray-white.

He also has a mount, a beautiful dragon lizard, who is a girl, but seems very shy. The first time she saw me, she threw her master away and ran away.

I later learned his name, his name was Kled, and the dragon lizard's name was Skarl.

According to Kled, he was a great warrior with many, many titles.

Captain of the Noxian Artillery Corps, high-ranking major general, platoon leader of the great light cavalry, admiral of the mountain crown, etc... He said a lot of his titles, I think he said at least a hundred, remember them all Can't remember.

But I know one thing, he belonged to Noxus, a mighty empire, and Kled said that he brought down all of Noxus.

I asked him if I could be as good as him, and he said to me, "Small, stupid ball! You can never be as great as Colonel Kled! Never! But you can try Follow in the footsteps of Lao Tzu! First of all! You must have a heart that is not afraid of death, and a mount as loyal as Skarl!”

I don't quite understand what loyalty means, but I saw Skarl stole the rabbits and voles that Kled hunted, so maybe that's called loyalty.

In short, Kled didn't let me study with him. He said he was a military prodigal who only belonged to the battlefield and the wilderness.

I was disappointed, but there was no other way, I had to keep going east.

I decided to find a mount, like Klie, sitting on the mount majestically, it must be handsome.

I tried to look for it, but the wolf bit me as soon as it saw me, the fox ran away as soon as it saw me, and the mountain eagle flew too high for me to reach.

I don't think so, I must find a mount that is powerful enough.

I continued walking east and encountered a large group of people.

They were all wearing thick, heavy armor, but unlike the shiny armor they wore in the Dreadnoughts, the group's armor was all red and black.

I think they are great, and they look great.

I went to say hi to them and they looked happy and rubbed me around and gave me sausages and tortillas.

They are a really good bunch.

I was brought to a person by them.

A tall and strong man with a huge axe.

The moment I saw him, I was impressed by his super handsome and super aura.

At that moment I decided that he was my mount.

His name is Darius.

Darius also gave me a nice new name, General Xiao.


Our Noxian Legion is invincible! There is no attack... Who will come and take Xiao Jiang from my lap! It's sticking up again!

- Darius

Chapter 179: Philore

Lothar stayed in the cabin room, naked, letting the cold air in his body dissipate as much as possible.

The entire room was clad in silver, and the spreading frost, like a ivy covered with flowers, dyed all sides a mottled ice blue.

No magician can be like this. Just staying here can change the surrounding environment. After all, a magician is only a person who uses magic, not a person who creates magic.

But Lothar seems to be magic itself.

"Huh..." Lothar spit out a breath of frost that had been held for a long time, and a pile of ice crystal **** fell on the ground.

"It's cold..." Lothar's teeth were chattering, no matter how long it took, the cold that was completely beyond the limit of the human body still made Lothar unable to get used to it.

"Aren't you the **** of life and healing? Why do you make me so uncomfortable, and I can't go home even if I have a home." Lothar looked at his chest, the ice blue wing tattoo was still the same, not at all. Will respond to Lothar.

"Alas..." Lothar sighed, an ice bow condensed in his hand.

He has always liked to use bows, whether as hunting equipment or weapons, bows are his most handy props.

But after breaking his hand, he couldn't draw the bow, and after his hand was restored, he couldn't hold the bow again.

As soon as Lothar's hand touched the bowstring, the entire string would be frozen very brittle by the frost, and it would break as soon as it was pulled. He tried to find a lot of bowstrings in Noxus Empire, but none of them could be used normally. .

Lothar stroked the bow with his fingers, and an ice crystal four-wire connected the bow arm.

Lothar pulled gently, and the entire bow broke.

"How did Ash get that bow?" Lothar was puzzled. "How come her bow is also made of ice, so she can pull the bowstring?"

After trying for a long time, Lothar did not come up with an answer.

He tightened his body so that the cold air in his body would not spill out too much, otherwise other ordinary people would shiver just by approaching him.

"It's getting colder and colder." Lothar touched his body, "I won't turn into a popsicle if it keeps getting worse."

Knowing that his situation was not optimistic, Lothar turned to another kind of magic, blood magic.

It's really fun magic.

Blood magic has a wide range of uses, attacking, poisoning, corrosion, coagulation, madness, healing... It is almost an all-around magic, and it is no wonder that the Noxian army, which aims at practicality and efficiency, likes this kind of magic so much, and it is widely used. Sex is simply too good compared to other schools of magic.

Lothar also prefers blood magic to ice magic. He is a hunter, and he likes a variety of tools, not ice magic, which is powerful but relatively simple.

What's more, practicing blood magic won't cause Lothar the same pain as ice magic.

Lothar feels that the fluids flowing in his veins have truly become a part of himself. Like his own hands and feet, they have become obedient to Lothar's will. Lothar wants them to flow as fast as they want, and comes out when he wants them to come out. .

"Um... The book says that the acceleration of blood will make the body warm, why don't I feel it? It really doesn't work for me..." Lothar thought regretfully.

dong dong dong!

There was a knock on Lothar's door, and a woman's voice came from outside the door: "Luo Ji! We're almost there!"

"Come out." Lothar replied, getting dressed and opening the door.

"Hmm!" The woman outside the door was startled by the cold wind gushing out of the room. "It's so icy! You're practicing your magic again."

"Yes, Madame Lestara, aren't you used to it yet?"

Lothar finds it interesting that Lestara is obviously a Demacian, but he doesn't reject his magician at all.

Lestara hugged himself and rubbed his upper arms to keep warm: "I really can't get used to it, forget it, come quickly, you can see the shore!"

Lothar followed Lestara, who was a little excited, and walked onto the deck.

They were on a Noxian army transport ship, followed by a convoy of more than a dozen ships. Lothar used the token Swain had given him to take a ride.

As for why Lestara was with him, it was because their destination was actually the same.

On Swain's map to Lothar, the preferred target is the giant island of the northeast, Ionia.

"Udyr also told me that he practiced here." Lothar looked into the distance, "I hope this place will not disappoint me."

The Noxian navy soldiers on the deck were busy, preparing to land. A few soldiers saw that Lothar would temporarily stop their work and salute him.

"The token given by Swain is really useful." Lothar ignored the soldiers and walked to the side of the ship with Lestara.

A girl was lying on the railing, languishing like a frosted eggplant.

"Quinn, are you still seasick?" Lestara patted Quinn's back with concern. After leaving Noxus, Quinn suffered a lot at sea.

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