Lothar had been waiting for a long time, but he did not see the blue eagle flying out of the fortress in the sky.

Quinn, Lestara, and even Valor, were trapped there.

Life and death do not know.


Ionia is vast and sparsely populated, scattered villages and towns are far apart, and the racial divide between humans and vastayas makes the Ionian language family extremely complex. People even need translators to understand each other.

——Excerpt from Ezreal's "Ionia's Travels Chapter 6: The Village Documentary"

Chapter 186 Trapped Birds

Quinn felt really unlucky.

Hua Luofei returned to her arms, her head drooping.

"Sure enough, you still can't fly out." Quinn looked up, and the black sun hung overhead.

The magical power lingering around it ruthlessly devoured everything, not to mention Valor, not even light could escape the gravitational pull of the black sun. According to the time, it should be noon now, but the sky in front of Quinn was only black, and only the sky in the distance was clearly visible.

She looked out of the city wall, and Feilor's fortress had completely flew off the ground, and the low clouds below in the distance were the best proof.

"The fortress really flew into the air..." Quinn's brain is a bit lacking. Although I heard that Ionia is a country full of magic, it still challenges her common sense to have a huge fortress off the ground. What happened? Is it related to the sneak attack last night? He hasn't come back for a while..."

"Ah!" Lestara sneezed suddenly.

Quinn hurriedly took off his coat and put it on Lestara: "Madam, you'd better go back to the house first, it's cold in the sky."

"I'm fine." Lestara looked at Quinn apologetically. "I shouldn't have taken you on this journey and put you in such danger again."

Quinn was stunned for a moment, then smiled reluctantly: "It's not such a lady, it's not your fault, you can blame it..."

Quinn's words were cut off abruptly.

Lestara looked back, and a beautiful Ionian white-haired woman hovered in front of them, her jet-black horned crown ablaze, and three darkest orbs floated around her, even if she didn't understand. Even the magic Quinn could feel the terrifying power there.

The two women and one bird felt the dangerous aura at the same time. Hua Luo's feathers exploded and he howled at the white-haired woman.

The white-haired woman looked at them and said a word.

Quinn didn't understand, but she knew Lestara had taught herself some Ionian language and had to keep her behind while asking her what the woman had said.

"She seems...asking why we're still alive..." Lestara whispered in Quinn's ear.

Quinn probably understood that, in fact, the entire fortress was dead except for the two of them.

The fort shook violently several times as it flew into the sky, as if it was deliberately trying to kill the people in the fort. All Noxian soldiers were either thrown out of the fort or stumbled inside. Quinn just came out. At that time, I saw several corpses that were thrown to death, and the death was tragic.

Fortunately, Quinn and the others had Hua Luo, and Hua Luo struggled to grab their bodies and fly. Although he couldn't fly away from the fort because of the black sun, he was not injured anyway.

Quinn pointed to Hua Luo, and the white-haired woman seemed to understand what she meant. After looking at the blue-feather raptor a few more times, she stretched out her hand and aimed a darkest orb at Quinn and the others.

Quinn suddenly pulled out the hand crossbow from her waist, and at the same time Valor jumped out of her arm and dashed towards the white-haired woman.

The white-haired woman smiled contemptuously, stretched out her other hand, and a pitch-black chain tied Hua Luo directly, she held it with all five fingers, the chain was embedded in Hua Luo's flesh and blood, and the bird was thrown out screaming, on the wall A large pool of blood was thrown.

"No!" Quinn's eyes were splitting, she pushed Lestara back, the steel crossbow made a crisp burst of sound, and several arrows shot at the white-haired woman, aiming at her vital point. .

The white-haired woman didn't dodge or evade, she just waved her fingers at will, the black chain danced like a dance, grabbed all the arrows, and couldn't move like time had frozen.

This is not over, all the arrows turned in unison, aiming at their original owners.

The arrow shot back, Quinn reacted very quickly, she could have avoided, but she didn't dare to dodge, because there was Lestara behind her. Although Quinn had pushed her away beforehand, Quinn didn't dare to take the risk. This risk.

She took all the arrows with her flesh.

"Quinn!" Lestara exclaimed, she watched the arrow penetrate deeply into the girl's body, but Quinn did not fall, but stubbornly continued to block Lestara.

The white-haired woman frowned. She didn't seem to have expected this girl to be so resilient.

She raised her hand again, as if she wanted to end her life completely, but a blue figure flew out of her side.

The white-haired woman subconsciously threw a black torrent, and the bird was pushed away by her, but Valor still hovered precariously and flew back to Quinn, whose injuries were beyond recognition, blood and feathers stuck together, it stands to reason that its The wound was fatal enough, but he still stood with Quinn, howling desperately at the white-haired woman.

"Don't kill them!" Lestara begged, crying in half Ionian. "Please! Please!"

The white-haired woman looked at Quinn and Hua Luo in amazement. One person and one bird looked miserable now, but their eyes were extremely decisive, without the slightest hint of cowardice.

The sight of the white-haired woman turned to Lestara. The woman was not Ionian either, and the language in her mouth was very accented.

"You are not Ionians, I will spare your life." The white-haired woman finally decided to stop, "Don't disturb me, or I will kill you anyway."

After speaking, the white-haired woman flew away, regardless of whether the two foreign women understood or not.

"Quinn! Quinn!" Lestara hurriedly threw herself on the girl, looking at the arrows deeply inserted into her body at a loss, "Don't die! Don't die! Tell me what to do!"

Quinn and Hua Luo fell to the ground weakly. Quinn gritted his teeth and said, "I'm fine... I can't die... Don't move the wound... Send us to the room..."

"Okay!" Lestara struggled to carry Quinn and staggered towards the interior of the fortress.

Lestara fell into deep self-blame and guilt, and she let the girl risk her own life, but Lestara would never let her die, and she couldn't let Quinn die to save her like her brother did. She already owes the siblings too much.

But Lestara was powerless, she was just a weak woman who knew neither martial arts nor magic.

"Who will... save us..." Lestara prayed in her heart.


Lothar stood on the coast, looking up at the fortress in the sky.

"I still haven't seen Hua Luo... I haven't heard the birds chirping, so I won't be dead..."

Karan ran to his side, carrying a man on his paws.

Lothar crouched down and looked at the woman. She was an Ionian with a circle of indigo tattoos around her eyes. She was one of the three who broke into the temple.

She had some serious injuries, but not life-threatening. However, at this time, her eyes were slack, her will was depressed, and her whole body was slumped on the ground and motionless.

"Only she survived, the other two died." Karan stared at Lothar dissatisfiedly, "Didn't I ask you to find a still usable boat? Where's the boat?"

"found it."


Lothar pointed his finger to the sea water, and a small canoe made of pure ice was formed in an instant: "Isn't it there?"

——————————————————————————————————————————————————— ————

An unknown accident occurred in the territory of Feilor, and the loss statistics are as follows:


There were 987 troops in the garrison, no wounded.

Thirty-six mid-tier warships were unable to be repaired.

Several transport ships and strategic materials, the exact number is difficult to count.

A fortress, along with a large area of ​​land nearby, has all disappeared

The cause of the accident is still under investigation.

- Noxian War Mason Periodic Contact Battle Report

No, sir, I wrote that right, the fortress is really gone, not a single brick remains. If you doubt my eyes, see for yourself.

- Noxian War Mason Periodic Contact Battle Report

Chapter 187: Syndra's Past

Karan paddled and the boat moved slowly but evenly across the sea.

"The direction of the ocean current is against us." Lothar reached into the water, "how hard you have to row the boat."

Karan turned his lips and showed his fangs: "You can go back to the imperial capital to rescue soldiers, there is no need to follow me."

"The rescuer Swain will definitely make another strange deal with me..." Lothar thought to himself.

He shook his head: "It's too late, there's not a big ship left, it will take at least a few months to go back, and my people can still live every time I come and go, and I don't know the route."

"Then you think they can live now?" Karan asked rhetorically.

Of course Lothar knew that Quinn and the others were mostly in an accident, but he couldn't give up. No matter Lestara, Quinn or even Valor had all been kind to him, Lothar had to find a way to say anything, at least... not to put them Leave it there.

"You have to try, don't you?"

Karan growled twice and stopped talking.

Lothar looked to the side of the boat, and the frustrated woman hugged herself into a ball and said nothing.

"Why did you take her with you?" asked Lothar.

"Guide," Callan said. "We're going to Navoli and we'll need her."

"Shouldn't you be familiar with Ionia?"

"I'm a traitor." Karan said plainly, as if to say a trivial matter. "There are many people in the Land of Newborn who know what I look like, and they are thinking about **** me every night."

After a pause, he sniffed, and it seemed that the salty and wet sea breeze made his nose a little uncomfortable: "Especially in Navoli province, if I dared to swagger on the street, I would definitely lose my head immediately."

The woman next to her suddenly sneered.

Lothar and Karan looked at her at the same time.

Lothar clapped his hands: "So you can speak Noxian, so it's easier to speak."

The woman suddenly spat fiercely at Lothar, but before the spit touched him, it turned into ice and landed on the boat.

"If you have something to say, don't do this." Lothar shrugged, "Introduce yourself, my name is Luo Ji."

"If I still had a weapon in my hand, I would kill you now!" The woman suddenly screamed angrily, as if the resentment simmering in her heart burst out all at once: "You are the same as this smelly lion! It's clearly Ai Onia's child! Why be a Noxian lackey!"

Lothar looked at Karan: "Why don't you explain it?"

Karan didn't answer: "This is not the most important thing now. Syndra must be sealed again, otherwise no one can bear the consequences."

The woman dropped her shoulders and stopped yelling, as if she agreed with Karan on this point.

Lothar cleared his throat: "That...the Syndra you are talking about, who is she and why is she sealed in Philo?"

Callan said: "Decades ago, when I was a young and vigorous lion, Syndra's fierce name was very popular, and almost everyone was talking about her."

He paddled hard, the wounds on his body had all scabbed over, and the speed of recovery was astonishing: "It is said that she was born with an extremely powerful magical power, which was so powerful that she could not control it at all. The land **** of her hometown seems to be sucked dry by a spirit willow."

Lothar knew that the land of Ionia was magical, and that the overflowing magic on it often gave birth to powerful spirits of nature. It is said that the Ionians believed in living in harmony with these spirits of nature, interdependent, and then killed. Syndra of a land spirit has indeed committed heinous crimes.

"I also heard that she accidentally killed a lot of people." The woman added.

"I haven't heard of her killing anyone." Karan continued, "Syndra's power has made many places afraid of her, and they are afraid that Syndra will also destroy the nature there. No place is willing to accept her, Later, it was the elders of Fei Luoer who took her to Fei Luoer and taught her to practice and learn to control her own power."

"The elders of Feilor are quite courageous, but they teach people to learn in a military fortress," Lothar questioned.

"It wasn't a military fortress at the beginning." The woman said coldly, "Felor turned out to be a well-known monastic school in Ionia, and many people would come here to study...until..."

"It wasn't until later that Noxus began to tentatively attack the First Lands." Callan said, "Felor was converted into a defensive fortress."

The woman looked back to the land that was farther and farther away from her. Philo was her homeland, and it was a joy of life. Like the rest of Ionia, people, vastayas, animals, and nature itself can live in harmony.

But the invasion of Noxus changed everything. Now there is only wasteland, thorns and moss on the island. Even the seabirds do not want to stop there. Even the only fortress that holds the beauty of the past has been destroyed. Syndra took it.

"I failed..." she murmured, she lost a lot, and she also lost her few relatives in this operation.

Karan glanced at the woman's back: "Decades ago, Syndra practiced in Felor, but she still couldn't control her power. In the end, the elders of Felor had to suppress her."

"But even the elders can't hold back Syndra." The woman said, "Her strength is too strong, strong..."

She couldn't find any adjectives to describe Syndra, and until now she was immersed in the shock of witnessing Syndra's power.

"But wasn't she sealed in the end?"

"It's not the elders' credit, it's Ionia himself." The woman said.

Lothar was still not used to it, although he knew that the land of Ionia was full of magic, but Karan and the women both spoke of Ionia as if it had a will of her own, which Lothar thought was strange. .

Can a piece of land have a will of its own?

The woman didn't see Lothar's confusion: "Ionia personally sealed her, created a dream pool, and made her fall into an inextricable dream."

Lothar asked again: "Why not just kill her"

"I asked the elder the same question before." The woman said this with a dazed expression, as if she didn't quite understand it herself, "he said, if Ionia wanted her to die, why would she need to provide her with sleep? Woolen cloth?"

Rosa thoughtful.

"Then you attacked last night, didn't you want to kill Syndra?"

"Yes, the Noxians are arrogant, and instead of letting you wake her up, let's kill her first."

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