"This is also a part of practice." Humanity named Kenan.

He was very short, less than Akali's crotch height. He was wearing a purple martial arts robe that covered his whole body. In addition to a pair of big eyes, he showed a pair of big eyes and a face full of soft fluff. Like a human, it seems to be different from the Vastaya.

Kenan was running around in circles. He ran very fast, and a purple electric current flashed behind him: "Why are you stealing other people's things? Don't you know that stealing is a breach of the precept?"

Akali jumped off the buffalo's back: "I didn't want to steal from her, I just wanted to play tricks on her."

"In the end, you were arrested." Kenan said while turning around, so close that he couldn't tell whether he was talking or his afterimage was talking, "If you can't practice until you get home, stop playing, or go back with me early. Bar."

"No way!" Akali hurriedly objected, "I beg you, it's agreed for a day! I don't want to go back yet!"

"Akali." Kenan said earnestly, he was very small, and his tone was milky, but he spoke with a vicissitudes of life, "Don't you hope to inherit the [Shadow Fist]? The real [Shadow] Zhiquan] There is a clear distinction between good and evil, but they won't be playful and play pranks."

Akali muttered in a low voice: "Who knows if the [Fist of Shadows] of all dynasties has been naughty when I was a child, maybe even more than me..."

Akali suddenly felt a pain in her forehead, a small electric current hit it, and she covered her forehead in grievance.

"Have some respect for your seniors." Kenan said, "Just go play this time, it's rare to come out once, but you are not allowed to break the precepts again."

"Love you!" Akali grabbed Kenan, pressed her nose on Kenan's little nose, and immediately got out from under the belly of the buffalo.

"It's really... fun enough, I don't know when I will grow up." Kenan teleported to the buffalo's back in a blink of an eye, watching Akali's back getting farther and farther away, "But it's okay, it's too long. Fast is not necessarily a good thing..."

Kenan disappeared on the back of the buffalo, and a hidden purple electric light crossed the streets and villages in an instant, and did not know where to go.


Akali ran on the street, regardless of how she kicked three chickens and a sheep, and stepped on the feet of countless innocent passers-by. The effort paid off, she found the three people she met just now.

Akali stared straight at the boy's face, the cold touch still lingering on her neck.

"I must get the place back." Akali pondered a new prank and gave the boy a wicked smile, "Just wait for me."

——————————————————————————————————————————————————— ——

Veri...is the province of Navoli...a few lands that haven't been...

——The last words of the mayor of Weili

Chapter 190 Akali's Mischief

Willie doesn't exist on any map of this world.

Lothar had seen this sentence in the book Swain gave, but when he turned his head, he saw the location of Veri marked in big scarlet letters on the map he gave.

"That old man really likes to show off his knowledge," Lothar thought.

Not only the location of Veri, but Swain even wrote Lothar clearly how to get into Veri.

Don't be greedy, don't destroy the grass and trees near Weili, don't step on reptiles and lizards, you can basically go in.

Although there are doubts about whether the method Swain gave is true, but since the three of Lothar entered the Weili smoothly, there is nothing to say.

Veli is a port village with a large market, merchants from all over Ionia, and even some people selling magic items. Although Lothar is a little jealous, but he is penniless now, so he can only give up in order not to cause trouble.

"I'm going to find a place to stay tonight." Cirick stopped and said to the two, "We'll gather here in an hour."

"One hour" Lothar could not understand.

"Two clocks in Noxian time," Karan explained.

"Why do you want to find someone to live in? I see that there are many teahouses and inns nearby that can accommodate people," Rosa asked.

"It's not because of him." Cirick pointed to Karan. "There are everyone in the inn. If his identity is revealed, we will have to flee."

Karan said nothing, completely hiding herself in the cloak.

"Okay, then I'll just go shopping nearby." Rosa said.

"Don't make trouble." Cirick reminded again and again.

"Don't worry, I won't have my purse stolen." Lothar smiled at the ugly Xiric and left first.

"In an hour, let's go and see what you haven't seen in the market."

Lothar wandered around and tasted a little fruit called "Blood Lychee" sold by the hawker.

"According to Karan and Hiric, does this mean that the spirit of the land in Veri has been little affected by the war..." Lothar observed the surroundings. The lives of the local people were still relatively normal and prosperous, but the impact of the war could still be affected. visible. From time to time armed militias hurried past, and the occasional commotion of theft and looting could be heard.

"It seems that Veri is not entirely a paradise." Lothar used his new words, which are called "idioms" in Ionia. They are simplified words condensed from past allusions and stories. A short word can express a very complex meaning, which makes Lothar very interesting.

Lothar turned into an intersection, and the foot that was about to step out stopped in the air.

Just under his feet, there is a banana peel.

"She hasn't given up yet." Lothar thought speechlessly.

Yes, Lothar found out that he was being followed half an hour ago, and the person being followed was the little girl who stole Sirik's purse just now.

Lothar didn't really want to cause trouble, so he simply ignored her. Who knew that this girl stuck behind him like a candy cane and used many tricks to trouble Lothar.

She called a few sparrows to fly on Lothar's head, trying to attack with bird poop, but Lothar avoided it.

She also found a few toads and blocked Lothar's way. Even if she didn't recognize the specific creature, Lothar knew just by looking at the colorful pimples on their backs that she would definitely be poisoned if she touched it.

Lothar turned his head and looked to the side, next to a monkey raised by a busker, it was grinning at Lothar, holding a banana in his hand, obviously the banana peel was his masterpiece.

"Is this girl a beast spirit walker? How can I find so many animals to block me?" Lothar sighed and strode over the banana peel, speeding up her walking speed.

He dodged and turned into a corner, his back against the bamboo wall, holding his breath.

Lothar heard a messy footstep, very light, but it was indeed coming in his direction.

A petite figure ran into Lothar's sight.

Lothar slammed forward and hugged the little girl tightly.

But there was no warm and soft touch when he started, a puff of smoke erupted from the little girl, and a set of ropes followed, which grabbed Lothar's whole body.

"It's hit!" Lothar fell to the ground, and the rope became tighter and tighter, tying him up completely.

"Hahahahaha!" The little girl's laughter came from above Lothar's head, the bright-eyed little girl was sitting on the roof of the bamboo house, eating a banana, her two calves dangling happily, "Do you think that Will I be caught twice by you! I'll catch you now!"

She jumped off the roof, looked down at Lothar condescendingly, crossed her hips and said triumphantly: "Hurry up and beg me for mercy, say Lord Akali three times, and buy me ten hawthorn candies, and I won't remember the villain. Let go of you!"

"Akali" Lothar lay on the ground and looked at the little girl, "This is your name"

"That's right!" Akali threw the leftover banana peel on Lothar's face and stepped on Lothar's chest, "Remember! The one who defeated you was [Shadow Fist] Akali!"

Lothar looked at Akali seriously. The little girl was very delicate, with bright eyes and white teeth. She was a typical beauty. When she grew up, she would definitely captivate a lot of people.

It's a pity that this girl is really sloppy.

His long black hair was messy, apparently not combed, but just casually tied a braid at the back of his head with a headband. The clothes he was wearing had more than a dozen patches, large and small, and the trouser legs were long on one side and short on the other. The fabric of the elbows and knees were all worn out with holes, and there were many old scars and new wounds on the exposed flesh.

Lothar looked at Akali, not only was not angry, but a sense of intimacy rose in his heart. When he was a child in the Freljord, he was also such a wild child, not afraid of heaven and earth, and made trouble everywhere. She was even more embarrassed.

"What are you looking at!" Akali stomped on Lothar's chest hard, "Call me Lord Akali! The tone must be respectful! Quick..."

Before Akali could finish her words, her feet in the bamboo sandals suddenly felt a chill.

Akali hurriedly wanted to unplug her leg, but the ice had completely frozen her toes, and the ice layer was still slowly spreading along the instep to the ankle, the ice connecting Lothar's chest and Akali's feet, no matter what she did Hard to pull it off.

"You're a mage! You're a shame!" Akali saw that she couldn't move her feet, so she simply stood on Lothar's body and stomped her other foot on Lothar's lifeblood.

"This girl has a lot of tricks!" Lothar blasted the rope net with cold air, grabbed Akali's leg with one hand, rolled over and pressed her to the ground, "Don't move! Or I'll eat you!"

"Who are you bluffing! Eat what you have!" Akali struggled to get up, but the extreme cold made her unable to exert herself.

"Fuck...what does bluff mean?" Lothar was still not proficient in Ionian, and Akali's accent was different from that of Hiric and Karan, which made him a little stunned.

Akali seized the opportunity, slipping one leg between Lothar's and her knee snapping up.

"Ah!" The pain caused Lothar to cry out, and the strength to hold Akali became a little weaker.

Akali quickly drew a diamond-shaped spike from her waist and stabbed it towards Lothar's chest.

Stab it!

The spike pierced precisely into Lothar's heart.

Akali was stunned.

She just wanted to play a prank, she didn't want to kill this person at all.

"I must be dreaming..."

The drop of blood fell on Akali's face, and the cold fishy smell was very real, reminding her that it was not a dream.

Akali let go of her hand at a loss, the blade stuck in Lothar's chest, and blood gurgled out.

A large amount of blood flowed out, all pouring on Akali's face, turning into... a banana peel.

"Ah" Akali was completely dumbfounded.

Lothar picked up the blood-cured banana peel and swayed proudly in front of the frightened Akali: "Quick, call me Lord Luoji."


Nine cows and two tigers... It means the strength of nine cows and two tigers, and it describes a very great strength...

why! Why nine cows and two tigers! On what basis did the person who coined the word set this number! Why not 10,000 cows and 10,000 tigers! This is illogical!

Omg these **** idioms...I'll never learn Ionian...

- Complaint from a student in the Department of Languages ​​at Piltover University

Chapter 191 Ramen

Lothar looked back at Akali: "Don't follow me."

Akali pouted: "Unless you tell me how you can't die, I'll follow you!"

Lothar had a headache, and he began to regret having a relationship with this girl, and it was impossible for him to bring Akali back.

"What about your family? They'll be worried if you don't go back." Lothar advised.

Akali's expression darkened, and she whispered, "She won't worry..."


"It's nothing!" Akali shouted loudly. "In short, you must have a secret! How can anyone stab in the heart..."

Lothar covered Akali's mouth and looked at the passers-by who gathered their eyes around him: "Don't talk nonsense on the street."

"Mmmm!" Akali resisted fiercely, and simply took a bite directly into Lothar's hand.

"Are you a stray dog? Can you still bite?" Lothar, now learning to sell the Ionian rhetoric she learned recently, let go of her hand.

Akali saw with her own eyes that the blood stain on Lothar's hand was slowly healing, and her eyes shone with excitement: "You are really strange! I have never heard of someone like you!"

"Sigh..." Losar knew that he was completely entangled, "Tell me, how do you want to leave, I still have important things, so I can't play with you."


Akali's stomach suddenly growled.

The little girl didn't feel shy, and said directly: "Please let me eat!"

"Are you going to leave when you're full?"

"Look at my mood!"

Lothar sighed and estimated the time. There was about half an hour before the meeting. It was enough to eat a meal: "What do you want to eat?"

Akali's eyes lit up and dragged Lothar all the way to a small restaurant.

"Tanuki...ramen?" Lothar reluctantly recognized the restaurant's name.

"This is the place!"

Akali took Lothar into the restaurant, but the manager was actually a civet cat-like Vastaya, with a kind smile on his face: "Welcome!"

The space in the shop is very small, there is only one stove and a row of seats, the soup is simmering in the pot, and the rich aroma also wakes up Lothar's appetite.

"Alright, I happen to be hungry too." Lothar sat next to Akali and said, "I have eaten wild fruits and vegetables every day these past few days. I haven't eaten the serious food of Ionia."

"General! A bowl of tonkotsu ramen! Cover me with BBQ pork!" Akali jumped on the seat, looking very excited, her legs dangling constantly.

"Good!" Tanuki Vastaya looked at Lothar, "How about you, this guest?"

"Uh...just like her."

The ramen was served quickly, Lothar had never seen this kind of food, it was covered with meat, eggs, fresh vegetables and pickled vegetables and many other ingredients, and there were many things that Lothar didn't know, and the scent was below. Rich soup and noodles.

Lothar had eaten noodles in Noxus, too, but it was the first time noodle soup.

Lothar looked around, but couldn't find the cutlery: "Where's the fork?"

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