You are Karma, defender of Ionian tradition.

Only tradition can never be changed.

——A warning from the Presbyterian Church of the Temple of Eternal Life

Chapter 200 Arrive at the fortress

Akali felt embarrassed.

After the incident at the Sweet Rice Hotel, the relationship between Luoji and Karma suddenly dropped to a freezing point. Although the two still walked northward together for their own purposes, let alone communication, they didn't even look at each other.

But they would all talk to Akali, Luo Ji would still play with her, and Karma would still gently answer her questions.

Akali felt like she was caught between the two of them, as uncomfortable as a pangolin stuck in a mole's nest, neither advancing nor retreating.

"Maybe this is the 'Shura Field' that the elder sisters of Huajie told me." Akali thought.

The further north we went, the mountains gradually grew white heads, and although it was summer, the tops of the mountains were still very cold, and the ridges were covered with a thin layer of snow.

Akali, wearing the felt Karma bought her, looked back at Lothar: "Are you all right?"

The color of Lothar's whole body became ashen, and his appearance was extremely terrifying.

He gritted his teeth, and pulled out a reluctant smile on his face: "I'm fine..."

"Look at you! You're still stubborn!" Akali took off the felt and wanted to put it on Lothar, but Lothar refused.

"It's useless, it's my disease." Lothar gratefully put the felt on Akali again, "The cold pain is coming from my body, and it will intensify when I get to the cold place, and the clothes are wrapped again. Thick is useless."

"But..." Akali couldn't bear to look at him, the chill on his body seeped out of his skin visibly, and Akali could feel the pain just by being close to him.

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty!" Akali ran to Karma's side and hugged her leg, "Can you help Luo Ji? Look at him like this."

Karma looked at Lothar with a flash of blue in her eyes.

She hesitated for a while, but still stretched out her hand, and a green spherical film emerged around Lothar, blocking the cold outside.

Lothar suddenly felt a lot more relaxed, he looked at Karma, did not say thank you, just watched.

Karma didn't seem to want to wait for Lothar's thanks, she just turned her head and left.

"These two adults are even more awkward than children." Akali muttered in her heart.

Seeing that Lothar was all right, Akali followed Karma to see the flowing tattoos on her thighs. She thought Karma's tattoos were really beautiful and she couldn't get tired of seeing them.

The three climbed over the ridge in silence, and Karma was the first to break the silence: "It's here."

Akali looked into the distance, the long coastline under the mountain, and the sea in front of her eyes.

It was supposed to be a beautiful sight, but Akali was dumbfounded.

Above the ocean, there was a huge fortress suspended. There was a pitch-black sun on the fortress. It was so dark that the surrounding light was swallowed up by it. It was still sunny day on the mountain side, but gloomy night on the other side of the sea.

The rich dark magic power flows from the fortress to the sea like oil, and large swathes of seawater are polluted. Akali saw countless fish shoals floating on the water. The corpses covered the entire sea, and the shore was also washed up by the waves and piled up. A mountain of dead fish and dead crabs.

The most eye-catching is a pure white giant whale as huge as an island, which has also become a corpse and is slowly sinking into the water.

"That whale is..." Akali hugged Karma's thigh tightly.

"Well." Karma tried her best to keep her tone calm, but she still couldn't hide her grief, "That is the spirit of nature in this sea area, Master Tianshui, who has been killed by Syndra."

Lothar walked to the two women and looked up at the fortress in the sky: "Can Syndra kill even the spirit of nature?"

This is the first time Lothar and Karma have had a conversation in such a long time, and Karma said: "Syndra's magic power itself is a disaster, and most of the nature spirits of Ionia are indifferent to the world and have no ability to resist her. "

"What happens when the spirit of nature dies?"

Karma pointed to the sea: "All magical creatures in this sea area will become extremely difficult to survive. In the next thousands of years, before the new spirit of nature is conceived, this place will become a forbidden area for life."

"Thousands of years..." Akali murmured, and this time made her feel a sense of despair, "Why is this Syndra such a bad spirit of nature provoking her?"

"Syndra has been sealed by Ionia for decades, and she has deep resentment in her heart." Karma took a deep breath, deeply feeling the terrible magic coming from the fortress, "She must be stopped, and she must not continue to kill innocent people. ."

"I can't see it." Lothar said indifferently, "A person who ignores evil deeds has a heart to save the world."

Karma turned to look at Lothar: "You don't understand anything at all."

"Then tell me."

Karma, no longer arguing with Lothar, went to the shore: "Syndra must be sealed."


Syndra stayed in the highest hall of the fortress, which used to be the office of the fortress lord, but now it is her room.

She likes to be in a high place, this is where she should be, her strength makes her born to be above all beings, not lying in that hateful dream pool.

Syndra looked down at the giant whale corpse floating on the sea, and a happy smile appeared on his face: "That's it, Ionia, I will pay back the debt that you let me sleep for decades."

After a happy revenge, Syndra decided to relax.

A darkest orb sucked up a lot of seawater from the sea, and the orb swallowed the salt and impurities in the seawater and turned it into pure water.

Syndra looked at the orb with satisfaction, and she became more and more comfortable with her power.

In her current room, there are piles of things, bathtubs, tables, beds... and even a pile of bonfires scattered on the ground, which she used to grill fish, and there are countless leftover fish bones scattered around.

Syndra floated in the air, frowning at the room she had made so messy.

"Well... it seems that some of the life does not match the life I imagined..." Syndra felt that after she got out of trouble, she should live a very free and comfortable life, killing anyone who didn't please the eye, and eating fine food all day long. Carefree.

She is indeed on the road of revenge now, and several natural spirits and human villages have been destroyed by her, but she is very dissatisfied with the comfortable life.

She is in a lonely sky fortress, and she has nothing to do. The only pastime is to bathe and eat, but she can't cook, and the only thing she can do is grill fish, and there is no condiment.

"Maybe... I should find some servants..." Syndra thought, "The big people should have servants to serve... should..."

Syndra is not very sure. She has been sleeping for decades, and her memory before going to bed is still boring meditation and practice. This kind of content occupies most of her memories, and she doesn't even bother to think about it.

"Never mind!" With a wave of Syndra's hand, the orb drew the purified water into the bathtub, "I am not bound by anything, neither is common sense or tradition! I will catch a few servants to serve me another day!"

The clothes on Syndra's body fell off automatically, and she flew into the bathtub, and the cool water soaked her body.

"Well... the bath water seems to be hot as well... When I was doing that **** practice, I was forced to go to the waterfall... I forgot what it felt like to take a hot bath..." Sinde The more he thought about it, the more angry he became. The leaked magic power directly devoured a minaret far away from the fortress. "Next time, go to a monastery or temple and kill all those who like to do penance, and let them suffer slowly after death. ."

Syndra thought happily about the tragic deaths of those people under her power, and a happy smile appeared on her face.

"But now, I still have to find a few servants to serve me first... Where can I find it? I have killed everyone I met recently."

"By the way!" She suddenly remembered, "Isn't there still those two women in the fortress!"

Syndra has been immersed in the joy of revenge these days, almost forgetting the two women whose lives she spared.

Syndra pondered: "Well...they are pretty good looking...and they're not Ionian, which is good...but the language seems to be a bit difficult, but it can be learned slowly... ...and that young woman has a lot of backbone and is good enough to be my servant. She also has a nice bird that just happens to be my pet."

After a brief consideration, Syndra made up her mind and immediately acted.

Countless jet-black chains flew out of her hands and shot towards every corner of the fortress.

"I found it." Syndra smiled, the chain was retracted, and two women and a bird were tied and flew in front of her.

The older woman looked haggard, and although her eyes were a little panic, she looked at Syndra calmly.

The young girl had her eyes closed and a dirty bandage wrapped around her body, as was the blue-feathered bird, both of them were badly injured by Syndra and had yet to recover.

Syndra looked at the woman, she remembered that the woman seemed to know a little Ionian: "I want you to be my servants and serve my daily life in the future, do you understand?"

The woman was stunned.

Syndra continued: "Promise, you will be mine in the future, and I will protect you. If you don't agree, you will die."


Nalan Temple was slaughtered and no one survived.

The spirit of nature in the Millennium Lake, the old white carp died.

Jiushan Village was slaughtered, and only a pair of twin babies survived.

The Huhuo family was slaughtered, and no one survived.

Mugu Monastery was slaughtered, but no one survived.

The spirit of nature in Baimulin, Kasakachan escaped from suspended animation, but was seriously injured and fell into a deep sleep.

Nine Dragons Shore, the spirit of nature, died with nine heads.


——Syndra massacre report sent to the Temple of Eternal Life

Chapter 201 Spirit Fire

Lestara is in a turmoil now.

During this period of time, she lived very hard. Both Quinn and Valor were seriously injured, and they could not even stand up, and even died at one point.

Lestara finally found some medicines in the chaotic fortress that were not thrown by Syndra, which saved Quinn and Valor's lives.

Lestara barely made eye contact, taking care of Quinn and Valor with all her heart. Every day, Syndra would roll up the sea and grab a lot of fish from the sea, and Lestara would secretly pick up the fish that fell on the ground and cook fish soup for Quinn and Valor to drink.

But the lack of professional medical treatment, coupled with the single food, Quinn and Hua Luo's injuries are far from stable.

Lestara was on the verge of despair when Syndra held them in front of her, but hope was rekindled when she heard from Syndra that she wanted to be her servant.

"Promise her first, wait for Quinn and Hua Luo to recover, and then find a chance to escape." Lestara made up her mind and prepared to say yes.

Syndra's face suddenly changed, she flew out of the bathtub and flew out of the room naked.

"What happened?" Lestara was dumbfounded. "She left us here?"

Syndra's face was terribly gloomy.

In her fortress, an uninvited guest came.

Karma and Syndra were suspended in the air together, and the double dragon jade ring behind her radiated the light of Hexi, blocking the terrible magic power of the dark sun, and came to Syndra.

"Why are you not wearing clothes?" Karma asked with a frown.

Syndra didn't answer, she felt the familiar aura on this beautiful and tall woman who suddenly intruded.

It was this breath that pulled her into the Dreaming Pond and slept for so long.

"You are..." Syndra had a look of disgust on her face, "You are Ionia!"

Without any more words, Syndra immediately regarded Karma as her enemy. She didn't even care that she was still naked. Now she just wanted to kill the woman in front of her.

Countless dark orbs appeared around Syndra, each of which contained the depths that devoured everything and the power to crush the earth.

Syndra unhesitatingly released the limit of her power. The Dark Orb was so skilled that the space of the fortress was distorted and the walls of the towers began to fall apart.

Karma's face changed. Although she was mentally prepared, Syndra's power exceeded her expectations.

What's even more frightening is that Karma feels that Syndra's power is growing, and over time, she doesn't know how far her power will grow.

"I can't let her continue any longer." The double dragons in the jade ring behind Karma flew out, the emerald flame burned in the air, and the pure and medium-thick magic power rippled, and it could even stand against the power of Syndra.

"Go to hell!" Syndra roared, and the Dark Orb shot towards Karma like a frenzy.

"Sa "elasatiliudi..." Karma chanted the incantation softly, the Ionian language of ancient times, slurred and obscure.

The incantation increased the power of Shuanglong, and the emerald flames blazed away like a meteor, bombarding with the darkest orb.

The two forces collided together, and in an instant, the color of the world changed.


Lothar propped up an icicle on the sea and leaped to the fortress.

Karma opened the power envelope of the black sun, allowing Lothar easy access.

"The two women fought too fiercely, so I'd better not get involved." Lothar felt the terrifying magical collision with some palpitations. Even if he was immortal, he didn't want to go through at all.

"Yeah." Lothar saw Syndra's figure floating in the sky from a distance, her long white hair fluttering, and her bumpy body was fully exposed, "Why is she not wearing clothes..."

Lothar has good eyesight, and he captures every detail of Syndra's body.

"What are you looking at?" A little girl's voice suddenly sounded from Lothar's side.

"It looks good." Lothar just replied, suddenly realizing that something was wrong, and hurriedly looked around, Akali was looking at him with disgust.

"Pervert." Akali said contemptuously.

"How did you get up!" Lothar's eyes widened, "Didn't I tell you to wait on the shore!"

"I've walked so long with you guys, and I have to wait by the side, so what am I doing?" Akali raised her chest proudly, trying to get rid of me, but there was no way! "

There was a talisman on her forehead that read "Little Ghosts Haunted", and Akali used the power of this talisman to sneak up on Lothar's back.

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