"Luo Ji!" Akali happily saw the boy pulling herself into her arms, "You're all right!"

"Of course I'll be fine." Lothar carried Akali on his shoulders, ran to Lestara in three or two steps, and carried Quinn on his shoulders.

"You grab Hua Luo, hold me tight!" Lothar said to Lestara, "This place is going to collapse!"

Lestara hurriedly did as Lothar said.

"What about His Holiness?" Akali shouted.

"Since she is the Venerable, then nothing will be wrong!" Lothar looked at Karma, all her thoughts at the moment were on Syndra in the sky, and Shuanglong Linghuo and Kuanglei together fiercely suppressed Syndra's outside draining power.

Lothar had no time to do anything, because the fortress had already begun to fall apart, and the ground could be seen cracking open, revealing the dark sea below.

Lothar grabbed the bunch of people he was holding and jumped down towards the ocean.

He knew that only when these people left would Karma be able to deal with Syndra without any scruples.

Lothar originally thought that according to Karma's behavior in the Sweet Rice Hotel, the seal of Syndra would be the first priority, and there is a high probability that he would not care about the lives of others.

But she held up the spiritual shield for everyone, which made Lothar's opinion of her slightly changed.

"I don't understand what this woman is thinking." The whistling in Lothar's ear as he fell, Akali's scream, and the endless thunder, flames, and collapses.

The huge Ferol fortress was destroyed in the sky.

The moment Lothar left, Karma flew into the sky, she removed the spiritual shield that protected everyone, and she wanted to gather all the power she could gather to seal Syndra.

Lothar released a roaring wave of cold air, and there was a monstrous wave caused by the huge fragments of the fortress collapsed below. Lothar froze it into ice and controlled the shape of the ice, making it into an arc. The landslide spreads from the bottom to the coast.

Lothar stepped on the ice slope, shattering his knees and leg bones with the force of the impact, but he immediately froze the blood, froze his legs, and slid along the ice **** to the shore.

"Wow!" Akali hugged Lothar's neck in shock, "This is the best thing I've ever experienced in my life."

Lothar slapped Akali's **** hard: "If you hadn't followed me up, it wouldn't have been so thrilling!"

Akali jumped off Lothar's shoulders with a smile on her face: "It's still helpful to go up."

Lothar put down Quinn and Lestara, and rubbed Akali's head fiercely. The little girl's hair was already messed up by the strong wind, and it turned into a chicken coop after being rubbed like this: "What does it do for you? Rather, listen to it."

Akali kicked Lothar in dissatisfaction and pointed at the thundering light in the sky: "That's my friend!"

"Friend" Lothar looked at the thunderstorm that violently seemed to split the sky in half, "That thunderbolt is a member of the Equilibrium Sect."

"Yeah!" Akali likes to see him look surprised. "His name is Kenan! He's amazing!"

"You're sure he's not an elder but your friend." Lothar looked at Akali suspiciously.

"It's been said that they are friends!" Akali gestured, "Although he is indeed much older than me, he is younger than me!"

"Ha" Lothar didn't understand at all, "What kind of strange friend you are."

"Cough!" Lestara's cough came, she clutched her chest, and the stench from the dead fish piled up on the coast made it difficult for her to breathe.

"Let's go to a safe place first." Lothar carried Quinn, Lestara, and handed the Valor in her arms to Akali: "Hold it up, this is my friend, don't let it go hurt."

Akali struggled to hold a giant eagle about her size. She had never seen such a blue-feathered eagle, so big.

Akali muttered: "And said my friend is strange..."

The air fortress turned into countless huge fragments and fell into the sea, and only a small part remained in the sky, where the magic was overflowing, and the three powerful forces were fiercely confronting.

The battle is not over yet.


Lothar found a cave and temporarily placed everyone there.

Blood-woven threads emerged from Lothar's palm, and they infiltrated Quinn and Valor, healing them.

Akali squatted aside, watching Lothar's treatment curiously: "What kind of magic is this?"

"You don't know." Losar said, "Don't talk to me, I need to concentrate."

"Oh..." Akali looked at the girl and Big Bird lying on the ground, she didn't know Big Bird, and the girl didn't look like Ionian or Noxian at all, "It's pretty... What does she have to do with Luo Ji? Luo Ji worked so hard to save her, wouldn't she..."

Akali felt strange in her heart, a little irritable for no reason.

Akali turned to look at the woman, who was holding the unconscious girl's hand, looking haggard.

Akali crept up beside her and smelled a stench.

"Sure enough, they were trapped on it, there should be no water to bathe, and that bird stinks." Akali looked at the woman with some sympathy, "She must have suffered a lot."

Akali put her hand lightly on the woman, and Lestara didn't know if she was too tired, but just stared blankly at Quinn.

After a long time, Lothar took back the bloodshot with a pale face.

Not long after using Zhen Bing magic, and using blood magic to treat serious injuries, Lothar felt that all his strength had been taken away, and his head was a little dizzy.

"They'll be fine." Lothar looked at Lestara and said in her familiar Demacian language, "You've worked hard."

These words seemed to give Lestara relief in an instant, she couldn't hold it any longer, she hadn't had a good sleep for a long time, and she collapsed on the spot.

Akali helped her to the ground, took out a talisman from her pocket, and stuck it on Lestara's forehead.

"What did you post?" Lothar sat on the ground, slowly waiting for his body to recover.

"'Like the Cradle of Dreams'." Akali made a seal with both hands, and the talisman turned into a little starlight on Lestara's forehead, "It can make her sleep more comfortable."

Although I have seen it many times, Lothar is still very new to the use of this magic: "Do the people of the Equilibrium sect know these things?"

"Almost." Akali seemed to recall some painful memories, "Writing characters is very troublesome, you need to write with a soft brush dipped in nine-star ink, you must concentrate on writing, and a slight stroke is useless. But it's very convenient to use, you don't need to mobilize magic or chanting spells, you can use it directly with a fingerprint."

"It's quite interesting." Lothar has never seen anyone use magic like this in any of the books. I think this should be one of the many secrets of Ionia. "Can you teach me?"

"Why are you learning this?" Akali asked suspiciously, "It's used by those of us who can't do magic, and those who can do magic in the sect don't write many symbols."

"I just find it convenient."

"Then why don't I teach you this!" Akali took out the diamond-shaped sharp blade and cross dart in a show-off, "Our Balance Sect still has to practice many kinds of weapons and martial arts, it's called Kunai, it's called shuriken, and it's very useful to use. It's hard, it's impossible without the boy's power."

Lothar took the Kunai, his fingers moved, and the Kunai twirled between his fingers as fast as if it had a life of its own.

Akali was silent.

"What’s wrong with you?"

"Nothing!" Akali recaptured Kunai, squatting on the ground with her knees in her arms, sullen.

Lothar laughed, patted Akali on the back, and looked outside the cave.

Thunderstorms, spirit fires, and darkest orbs have all disappeared, and even the broken air fortress has disappeared.

"It's over." Lothar looked into the distance. Although he had no deep hatred with Syndra, he couldn't help but pay attention to whether this terrifying woman was sealed.

In the distance, a ball of lightning flew towards them.


The disciples of the Equilibrium sect are mostly active in Navoli province. They act low-key, and their goals are rather unclear. Sometimes they punish evil and promote good, and sometimes they kill innocent people indiscriminately. They say everything they do is about balance, but their chaotic behavior has left many questioning their teachings.

Balanced disciples are good at making spells and Qimen weapons.

The former is a kind of paper that can store spells and can release magic at a very fast speed, but it seems that eyewitnesses say that these spells can only release some small magic, suspecting that it does not have the ability to carry powerful magic, or to make powerful spells. is very difficult.

The latter is quite a lot of strange weapons, such as the nine-headed flail, the curved sickle lock, the multi-section stick, the Oreki bow, the meteor hammer, the kunai, the shuriken... These weapons are strange in shape, and are extremely difficult to use. People who use it will hurt themselves by mistake.

The Equilibrium Sect is basically in an absolutely neutral position in Ionia, and is hardly close to any other forces. For example, in the face of the Noxus invasion war, the Equilibrium sect neither resisted nor surrendered, and its attitude is ambiguous and difficult. Know what their purpose and meaning are.

Also, it is said that the disciples of Equilibrium call themselves "ninjas".

——Excerpt from Ezreal's "Ionia's Travels Chapter 6: The Village Documentary"

Chapter 204 Kenan

"Kenan!" Akali ran out of Shandong and waved at the ball of lightning in the sky.

The lightning actually listened to Akali's call and fell in her direction.

Lothar followed Akali out of the cave, and saw the lightning hit the ground, turning into a...very small creature.

"What is this?" Lothar looked at the man Akali called "Kenan" in amazement. He was probably not as tall as Lothar's knees, and the mask couldn't hide his fluffy face. And flickering big eyes.

Kenan ran around Akali, the electricity flashing behind him, making Akali giggle.

"Kenan! Let me introduce you!" Akali pointed to Lothar, "This is Luo Ji! A good man!"

"What kind of introduction is this..." Lothar crouched down and looked at Kenan, "You are Kenan"

Kenan ran to Lothar, but he didn't stop. He was still spinning in circles. He made a childlike voice: "Yes, I'm Kenan. Akali has been taken care of by you these days."

Lothar couldn't help it: "Although it seems a bit rude to ask, can you tell me what kind of creature you are?"

Kennan narrowed his eyes, and the electricity around him crackled: "I'm a yordle."

"Yordle" Lothar heard the word for the first time, his face full of confusion, "What is that?"

"Although it's not completely accurate, you can understand us as magical creatures." Kenan avoided Akali who was sneaking from behind to grab him, and the little girl screamed with an electric shock in her backhand.

"Are you rare?" asked Lothar.

"My kind is all over the world."

"Then why I've never seen it before"

"There are many reasons. The main reason should be that we are very good at disguising as humans." Kenan blinked, "Maybe you have encountered yordles before, but you just can't tell."

"So...then why don't you pretend?"

"Because this is Ionia," Kennan laughed. "It's not like Noxus or other places. People in Ionia respect everything and don't get scared just because I can talk and discharge when I'm young. Gotta scream or try to catch me up."

"Do yordles discharge like you do?"

"We have the same strengths as humans, but mine is lightning."

Lothar doesn't think that earth-shattering thunderstorms are just "specialties".

"He's still good at it!" Akali added, showing off her friend to Lothar. "I never caught him once we played hide and seek!"

"Actually, because I'm more active, I can't stop." Kenan said humbly, "I still need to practice."

"You are the [Rageheart] of the Equilibrium Sect!" Akali shouted.

"[Rageheart] also needs to be practiced." Kenan called Akali again, "How many times has your mother told you, stay humble and learn endlessly."

"I don't like her big truths..." Akali's expression suddenly fell when she mentioned her mother, "By the way, what about Syndra? Did you defeat her?"

It was only then that Lothar reacted. He was so immersed in the shock of seeing the new species for so long that he almost forgot to ask how the battle ended.

A figure wrapped in emerald twin dragons slowly flew to everyone's side, Karma stood calmly, but there was still some blood on her body.

"Your Highness!" Akali ran to Karma, "You are injured! Let Luo Ji heal you! What kind of blood magic does he know!"

"Thank you." Karma stroked Akali's face lightly, "but no need."

What else Akali wanted to say, Kenan interrupted: "Sir, she is Karma. As long as she stands on the land of Ionia, the spirit of nature will heal her wounds."

As Kenan said, a whole-body fluorescent pangolin emerged from the ground, and it spit out an aura to Karma, Karma's complexion was quickly getting better, and the blood on her clothes was cleaned, and then quickly Drilled back to the ground.

"It is Bibojia, the land spirit of this mountain." Karma touched Akali, who was surprised, "It just thanked me, Tianshui people were killed by Syndra, if we hadn't come here , it will be the next one to be killed."

Akali was not surprised by this. She was full of regret. She originally wanted Luo Ji to heal Karma, maybe it would be an opportunity for them to get back together. As a result, the plan fell through so quickly.

"Where's Syndra?" Lothar asked the question he cared about most.

Karma looked at Lothar and said indifferently, "She ran away."

"Run!" Akali said in surprise first, "Didn't Kenan help you? You both let her run away"

"Keep your voice down, Akali." Kenan tapped Akali on the head. He was even shorter than Akali, but he looked majestic.

Karma looked at Kenan: "[Rage Heart], you and I could have sealed Syndra completely together, why did you stop in the end?"

Lothar and Akali looked at Kenan at the same time.

"For balance." Kenan said calmly.

"This way..." Karma's face was full of sadness and joy, and she couldn't tell what she thought about this answer.

"What do you mean? What is it for balance?" Lothar didn't understand at all.

Neither Karma nor Kennan answered his questions.

Lothar looked at Akali, and the little girl shrank her neck: "Don't look at me, I have been in the Equalization Sect for so long, and I still don't understand what Equalization is."

"So you let Syndra run away like this." Lothar looked at the tragic state of fish and corpses across the sea. "What if she kills all over again?"

"She can't do it." Karma said, "She was seriously injured by me and [Rage Heart], and her magic power was almost exhausted. You don't need to worry about her harming her for ten years."

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