"This feeling..." Lothar suddenly remembered the situation when he, Evelyn and Sona met.

Evelynn's words were like flames, each utterance igniting Lothar, as if to burn him to ashes.

Sona's eyes were like the first snow, so small and moist that it was distressing, making Lothar involuntarily want to protect her.

And this woman's feeling is between Evelyn and Sona.

If Evelyn is evil and Sona is innocent, then this woman possesses both contradictory qualities.

"Spiritual magic!" Lothar realized what the woman was using.

Lothar also noticed something new.

On the woman's head, there are a pair of pointed ears.

Only then did Lothar realize that those white hairy things were not sticks, but the tail growing out of the back of the woman's butt.

She is Vastaya.


Beware of women who are extremely beautiful, they don't grow up like this for no purpose, they will eat you without a bone left.

what are you asking me is this figuratively or literally

Hmm...maybe both.

- Lectures on Gender Psychology at the University of Pilgewater

Chapter 217 Ali

One, two, three... seven, eight, nine.

The woman has a total of nine snow-white fox tails, which spread out behind her like a big fan.

Lothar doesn't know which tribe's Vastaya she is, he only knows one thing - he is in the spirit of magic, and he can't break free.

The woman's amber eyes were full of purple and red, maybe she realized it was a bit late, but she still covered her arms over her chest and slowly approached Lothar.

"You...are...who..." Lothar couldn't move at all. It was his own strength that bound his body, so he had no way to break through.

"I'm Ahri." The woman said her name, her Ionian accent and intonation made her ears ticklish, "Who are you?"

Before Lothar could speak, Ah Li answered his own question: "You are Luo Ji... No, you are Lothar... Wait... You have many names..."

"This woman...can read minds." Lothar felt that her mind was like a book that was opened, and she was left to read.

Ahri put his hand on Lothar's chest and felt both extreme heat and extreme cold at the same time: "You...this is the phoenix of ice crystal...and the dragon..."

Lothar only felt the smooth five fingers slowly brushing against his chest. The strong sense of crisis made his hair stand on end, and his intuition told him that he must escape from this woman's hands.

Kolotha is so controlled by mental magic that he can't even move a finger, let alone cast magic.

But the two forces within Lothar do not need to be controlled, they are extremely aggressive elements themselves.

Just release them.

Ahri's nine tails were stretched at the same time, and she jumped up from the lake. Almost at the same time as she was out of the water, flames and ice swept the entire lake, freezing the water, and the fire was burning on the ice. .

Ah Li landed on the shore, her pupils were furious, her mouth grew small fangs, her fingernails became sharp as sharp knives, and she roared at the lake.

"He... is very dangerous..." Ali stared at the figure in the sea of ​​flames, subconsciously trying to escape.

But as soon as she stepped forward, she stopped.

It's not a coincidence that Ah Li came here, she came to this area looking for that strong essence.

This boy has a huge spirit that Ali has not seen in hundreds of years.

This is simply a sweet pastry that is tempting to the extreme.

"No...Ali..." Ari hugged herself tightly, her shoulders trembling slightly, "You have to hold back...you have to hold back...can't...you can't kill anymore..."

A dragon roar came from the lake, and the power of life continued to overflow with the rising flames and the scattered cold air, and the green grass on the lake shore suddenly became lush and growing.

"Ah!" Ali looked down, and saw a grass passing between her thighs.

The grass was still growing, slowly rising above Ahri's thighs until it reached her waist.

Ali looked at the figure in the lake in disbelief: "Impossible... How can there be so much energy in humans..."

Ah Li's throat moved, and her strong thirst instantly took away her restraint.

The spiritual power circulated in her, and the figure in the lake slowly turned towards her under her control.

The ice of the lake parted, the sea of ​​fire split apart, and Lothar and Ahri were open to each other again.

Ah Li stepped into the water, her body froze underwater, and she shuddered, and the sea of ​​​​fire on the water burned her cheeks red.

Ahri almost sprinted and swam to Lothar's side.

"You...want...what do you want..." Lothar tried his best to say these words, his mind was in chaos, and his spiritual magic completely controlled his every move.

Li Qing and Hui Ning had reminded him that each power of Shenlong had its own strengths and weaknesses. [Root] is the power to obey desires, the strength lies in the steady stream of life force, and the weakness is the means to face the ability of spiritual magic, which directly hits the soul, without resistance.

But Lothar didn't expect that he would really suffer from mental magic so quickly.

Ahri didn't answer Lothar's question, her brain is not much clearer than Lothar's.

Her cherry lips were slightly open, a hint of saliva flowed from the corners of her mouth, and her face was as red as rouge.

She held Lothar's face in both hands, her face was close to him less than an inch away, and she sucked at Lothar's mouth, a strong so strong that she could even see Xiang Jing being sucked from his mouth into Ali's mouth .

Lothar felt that his power was slowly being sucked away, but it didn't alarm him, he was immortal, and it wouldn't hurt to be sucked dry.

But soon, Lothar noticed something extremely terrifying.

His memory is also being taken away.

"No..." Some fragments in Lothar's memory began to become blurred. He tried his best to break through the blockade of spiritual magic, but the result was only spit out this word.

Ali turned a deaf ear, she was sucking something incomparably sweet, and the exaggerated energy seemed to be inhaled no matter how much she could, and every hair on Ali's body was emitting a pleasant cry.

But that wasn't what made Ahri really intoxicated, what she was really infatuated with was Lothar's memory.

Every memory, every moment since Lothar can remember, has been plundered by Ahri. Every sadness and joy, every growth, every feeling of his slammed into Ahri's heart.

"What kind of life is this..." Ali's heart was only shocked.

The scenery of the snowfield, the mighty power of the gods, the desperation of life and death, the mysterious demon, the conspiracy of the empire... He used many names, met all kinds of people, and experienced a section with them that was even more wonderful and bizarre than what the storyteller in the teahouse said. s story.

Ahri has lived for a long time, but compared to the ten-odd years of experience in Lothar, it is extremely boring, and it is not even worthy of being called "alive".

Ahri is very jealous, jealous of why Lothar has such a life.

But jealousy quickly turned into something else, and Ahri couldn't help but feel insane when he got a deep understanding of Lothar's every thought, every thought, every moment of struggle when making difficult decisions.

Survival in the wilderness, broken arms in the mountains, facing the gods, encountering nightmares, rebirth from catastrophe, cold and pain, imperial battles, the power of dragons...

What kind of person can live such a life.

A strange emotion poured out of Ahri's chest. She was no stranger to this emotion. It was in Lothar's memory, and it was the same emotion he had when facing the girl with fluttering silver hair.

Ali fell in love with him.

It's not a vague feeling, it's not a green favor, and it's not a hot love.

It was a deep love, and Ahri loved Lothar deeply.

She no longer kept her distance from Lothar, she couldn't hold herself back, her body pressed tightly against him, her four lips fit together.

Ahri's intense courtship did not get Lothar's feedback. He was blind, like a living corpse.

Ahri saw many women in Lothar's memory.

A kind war mother with fluttering silver hair, a strong girl with bright blonde hair, a weird witch with purple skin, a young female soldier walking with an eagle, a ruthless blade-wielding assassin, the unfathomable spider lady...

Joy or sorrow, they all have a charming past with Lothar. Every time Ahri sucked some memories related to them, the jealous fire burned in her heart even more, almost driving her mad.

She couldn't take it anymore.


The thing that affects a man the most is lust, and the thing that affects a woman the most is jealousy.

——Common phrases in Demacian knight novels-----PV1 reader 1563893925

Chapter 218 Departure and Beginning

The purple color in Ah Li's eyes was so thick that it seemed to drip from the sockets of his eyes, and the spiritual magic completely controlled Lothar.

Lothar had a strong physiological reaction. He stretched out his hands and climbed up on Ahri's two soft balls.

Ahri did not resist, and focused her memory on that night in the Freljord.

It was Lothar's first night, and he swore never to part with the girl he loved the most.

Ah Li imitated the action of the white-haired girl, the water supported her body, and the nine fox tails turned into a bed for her to lie on.

The expression on Lothar's face changed, from numb and dull to loving.

Just like that night.

"Ah..." Ahri gasped, Lothar gave her love pain and pleasure, the pain and pleasure were the same as in her memory, and even Lothar's every caressing action and the love words she said were exactly the same as that night.

But Ali was not satisfied.

She recreated all the nights that Lothar and the white-haired girl lingered on, with different postures and different feelings, and every time they had sex, there was no gap between them.

"No..." Ali looked down at his lover who was working **** himself, and still had his buds in his mouth, "What's wrong..."

Ah Li changed to another person, the girl who was as bright as the morning sun.

There was only one kiss between Lothar and her, a very brief one, but Lothar was impressed.

Ahri let go of his mouth and silently looked at the silver thread connecting the two pairs of lips.

Still something is wrong.

The night when Ahri switched to the old city of the imperial capital again.

Lothar's expression turned hideous in an instant, and there was only pure animal desire in his eyes. He changed the gentle caress in front of him, and his movements became extremely rough. Every impact seemed to tear Ari apart, and every scratch was in her He left deep red marks on his body.

Still not right.

Whether it's the Demacian girl or the Noxian girl, it's not right.

Ah Li switched to the rambunctious Lady Spider again, who was versatile and well versed in taste.

After trying dozens of different poses, Ahri, who was sitting on Lothar's face, stood up. She stepped on the ice, hugged Lothar and danced in a connected state.

There was no outsider present, and naturally there was no need to hide it. Ali was enjoying this special dance to the fullest, and every dance step could affect a wonderful feeling.

But still not right.

Despite sucking so much energy, Ali still felt that both of his thighs were shaking non-stop, and his lower body almost lost consciousness.

Ali stared at the person he loved, and finally knew what was wrong.

The person she loves doesn't love her.

Whether it is true love or false love, there is none at all.

He was just a man who moved under the control of his own magic. He was sucked up by himself, and he was no different from a lump of meat.

Ahri let go of Lothar, he fell with his head up, smashed the ice, and sank into the icy lake.

"no no!"

Ahri wept bitterly and picked up Lothar's body and kissed him frantically, tears falling on his face in large drops.

But neither kiss nor tears can wake up the person she loves deeply.

Ah Li clenched her chest, she felt hard to breathe, if she hadn't smoked Lothar, she wouldn't have fallen in love with him, but when she really fell in love, there was no chance for him to love herself.

"Ha...ha..." Ali cried and smiled miserably, "What a ridiculous cause and effect!"

The lover in his arms is not dead, his body is destined to be difficult for him to die, but he has no memory left, only a body.

Ahri stared at Lothar's face for a long, long time.

Lothar doesn't remember much about his face, so Ahri wants to etch his face deeply into his heart.

After a long time, Ahri let go of his hand and let Lothar's body sink to the bottom of the water.

His heart died, and so did Ali's heart.

She walked to the shore in despair, lifted her finger, and a set of clothes flew out from the bushes in the forest.

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