"Well... let's go..." Riven helped Mina up and took her hand, Mina buried her head on Riven's stomach, not sure if she was shy because of her incontinence, or she didn't dare to look at the corpse.

"Can I go?" Riven asked.

"Um..." Mina's voice was as small as a mosquito.

Seeing that Mina was okay, Riven felt a little relieved, and planned to take her back the same way and get out of the alley.

Before leaving, Riven noticed something falling next to the corpse.

Because the corpse was so weird, Riven ignored it for a while.

A gong.

Riven seemed to have some impression of something like this: "This is... the gong that the guards beat as they evacuated the townspeople..."

A body abandoned in an alley where no one would come, a recently dead body without clothes, a gong that fell aside.

"Why...died at this time..." An uneasy feeling surged up for a moment, making Riven's mind a little bit unable to turn around. "It happened on the day when the Brotherhood was attacking the city...Is it a coincidence?"

A figure suddenly appeared in Riven's memory.

The guard I just met at the gate of the guard house.

He's tall and thin, with a hunched back, but his gait is normal... Maybe the reason for the hunched back is because of ill-fitting clothes... Riven didn't see the gong on him either...

Riven turned her head sharply and squeezed her way out of the alley: "Mina! I'm sorry! I might not be able to take you to the shower!"

"Huh? Why?"

"We have to go to the guard house!" Riven smashed the alley with a punch, and pushed out despite her toughness. "There... it might be dangerous to fall!"


Outside Suli Town.

The march of the Brotherhood was going well, and inside the carriage, lean men and strong men were negotiating.

"I actually let that guy out..." The strong man was a little nervous, "If what happened to him comes out, we'll..."

"This is the meaning of the leader, don't think too much." The lean man said.

"But... I think it's still too risky to bet on him."

"That man really can't be trusted. Just in case, I still kept my back."


The lean man smiled slightly: "I let a few assassins sneak into Suli beforehand. If he misses or turns mutiny, then..."

The strong man was shocked: "But, that guy didn't say that we shouldn't..."

"Don't worry," the lean man said confidently, with a flame on his fingertips, "If he has an opinion, I will tell him to shut up."


After a flash of lightning, the mayor's body was in a different place.

Everyone didn't realize what happened, they just stared blankly at the head that was spinning and flying into the air.

The head of the mayor finally fell to the center of the circle, and his expression was clearly visible, without a trace of panic.

Before he died immediately, Luo clearly saw the mayor's eyes widen in confusion, looking at his own body in front of him.

The mayor's body began to fall apart.

He was cut neatly like a tofu, the cut surface of the wound was extremely smooth, and the blood was like a flood escaping from a collapsed dam, and instantly splashed on everyone in the vicinity, breaking their psychological defense. .



"grown ups!"

"There are assassins!"

Luo did not frantically search for assassins like the others, he just stood there and looked at the head that fell into the magic circle.

The mayor's expression changed, as if he had died. His expression was distorted and strange, and he couldn't even tell what emotion he was expressing.

But Luo knew where he was looking.

The mayor raised his eyes and looked at the dragon shadow in the sky.

Luo felt something in his heart tremble a little.

It is Lilia's nectar, her dream dust.

The first honey released by the green buds is not like the dream tree that can capture the dreams of the entire Ionia. They are too immature and too dull.

So far, only Kasumi has made these first honeys respond to the intense emotions that are aroused when they are in heat.

But now, an incomparably deep obsession has awakened them for the second time, and Luo instantly captured a sentence.

A silent last word belonging to the mayor—

"Protect Suli."

Luo rushed into the magic circle and guarded Master Jiu Lan.

He took a deep breath and roared, "Give me quiet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

This roar is not like a human can make, like a thunder, and immediately quieted the entire front yard.

Even the dragon shadow in the dark cloud seemed to be attracted by the roar and looked here.

Except for Master Jiu Lan, who was concentrating on calling the dragon, everyone looked at him. Not many people knew this young man. Only a few knew that he was the messenger who reported information to the mayor of the Brotherhood, but that was all.

But he was standing there now, standing behind the head of the mayor, with a dignified expression on his face.

"You're still calling the dragon!" Luo roared, "What's your mission! It's to protect Suli! It's not about making a mess here! You guys are messing up! Can Suli still hold on!"

The falling words hit the guards' hearts like a heavy hammer, and they all had a brief illusion.

These words seemed to come from the mayor himself.

"Protect the Dharma for Master Jiulan!"

"Call back all those who went out to find assassins!"

"Protecting Suli is the number one priority!"

"Expel all the pigs from the Brotherhood!"

The guards all returned to their posts. The mayor's body was still there, but no one was going to take care of it. They all knew that if the mayor was still alive, he would definitely make such a judgment.

Luo felt that his heart was empty, the dreamers fell silent again, the last dream they captured also dissipated, and the mayor's obsession dissipated.

Luo blinked his eyes, his head rose a little, and he looked at his hand: "Just now... I... seem to have become another person?"

When Master Jiu Lan's dragon summoning came to a critical point, she suddenly widened her eyes: "The dragon seat has arrived! The sacrificial ceremony!"

"Yes!" Master Jiu Lan's disciples had been waiting for a long time, and they each held their sacrifices high and ran into the formation.

"Is the ceremony almost over?" Luo looked up at the sky, "Huh? That dragon seems... staring at me?"


The sound of piercing flesh came to my ears again.

Luo suddenly looked back.

The disciples of Master Jiu Lan were dumbfounded.

They were going to give the sacrifices in their hands to the master, but...

Master Jiu Lan's body was right in front of them, and it was slashed into two halves without warning.



--Mystery man

Chapter 248 Climax

very perfect.

very perfect.

Everything went very smoothly, as he had envisioned.

The first flower bloomed on a guard who did his best to evacuate the townspeople.

The second flower blooms on a good mayor who is dedicated to the people.

The third flower blooms on the body of a master of the Temple of Eternal Life who is concerned about the common people.

very perfect.

Now, only the last one.

He looked at the audience, carefully looking at where the last flower should bloom.

Of the first three flowers, one bloomed more beautifully than the other, but now, he wanted a quiet and beautiful ending. After all, his patrons did not allow him to make a fuss and be discovered, so he needed a little attention.

Choosing a child who has no resistance should be the most ideal. The first three flowers are beautiful souls who are willing to sacrifice their lives to protect them, but the last flower blooms on the person they desperately protect. It's an excellent satire that makes you laugh.

It's a pity that the mayor sent all the old and weak women and children to the East District, and it seems a little too late to rush there.

So, who to choose...


Riven dragged Mina and ran down the street.

"Sister Riven..." Mina gasped and said embarrassedly, "I want to wash..."

"Sorry! It's an emergency, I'll make it up to you!" Riven felt water droplets hit her head. "It's raining?"

There was a huge dark cloud over the guard house, and a dragon was looming in it.

"I hope it's still too late..." Riven thought.

Mina couldn't help it anymore: "Sister, why don't you just put me here, I really want to wash... eh? What are you doing, elder sister!"

Riven suddenly pulled out her dagger and slashed at Mina.


A zipline was deflected by Riven, who kept Mina behind her and looked coldly at the people who suddenly attacked them.

On the roof, there are several masked assassins.

"The Brotherhood? Are you in town already?" Riven held the dagger in front of her, and Mina was by her side, so she couldn't take the initiative to jump up and fight.

The assassins didn't seem to have thought that their surprise attack was actually discovered, but they didn't bother, but left directly.

"Isn't their purpose?" Riven picked up Mina and hurriedly followed, "They're going to guard the mansion!"

The Assassins were very nimble, moving on the roof without being constrained by the streets, and quickly arrived at the guard house ahead of Riven.

"Damn it!" Riven ran fast enough, but still didn't catch up. "There's only one street left!"


The falling thunder suddenly came, slashing directly at the guard house.

"Ahhhh!" Mina screamed, hugging Riven tightly.

The lightning bolts fell along with the torrential rain, destroying the walls of the buildings guarding the mansion one after another.

"No! This is not thunder and lightning!" Riven looked to the sky, the dragon shadow in the dark cloud was breathing, and the scorching white light splashed on the guard house angrily, "What the **** happened!"

Riven and Mina finally arrived at the guard house. The gate had been completely destroyed, and the strong burnt smell made people want to cough.

Riven tore a piece of cloth from her clothes, and wet the rain on Mina's nose and mouth: "Don't worry, I will protect you, don't be afraid."

Mina's eyes were wet, and she couldn't tell whether it was tears or rain, so she couldn't stop nodding.

Riven hugged Mina tightly and walked into the guard house.

The mansion is already in a tragic state, most of the buildings have been turned into ruins, black smoke billows, and it feels hot to step on the tiles through the boots.

The dragon's anger seemed to subside a little, and the white light did not fall, but the huge eyes in the dark cloud were still staring at the guard house.

"Where did it fall? Where did it fall?" Riven used a short knife to disperse the black smoke, and faintly saw a red light coming from not far away, and the sound of swords intersecting.

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