"Ugh..." Lux covered her mouth and used all her strength to keep herself from crying, tears rolling in her eyes.

"Pfft..." Rorschach didn't hold back and laughed.

"You're still laughing!" Lux was embarrassed and annoyed, she kicked out, and the slippers flew out and hit the boy's knee.

Rorschach shook his head, walked to Lux's side, put one arm around her back, got out from under her knees with the other, and hugged her whole body with ease.

"What are you doing!" Lux couldn't care less about her butt, and punched and kicked Rorschach, but it didn't work for him.

Rorschach gently put Lux on the bed, then turned her over, showing a prone position, and finally, the boy's hand got into Lux's nightgown.

"Don't!" Lux wanted to stop the boy, but she didn't have the strength to hold back the pain in her buttocks, let alone resist the boy's actions.

But she still refrained from shouting, if she really attracted the guards, Rorschach would be finished.

Lux suddenly felt a chill in her butt, and even without looking at her, she knew that Rorschach had taken off her nightgown, revealing her snow-white **** and red-marked buttocks.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu hand f00."

Although ashamed, she strangely didn't blame the boy very much in her heart.

"Rorschach wants to heal me...not to play hooligan to me..." Lux hypnotized herself like this.

It wasn't over yet, Rorschach fiddled with Lux's **** a few times. He seemed to think that the **** blocked too many cuts on his buttocks, so he simply took off the panties.

"He's obviously playing a hooligan!" Lux collapsed, and she buried her face in the pillow to make her cry sound less loud.

Rorschach put his hand on Lux's buttocks and even squeezed it lightly, but it was strange that even if Luxach touched it, it would hurt to death, but Rorschach didn't feel anything when he touched it.

After observing the injury, Rorschach crushed some herbs and gently applied it to the wound.

An icy cold feeling came from her buttocks, and Lux ​​did feel that the pain was relieved a lot. She looked back in surprise, only to see Rorschach's hands rubbing her buttocks, smearing the herbs all over the wounds.

Rorschach took the medicine very seriously, and there was no obscenity on his face.

Lux hugged the pillow tightly and looked at Rorschach secretly: "Laxana, you're such a shame... Rorschach might just have good intentions to treat you..."

Thinking that she owes Rorschach another debt, Lux felt a little uncomfortable.

After the herbs were applied, Rorschach took out some flat mushrooms from his luggage. He chewed the mushrooms in his mouth, then spit them out, mixed with saliva, and applied a second layer of medicine to Lux's butt.

"Are barbarians so strange and shameful?" Lux blushed again.

Fortunately, this was the last step, and the mixture of saliva and mushrooms quickly solidified, forming a thin transparent film.

Rorschach jabbed Lux's **** twice, and Lux ​​was surprised to find that she no longer felt much pain.

After the treatment, Lux hurriedly put on her **** and nightdress, and looked at Rorschach with a blushing face.

"Thank you..." Lux said in a very low voice.

I don't know if Rorschach understood, he smiled and pointed to Lux.

"Laxina Crownguard." Rorschach said her name, and although it was still a little inaccurate, it was very close.

"Do you still remember my name..." Lux was a little delighted in her heart, "It's Laxanna Crownguard."

"Laxana Crownguard."

"That's right!" Lux clapped her hands, signaling that he was right.

"Laxana Crownguard. Laxana Crownguard. Laxana Crownguard..." Rorschach repeated the practice.

"Does it make you feel ashamed to be pronounced your name all the time?" Lux thought embarrassedly.

After Rorschach read it several times, he pointed at Lux's butt.

"Ass, what's wrong?" Lacus raised her throat, afraid that Rorschach would rip off her skirt again.

"Pibelly, are you increasing your mother?" Rorschach imitated Lux's pronunciation.

Lux was taken aback: "He doesn't want to learn Demacian, does he?"

Lux hesitated for a moment, then pointed to her buttocks: "Ass."

"Fart axe."



Lux nodded, indicating that he was right.

Rorschach laughed happily, his eyes narrowed into two slits: "Ass!"


Lux still didn't know how Rorschach found her and how she slipped into her house from under the guard's nose. According to Rorschach himself, he is a very powerful hunter, and it is not difficult for him to track and stalk anything at all.

But no matter what, Rorschach would run into Lux's room every day, mainly to do two things.

First thing, change the dressing on Lux's ass.

Rorschach's medicine is very effective, the red marks on Lux's buttocks are getting lighter day by day, and the pain is getting lighter day by day.

Lux was very suspicious that if this matter was exposed, she would still marry or not. She is the daughter of the Crown Guard family, and it would be a huge disgrace to the entire family if her reputation was lost.

But I don't know why, but Lacus didn't have much fear in her heart, instead she was a little excited. She has been a good girl since she was a child. When she made small mistakes, she made big mistakes and didn't do it. When she thought that she had made such a "bold" move without telling her family, she felt a sense of excitement.

"As long as you don't get discovered." Lux comforted herself in her heart.

Second thing, learn Demacian with Lux.

In order to teach Rorschach so that he can communicate with her normally, Lux specially asked the guards to borrow this dictionary and some classics from the judge in the town of Forsbarrow, on the pretext that "she is bored and wants to learn" .

Contrary to Lux's expectations, Rorschach was very talented in language learning. He could memorize two or three hundred words in one day, and he was good in the test the next day. On a whim, Lux told him the saga of her great-grandfather, Fossian, and he could understand it perfectly. And when Rorschach was teaching her Freljord, those tongue-in-cheek and long words cluttered her mind, more confusing and complicated than the history class she hated most at the academy, and she couldn't remember it at all.

"Are all barbarians so smart?" Lux's impression of the Freljords became more and more confused.


In view of the fact that there are fewer and fewer students taking Freljor German as an elective, and there is not even one this semester, the credits of Freljor German elective courses are hereby increased, from the original two semesters of six points to two semesters of ten points. , effective immediately, I hope more students can take this course.

Freljor German is indeed difficult to learn. The college also understands that students prefer martial arts elective courses such as swordsmanship and spearmanship, but please understand that Demacia's strength is not only based on the bravery of martial arts and silver steel swords Above the blade, academic knowledge is also one of the cornerstones of a strong country. The barbarians of the Freljord are our enemy, but to defeat them, you must first understand them.

for Demacia.

——Excerpt from the "Notice on the Increase of Credits for Freljor German Elective Courses" by Glorious Academy

Chapter forty-six heart knot

Rorschach's treatment shamed Lux, and Rorschach's language talent shamed Lux.

But what Lux didn't like about Rorschach was the way he called herself.

"Ass." Rorschach pointed to a pair of winged women drawn on the book, and asked in Demacian, "They...who?"

"You can't call me ass!" Lux slapped Rorschach on the head angrily, she was already very familiar with this savage boy, and it was common for them to fight each other, "You can either call me all Laxanna Crownguard, or just call me Lux, pick one!"

Rorschach looked at Lux in doubt: "You... said... only close people... call you... Lux..."

A red glow flew across Lux's face, and she hurriedly looked away, wrapping her blond hair with her fingers: "Because you saved my life... So, I think it's acceptable for you to call me Lux. "

After speaking, Lux secretly looked at Rorschach with a little expectation.

Rorschach pondered for a while: "But I...still...like...butt..."

Lux felt a sullen breath in her chest. After spending so many days with Rorschach, Lux found that although this savage boy was quite attractive, sometimes he really wanted to raise his silver sword and slash him.

"Ass, who are they?" Rorschach asked again.

Lux explained to Rorschach reluctantly: "The one with the white wings is the patron saint of flying wings, the **** of justice and protection of Demacia, her righteous flames will purify all evil, like a heinous criminal, Noxian invaders, and savage..."

Realizing that she almost said something that would definitely make Rorschach angry, Lux hurriedly shut up.

Rorschach looked at the contents of the book seriously: "The other one with black wings...the one with..."

Seeing that Rorschach did not respond, Lux was slightly relieved: "The other is the sister of the patron saint of flying wings. We call her Ms. Veil, she symbolizes forgiveness and teaching."

"Sisters." Rorschach laughed. "The **** of the Freljord... also has... three sisters."

Rorschach introduces Lux to the Freljord gods in unskilled Demacian. From the battle of the three sisters to the battle between the ram Ornn and the giant bear Volibear's brother, Lux was not very interested at first, but with Rorschach's explanation, she was gradually attracted by those wonderful myths attracted.

"A ram that's not afraid of flames, a giant bear that summons a storm, an immortal phoenix, a seal that stirs the sea..." Lux's eyes revealed a strong yearning, she didn't expect that she had always hated it The barbarians also have colorful civilizations and myths. "You Freljord gods are really interesting, except that the three sisters are all animals. I don't know if they are cute or not. I really want to meet them."

"If...you come...I'll take you to find..." Rorschach said.

Lux laughed dumbly: "You are stupid, how can you see gods so easily. And..."

Her face darkened: "I can't go with you..."


"Because I have family and I can't leave them. I love them and my country."

Rorschach blinked: "Family..."

"Yes, family, how about you? You left the Freljord alone to come to Demacia, isn't your family worried?"

Rorschach shrugged: "I don't have... family..."

Lux's breathing stagnated, and she looked at Rorschach somewhat at a loss.

Rorschach said calmly: "I...was...raised by wolves..."

"Wolf" Lux had a short circuit in his head.

"Wolf...If you are alone...you can't survive...fortunately...I was picked up by the tribe..."

Lux didn't quite understand what Rorschach said, but she knew one thing - this cheerful boy did not have a happy family.

Lux didn't know what to do, so she could only gently hold Rorschach's hand as a sign of comfort.

"You... stay in Demacia or not", Lux regretted it as soon as she said the words.

"What are you crazy about! Laxana! Dad and Aunt will not allow a Freljord to stay in the Crownguard! He will be killed!" Rorschach rejects her proposal.

But for some reason, she yearned for the future where Luo Xia could always be by her side.

Rorschach shook his head: "Within two months...the tribe will move again...I want to go back..."

Lux's heart was tight, and she was worried about gains and losses: "Why do you want to go back to your tribe, don't you have no family?"

Rorschach smiled heartily: "Because... there are... girls I like..."


"Lux, are you crying?" Pete returned to the mansion after working on his ancestor worship. The first thing he saw when he pushed away his daughter's room was Lux sitting on the bed with red eyes.

Lux didn't answer her father. Pete walked over to her, squatted down and asked, "Did Aunt Tiana hit you too hard? Or did you want to hang out for too long?"

Lux sobbed twice: "I'm fine, Dad, I just... read a very sad story."

"What a sad story?" Pete hugged his daughter and sat down beside her. "Can you tell Dad?"

Lux was silent for a while, and said, "A girl, she likes a boy a little... Only a little bit! Really only a little bit!"

Pete raised his eyebrows and continued to listen.

"But she found out that the boy... likes another girl..."



Pete was a little embarrassed. He didn't expect Lux to start worrying about such things before she was ten years old, and he really didn't understand how to explain love to his daughter clearly.

"It's Galen who gave me peace of mind, and I only thought about improving myself." Pete thought about his son, and patted Lux's head helplessly and dotingly.

"You're still young, and you'll understand when you grow up." There was no way, Pete could only use his old ways to coax the children.

"I understand when I grow up..." Lux broke out of her father's arms dissatisfiedly, "I don't want to wait until I grow up, I want to understand now!"

That night, Lux ate nothing.

She took the initiative to lock herself in the room, including the floor-to-ceiling windows, so she could pretend she was not there when Rorschach came tomorrow.

Lux didn't understand why she was running away from Rorschach, obviously he did nothing wrong.

"I'm really... so outrageous..." Lux hid herself under the covers, ignoring anyone.

dong dong...

The familiar sound of knocking on the window echoed in the room, and Lux ​​felt her heart beat faster: "It's Rorschach! What are you doing here so late?"

Lacus covered her ears and pretended not to hear: "Don't open the window, Laksana...don't go...what can you say when you see him?"

dong dong... dong dong... dong dong...

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