"No...nothing..." Nami avoided Lothar's gaze.

"If the ship is really that big, I would really like it." Syndra raised a rare interest in her eyes.

"I knew you wanted it, so I told Doom." Lothar patted Syndra's head. "As long as we get the boat out, the boat will be ours."

Syndra smiled happily: "I haven't done it for a long time, count me in."


The Leviathan is the pinnacle of Noxus' military industry, and its cost is almost equal to the total income of a province in Noxus in one year.

After taking the Leviathan, General Swain was invincible in naval battles, and he also made great achievements in coastal plundering battles, helping General Du Kkao to achieve numerous victories in the invasion of northeastern Shurima.

No one expected that such a battleship would be taken away by a pirate chief from Bilgewater.

Since then, no one dared to despise the upstart port that suddenly emerged because of the sea beast business.

-- "The Biography of Bilgewater"

Chapter three hundred and eighty seventh go to sea

"Mr. Lothar, I have something to show you." Nami hid behind Syndra and stopped Lothar.

After Lothar briefly told Syndra and the others about the battle plan for stealing the ship, Olaf and Fitz eagerly went to prepare. Moved faster than anyone else, so now there are only three people left in the villa.

"What?" Lothar was planning to go out to make some preparations, but she stayed when Nami stopped her.

"That..." Nami deliberately avoided Lothar's sight and touched Syndra's lower back lightly.

"Nami wants you to take a look at this thing." Syndra took out the dark thick book from under the table.

"What's this?" Lothar picked up the book and flipped through it a little. "A text you haven't seen before, where did you get it, Nami?"

"That... Mr. Fortune Teller gave me..."

"The fortune-teller, that liar?" Lothar frowned and closed the book. "The book you bought from him."

Nami quickly clarified: "No, it was given to me by the fortune-teller, and he ran away after giving it to me."

"There's such a thing." Lothar carefully flipped through the book, "There are many liars here who make a fool of themselves, and they will disguise worthless things as antiques and sell them, but this one..."

"What's wrong with this book?" Syndra also has a lot of interest in books. When she was alone in the Air Fortress, her whole day's pastime was to read in the library.

"The text on this book doesn't look like it was written casually, although I don't know what it is..." Lothar checked the pages and cover again, "It's a strange texture, I don't know what it's made of..."

"Is it a treasure?" Syndra asked.

"I'm not sure, I'll take it to someone for identification." Lothar closed the book.

"Mr. Lothar, don't lose it." Nami reminded, "This is entrusted to me by the fortune-teller, and I have to return it to him..."

Lothar was speechless, and Nami didn't know why she trusted the fortune-teller who was obviously a liar.

"Okay, I see, I won't lose it." Lothar habitually wanted to pinch Nami's fins, but Nami dodged and hid behind Syndra.

"Am I being hated..." Lothar's hand stopped awkwardly in the air, and he felt that Nami's attitude towards him suddenly changed a lot.

"Miss Fortune will send someone over to tell us the specific battle plan at night, and then we will talk about the specific details." Lothar turned to put her hand on Syndra's face.

"The plan... It's quite interesting." Syndra said, "But I won't listen to that woman. If I want to act on my own, she's not allowed to stop me."

Lothar smiled bitterly. He had long known that Syndra would not be obedient, but she was absolutely indispensable for this operation.

"Just don't make too much noise." Lothar kissed Syndra lightly on the head. "You must have been suffocated for so long in Bilgewater."

"Well, you still know me." A darkest orb appeared in Syndra's hand, with a confident smile on his face, "Alright, we can leave here after stealing that ship."

"Of course." Lothar got a lot of things in Bilgewater. The return of Olaf and the pure white hunting bow made Lothar no longer need to find another experienced crew. If Fizz is willing to go with him, that is Better, but Fitz probably won't.

As for the boat, Lothar thought the Leviathan was perfect.

The first is big enough to perfectly meet Syndra's requirements.

The second is precious enough that Lothar intends to cross the strait between the continents of Valoran and the continents of Shurima to return to the Freljord, which is bound to pass through the territorial waters of Noxus.

Lothar was looking forward to Swain's expression when he saw the Leviathan in his hands.

"The Leviathan should be able to exchange a lot of things in Swain's hands..." Losa thought happily, and even wanted to go out and find a crow humming in front of it.

"That... Mr. Lothar..." Nami emerged from behind Syndra again, "I... can I not participate..."

"Not participating," Lothar said in surprise, Nami rejected his request for the first time, "Why?"

"Because..." Nami was a little hard to say, "I... seem to have a strange body..."

"Strangely injured and sick? Then I can..."

"No need!" Nami shook her head desperately, "I just want to rest..."

Lothar gave Syndra a strange look, and Syndra looked away, looking like "I don't know".

"What are these two hiding from me..." Lothar shook his head helplessly. "Okay, if you don't go, you can rest well. Syndra and the others are enough."


Watching Lothar leave with the book, Syndra waved and threw out a dark chain, sealing the door.

"Okay, let's try again." Syndra took out the glittering **** from the darkest sphere and stretched out her claws at Nami.

"Come...Come on!" Nami clenched her fists resolutely, "I...I can definitely do it!"


"Is everything okay over there?" Miss Fortune leaned against Lothar's chest, watching the Horror slowly leave the dock amid the cries of the Hook Gang sailors.

"Well, I've already communicated with Da Ya." Lothar touched Miss Fortune's smooth waist, attracting countless jealous eyes, "But my people are all very disobedient guys, and most of them won't follow the instructions. plan to act."

"There are several actions that can be completely planned." Miss Fortune smiled. "As long as the final result can be achieved, I don't care how the process is."

"Anyway, I'm not here, take it easy."

"Why worry about me"

"A little bit, I'm worried that you will be killed by my people."

Miss Fortune narrowed her eyes: "Don't worry, fiancé, I won't participate in this action, I can't expose it."

"Then just wait for the good news." Lothar saw Planck on the bow of the Shock waving to him, and he also waved.

"Go, darling." Miss Fortune gave Lothar a soft kiss on the lips. "Be careful of that guy, he's more dangerous than you think."

Lothar boarded the Shock, and as soon as he stepped on the deck, he was greeted by the undisguised hostility of the sailors on the ship.

"The charm of doom is really great, how many men have I recruited to hate it..." Lothar sighed inwardly, "This is also the result of the image of the people she deliberately created... I hope she won't be at sea these few days. Rat poison was put in the water..."

"Yo! Shark Luo!" Unlike the sailors on the boat, Planck was full of enthusiasm for Losa, he hugged Losar's shoulder and pushed him to the bow of the boat as soon as he came up, "This time we men can get it when we go out to sea. Have fun, there are no women around, let go and play! Hahaha!"

Lothar smiled: "Where are we going then?"

"Let me teach Mrs. Beard the tax first, I don't want [Deep Sea Titan] to sink my beloved ship." Planck took out a golden siren from his pocket and threw it into the sea, "We are here. Next, let's go and play around Shadow Island."


"Where is the Shadow Isle"

"Where the living never want to go."

——The conversation between Lothar and Miss Fortune

Chapter 388 Search

Bilgewater people have a superstition.

In fact, it is not a superstition unique to Bilgewater, because this port city has only developed for a few decades. The huge profits brought by the sea beast business have gathered a large number of people from all over the world in this impossible place, so it is also mixed. Many different cultures.

This superstition is already common in the southeastern part of the Valoran continent around Bilgewater - taking a woman to sea is a very unlucky thing, and most of them will encounter shipwreck.

Therefore, in Bilgewater, whether it is a pirate or a fishing boat, it is almost difficult to see the existence of female seafarers. Even if there are, they rarely go to sea, or they can only take small boats.

Miss Fortune is a special case, perhaps because she is a woman herself, so she has quite a few girls on her own ship, but there is no second one in Bilgewater with such a special existence as Miss Fortune.

All in all, Lothar was surrounded by men when he went to sea this time. Of course, most of them were hostile to Lothar, the person who "stole" Miss Fortune. If Planck wasn't there, they would have given Lothar to her. Sa under a lot of stumbles.

However, Lothar's mind is not on this now, he is more concerned about the Shadow Island.

"Why did Plank take me to the Shadow Isle..." Lothar sat in the room and pondered.

He learned about this Shadow Island in Bilgewater, because not only heard about it at the auction, but even Olaf was very fascinated by this island.

Most Bilgewater people know about the island, but ask them what it is, and their answers are mixed.

Some people say it's a dangerous island with countless treasures hidden there, some people say it's home to all the wraiths who died at sea, and Lothar has heard something even more outrageous, that the Shadow Island is full of beautiful virgins who seduce sailors to the island. Then eat them alive.

While no one can say exactly what Shadow Isle is, everyone agrees that Shadow Isle is an island that only the dead can go to.

Even the gluttonous market intelligence merchant whom Lothar believed in rarely told him that all information about the Shadow Island was of low credibility.

What makes Lothar more concerned is a phenomenon called "Soul Eater Night".

It is said that when Soul Eater comes, the undead on Shadow Island will leave Shadow Island and come to other places to harvest life. Many people in Bilgewater claim that they have experienced Soul Eater, and even Miss Fortune said she has experienced a few. Second-rate.

But Soul Eater sounds scary. In fact, it's getting very dark. In Bilgewater, a place where people are murdered at night, it's only a ghost when you can't see your fingers and go out without an accident. Miss Fortune also It's fine to just stay at home.

Just as Lothar was thinking, there was a knock on the door of his room.

It was Planck, and a few bodyguards by his side.

"Yo, is the room ok?" Planck came in biting the orange, "but the boudoir without bad luck must be comfortable, hahaha!"

Lothar stood up: "Why are you here?"

"Let's see how you're resting." Planck laughed.

"We're going to check what you've brought," a bald bodyguard beside Planck interjected blankly.

Before Lothar had time to say anything, Plank suddenly picked up the bottle on the table and smashed it on the head of the bodyguard who was talking. The glass fragments and rum splashed all over the place, and the bodyguard's head suddenly turned blood red.

"Luo Sha is a guest of Lao Tzu! Can you **** suspect that!" Planck roared at the bodyguard, spitting Xingzi on his face.

The bodyguard's face was full of blue veins. He didn't dare to disobey Planck. He didn't have a word of complaint about his head being smashed, and he didn't even let out a scream. He just lowered his head and said: "This is for the captain, And for the sake of the whole ship's brothers, it's not to doubt him."

Planck spit on the face of the bald bodyguard: "Believe it or not, I blew your head off?"

"It's the rule."

"Hey! It's against you!" Plank looked at Lothar, "Losha! What do you say! This guy is so clueless, or you just kill him!"

Lothar scolded inwardly that Planck was here looking for something to do with him. It was impossible for him to kill the bodyguard, not to mention that the bodyguard didn't do anything in the first place. He killed every crew member on the first day on the ship, and Lothar suffered more malice on the ship.

Lothar smiled slightly, without any embarrassment or strange expression on his face: "Don't say that, your bodyguard is also doing his due diligence, let him check my things, there is nothing shameful, I didn't bring the unfortunate underwear. On the body."

Planck was amused by Lothar's humor: "Hahaha! As expected of a man that bad luck likes! It's refreshing!"

Planck gave the bodyguard a vicious look: "Check it out! After the check, I'm going to take Luo Shark to the sea to fish!"

The bodyguards opened Lothar's package in silence. Lothar did not bring anything, just some common daily necessities and some food.

In order to act like her fiancé, Lothar also brought a portrait of Miss Fortune Zhang with him when he was a child, which, of course, was fake.

"This is when you and Doom were kids?" Plank picked up the portrait and looked at it. "Haha, Doom had more freckles when we were kids than now! It's cute, you are childhood sweethearts, right? When did Doom get together?"

"Fourteen," Lothar said casually.

"Hahaha! It's really you! I haven't tasted a woman when I was fourteen! I'm ashamed!" Planck put down the portrait and saw the bodyguard take out a book from Lothar's bag, "That is What?"

Lothar heard the words and saw that it was the book Nami gave him.

Lothar really took the book to some antique dealers, but none of them could tell the origin of the book, and neither material nor text could infer any information about the book.

Lothar later wanted to return the book to Nami, but Nami had been in a state of mind all day recently, and she turned around and ran away when she saw Lothar, muttering something like "too big", "don't come here", etc. Words of unknown meaning.

"Did Syndra actually put it in?" Lothar asked Syndra to help him to pack up with him. Syndra has always been fussy about things.

"It's just a book." Rosa said.

Planck took the book and turned it over: "What text is this?"

"I can't understand the script in my hometown, it's a dialect used by very few people." Lothar bit the bullet and explained that he could never say that he brought a book that he couldn't understand, "This is my And the book of hometown of doom, it is my family heirloom."

"Oh? You and Doom's hometown?" Planck returned the book to Lothar. "Then read it to me."

——————————————————————————————————————————————————— ——


- unknown voice

Chapter 389 Battles in Three Places (1)

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