"The reading is over." Setaka said sullenly, the Queen's coercion on her body made the entire hall extremely quiet, and the ascendants all stayed quietly.

Setaka's eyes stabbed at the Presbyterian Council like a sharp sword: "This emperor originally thought that the elders would give me a satisfactory answer after thinking for so long, but what you have done today has disappointed me very much."

The Eclipse King took a step forward and said, "My eldest sister, this king thinks that the presbytery's arrangement is very appropriate. Your husband is the one who decides the fate of Shurima. In the future, he will assist you in ruling the empire and order everyone to ascend. If you can't do these things, how can you convince the public?"

"Ridiculous! The previous emperors, which emperor's spouse has done these things!" Setaka said angrily.

"This time is different from the past!" The Eclipse King didn't flinch this time, but said, "The embassies of all countries have returned and brought the matter of your marriage with a slave to the whole world! Shurima has lost all face! Everything is the responsibility of that slave! He must establish a deed that will wipe out this humiliation!"

"Oh, it seems that the little eclipse king is very confident today." Mai Yisha hugged Luo Thirty's neck and smiled, "Today he is right, not only the elders will support him, but also most of the ascendants. If you die, you will support him."

Setaka looked at the ascenders: "What's your opinion?"

"The minister believes that the words of the eclipse king are reasonable."

"My minister agrees!"


Unsurprisingly, none of the ascendants stood up to speak for Luo Xiu, even Renekton, who had a relationship with Luo Xiu. But what makes Luo Thirty strange is that the three siblings, Naganeka, Varieva, and Varus, did not show up.

Setaka looked bad, and the ascendants basically followed her wishes, but today, Setaka lost their support for the first time.

"Humph." Setaka angrily scolded, "Let a mortal do things that are difficult for so many ascendants to do! Is this your pride! Who among you dares to pat yourself on the chest for these twelve things? Can do it all!"

The ascendants were speechless, as Setaka said, letting a mortal do these things that they couldn't accomplish really made them proud of their faces.

"Grand Maester, what's your opinion?" Setaka looked at Nasus.

All eyes are on Nasus. Nasus has a very high prestige, and his opinion will greatly influence the outcome of today.

"The minister believes that what His Highness the Eclipse King said is indeed justified." Nasus said, "The marriage of the emperor and the slave is indeed detrimental to Shurima's face. Luo Shi should have done a lot of extraordinary feats to smooth out the negative impact of this matter. , but... these twelve things chosen by the Council of Elders are indeed too difficult, and this minister thinks it is inappropriate, and the difficulty should be reduced slightly."

Setaka nodded in satisfaction, and someone finally spoke for her.

"No!" The Eclipse King refused to give in an inch. "The difficulty cannot be reduced! Otherwise, let alone the ascendants, this king will never admit him!"

The pressure on Setaka suddenly surged.

The Eclipse King was so shocked that he spat out a mouthful of blood, and Luo San almost fell. The coercion of the Ascension Queen was not something to talk about. If Setaka wanted to, he could directly kill a large group of mortals with his own momentum.

"Your Majesty, calm down!" Nasus hurriedly urged. "The key is whether Luo 30 agrees with these twelve tasks. If he does not agree, he can discuss it again."

Setaka's anger subsided a little, she looked at Luo 30: "Luo 30, tell me, do you agree?"

Everyone, looked at Luo Thirty, waiting for his answer.


"The slave actually agreed..."

"I don't know whether to call him stupid or to call him kind..."

——A dialogue between two ascenders

Chapter 489 The whereabouts of the deep-sea pearls

"Idiot, idiot, idiot!" Mai Yisha slapped Luo Thirty with one punch, and said angrily, "Why did you agree to the unreasonable task of the Council of Elders! We have to be trapped here now!"

Luo 30 wrung out his clothes and spit out a mouthful of salty sea water.

The two of them have been away from the imperial city for half a month, and they have just come to live in a small village by the South Sea, while trying to find clues about deep-sea pearls.

Luo San shook his wet hair, he just tried diving for the first time in his life, but unfortunately he only lasted for a dozen breaths, and said, "I don't think it's okay to agree to the mission of the Presbyterian Council. There is a kind, I should have a better impression on me, and secondly, the elders will be sure that I can't finish it, and they will not send some guys to assassinate me when I leave Setaka's protection, saving a lot of trouble."

Luo Shi actually has another idea.

He was fed up with being looked down upon, whether it was the Ascendant, the Eclipse King or the Presbyterian Church, they didn't see him as a person when discussing his affairs.

Luo Thirty wanted to prove that he was stronger than them.

This is his ambition, to be upright, to live, and to make those who despise him speechless again.

"Is this what I'm talking about!" Mai Yisha kicked the water with bare feet, looking mad, "How long does it take you to finish these tasks! You don't go back and chat with Setaka, my "Ascension Queen's Palace" The Secret History can't be written anymore!"

Luo 30 was speechless, was Mai Yisha angry because of this?

"Don't worry about the book for now." Luo Shi took Mai Yisha's hand and walked to the shore, "The sea is too big, I don't know where to find deep-sea pearls, what can you do?"

"Humph! I don't want to help you!" Mai Yisha was playing a small temper.

"Come on." Luo Thirty began to scratch Mai Yisha's itch, "You must have a way, right?"

"Promise me I'll tell you the next time I **** Setaka with her ass."

"Why do you want this..."

"Inspiration to write a book!"

"Pumping a queen's ass... not good, and it depends on whether Setaka agrees..."

"If you don't agree, don't expect me to say it."

"Okay... I promise..." Luo Thirty was forced to sign this unequal treaty.

Mai Yisha jumped into Luo Thirty's arms, she didn't want to step on the sand on the shore: "Deep sea pearls do appear in the deepest trenches, but you can't get there at all."

"Indeed, I can't hold my breath for too long."

"It's not just a breathing problem, the water pressure in the deep sea is very high."

"Water pressure" Luo Thirty heard the word for the first time.

"You just need to understand the weight of water." Mai Yisha was obviously not a good teacher, and explained perfunctorily, "In a very deep sea, even steel will be squashed by water, and there is no immortality like an ascender. Don't count on the body."

"This... is so powerful." Luo Thirty didn't expect the deep sea to be like this.

"It's not over yet, there is no light in the deep sea, unless you bring something that glows down, you won't be able to see anything below." Mai Yisha put on a scary expression, "and there are many, many in the deep sea. Sea monsters, some are bigger than mountains, and their teeth are sharper than razors, and you will be bitten to pieces when you go."

Luo 30 felt that Mai Yisha was not alarming, at least she never deceived herself in business.

"No wonder the elders would let me come out to do these tasks at ease." Luo Shi couldn't help but hate the elders, "It's impossible to complete, I can't even get down."

"Hee hee, who made you agree so hastily, eat what you want." Mai Yisha poked Luo Shi's face, "However, there are other ways to get deep sea pearls, but it's just difficult."

"Come on!" Luo Thirty squeezed Mai Yisha's butt.

"Hee hee, reward me when you're done, I want to try it while floating on the sea." Mai Yisha twisted her waist and said mysteriously, "Mercy."

"The Mermaid"

"A kind of vastaya that lives in the deep sea, it looks like this." Mai Yisha's fingers overflowed with starlight, and drew the image of a human fish tail in the air.

"Vastaya lives in an environment like the deep sea." Luo Thir exclaimed.

"The tenacity of life is much stronger than you think." Mai Yisha smiled, "but the deep sea is too dark, and there are so many ferocious sea monsters, the merpeople can't survive on their own."

"Then they..."

"If the Shurima prospered and prospered by the power of the sun." Mai Yisha drew a round hook on the image of the merman, "Then the merman can survive in the deep sea, relying on the moon."

"Moon" Luo 30 looked up, it is still daytime, the sun is in the sky, and the shadow of the moon cannot be seen, "the moonlight can shine into the deep sea"

"Of course it's impossible, but just like the Shurima people have the sun disk, the merpeople also have the treasure bestowed by the moon." Mai Yisha drew a sparkling stone, "The moon stone, even in dark places. They can emit soft moonlight that will not be weakened, can illuminate the darkness, disperse sea beasts without scaring them, and are the most suitable treasures to protect the tranquility of one party in the deep sea."

Luo Xiu listened with relish, Mai Yisha is a twilight star and knows a lot of strange things, Luo Xiu dares to say that even a learned scholar may not necessarily know much about Mai Yisha: "Then what? What does the stone have to do with deep-sea pearls?"

"The moonstone has usage restrictions, because the deep sea is too deep, and the moonlight can't shine into the sea to replenish the moonstone, and it will be exhausted sooner or later." Mai Yisha drew a cross on the merman, "Every 100 Years, the power of the moon stones will be exhausted. If the merman cannot get new moon stones, they will not be sheltered, and they will all die. In order to obtain the supply of moon stones for a long time, every hundred years, the mer Man will make a deal with the messenger of the moon."


"Exchange deep-sea pearls for moon stones." Mai Yisha said, "The merpeople will send the most brave warriors to the trench to obtain deep-sea pearls, and then let him come to the shore to exchange with the messenger of the moon. This has been going on for thousands of years. Years of tradition."

Luo San's eyes lit up: "It's great that the merman will bring the deep-sea pearls to shore, that's great."

"We are very lucky, count the time, the next exchange should be in the next few months." Mai Yisha showed a gloomy smile, "But you have to think about it, getting deep-sea pearls from mermaids is not a problem. Easy thing. The deep sea pearl is related to the life and death of their entire family, and it will never be given to you, and if you take it away, you will kill all the mermaids."

Luo Thirty was stunned.

"It's okay, there are still a few months left." Mai Yisha patted Luo San's head, "Whether you want a group of innocent mermen to die because of you, or if you can't finish this task in your life and continue to be a slave, it's up to you. Choose."


Once it will be done, the bones will die.

——What many ascenders often say

Chapter 490 Dragon Nest

rumbling rumbling...

A huge sandstorm surged up in the desert, and a round figure appeared in it.

Ramos stopped in front of a huge sandstone, and he stretched out, releasing the two men encased in his carapace.

"Is this the dragon's cave of that evil dragon?" Luo San squinted. He had just come out of Ramos, and his eyes were still not used to the harsh sunlight of the day desert.

There are still a few months before the deep-sea pearls will be traded, so Luo Shi and Mai Yisha simply come to the second task first - there has always been an elemental dragon that can spew huge rocks and sand in the southwest of Shurima, and a few A few years ago, someone witnessed that this was a giant dragon mating with another fire-breathing dragon. It should have laid a dragon egg, and Luo Thirty needed to steal one from the dragon's lair.

"It looks right." Mai Yisha glanced at the huge sandstone in front of her, "There are indeed signs of dragons, sigh, why do all the dragons I know like to live in such conspicuous places, for fear that others will not know where he lives. of."

"The dragon you know" Luo Shi slowly opened his eyes, "You still know the dragon"

"I recognize some, there is a super large and super stinky dragon, and I will show you later." Mai Yisha smiled, "You should think about the task now, right? Although we will do the second task first, but The choice of the deep-sea pearl is something you have to make sooner or later, there are only three months left, and the deal between the merman and the messenger of the moon will begin."

"Understood." Luo Thirty was a little annoyed. He really wanted to complete the task, but the question of the deep-sea pearl really stumped him, "Let's take a look at this task first. Are you sure the dragon is here?"

Luo San looked at the huge sandstone in front of him. The ochre-red hill stood abruptly in the desert. It looked like a castle, and it was only half the size of the magnificent palace of Shurima Imperial City.

"Most dragons are creatures that like to show off, and only they are in the mood to build such exaggerated nests for themselves." Mai Yisha jumped from Ramos' palm to Luo's back, "but the Presbyterian Church is really bad enough. , actually asked you to steal dragon eggs."

"Is it really so difficult to steal a dragon egg? At least it's better than repelling or killing the dragon." Luo 30 took over the spear and bow that Ramos kept for safekeeping.

"The elders are very smart." Mai Yisha rolled her eyes, "First of all, dragons are the most powerful type of creatures. After a dragon is born, it can grow to the strength of an ascendant without doing anything. ."

"It's so exaggerated." Luo Thirty had seen a dragon once before, when Ramos fought with a dragon. He only remembered that Ramos beat the dragon away, and subconsciously felt that the dragon didn't seem to be that strong.

"Only three ascenders in the history of Shurima have the achievement of slaughtering dragons, but seven ascenders died in the dragon's mouth. Do you still think the dragon is weak? If it is so easy to kill, those ascenders who are very happy The bee chrysalis came over to kill him a long time ago." Mai Yisha pinched Luo 30's ear, "By the way, one of the three Ascended Dragon-slaying Ascendants is Setaka."

Luo 30 glanced at Ramos. If it is really like what Mai Yisha said, then Ramos' strength is probably much stronger than Luo 30's thought. I just don't know who is stronger than Setaka, Ramos. There was really no clue on that stunned, paralyzed face.

"And dragons are not some stupid beasts. They will fight with people to the end. Dragons cherish their own lives. When things go wrong, they will run away. It is very difficult to kill." Mai Yisha explained, "But for dragons , There is one thing that is more important than their lives, even if they kill the red eye, they have to take it back, and that is the dragon egg."

Luo Thir's eyelids flicked, and he knew that it wouldn't be as simple as stealing something: "The Presbyterian Council tricks me again"

"Of course." Mai Yisha pointed to Ramos, who was lying on the ground and started digging the scorpion's nest, "Ramos was seen by everyone on the day of the contest, and the elders would definitely consider him. You, it is possible to fight back or kill the dragon. Will the elders let this possibility, so let you steal the dragon egg. Stealing the dragon egg itself is not very difficult, but once you encounter the dragon egg, you will It will be contaminated with the breath of dragon eggs for life. Giant dragons are very careful and vengeful creatures. They hate egg thieves, whether they are their own eggs or not. No matter where you go for the rest of your life, as long as there are giant dragons nearby, you will be crazy. come to kill you."

"It's so miserable..." Luo Thirty is one big and two big, and he will always be chased and killed by the dragon. I am afraid that the ascendants are not willing to face it.

"The real purpose of the Presbyterian is more sinister, wherever you go in Shurima, you will be attacked by dragons, and it will bring disaster to the people of Shurima, your reputation will be even worse, and it will force Setaka not to send You stay in the imperial city." Mai Yisha gritted her teeth and said, "Those guys in the Presbyterian Church have a very bad mind!"

"Then what should I do to steal it?" Luo 30 looked at the huge sandstone castle from afar. The dragon didn't fly out. It seemed that they hadn't stepped into the dragon's territory yet.

"Why don't you steal it?" Mai Yisha bit Luo Sa's ear, "I like to steal things the most, let alone something as interesting as a dragon egg."

"But the consequences..."

"you're afraid"

"I'm so afraid that I'm not afraid, but isn't doing this right in the hands of the Presbyterian Church?" Luo Shi said suspiciously.

"Don't worry about this, you can steal it, and I'll handle the rest." Mai Yisha said confidently.

"Okay then, Ramos." Luo Thirty greeted Ramos, who was shaking the scorpion meat.

"No, no!" Mai Yisha slapped Luo on the head, "You have to steal it yourself!"

"Ah" Luo Thirty was stunned, he had planned to let Ramos distract the dragon himself, "Why?"

"The dragon is very cunning!" Mai Yisa explained, "Ramos' aura is too strong, and he may be vigilant as soon as he approaches the dragon, especially since there are eggs in its nest, which may hide in it. Come out, then it will be harder to steal."

What Mai Yisha said seemed to be the case, Luo Shi shook his head helplessly: "I see, I'll just go by myself, I wish I came back alive."

Mai Yisha smiled and kissed Luo Thirty's face: "You are the man Setaka and I liked, you can't die so easily, wait for you to come back."

After saying that, Mai Yisha jumped back on Ramos' head, looking curiously at the appearance of this big dragon turtle eating a scorpion.

Luo Thir shook his head, and slid down the sand **** alone, heading for the sand and stone castle.

In fact, Mai Yisha could stealthily go in and steal by herself, but Luo Shi still insisted on doing it herself.

Luo Shi really wanted to become stronger. After so long, he still didn't know how to grow his qi. He wanted to use the mission of the Presbyterian Council as an opportunity to see what happened to his qi.

Luo 30 had just walked under the sand and stone castle when suddenly, a deafening dragon roar sounded above Luo 3's head.

Luo 30 hurriedly covered his ears, but he felt that his internal organs were shaking, as if he was experiencing a major earthquake.

The dragon's roar soon ended. Luo Shi looked up, and the giant dragon didn't seem to fly out. It should not have been discovered by himself: "It looks like it's just a roar..."

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