"Galen, don't!" Lux blocked in front of Galen, "Let me talk to him again, it's not that simple!"

"It's clear, Lux." Galen dragged Lux ​​behind him and gave Varya a wink to let Varya take her off the stage and not allow her to come up again. "The guilty should be punished, guarded with flying wings. God's name."

Galen hung the greatsword around Aldo's neck and looked at Judge Giselle.

Gisele, full of tears, nodded to Galen: ""Aldo Dayan. I condemn you, and call upon Garen Crownguard of the Dreadnought Vanguard to enforce Demacian justice. "

Aldo raised his head, his eyes were scattered, as if he had accepted his fate.

But Lux became more and more flustered, a sense of unease ran through her body, a cool wind blew through her, and Lux's hair stood on end.

Aldo's limbs began to twitch, like epilepsy triggered by extreme fear of the death penalty.

He was whispering.

As Galen took the posture of execution, the great sword in his hand was raised high, and the crowd burst into deafening cheers, and countless people were shouting, granting Aldo death.

Aldo's last words were drowned in the roar of the crowd, and Lux ​​listened intently, but all she heard were intermittent, meaningless fragments.

Garen slashed hard, and the sound of the giant sword cutting through the air was like a roar of a lion. Aldo's head fell to the ground and rolled to Gisele's feet, and the crowd erupted in enthusiastic applause.

"Not right!"

Lothar and Lux ​​were the first to notice the strangeness, and they watched Aldo's body vigilantly.

A billowing black smoke gushed out from his body, like a miasma, but it had a strong malice that miasma could never have.

A ghostly flame shot out from Aldo's head and rushed towards Giselle at an unresponsive speed. She screamed and tried to dodge, but it was too late. The ghost penetrated Giselle's body, then dissipated like embers in the wind.

Lux could feel the last breath when the ghost disappeared. It was pure malice and resentment. Lux had never seen such vicious magical energy.

Judge Giselle collapsed, crying in horror.


No one should conceal the clues of the mage, even your family members and children, as long as they find out that they have magical power, they should immediately report to the local judge or the mage seeker organization. Those who cover up will face severe penalties.

—Excerpt from Demacia’s brochure, “The Doctrine of the Demons”

Chapter 62 Nightmare Legion

Fear instantly occupied Lux's sanity, pressing down on her like a huge boulder, crushing her to the ground.

Countless Lux's most feared images flashed in her mind—

Her fear of being disgusted by Lothar;

Her fear of being banished from Demacia by Galen;

The fear of her parents looking at her with disappointment;

There are thousands and thousands of other fears, being buried alive in a quagmire, being burned to death by flames, and being completely submerged in the deep sea...

The light in Lux fights against these fears, so that she doesn't indulge in any kind of fear that can't help herself.

In the end, fear still failed to swallow her, Lux expelled the smell of death from her mouth, and the air she exhaled was faintly glowing.


It was Lothar's call.

Lothar's voice pulled Lux ​​back to reality, she opened her eyes, Lothar was looking at him worriedly.

"Scared me to death, why do you always suddenly faint today?" Lothar patted Lux's face and helped her up.

"Lux!" Galen ran to his sister's side, pushed Lothar away without saying a word, and protected his sister behind him with a giant sword in his hand, "What happened?"

Lux looked apologetically at Lothar, who was pushed away innocently, and turned to the crowd in the square.

A dead silence.

The plaza, which had just been buzzing with people, was as if time had been frozen, and all the residents of Forsbarrow were motionless and silent.

"Fuck the bear man's ass!" Olaf exclaimed, "I've never seen this fight before!"

"Captain!" The knights of the fearless vanguard crowded around Garen, raised their weapons, and stood ready.

The residents of Forsbarrow fell one by one, as if life had been pulled from their bodies.

Lux blinked, driving away the terrifying image that remained in her mind.

The sun had completely set, disappearing beneath the western city walls of Forsbarrow, and darkness had completely enveloped the town.

Countless black and translucent figures emerged from the unconscious residents, and each figure was different. There are giant spiders that are bigger than cows, there are countless multi-headed snakes with several heads, there are ferocious warriors with exaggerated giant axes, there are huge dragons breathing acid, and there are many, many others that no one knows about. The stuff is beyond everyone's cognition.

"What are these!" Varya shouted.

"Magic..." Even Galen, who has always been calm and composed, was a little terrified when he saw this bizarre scene, and his hands holding the giant sword trembled faintly.

Lux took a deep breath, she knew that she was about to face a fierce battle.

She secretly grabbed Lothar's hand aside, Lothar gave her a surprised look, and Lux ​​turned her head so that the boy couldn't see the crimson on her face.

"Even if we die, we will die together." Lux said to himself, "Anyway, he has heard all my secrets, and I have nothing to pretend."

Lux understands that it is pointless for her to keep running away. It's over, it's better to be with the person she likes generously.

"Wait...the secret was heard by him..." Lux suddenly realized that the boy she was holding had very good ears, and hurriedly asked Lothar in a low voice, "Rorschach! Did you hear Orr just now? The last words he said before he died"

Lothar was stunned at first, but immediately understood why Lux asked that, which may be an important clue: "I heard that clearly."

"Tell me!" Lux seized hope again in an instant.

"The light is receding." Losar said.

"The light is fading..." Lux repeated, her eyes glowing with splendor, "I see!"

"My dear." Olaf was the one who trembled the most, but the reason for his trembling was not because of fear, but because of excitement, "After waiting for so many days, it's finally here! I can kill Laozi. The mighty enemy!"

Galen and the others looked at Olaf inexplicably, wondering why the barbarian suddenly became excited.

"Don't get excited." Lothar poured Olaf a basin of cold water, "You didn't get your axe back, you're a fart."

Olaf was stunned for a moment, and slapped his thigh fiercely: "Yes! Where's Lao Tzu's axe!"

Naturally, the shadow monsters would not give Olaf a chance to find an axe, and they began to approach everyone. The strange thing is that such a mighty army of monsters did not make a sound. They marched in a dead silence, like a silent death.

"It's really infiltrative." Varya scolded, "what the **** are they?"

"The fear of the residents of Forsbarrow." Lux answered the female warrior's question, "They turned into real nightmares."

Garen was staring intently at the Nightmare Legion, but did not notice that Lux was holding hands with Lothar: "How did you know?"

"I just know!" Lux understood that she couldn't stay here to fight, her magical abilities should be used elsewhere.

It should be used against the source of nightmares.

Lux put her thumb and index finger against her lower lip, whistled a whistle calling for Starfire, and said to Galen, "I have a way to stop this!"

"How to do it"

"Don't worry about what I do." Lux took Lothar to the high platform together, "As long as I don't die before I succeed!"

Lothar tilted his head and looked at the white horse Xinghuo running towards Lux: "Should I go with you too?"

"What do you say you can't fight."

"I've been running all day, and I can't run anymore."

"Who made you run away!" Lux mounted Starfire, pulled Lothar to the horse, and sat behind her, "Hold my waist and don't fall off."

Lothar said, and wrapped one arm around Lux's waist.

"Where are you going?" Garen hurriedly shouted when he realized that Lux was actually with Lothar.

"I told you!" Lux steadied the reins, Xinghuo's hooves raised, and ran out of the city, "I'm going to pay homage to my great-grandfather Foss Ian!"

Xinghuo jumped into the Nightmare Legion, the monsters wanted to attack Lothar and Lux, but Xinghuo lightly avoided them and rushed out of the encirclement of the monsters.

"By the way! Olaf!" Before leaving, Lothar also turned to the berserker who was struggling with no weapons and shouted, "Your axe is in the haystack behind the stable! That's where you hide your shackles! "

Olaf's eyes lit up, and he patted his forehead excitedly, "Good boy! When did you steal it from the guards! I'll get it now!"

Olaf turned his head to look at the fearless pioneers, and said to Varya who could speak Freljord: "You wait and don't fight, I go get the axe, come back and fight! You must wait for me!"

After that, he ran away screaming like a child who just got a new toy.

Galen couldn't understand Freljordan, he looked at Varya: "What did he say?"

Varya spit and raised her sword towards the Nightmare Legion: "What can a barbarian say ignore him, prepare to fight."


All mages are prohibited from entering. Entry of any magical item or creation is prohibited. Violators are immediately expelled and banned from entering Demacia for life.

—Article 1 of the Demacian Border Post Regulations

Chapter 63 The War

Starfire was running with all his might, and Lothar squeezed the saddle between her thighs to keep her **** from hurting.

"Why do you want to worship your great-grandfather?" Lothar rested her chin on Lux's shoulder so that her long blond hair would not obscure her vision.

"Because I know the real body of the nightmare! I feel its magical fluctuations!"

"what is"

"Remember the legend of my great-grandfather that I told you when I was a child?"

"Remember, the story of Fosse Ian defeating and sealing the demon with his life."

"Remember my great-grandfather's posthumous title?"

"Fearless hero of the light." Lothar understood everything immediately, "Aldo's words before his death were 'the light is fading'! The light refers to Foss Ian! The culprit of Fosborough's nightmare is the legendary one demon!"

"That's right!" Lux flicked the reins, making Xinghuo run faster, "Aldo is possessed by demons, and the words 'the light is retreating' were not from him, but were attached to him. What the devil said!"

"Fos Ian seals the demon with himself, and the seal is his tomb!"

"But now that the seal is weakened, the demon may be about to escape!" Lux rode Starfire into the forest and went straight to her great-grandfather's tomb. "The demon is afraid of light, so he only acts evil in the dark!"

"Of course I'm afraid of you." Lothar cheered happily, "Use your light to teach that demon a lesson!"

Lux laughed and said, "Are you a little too excited?"

"Can you not be excited!" Lothar gritted his teeth and said, "When we met that woman seven years ago, there was absolutely no room for us to fight back. Although the devil is not her, it should be a kind of her, and this time, You can beat him!"

Hearing Lothar's words, Lux's heart warmed, feeling the body temperature and touch of her sweetheart behind her. Although she was very tired, Lux still rode forward with full energy.

Lux didn't notice that Lothar only used "you" instead of "we" when referring to defeating the Nightmare True Body.

Lothar looked at his right arm, where only empty sleeves were left, swaying weakly in the wind.

"Aishe...Ass..." Lothar thought to himself, "You are all getting stronger...Only me..."

Lothar shook his head, threw the extra thoughts out of his mind, and devoted himself to preparing for the source of the nightmare.

Garen looked complicatedly as Lux and Lothar disappeared from his sight.

"I wish you knew what you were doing, sister," Galen thought.

The Nightmare Legion is approaching.

Garen shouted, "For Demacia!"

The other four warriors of the Dreadnought Pioneer struck their shields with their swords and shouted in unison, "For Demacia!"

In other armies, five people can be said to be insignificant, but everyone including Galen is from the fearless pioneer. Every member of this legion has illustrious military exploits, and the strength is far beyond that of ordinary soldiers. Even in the face of the overwhelming number of Nightmare Legions, Galen and the others did not see the slightest fear on their faces.

Garen moved his shoulders. The weight of the exaggerated shoulder armor on his body made him feel calm. There were so many enemies that he was about to face a protracted hand-to-hand battle.

But it wasn't the first time for him.

"Lock step!" Garen gave an order, and the warriors of the fearless vanguard crowded around him, ready to meet the enemy.

"We are the Dreadnoughts," Garen said, lowering his greatsword, his gauntlets just below his eyes. "Let courage and sharp eyes guide your sword."

The black and shiny devil dog rushed to the high platform first, the teeth in the **** mouth were disgusting, and at a glance, they knew they were covered with venom. Warriors of the Fearless Pioneer stand guard with solid shield walls and unsheathed blades. An iron wall knocked them back. Although the enemies they face are strange magical creations, they still maintain their valiant strength and tactics.

And their weapons - Demacian steel laced with Forbidden Stones - can deal massive damage to any magical creature.

Garen took a step forward and stabbed a monster in the waist with a great sword, and the monster's body exploded into black dust, leaving a scream of pain.

Galen twisted the blade and retracted it diagonally, blocking the bite of another fang-tooth monster.

He rolled his wrists, leaned his shoulders forward, and collided with the incoming fangtooth monster. The monster was knocked to the ground by him, he followed and put a foot on the monster's chest, and the monster shattered in the howl. Garen suddenly raised his sword, parrying a heavy blow, this time in the outline of a nightmare entity that looked like a giant Freljord berserker. The blow put Garen at a disadvantage, and his footsteps retreated again and again.

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