"You know, those guys with bird feathers all over their clothes."

"They are a tribe that is good at training birds. When I was mediating the conflicts between the tribes, the territor of the Brown Feather tribe came to me secretly, saying that their tribe was relatively poor and had nothing to dedicate to me as a war mother. They could only teach me training. The art of birds."

Lothar laughed dumbly: "No one pays bribes by teaching people something, the territory of the Brown Feather Tribe is also interesting."

"You don't know how many tribes thought of giving me something after you left, and I couldn't push it." Ashe sighed, "Now our house is full of all kinds of rare treasures. , it's almost too much, and I'm still struggling with how to get these things safely to Rakstark."

"This is normal. After all, those tribes came here because of you. They have no blood connection with each other. It will definitely take a long time to treat each other as compatriots." Lothar looked at the foreshadowing. Eagle sideways.

"There is no blood connection... Is the gap really that big?" Ashe sighed.

"It's not bad, after all, everyone grew up in the land of Freljord." Lothar stuck out his tongue, "If you go to Demacia with me this time, you will only know about Demacia. How much hatred the West Asians have for the Freljords, Olaf and I are basically shouting and beating as soon as we expose it."


The heralded eagle is a magical animal unique to the Freljord.

This eagle lives only on towering snow-capped mountains and is very rare, and many Freljord tribes regard the harbinger eagle as a symbol of good omen.

Legend has it that the prophetic eagles can fly unhindered in any huge snowstorm, and their eyes can see clearly thousands of miles away through the wind and snow. There are rumors that they have a bit of blood from the ice crystal phoenix Anivia, which gives them such unique magical abilities.

—Excerpt from Ezreal's Travels of Valoran: The Freljord Chapter 3: The Natural Environment

Chapter 71 Naming Day

Ashe said curiously, "Tell me about your experience in Demacia this time."

"I'll tell you slowly when I go back in the evening, first tell me how you tame this eagle of prophecy." The appearance of the eagle of prophecy made Lothar's heart itch, and he couldn't help reaching out his hand to want Touching the eagle of prophecy, it turned out to peck directly at Lothar, but fortunately, Lothar stopped quickly, otherwise he would definitely be torn off a large piece of meat.

"Don't tease it, it doesn't like to be close to people other than me." Ashe touched the head of the prophetic eagle, and the eagle narrowed his eyes comfortably, which was completely different from his attitude towards Lothar, "The Brown Feather Tribe Not prosperous, their territory is afraid that if I don’t accept his gift, it will be bad for their tribe. I think he is really pitiful, so I promised to learn eagle taming with him.”

Ashe held the eagle in one hand and held Lothar's fingers in the other, chatting with him while walking side by side in the snow: "According to the tradition of the Brown Feather Tribe, the eagle trainers need to go into the snowy mountains to hunt eagles, and then bring them home to cook. eagle."

"I know boiled eagle, just keep staring at the eagle's eyes without eating or drinking, don't let it sleep, right, I tried it before." Lothar said embarrassedly, "I used to be on the mountain near Demacia. I have met a very large eagle with blue wings. I have seen that kind of eagle once. It is strong, fast, and very smart. It took a lot of effort to catch it. For months, I thought I had managed to tame it, but it flew away in the blink of an eye."

Ashe chuckled: "It turns out that you also have a time to be deflated."

Lothar gave Ashe, who was mocking him, a few hard kisses on the face.

"I originally planned to go into the mountains to practice archery, but I didn't expect to bump into it." Ashe raised his arms gently, the eagle of omen flew over Ashe's left shoulder, and Ashe took some jerky from his leather pocket and fed it to him eat.

"Then you caught it and you can't see it. You can actually catch the Eagle of Prophecy. Even I can't do it." Lothar praised.

Ashe smiled embarrassedly: "I didn't catch it... It flew to me by myself..."

"Ha" Lothar was dumbfounded.

"I was also surprised at first." Ashe looked at Lothar with a funny face. "Later I thought if it wanted to go with me, so I tried to boil the eagle, and the result..."


"I couldn't help blinking after only three days." Ashe said, "But it still didn't fly away, instead it became very obedient to me..."

Lothar was completely speechless.

"Lothar" Ashe touched a boy whose whole body became like a wooden sculpture.

"People are more popular than dead people!" Lothar wanted to cry without tears. "Why can you get an eagle of prophecy without even having to boil an eagle? I didn't get one after all my hard work."

The foreshadowing eagle on Ashe's arm cast a disdainful look at Lothar.

Ashe said embarrassedly: "How about I go to the land of the Brown Feather Tribe to teach you that although you may not be able to tame an eagle of prophecy, it is still fine to tame an ordinary eagle."

"No need." Lothar waved his hand sadly, "This is related to talent, no matter how much you learn, it's useless, and I don't want to try to tame a mortal eagle, it won't help much."

Lothar looked around the eagle with envy and looked left and right: "This is a female eagle. If only the male eagle I boiled hadn't run away, I could be right with it."

The foreshadowing eagle fluttered its wings towards Lothar, as if protesting the proposal.

"Okay, Eagle Spirit, don't be rude to Lothar." Ashe patted the head of the prophetic eagle, and the eagle settled down obediently.

"Did you name it Eagle Spirit?" Lothar was amazed: "I heard that the Eagle of Prophecy will share what it saw with its owner, is it true?"

"Of course it's true." Ashe blew a whistle in a strange tune, and the eagle spirit blinked, and Ashe's eyes shone with the same beautiful blue light as his eagle eyes.

"This way I can see what the Eagle Spirit sees." Ashe waved his arms to the sky, and the Eagle Spirit rushed into the sky with a long cry, "That's how I found out that you and Olaf are back."

Lothar looked at the eagle of omen flying up and down the clouds, and said with emotion: "I am more and more convinced now that you are really the reincarnation of Avarosa."

Ashe hugged Lothar's arm and rested her head on his shoulder: "Whether I am or not, I am your blood ally, your wife."

"miss me"

"A bit."

“Just a little bit”

"I miss you, okay?"

"It's about the same." Lothar kissed Ashe again, and found that he was half a head shorter than Ashe, and immediately said distressedly, "Why have you grown taller? I thought I would be as tall as you this time around. "

"I have to wait two winters before I become an adult. How can I not grow taller all the time. Don't worry, you are a boy, and you will definitely be taller than me in the future." Ashe comforted, suddenly remembered something, "Luo Sarah, when is your naming day?"

"do not know."

"I don't know." Ashe was stunned, "Why don't you know? Who gave you your name?"

"I don't know." Lothar shrugged, "everyone has called me that since I can remember, maybe they called me casually, and slowly it became my name."

"How could this be..." Ashe said in confusion, "I always thought that the name Lothar was given to you by your mother..."

"I don't think Glenna would bother to name a wolf cub like me." Lothar thought of the woman who only wanted to find the throne of Avarossa.

Ashe looked blankly at the boy she loved, she couldn't imagine what it would be like to be raised by a wolf. Without any family, without any blood to rely on, why does Lothar still live so freely and happily.

"Why are you suddenly asking about my naming day?" Lothar's words interrupted Ashe's thoughts.

"Because..." Ashe blushed, "We have made an oath, and my naming day is coming soon, I want to spend it with you."

"Okay." Lothar said cheerfully, "What gift do you want? I heard from the coastal tribes that the deep-sea incense in the intestines of the fragrant whale is very popular with girls, and the incense made from it tastes great. "

"What's in the intestines... Forget it." Ashe refused directly, "I just want you to accompany me."

"Silly girl." Lothar and Ashe pressed their foreheads, "I'm back, I'll definitely be with you all the time, I still want to work hard to create a baby."

Ashe closed her eyes happily, enjoying the warmth of the reunion: "Well...or...you and I will have the naming day on the same day, how about spending time together?"

Lothar rolled his eyes slyly: "Then what gift do you want to give me?"

Ashe felt a hand brushing dishonestly across her thigh, pressing down on her softest skin and starting to drill into her skirt.

She bit Lothar's lips lightly, wiped the snowflakes off his head, and exuded a charming fragrance that belonged to a girl: "I gave me to you, are you satisfied?"


Freljords don't have birthdays, or rather, their naming day is their birthday.

The reason is very simple. The natural environment of the Freljord is very harsh, the temperature of the whole year is not higher than minus 15 degrees Celsius, and the food source is very unstable. Various factors have contributed to the extremely low survival rate of Freljord newborns, and many babies, even if not difficult to give birth, will die due to lack of insulation and nutritional supplies.

Freljordians face the threat of death as soon as they are born, so for them, birthdays are not something to celebrate. After all, dying at birth is not much different from not being born. Only when babies live to their name day are they truly born.

—Excerpt from Ezreal's "Valloran's Travels: The Freljord Chapter 5: History and Culture"

Chapter 72 The Migration Begins

Lothar stretched and got up from the bed refreshed.

Ashe stretched out her bare bare arms from the quilt and grabbed Lothar: "Where are you going so late?"

Lothar smiled and touched Ashe's forehead. The blush on the girl's face hadn't disappeared, her mouth kept exhaling sweet breath, and her full **** were hidden under the quilt, revealing only half of the dazzling white greasy.

"I'm tired of doing it, I'll go make you some supper." Rosa said.

Ashe shook his head: "I'm not hungry, just hug me."

Lothar got back into the quilt and hugged Ashe face to face.

Ashe buried Zhenshou's head in Lothar's arms, brushed his eyelashes lightly on his chest, and then took a deep breath: "I miss you so much..."

"I miss you too." Lothar smelled the fragrance of Ashe's silver hair.

"Agreed to tell me the story." Ashe raised her head and kissed Lothar's collarbone and neck, "Tell me about your story in Demacia."

"I'll tell you if I'm comfortable." Lothar smiled wickedly, stroking Ashe's soft lips with her fingers.

"Disgusting." Ai Xijiao groaned, and slid into the bed against Lothar's body.

Soon, Lothar felt a part of himself enter a very humid and warm place, and the quilt also rose and fell with Ashe's movements.

After a while, Ashe got out again. She licked her wet lips and hugged Lothar: "Can you talk now?"

Lothar nodded in satisfaction and began to talk about his experience in Forsbarrow.

The hostility of the Demacians, the bizarre and weird nightmare events, the girl Lux who knows the magic of light, and the terrifying demon, Lothar all talked about one by one.

Of course, Lothar didn't tell Ashe that the girl who knew light magic was obsessed with him.

"One more thing is worse than one less thing." Lothar said in his heart, "I didn't do anything to hurt Ashe anyway."

Ashe was fascinated by the strange events that took place in foreign countries, and she would occasionally exclaim when Lothar talked about the key points.

"So, is the world outside of Freljord like this?" Ashe was a little fascinated, "If I can, I really want to see it."

"I can take you there."

Ashe smiled bitterly: "And then abandoned all the people of Avarosa? I can't do it."

"Yes, you are a war mother after all." Lothar said regretfully, "I kind of hope that I can travel with you."

Ashe continued to listen to Lothar's story, her dangling heart finally fell.

"I didn't expect you to encounter such great danger there." Ashe hugged Lothar in fear, "What if something happens to you?"

"Didn't I come back well?"

"But I'm still very afraid..." Ashe whispered, "I'm afraid you'll be like my mother... suddenly left me forever..."

Lothar stroked Ashe's naked back: "I swear to Anivia, I will never leave you alone, even if I die, I will get up from the grave and meet you again."

"Heh..." Ashe didn't hold back and laughed suddenly, "I don't want you to climb out of the grave, I want you to live well."

"Well..." Lothar understood his wife's intentions.

"By the way, I have another question." Ash said.

"you say."

"How do I feel that you know the mage girl you mentioned so well that other Demacians hate you, but she released you from prison? Did you know each other before?"

A drop of sweat fell from Lothar's face: "I don't know, absolutely don't know! Maybe it's just her heart is better."

"Really?" Ashe looked at Lothar suspiciously.

"Stop guessing, let's do it again and try to make a baby." Lothar was eager to divert Ashe's attention, rolled over and pressed the girl under him. Before she could react, he started a new one. Wheel of joy.

When the first warm winds of spring blow along the ocean currents to the west coast of the Freljord, it also heralds the start of a new migration of the Avarossa tribe.

They headed to the northeast, the destination is the holy city of Avarosa - Lacoste.

One-fifth of the population of the Avarossa tribe will continue to stay in Frost Harbor to rebuild this long-abandoned city. According to Ashe's plan, it will become the future port and trade center of Avarossa.

Most of the road from Ningfrost Harbor to Larkstark is along the strait, then it has to climb over a snowy mountain, and finally it has to cross the frozen inner lake, which makes the transportation of materials for the Avalosa tribe very difficult. . Lothar conservatively estimated that ideally, it would take them half a year to reach Lakstark.

There was also a small episode on the way of migration. In order to block Olaf's mouth, Lothar bought a full eight barrels of mead for Olaf with his own pocket. After Olaf took the wine, he ignored Lothar and started drinking boring wine all day long, as if the incident at Forsbello had hit him hard, and the wounds both physically and mentally had not healed.

Lothar, who had no money in the first place, was now in debt. Although the tavern owner didn't give him interest because he was the blood alliance of the War Mother, the money Lothar couldn't pay for a while.

So Lothar joined a team of hunters, who would hunt on the way to replenish the tribe's food reserves, and Lothar planned to rely on this work to repay the debt.

Lothar temporarily lived a life of hunting and hunting during the day and working hard to make children with Ashe at night.

Tired, but very fulfilling.

Lothar crouched down, and there were small footprints in the snow.

"It looks like they belong to foxes or ferrets, at least three or five." An old hunter examined the footprints and looked at Lothar, "Can you track them?"

The other hunters also looked at Lothar expectantly. Although this young man had just joined the Orion team, he quickly established his prestige.

Naturally, it is not the name of the War Mother Blood Alliance, but that Lothar is too good at tracking prey and setting traps. Although he can't even draw a bow with only one arm, with his participation, the Orion team fights every day. The number of prey that arrived directly doubled, completely comparing the other hunter teams in Avarosa, and even the old hunters in the team who had been hunting for seventy or eighty years had to be convinced by Losa.

Lothar put his finger into the footprint hole, squeezed a little snow and put it on the tip of his nose to smell it: "The smell hasn't dissipated, they are just not far away, they may smell our smell."

"Do you just follow the footprints?" asked a young hunter. He was of a cold bloodline. He had just become a hunter and was eager to show how accurate his archery was.

"Forget it, I'll hunt these little guys myself." Lothar stood up.

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