Lothar swiftly wrapped a new bandage on Vayne and warned: "If you take off the bandage without my permission, I will never heal you again. Go to whomever you like. ."

Vayne nodded and put down her shirt.

Lothar took a deep look at Vayne, who was obviously worried and had a lot of secrets hidden. He walked back to the cushion on the pig's butt, holding the jar and didn't talk to her.

Vayne didn't have any intention of thanking Lothar, she put on the blanket again and closed her eyes.

They just kept silent.


The Ernyuk is the Freljord's most important livestock.

This kind of sheep has the characteristics of both goats and sheep. It can live on snow-capped mountains at high altitudes. It only needs to eat grass roots and moss. It can also produce goat milk, and the meat is also extremely delicious.

Not only that, Ernyuk has a docile personality and is quite easy to tame. The adult male Ernyuk can even be used as a mount, and his flexibility in snowy mountains and tundra is better than that of horses. Some tribes also specially train Ernyuk cavalry.

It can be said that the Ernyuk is the most favored livestock of all the Freljord tribes, and there is no one.

—Excerpt from Ezreal's Travels of Valoran: The Freljord Chapter Two: The Natural Environment

Chapter 78 Troll Attack


What broke the silence was a roar, hoarse and dull.

Lothar sat up directly from the pig's **** and looked at the direction from which the sound came. It was the forefront of the migration procession, and Ashe was there.

"Troll" Vayne opened her eyes and asked Lothar.

"Yeah." Lothar has seen trolls, and the unpleasant roar that seems to be scratching directly on the eardrum is the sign of a troll.

He put the jar on his head and said to Wei En, "Take it here and don't move it, I'll take a look."

Lothar ran towards the front of the team. In addition to the screams of the trolls, the furious battle cry of the tribe's warriors could be heard. Everyone in the tribe was looking in that direction, worried about whether they were really attacked. .

It took Lothar a few minutes to finally reach the front of the line, where a group of Iceborn, Fireborn, Beast Walkers, and Shamans were gathering, with Ashe at the center.

"Sorry for letting me go." Lothar patted an iceborn warrior on the shoulder. The warrior recognized Lothar, and although he was amused by the behavior of the jar on his head, he still nodded to him and moved out of the way.

"Ashe, what happened?" Lothar saw that Ashe was bowing his head, holding a Zhenbing longbow, and looked at a corpse on the ground with a solemn expression.

A troll corpse.

This troll looks like an adult, with a huge size, like a strong man who has swelled several times, with terrifying tendons all over his muscles.

The troll is full of ice crystal arrows, and there are various wounds, and frost has begun to condense, apparently injured by various ice weapons. There are still many bite marks and burn marks on its body, which should be the actions of the beast spirit walkers and fireborn in the tribe.

Lothar could see that the troll was already dead, and it was impossible for him to be alive after such a serious injury, but the troll's vitality was too tenacious. Weak growl.

"Lothar, you're here." Ashe saw the jar on Lothar's head and laughed, "You don't have to push it in an emergency."

"I'm afraid you'll be angry again." Lothar teased a few words, and then said sternly, "Is this the only one?"

"Yeah." Ashe nodded, "This giant devil was watching us sneakily, and when we found it, he immediately started fighting. I sent the eagle spirit and a few beast spirit walkers to investigate whether there were any other giants nearby. magic."

Lothar saw the faint blue light in Ashe's eyes, obviously sharing his vision with the eagle of prophecy flying in the sky.

Lothar crouched down and inspected the troll's body: "This troll is still in his prime, not the kind of old troll who has been expelled from the tribe. Trolls of this age basically can't walk alone, and there is probably a troll tribe nearby. "

Some warriors who have dealt with trolls also nodded, agreeing with Lothar's view.

Ashe looked worried and said: "I will let the Eagle Spirit fly a little longer."

Lothar looked around. The warriors who had just experienced the battle were not happy. Although they successfully killed a troll, they knew that what was really terrible was not a troll, but a group of trolls.

"It doesn't look like anyone was hurt," Lothar asked.

Ashe nodded: "Only a few warriors were slightly injured, so it's not in the way."

Lothar just wanted to ask something more, but saw a figure.

It was Vayne, limping to the edge of the crowd.

Ashe also saw Vayne, and winked at Lothar. Lothar understood it, got out of the crowd with the jar on her head, and walked to Vayne's side.

"What are you doing here? Didn't you take it with you?"

Vayne glanced at the corpse from the gap in the crowd: "I want to see the troll."

"I can't even see the flowers." Lothar said, "It is very likely that there is a troll tribe nearby. In your current situation, if you are caught, you will be gone."

"I can fight." Wei En said stubbornly, "As long as you return my things to me."

"No talk."

Vayne glared at Lothar angrily, then turned around and ignored Lothar, no matter what Lothar said, she would not respond.

"This woman is really difficult to deal with." Lothar rolled his eyes and suddenly had a plan in his mind: "Aren't you pretending not to know Freljord? Then I'll scold you in Freljord to see if you respond. ."

Lothar scolded in Freljordan in a low voice, "I've never seen a woman like you, who is not as good-looking as my wife, and has a bad temper. I don't want to repay my kindness, I'm just a white-eyed wolf, except for the chest and **** Nothing."

Vayne's face was so gloomy that it seemed like water could drip.

Lothar was secretly relieved, and continued to curse: "It's more stupid than Olaf..."

"What a fool?" A rough male voice came from behind Lothar.

"Big kill, special kill, the invincible Rocklaw warrior." Lothar changed his mouth without blushing, turned his head and saw a brawny, shirtless man standing behind him in the ice and snow, his hand still in his hand. Carrying two axes, "Olav, when did you come?"

"I seem to have heard you scolding Lao Tzu."

"How could it be, your illusion."

Olaf snorted a few times: "I heard the screams of trolls here, so I rushed over excitedly, but as soon as I came, his mother's job was already over, which was a disappointment."

Seeing Vayne's cold eyes, Lothar turned to the side: "Introduce, Olaf, she is..."

"I know." Olaf picked up his booger very indecently, "Isn't this the beautiful girl you picked up from the mountain and was injured by a troll, the whole tribe has been spreading the word for the past two days. What a kid, Ai The little girl Hina can't satisfy you, so I plan to marry another wife."

Lothar felt like a light on his back, that was the sight cast by Ashe not far away.

Lothar jumped up and slapped Olaf: "What nonsense are you talking about! Eight barrels of wine can't stop your stinky mouth!"

Facing Lothar's innocuous slap in the face, Olaf was not angry at all, and muttered, "Anyway, I'm not interested, this little girl is so weak that she can't even beat a troll."

Wei En's eyes flashed fiercely, and she wanted to rush towards Olaf, but the pain in her waist and abdomen had to stop her.

Olaf looked bored, yawned and left, Vayne looked at his back, her eyes almost bursting with fire.

"I found that you have a really bad temper. You can hate him even if he picks his nose." Lothar secretly smiled and patted Vayne's shoulder, and said in Demacian language, "He is Olaf, we The strongest berserker of the tribe, don't provoke him"

Wei En narrowed her eyes, not knowing if she heard it or not.

There was a burst of eagles and dogs barking, and everyone looked up to the sky, and Ashe's prophetic eagle fell on her shoulders. At the same time, several extremely fast hounds ran from all directions, as well as the shamans in animal skins who were closely following them, they were the beast spirit walkers of Avaro.

The beast spirit walkers fell on all fours, running like their hounds, and the speed was no worse than that of hounds.


Beast Spirit Walkers are a very special type of shaman like Freljordre. They can communicate with beasts. According to them, their attitude towards beasts is not to domesticate them, but to become partners and even family members with them.

Beast Walkers' talents are usually revealed at an early age, such as a child's cry like a wolf howling and a tiger roaring. The status of the Beast Spirit Walker is very high in the Freljord. A Beast Spirit Walker can bring a lot of convenience to the tribe. Usually, the tribe will spare no effort to cultivate it. Much higher.

—Excerpt from Ezreal's Travels of Valoran: The Freljord Chapter 1: The Making of Society

Chapter 79 Medicine

Wei En frowned and looked at the group of beast spirit walkers who were galloping on the ground. It was obviously impossible for ordinary people to run like that. She cursed in an inaudible voice: "Dirty magic..."

Even though Vayne barely made a sound, Lothar heard what she was saying.

"Sure enough, they are Demacians. They hate magic so much. I really don't understand why magic is such a convenient thing to hate it." Lothar shook his head with emotion.

The beast spirit walkers gathered around Ashe. They stood up and saluted Ashe: "Warmother Ashe, there is no troll tribe found in the two mountains in the west."

"Not to the east."

"Neither the foothills to the north."

Ashe and Lothar frowned at the same time, Ashe looked at the troll corpse that was motionless at his feet: "How come? Is it just a coincidence?"

An old shaman said: "Warmother Ashe, it's a good thing not to find the troll tribe. This troll may really be a lone troll, and we can pass here smoothly."

"I hope so." Ashe looked in Lothar's direction, the boy didn't say anything, just stared at the snow-capped mountains in the distance, thoughtfully.

At noon, the tribe temporarily stopped to make a fire for cooking.

Lothar went to the line to pick up two lunches and returned to the Juvasque boar where Vayne was resting.

"Here, lunch." Lothar handed Vayne her portion.

Lunch is very simple, a piece of noodles, a piece of Ernyuk jerky and a bowl of fish soup.

Vayne didn't say anything, just took the food and ate it.

Lothar looked at Vayne with interest, as if watching a kitten eat, his eyes full of playfulness.

The girl said angrily: "What are you looking at?"

"It's nothing." Lothar took a bite of the jerky and said while chewing, "Is it delicious? How does it compare to your Demacian food?"

Wei En gnawed on a piece of bread: "It's unpalatable to death."

"Don't eat it if it's bad, give it back to me."

Vayne didn't answer, she turned her head and ignored him.

Lothar smiled: "There was a lunch break today, but it was cancelled due to special circumstances."

Vayne turned her head: "Because of the trolls"

"Why else?" Lothar took a sip of the fish soup, "Hurry up, we'll find a remote place after we finish eating."

Vayne stared at Lothar warily.

"I'm going to change your medicine, have you forgotten?" Lothar said angrily, "If you don't mind being disabled in the future, then it doesn't matter."

"Give me the medicine and I'll change it myself."



"Because I'm too lazy to teach you what kind of medicine to use. There are dozens of kinds. You don't know the method of bandaging. If you want the tragedy on your stomach to repeat itself, I will let you apply the medicine yourself."

Vayne didn't say anything, just accelerated her eating.

Three to five and two to settle the lunch, Lothar waited for Vayne to move slightly away from the team, and came to a place where no one was there.

"That's it." Lothar looked around and said to Vayne, "Let's start taking off, let's finish it soon, skin will cause problems if it is exposed to the air for too long."

Vayne hesitated, gritted her teeth, and began to take off her clothes.

First the blanket, then the fur coat, then her own top, trousers.

By the end, Vayne was only stripped of her underwear, bandages, and boots on her feet. Vayne was thin compared to most Freljords, with slender arms and legs, with little muscle. The lines, at first glance, look like they don't exercise often. Because she is two or three years older than Lothar, she is also half a head taller than Lothar, and her legs are slender, straight and beautiful, very beautiful.

In contrast, she doesn't have any fat on her body, her body is curvy and beautiful, and her skin is not rough at all.

"Sure enough, she's a noble lady." Lothar thought to himself, while taking a few more glances at Vayne's underwear.

"Hurry up." Wei En hugged her arms, her body shivered, and goosebumps all over her body, but she didn't know that her actions made the two peaks in front of her chest squeeze out a deep ravine.

Lothar admired the girl's delicate body, opened his hunting pocket, and took out a few herbs and some pastes from it, each of which Vayne did not know.

Vayne's injury was not serious, but it was injured in many places. Lothar untied the bandages on the wounds one by one - left shoulder, back, right arm, right wrist, flank, both thighs, both knees, right rear hip, right There were bruises and other injuries of varying severity on the calf and right ankle.

Lothar checked the wounds, except for the flank wound where the bandage was removed because of Vayne's own initiative, the other wounds were recovering well.

In this embarrassing situation, Vayne didn't have any idea of ​​talking to Lothar, and let Lothar smear ointment on her body with her hands.

During this period, Lothar inevitably encountered the girl's private place a few times. If it wasn't for Lothar's expression always being serious and not showing any seductive expressions, Wei En might not be able to control her inner anger and fight him directly.

"Okay, it's over, put on your clothes quickly." Lothar tied the last new bandage, confirmed it, and said to Vayne.

Vayne put on her clothes again at the fastest speed, without looking at Lothar, she walked back to the direction of the migrating team without saying a word.

"Don't even say thank you?" Lothar scratched his head.

Wei En stopped and said coldly, "You saved me, I remember this favor, and I will repay it in the future."

The corners of Lothar's mouth lifted, and just as he was about to say a few polite words, he heard Wei En say, "But personally, I hate you very much."

Lothar stared blankly at Wei En, who was walking away, with a burst of anger in her heart: "This woman is really... ah! I'm so mad..."

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