The pregnant woman of the Nuotai clan was pale, and she moved desperately to run in the direction of Lothar, but her condition was obviously very bad. Lothar saw the blood-soaked cotton jacket on her body - she was injured.

"Hold on! I'll be right here!" Lothar ran with all his strength, dodging arrows and ice spikes at the same time, getting closer and closer to the pregnant woman.

The distance between her and Lothar was only a few steps away, and she could touch it as long as she stretched out her hand, but Lothar's pupils tightened, and he saw a stream of arrows hitting the pregnant woman's back.

Lothar didn't dare to hesitate at all, and quickly pulled out the knife from his waist and threw it at the pregnant woman.

Lothar originally thought that the pregnant woman would be horrified when faced with his flying knife, but she was unusually calm, her eyes firmly approaching Lothar.

"A courageous woman can easily be rescued." Lothar thought, "It seems that my luck is not too bad today."

The flying knife intercepted the flow arrow in the air and knocked it into the air.

Lothar successfully received the pregnant woman, and he didn't bother to pick up his own knife. He hugged the pregnant woman with one arm and used his back as a cover for her: "Quick! Try to run as fast as possible!"

The pregnant woman looked at Lothar with the pain she endured on her face: "My amniotic fluid broke."

Lothar was stunned for a moment, only to realize that the smell of war had covered up many smells in the air. If it was normal, he should have smelled the unique smell of a pregnant woman - she was about to give birth.


The little servant walked back to the tavern alone.

After Bron and others rushed out, the servant hesitated for a while, and followed up with gritted teeth.

He wanted to help, to see the battles of the great hero Braum, and each of Braum's battles was a popular story that could be passed down to every tribe in the Freljord.

If he could...he wanted to be a part of the Bloom story too.

But he was just a little bit slower, and he saw from a distance that Braum was carrying the three of them down the mountain with his big shield, and he couldn't catch up no matter what he did.

"Looks like I'm a tavern boy..." The boy sighed, "No legendary story will have my name."

The tavern was deserted, no one was there, only the little poros left by Braum were still on the counter.

The biscuits on the plate had been eaten by them, and when they saw the little boy come in, the little guys looked at him in unison, and the small eyes the size of peas shone with light.

"That's great, little fellows." The boy sat at the counter and poured himself a glass of mead. "How long have you been with Hero Braum? You must have witnessed a lot of stories."

The servant drank the mead in one gulp, then lay limply on the counter: "I want to be a hero too..."

The little poros sat around the boy and started licking his ears and cheeks.

"Are you comforting me? Thank you..." The little servant was moved, and kept scratching the soft stomachs of the little poros, making them laugh.


There was a sound from the back of the servant, and the people in the tavern were pushed away.

He hurriedly looked back, expecting that either Braum or the boss was back.

But he saw no one, only a wooden door swaying back and forth.

"Is it the wind?" Before the servant could react, a sudden sharp pain came from his calf.

"Ow!" The little servant jumped his feet in pain, and when he looked closely, he realized that it was actually a Poro beating him.

This poro is different from the poros the servant has seen before, it is quite -- burly.

This poro was as tall as a servant's knee, and although it still looked cute and round, it wore a one-eye patch on its face, the kind often worn by the pirate clan on the west coast. It also has a larger and thicker beard than a normal poro, and it looks very similar to Braum's beard. The most exaggerated thing is that this poro also carried a hammer on his shoulders, and the servant's calf was beaten by this thing.

"Anivia's feather! What kind of poro with a hammer is this?" The boy felt that he had seen more new things in one day today than in his entire life combined.

When the little poros on the counter saw the burly poro appear, one by one grinned, crowded behind it, and said something to the burly poro.

After listening to this, the burly Poro looked at the servant with displeasure, his face had the attitude of an old man who had been through the vicissitudes of life, the little paw stretched out and pointed at the servant, and then at the door of the tavern.

The little servant was stunned for a while: "You are... let me go with the big heroes of Braum and the others"

The burly poro nodded.

The little servant was speechless. Although he had heard rumors that Poro had the ability to read people's minds, he was surprised to experience it personally.

"I may be the only human in the entire Freljord who has been taught by Poro." The boy rubbed his calf in tears and said, "But they have already skied down the slope, and I can't catch up."

The burly poro grunted twice, carrying the hammer to the wooden door of the tavern.

Bang! Bang!

Under the shocked eyes of the servant, the burly Poro hammered the door of the tavern directly.

The burly poros stepped on the door with their little feet, and the little poros also crawled up.

The burly Poro looked at the servant, the hammer handle knocked twice on the door, and then the little paw pointed at the servant.

The little servant stared at the burly Poro: "No one will believe my story."


This pregnant woman of the Naotai clan is very strong, so strong that Lothar can't help but admire her. Lothar took her to run for more than an hour, and she insisted on it.

The pregnant woman's lower body continued to flow out turbid liquid, which completely soiled her pants. There was no blood all over her body, and the blue veins on her hands and neck were almost bursting. Lothar couldn't imagine the pain of running for his life against the rupture of the amniotic fluid, but it wouldn't be easier than when Ashe cut off his arm.

Lothar tried to take her away from the battlefield without hurting the pregnant woman and the child in her womb. Fortunately, Braum and Olaf seemed to have the advantage in the battle, and there were fewer arrows and magic flying towards Lothar. a lot of.

Naturally, it is impossible for a pregnant woman to be able to climb the mountain alone. Instead, Lothar has to find a safe place for her to give birth to the child.

Losar has a lot of experience in the wild, and soon found a snow cave on the hillside. It should have been dug by a bear or a wolf during the winter. The snow cave has not collapsed just after the spring.

"Go in!" Lothar escorted the pregnant woman to the snow cave and helped her lie down. "Are you okay?"

The pregnant woman clenched her teeth tightly, endured the pain from her lower body and abdomen that almost ripped her, and forced a grateful smile: "Thank you... kind young man... What is your name?"

"It doesn't matter what my name is, you're about to give birth!" Lothar looked at the pregnant woman's crotch with a headache. There was more and more amniotic fluid, and she was about to give birth.

" shouldn't be...this time...birth...frost guard...come...maybe...premature birth..." the pregnant woman said with difficulty.


Every Freljord woman is a true hero, and the battle they endured when they gave birth to a child was far more brutal than any of my stories and legends.

- Bloom

Chapter 98 Delacron Appears

"Okay, don't talk anymore, just nod or shake your head." Lothar looked at the battlefield in the distance. The battle between Braum and Olaf didn't seem to be over for a while. He looked at the pregnant woman and said solemnly. , "Have you had children before?"

Pregnant woman shakes her head.

There was more sweat on Lothar's head. Women have always struggled with death when giving birth. Pregnant women who give birth for the first time are even more dangerous, not to mention premature births.

"Do you believe me?" Lothar swallowed. "I can kill your child so you have a good chance of living."

The pregnant woman opened her eyes wide and shook her head sharply.

"Your child was born prematurely, and it is difficult to live to the name day. It is more important to save your life." Losa continued to persuade.

The pregnant woman shook her head more violently, her teary eyes pleading with Lothar.

"If both mother and son died in my hands, Bron would definitely not go to Avarossa with me." Losa sighed silently in his heart, and he chose to respect the decision of the pregnant woman.

"Since you want to keep the child, I'm the only one who will deliver you. But I have only delivered goats, wild boars or Ernyuk before, and I have never delivered anyone. You have to be prepared. If you agree, nod your head. "

The pregnant woman nodded without any hesitation.

"Huh..." Lothar took a deep breath, letting the cold air of the Freljord ease his tension and calm him down.

Lothar took out a hard fragrant wood from his hunting pocket and brought it to the mouth of the pregnant woman: "Bite it."

The pregnant woman bit the stick obediently, and then took the initiative to separate her legs.

Lothar's expression was extremely serious. Even after so many lives and deaths, he had never been so nervous as he is now.

He took out another knife from his hunting pocket and slit the pregnant woman's pants.


Olaf was upset.

Very upset Bloom.

"Smelly bald head! Can't you **** get in my way!" Olaf just wanted to take a Frost Magic, in exchange for wounds, cut off the head of that annoying Frost Guard, but Braum went from far away. The place jumped up and raised the giant shield to block the blow for him.

"Bron will protect you!" Bron gave Olaf a thumbs up.

"Do you **** understand Freljordan? I told you to get out of the way!" Olaf said frantically.

"You're so wounded, Braum won't let you die!"

"I **** want to die! Can you handle it!"

Although the cooperation between Olaf and Bron is basically negative, the two are too strong. The Frost Guard's attack was completely unable to penetrate the giant shield in Braum's hand, and instead was knocked down one by one by the heavy ice blocks inspired by the shield. As for Olaf, although he was wounded all over, the more he was injured, the more violent he became. His speed and strength became stronger and stronger. The two axes mercilessly harvested the life of the Frost Guard. And under Bron's intentional control, the battlefield between them and the Frost Guards was getting farther and farther from the snow-capped mountains, giving the Nuotai as much time to escape as possible.

"Fuck! Blame this stinky bald head!" Olaf felt very aggrieved. This time there were seventy or eighty Frost Guards. If he singled out, he would probably die. After taking a lot of firepower from the Frost Guards, they couldn't greet Olaf at all.

"Fuck! Can you **** send some powerful guys!" Olaf patted his chest indignantly, and his roar resounded throughout the battlefield.

Braum suddenly frowned, and the giant shield stood in front of Olaf.

"Fuck! You're here again!" Olaf couldn't help it, he raised his axe and wanted to slash at Braum's back to vent his anger.

"A strong enemy is coming!" Braum's words stagnated Olaf's axe in the air.

Olaf looked sideways from Braum's giant shield, and a figure appeared behind the Frost Guards.

The visitor was tall and held a weird-looking giant sword in one hand. The dark armor was exactly the same as the Frost Guards, but there was an extra mark on the helmet - the one-eyed totem.

As all Freljords know, it's Lissandra's totem.

"Drakron." Braum said solemnly, "General of the Frost Guard."

However, Olaf thought with Braum, and a smile from the heart appeared on his face: "Good day! It's boring to kill these little scumbags!"

Braum reminded: "Don't take it lightly! Drakron is here, and most of the cavalry of the Frost Guards are here!"

"Cavalry!" Olaf was even happier, he couldn't wait to try the frontal charge with the Frost Guard cavalry.

Drakron held up his great sword, and pointed it straight at it.

Braum was stunned for a moment. It wasn't him, nor Olaf who was behind him, where Delacron's sword was pointing.

But further behind, Snow Mountain.

"No!" Braum yelled.

Countless frost cavalry rushed out from the black cold air. They avoided Braum and Olaf at a distance, and did not give them a chance to stop them. The dark horses rushed to the snow-capped mountains at an astonishing speed. The purpose was obvious - to chase and kill the Nuotai clan.

Braum wanted to stop Drakron's cavalry, and Olaf wanted to fight them, but the cavalry circled so fast that it was impossible for them to catch up.

"Why!" Although the reasons for their rage were different, Braum and Olaf roared at Drakron in unison, and their voices even overshadowed the iron hooves of the cavalry team's reunion.

Delacron didn't answer the two of them. He raised a gesture slightly and led the Frost Guards to approach Braum and Olaf.

Braum's heart was ashes, he really couldn't think of any way to save the Nuotai people who were still on the run. Although they had escaped for a long time, it was impossible for them to outrun the cavalry. Even if they escaped to the mountainside, Drakron's cavalry would slaughter them and all the tribes on the mountainside.

But he didn't have the energy to think about that, and the only thing he could do now was to beat Drakron as fast as he could and go back to stop the cavalry.

But is Drakron with dozens of frost guards so easy to defeat?

Braum looked at the barbarian warrior with a double axe by his side, and said in a low voice, "Bron won't protect you anymore, make a quick decision, be careful yourself."

Olaf gave a big smile and twirled the axe between his palms: "It would be great to see this earlier, let's see how I turn over these black iron cans!"

Braum nodded, and the magic on the giant shield began to activate.

"You must protect them, Lothar." Braum prayed silently, longing for a miracle to be born.


In the snow cave at the foot of the mountain, pregnant Nuotai people are fighting against death.

"Don't be afraid, keep breathing, Qian Jue won't take you away!" While encouraging, Lothar closely observed the pregnant woman's vulva, the amniotic fluid was gurgling out, and the pregnant woman was also shrinking the birth canal forcefully, "Yes! Push harder. A little! I'm almost seeing my head!"

The pregnant woman was clenching the stick, tears and sweat pouring out, her arms fluttering, hoping to catch something.

Finally, Lothar saw the top of the fetus slowly emerge.

"Okay! It's okay! Don't push too hard! Let him slide out slowly!" Lothar put his hand between the pregnant woman's crotch, ready to catch the fetus' head.

Suddenly, Lothar felt the ground tremble, and something was approaching them fast.

Lothar hurriedly looked out of the snow cave. On the snow-white ground below the mountain, a majestic pitch-black cold air was breaking down, and the mountaineering should begin soon.

"Dracron's cavalry!" Lothar exclaimed in his heart. He would never forget his encounter with Ashe on the snowy mountains. Glenna and Ashe's sworn fathers all died at the hands of the cavalry. inside.


Being stared at by the Frost Guard, maybe you are just unlucky. If you survive, you should not have a hard time in the future.

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