"You mean..." Olaf's back trembled a little.

"The lord of hunting can communicate with Volibear, the giant bear of storms and war." Lothar said, "Are you happy, Olaf. If you are lucky, Nazak will let the giant bear fall on him, and you can Fight with the real gods."

"Okay...Okay..." Olaf couldn't suppress his excitement. If Lothar hadn't told him to never make a loud noise in the bearman hunting ground, I'm afraid he would have started pulling trees and rubble to vent. excited.

It was at this moment that Olaf felt that his decision to follow Lothar was right.

In a good mood, Olaf plans to ask more about Nazak, the hunting lord. In the face of powerful enemies, he must respect him: "That Nazak...you know, what kind of guy is he?"

Lothar thought for a while, and said: "The character is a bit... melancholy, or should I say sentimental, in short, a very kind boy... But this is no longer important, after his degeneration into a loser, his past character has been completely erased already."

Olaf continued to ask: "You just said it used to be a beast spirit walker, does it have a beast companion?"

"It shouldn't be now, it's a beast in itself now."

"How it became a loser"

"Well... I can't understand it for a while." Lothar shook his head, "In short, I used to study with it under a beast spirit walker, but I didn't have the talent to become a beast spirit walker. Got kicked by the master. Nazak is very talented and can easily communicate with the beast."

"Then why did he become a loser?"

"The reason is that its talent is so good that it can't control itself and not communicate with evil beings." Lothar said regretfully, "We met the bear man, and the bear man's savage spirit is too domineering. Master because of his strength He was very strong and was not corrupted by the bear man's malice, but Nazak... didn't survive. In the end, Master had to give up Nazak and took me to escape from the bear man."

Olaf heard the faint sadness in Lothar's tone, and knew that Nazak had a good relationship with him in Lothar's mouth, but Olaf was more curious about another thing now: "Your master is quite good, bear man I can't catch him."

Lothar smiled lightly: "He is indeed very strong."

"How does it compare to me?" Olaf was very interested in all powerhouses.

"Probably... just as strong," Lothar said unsurely.

Olaf's eyes lit up: "What's his name, can you find him?"

Lothar shook his head with a wry smile: "I haven't found him for a long time, and I don't know where he went... In terms of name... his name is Udyr."


Udyr took a deep breath.

The pungent breath, thick as strong liquor, entered his nose, causing his internal organs to heat up, and the smell turned into sound, and turned into a rustling vicious whisper that lingered in his ears.

Udyr stopped breathing, and the whispering stopped abruptly.

"Bearman's stench," Udyr murmured, the dark hunting ground right in front of him, but he hadn't stepped in.

The hunting lord of this hunting ground is here, and Udyr can feel its soul. There is no trace of the purity of the ignorant boy in the past, only the deformed and corrupted soul exists.

"Nazark..." Udyr said the name softly, with uncontrollable sadness in his tone.

Udyr thought he would never have the courage to come back to Nazak, but he did.

"I'm not what I used to be." Udyr said to himself in his heart. When he was cultivating in the far east, he remembered the teachings of the oriental monks to him, and these profound ancient temple doctrines gave him strength. , allowing him to control his powers and emotions.

But Udyr knew in his heart that he left the Freljord to cultivate in the East not only for self-control, but for a bigger reason... to escape Nazak, his former apprentice.

"If Lothar was here, he would definitely call me timid as a mouse." Udyr remembered the child raised by wolves. He used to be so good with Nazak. As a master, he couldn't save his disciple.

"It's a pity... That child of Lothar is fearless, but he doesn't have the talent of a beast spirit walker... Nazak is very talented, but his mind is too fragile." Udyr can't remember this is the first time he lamented fate. , "If the hearts or talents of those two children were reversed...maybe it wouldn't be like this today..."

Udyr threw the extra thoughts out of his mind. When he returned to his hometown, he originally wanted to go to Winter's Claw first to see if his Sejuani had grown up, but when he passed this hunting ground, he suddenly felt a surge of energy. The memories and shame that came up, and some apologies to Lothar made him stop here.

Udyr stared at his feet, and with one more step, he entered the werebear hunting grounds.

"Roar..." Not far behind Udyr, a beautiful snow white tiger growled lowly at him.

Udyr's lips trembled, his teeth grinned like a tiger's, and the tiger's roar echoed in his throat: "Thank you for reminding me, I know it's dangerous here, but I'm still going."

The white tiger stopped growling, turned and ran back into the forest.

Udyr took a deep breath, deliberately letting the bearman's malice flood his body.

"You can't bewitch me." Udyr wrapped his fur coat tightly, "I'm not what I used to be."

Udyr took that step.

At the same time, over the bear man hunting ground, the dark cloud so thick that it seemed to touch the ground faintly revealed lightning and thunder.

Sounds like a giant bear roaring.


Learning to communicate with beasts is just the starting point for a beast spirit walker. A truly powerful beast spirit walker is to remain a human being while incarnating as a beast.

- Udyr

Chapter 107: The Hunting Lord


Udyr's ears were full of thunder, deafening.

These voices can easily break the minds of mortals, turning them into fools or degenerates into losers. This is also the reason why ordinary people are basically unable to come back once they enter the bearman hunting ground.

The sound of thunder seemed to come from the black clouds in the sky, but in fact a large part of it came from the dark forest in the hunting ground. The dull rumbling from it was actually the roar of a beast, as if there were countless beasts hiding in the shadows, peeping at Udi. you.

Udyr's face became more and more hideous, and the malice of the bear man poured into his soul. The strong perception of the beast spirit now made this maliciousness even more dangerous. The bewitchment of the bear man easily affected Udyr.

His face began to deform, his teeth slowly became sharper, and the hairs on his body became thick and hard.

"Control yourself," Udyr thought to himself, "Control all your emotions, anger, hatred, fear..."

This was the most important thing he learned in the oriental temple.

He began to read the scriptures, which did not originate in Freljordan, but in an exotic Eastern language. Udyr wasn't entirely sure what the verses meant, but the notes and words calmed him down.

Udyr's body no longer twisted, maintaining his human form.

He ran, heading straight for the center of the game, where Nazak was staying.

The first creatures Udyr saw were the lost.

They looked like savages, their skin was covered in dried blood and dirt, their beards and hair were sticking together, and their faces could not be seen clearly. These losers are clothed in bear skins, and some losers have their own skin already connected with bear skin flesh and blood. When the bear skin is completely integrated into their bodies, they will completely degenerate into bear men.

These losers roared and rushed towards Udyr. Udyr imagined a large argali in his mind, and his body changed accordingly. A pair of huge argali horns grew on his head, and it flew a few losers directly. By.

The losers looked at Udyr, who had turned into an argali, in fear, and did not dare to approach.

"The avatar of Ornn the Ram can really scare them." Udyr knew how to deal with bearmen, and he had not been studying them for a day or two.

Udyr's body is still changing, the argali's horns are getting bigger and bigger, and his muscles have become as strong as iron felt, showing a deep red color, like lava steel that has cooled after being quenched.

The losers slowly retreated, and the real bear man came.

The bear man walking at the front looked like a beast, basically the shape of a bear, with different body shapes and coat colors, some of which Udyr knew, and some he had never seen before. Udyr knew that these guys were Beast Walkers before, trapped in bear form, forgetting they were human.

Then came the monsters, the really powerful beings among the bearmen.

They are all bizarre hybrids of bears and other creatures. They have been completely swallowed by the bear spirit, their minds have been confused, and their bodies have long lost the appearance of normal animals - there is a bear man with two fangs. The giant mouth, and a bearman's forearm turned into countless writhing tentacles. They exist like countless Freljord tales of horror that would make even the bravest Iceborne warriors timid at the sight of them.

The largest of them all, a huge bear-shaped creature, walked out slowly. Where it should have been the head, there was only a rotten elk skull, with blue flames burning in the eye sockets of the skull, and a circle of black feathers around the skull.

It opened its huge mouth at Udyr, revealing the face of a child, and the child opened its mouth with it, spitting out filthy brown mucus.

Not only it, but more and more terrifying bear-men with indescribable appearances emerged from the forest, limping, wriggling, and swaying toward Udyr.

"Dirty creature." Udyr thought.

It wasn't the first time Udyr had seen the Bearman, but he couldn't help but shudder at the horrific sight.

He has known many of these bearmen. They used to be the students he taught, or the elders who taught him. They are all excellent beast spirit walkers, but now they have torn their souls to pieces, leaving only one kind Emotions, an emotion that belonged to their masters—the furious arrogance of Volibear the Bear.

A man came out of the woods, keeping his human appearance, wearing a huge crowfeather hood and bearskin cloak, his face hidden in the shadow of the hood. Although it still looks like a person, Udyr knows that it is no longer a human being, it is a hunting lord.

"Nazak." Guilt and regret flooded Udyr's heart, "I failed you."

The hunter lord suddenly looked at Udyr angrily.

Udyr realized that his thoughts were perceived by it. It has now turned into something similar to a beast spirit. Udyr can perceive all its thoughts, but in the same way, as a beast spirit walker, Udyr is also very It's hard to hide your emotions from it.

"You didn't live up to the cowardly me!" The roar of the hunter lord was dry and sharp, and he seemed very reluctant to admit that he was still Nazak, the human boy.

Udyr's heartache condensed into reality, stabbing him like a knife, and he couldn't breathe. After a long time, he said, "Lothar will be sad to see you like this..."

The hunting lord sneered: "It's just a weak warm-blooded person."

Udyr's heart was sad: "You don't even want to admit your master, and your best friend?"

The leader of the hunting animal opened his arms: "I only have our Lord in my heart."

"Volibear." Udyr thought to himself, he looked at Nazak, knowing that as the lord of hunting animals, he had the ability to make the ancient bear spirit descend on his body.

Udyr was dead in his heart. He came to see if he had a chance to save Nazak, but the cruel reality told him that even if he was almost reborn after cultivating in the East, he still couldn't bring back a lost soul.

"Nazak," Udyr called by his former name, risking the wrath of the Beast Lord. "Don't let it control you."

"Foolishness!" Nazak shouted angrily. "Our Lord holds true power! Do not resist the power of the ancient ways, Udyr! Be one of us!"

Udyr was unmoved. The argali form he now incarnates came from the brother and old enemy of the giant bear god. This form gave him the strength to resist the bewitchment of the bear.

"You let me down too much, Nazak." Udyr couldn't hide the sorrow in his voice, "It's my fault, I paid too much attention to cultivating your strength, but forgot to make your mind strong. Lothana Although the child does not have your talent, his heart is countless times stronger than you."

The hunter lord roared: "And now! It's me who has the power! That untalented wolf cub is probably starved to death in the icefield now!"

A voice suddenly sounded not far away: "That... Actually, I'm not dead yet."

Udyr, the hunter lord, and the countless bearmen and the lost all looked at the place.

Lothar was standing there with an embarrassed expression. He stretched out his hand and said hello: "Yo, long time no see, Udyr, and Nazak."


Ornn, the ram, **** of fire and forging, and Volibear, the giant bear, **** of storms and war, are brothers, but their personalities are completely different.

Ornn, who appears rarely in mythology, is said to be a **** who dislikes disputes and trivia, and has been living in seclusion, focusing on the craft of casting.

Volibear, on the other hand, is a **** of extreme love for war, and legend has it that every inch of the Freljord was ravaged by it in ancient times.

It is said that Ornn had a conflict with Volibear, resulting in a shocking battle, the intensity even changed the terrain of the Freljord, but what is the reason for the conflict, the content of different mythological versions is too different.

In short, the meaning of Ornn and Volibear in the Freljord is "brothers who hate each other". In many tribes, if there is an enmity between brothers, the usual solution is to dress up as a ram and duel with a bear.

- Excerpted from Ezreal's Travels of Valoran: The Freljord Chapter Two: Myths and Legends

Chapter 108 Volibear

"Lothar!" Udyr looked at the boy in astonishment. "Why is he here?"

The smell of the bear man in the forest was so strong that Udyr couldn't detect Lothar's breath before.

"Don't be so surprised, Udyr." Lothar greeted Udyr with a smile, tsk tsk admiringly looking at his beast spirit form at the moment, "This is what Ram Ornn looks like, you are more powerful than before. Amazing. Where have you been all these years, I can't find you."

Udyr was a little confused by Lothar's pile of questions. He hadn't figured out how to respond, but he suddenly felt a chill in his heart, an emotion from Nazak.

"No!" Udyr yelled at Lothar, "Run!"

A few lost people howled and rushed towards Lothar, their limbs swaying in a very unnatural way, and they rushed to Lothar in the blink of an eye.

"Hey!" To everyone's surprise, Lothar was not torn to pieces by the losers, but the losers covered their faces in pain and struggled and rolled on the ground.

"I haven't seen you for so many years, the way to greet old friends is too warm, Nazak." Lothar shook the small animal skin bag with the opening in his left hand, and some powder spilled out from it, "Remember we Is it the beast repellent powder that I used to use frequently? The new formula I recently came up with, adding dried earth mole feces and stink butterfly grass, the effect is outstanding, even a terrifyingly strong berserker was stunned by me. "

The hunting lord looked at Lothar coldly, without the slightest desire to talk to him, the shadow under the hood made Lothar invisible to his expression.

"It's so cold, I'm so sad, Nazak." Lothar sighed, took out a knife from his waist, squatted down and stabbed it on the necks of the mourning losers, who haven't completely turned into bears Humans, even Lothar can easily kill them if they stab in the heart.

"May Qianjue take you away without pain." After freeing the lost ones, Lothar whispered a prayer for their deaths, then looked at the hunting lord, "You shouldn't let the lost kill me, though I'm weak now, but I'm not something that can't be killed by brainless things. But if you let the bears kill me, I'm afraid I'll have to run with my tail between my tails."

The hunter lord didn't seem to have any thoughts about the death of his lost man, and Udyr felt that his mind was like a pool of stagnant water, with a vicious shark lurking beneath it.

Several bearmen began to move.

Udyr took the lead to block between them and Lothar. His argali beast spirit was tall and mighty, exhaling a scorching breath from his nose, as if it could ignite the air: "Enough Nazak, I'm only here this time. I want to see you, since you are completely depraved and can't listen to what I have to say, I will leave."

The hunting lord sneered: "Do you think this is a place where you can come and leave when you want?"

Udyr didn't flinch: "Then stop me and try it."

Lothar walked behind Udyr, and the hot breath on the beast spirit walker prevented him from getting close, so he could only say to him a few meters away: "Udyr, don't be provoked by it."

Udyr looked at Lothar, the boy was still as brave and calm as ever. He was a mortal, but he was able to maintain himself in the face of the bear's coercion.

The hunter lord glanced at Udyr and Lothar: "You can't go."

"Oh, right?" Lothar smiled, "You should also know how strong Udyr is, Nazak. It seems that it is not enough for the bear to stop him."

The werebears were enraged, and they roared at Lothar, the fangs and claws of the werebears would have been greeted by the fearless warmblood boy had Udyr not been in his way.

"You can hide behind Udyr and smile, Lothar, this is exactly what you should do as a weakling." The leader of the hunter opened his arms, and the huge deer-headed bearman behind it approached it. , leaned down so that the lord of the hunting **** could touch its head, "I don't need to stop you, our lord will punish you."

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