Rui'er's eyes turned to the sky: "I can't be bound by them all the time... I have to give them a relief."



Hateful souls turn into magic, a theory known as the "ghost theory", which has yet to be proven.

But many people believe that even if there are no ghosts, their emotions will somehow leave something behind for those who are still alive.

- "Ghost Theory: Pseudoscience or Undiscovered Pearl"

Chapter 914: The Master of Brand Sa

Losa finally decided not to chase the old city lord.

Although he felt that there must be some conspiracy in him, the thing that Brand Sa was least interested in was the bad thoughts of others.

With that kung fu, Lao Sa would rather make one more friend, or cultivate a relationship with a new friend.

After Rael's team, Roza and the others changed their route to cross Noxus southwards, and instead headed eastward, then southwards, heading south from the many vassals controlled by Noxus.

Because Rui Er is still a wanted criminal in Noxus, if she wants to enter the hinterland of Noxus, she will inevitably encounter a lot of trouble. Nunu hopes that there will be more trouble, but the main purpose of the group is to find the ultimate element. , don't want to waste too much time.

Traveling itself is a very interesting thing, not to mention there are a lot of friends, Rosa feels very happy every day, although Gnar occasionally makes trouble, Neeko occasionally sleepwalks to nowhere, the one they picked up The scarecrows were also very infiltrating, but overall the journey was smooth.

After Rui Er didn't use magic for a long time, the chaotic magical power in her body gradually stabilized, but although Rui Er's magic power was very strong, it couldn't reach the level of the ultimate element after all, and Lu Sa couldn't absorb it.

Annie was still the same, with no progress in controlling her magical power, and Nao Sa didn't even dare to make a fire to allow Annie to be born again. Every time the little girl set the flame, a large area would be burned, which made Annie very depressed.

"I think Annie needs a teacher." Rui Er looked at the people who were scrambling to put out the flames, and Nicole who hugged the depressed Annie to comfort her, "A magic teacher, at least teach her how not to light things casually. ."

"Magic teacher..." Lao Sa stepped on the last fire, and then fell into distress.

Lasa and the others can use magic, but they have never worried about the control of magic. Those magics are like their arms and they can be used as they want, but this is not the case for Annie. Of course, her flame belongs to herself. , but for some reason, she just couldn't use it well.

In this case, Luo Sa and others didn't know how to teach Annie.

"Where are you going to find a magic teacher for Annie?" Nunu folded her arms, thinking the same, "Magic teachers are not that easy to find."

"Why don't we go to Ixtar." Neeko suddenly said.

"Ixtar? Where is that?" Nunu asked as she threw a snowball at the lit scarecrow. Even though the scarecrow was burnt, this eerie scarecrow remained motionless, still staring at him.

Looking at Annie, Annie was a little numb to this kind of gaze, and was no longer as scared as she was at the beginning.

"It's like the place where Neeko used to form!" Talking about her former hometown, Neeko became excited, "There are many Vastaya tribes there! There are many dragons! There is a lot of magic! Isn't it like the magic of Zili? Sau, Ixtar has a lot of magic! You can swim in it! And there are a lot of powerful human spells there! It's amazing!"

"Is there such a place?" Rui'er looked blank, "I've never heard of it, is that a place name?"

"Place names?" Neeko thought for a while, "Ixtar has a king anyway."

"The king? That's the country?" Rui Er was even more confused. "If it's the name of the country, I should know... Where exactly is it?"

"It's in the South!" Neeko struggled to remember where she'd been.

"That's the way to go." Nunu said happily, "Little Wolf, why don't we go and see that place?"

"Ixtar..." Roza tilted his head and thought for a while, "Well, if you drop by the way, you can go and have a look."

Annie buried her face in Neeko's chest in shame, and everyone kept trying to find a way for her, which made Annie feel both grateful and ashamed.

"Be sure to control my power!" Annie made up her mind secretly.

"Speaking of which, I've been meaning to ask." Rui Er looked at Luo Sa, "Lao Sa, you are obviously a god, why did you choose to store magic in the arrows instead of your own body? Are you afraid of losing control of the elements?"

Lao Sa sat down and said, "It's not for this reason, but because my master told me not to let magic enter my body."

"Your master? Why?" Rui Er didn't understand very well, "How can you use magic without being in the body?"

For Rui Er, of course, magic can only be used by oneself, just like a sword must be held in the hand to be wielded.

"Master, he said that's not the case." Lao Sa recalled, "Master said that magic is everywhere, and these magics are eager to be used, so there is no need to store magic in the body at all, just use it directly from nature when you want to use it. ."

"You're so smart," Neeko praised. "Magic seems to be used either way! Neeko doesn't understand why Sensen always likes to pour magic into their bodies. It seems like magic is everywhere."

"Don't compare humans to Vastaya?" Rael rolled her eyes at Neeko, as the two big sisters in the team, Rai'er and Neeko are also very familiar with each other, "Vastaya is born to see When it comes to magic, humans don't have this ability, how can it be possible to use magic if you don't store magic power in your body?"

"Master, what he said is right." Lao Sa continued, "I am a god, I can feel the idea of ​​magic, they really want to be used, this is the meaning of their existence."

"It's so profound... It seems that I'm not ready to be a mage." Rui Er picked up an iron spoon with a wry smile and let it stick to her palm, "Magic...why does magic exist, and where do they come from? come?"

"From the rune." Lao Sa drew a rune on the ground, "From the great rune."

"The Great Rune?"

"My master has said that the greatest runes are called world runes." Brand Sa said, "World runes are the source of all magic, and those who have world runes can have the strongest power."

"The strongest..." Rui Er, Nunu, and Annie were all interested when they heard this word, "Where are the world runes?"

"I don't know, I heard that in many places, my master is collecting world runes anyway."

"Collecting world runes? Then he must want to be the most powerful person in the world?" Nunu yearned for the authentic.

"No, he wants to seal the world rune."

"Seal?" Nunu didn't understand, "Why don't such powerful things need to be sealed?"

"I don't know. Master, he should have his own ideas." Losa finally stretched his waist, "Okay, it's getting late, let's go to bed, we have to continue walking tomorrow, we should be able to do it tomorrow. Leaving Noxus."

"Well, good night." Everyone embraced their own thoughts and went to sleep.

The night was quiet and the children slept soundly.

Before everyone noticed, a figure came to everyone.

The figure walked to Lao Sa's side and looked down at him.

"Silly child." The figure whispered, the voice of an old man, "You were too careless, you were already being targeted but didn't realize it."

Then the man's hand was gently lifted, and a surging, but quiet magic power surged around everyone, forming a huge ring, in which countless azure runes shone.

Then, a strong light flashed, the ring disappeared, and everyone disappeared, only the man remained in place.

The man coughed a few times, then dragged his body and left here a little tired.

Soon after, the sound of galloping horses woke the quiet night.

Countless Noxian cavalry came here.

"The fugitive must be nearby! Make sure to get her to me! And the children who are with you! Catch them all! This is the order of the Faceless!" shouted the Noxian.

But even though these cavalrymen searched every inch of the land here, they could not find any trace of them.



"Wherever you go, someone will help you. That's how the world has blessed you, my child."

- Ash

Chapter 915 Welcome to Zaun!

"What smells so..." Brand Sa woke up in a daze, not smelling the fresh air of the wilderness, but an indescribable stench.

Lao Sa opened his eyes and looked at the nearby scenery carefully, the whole person was stunned.

"Everyone! Wake up!" Lao Sa jumped up and shouted to everyone.


"What's the matter...noisy..."

"What smells so bad..."

Everyone woke up one after another, but after seeing the scenery in front of them, they were all stunned.

The scene in front of them was completely different from the scene before they went to bed.

The blue sky, white clouds, green grass and green water were all gone, replaced by a turbid dark green sky, glowing with a dim gas that I don't know how to describe.

All around suddenly, many iron-clad buildings were erected, covered with neon lights and crooked signboards. These buildings were located in a disorderly manner, as if some urchin had just put up iron blocks, crowded. In a pile, many of the buildings feel that there is a general risk of collapse at any time.

But the most unbearable thing was the pungent smell in the air.

It was completely unimaginable how the smell came about. Everyone just felt that the smell was abusing their noses and brains, and their thoughts became slow as the smell invaded.

"Well..." Annie couldn't help it at first, she covered her mouth and looked like she was about to vomit.

I usually love Annie the most, and I wish I could stick with her as a whole. When something happens to Annie, Neeko, who is more nervous than anyone else, can't take care of her anymore. Neeko has fallen to the ground, her eyes are white and her mouth is spitting. Bai Mo, who loves natural and fresh air the most, is no different from being poisoned in this environment.

"Little wolf!" Nunu pinched her nose, her face dying and pale, "What's going on?"

"It's like doomsday! Doomsday!" Neeko looked like the world was destroyed in pain, "

Lu Sa was the least affected by the poisonous gas among all the people. His eyes flickered and he immediately responded: "We have been teleported!"

"Teleportation? Rui'er squeezed her nose tightly, her dark skin turned white with the smell. "Who do you mean we were sent here? "

"It's the master!" Lao Sa jumped up happily, "It must be the master! He sent us here!"

"Your master?"

"My master is a master of teleportation magic! He definitely wants to help us and teleport us to where we want to go!" Lao Sa couldn't wait to take out a pure white arrow, only to see the arrow flicker to the left and to the left. Shaking to the right, "Look! The ultimate element is near here! We can find it soon!"

"Before...before..." Annie raised her hand in pain, "Can you figure out where this is first? I...I'm about to faint..."

"Everyone, are you all right! Wait a minute!" Lao Sa wanted to communicate that the plants in the vicinity grew out to provide fresh air for everyone, but Lao Sa searched for a long time and found that there were no plants at all here.

Lasa was very surprised that even the coldest part of the Freljord could find some strong and living vegetation, and this place was actually so bad that there were only some poisonous weeds.

"There's no other way." Lu Sa took out the ice crystal arrow and used the power of the arrow to make a few ice cubes for everyone. "Come on, put it on your forehead or under your nose, it should feel better."

"Thank you...Thank you..." Everyone took the ice cubes and slowly recovered a little.

"Speaking of which, we were teleported here, but where is this place?" Annie had never seen this place before. The appearance of this place was beyond her imagination. No storybook had ever described such a city.

"Zeli looks like Zuan..." Neeko said weakly, and the flowers on her head had faded away, "It looks like a city with a level of pollution, Neeko hates Zili..."

"Zuan?" No one else had a picture, but Rui Er responded, "So it's here..."

"You know?" Lao Sa took out the soul arrow and asked Xiang Ruier while using it to sense nearby souls to gather intelligence.

"Well, the cooperation between Zaun and Noxus is quite close." Rui Er said, "Zuan is a city that is good at manufacturing alchemy technology items, and is also a city of smuggling dangerous goods. I heard that everything can be here. Buy, the armies of Noxus have traded with the alchemists of Zaun a lot."

"You know so well..." Nunu said.

"Heh..." Rui Er sneered, "Black Rose forced me and my companions to drink it when I was a child. The potion that 'helps' increase magic power was bought from Zaun, and it took three days after drinking it. Couldn't sleep, accompanied by severe vomiting and diarrhea, many children died immediately after drinking it, and those who survived would be better off dead."

The crowd was silent.

Rael seemed to feel that her words frightened the children a bit, so she restrained her expression and changed the subject: "Although I was teleported here inexplicably, Zaun is indeed in the south of Noxus, and we have saved a long time. the way to go."

"Neeko would rather walk than come to Cheri," wailed Neeko.

"Me too..." Annie said painfully.

"Okay!" Lao Sa put away the soul arrow, "I have almost investigated this area. This is indeed Zaan, and it is the middle level of Zaan."

Lao Sa introduced the crowd to Zaun, which is a multi-story city with most of the city underground.

Zaun has many alchemists' laboratories and chemical factories, they make various alchemy devices on a large scale, resulting in a lot of chemical waste, solid and liquid waste is thrown into the lowest layer of Zaun, and volatile waste is Spreading like this in every corner of Zaun, the middle level is almost the limit where ordinary people can stay. If you go further down, even if you wear a gas mask or something, you may be poisoned.

"I can't believe that someone would live in such a place." Anne sighed that the world is really big, and she couldn't imagine such a filthy city before she came here.

"Maybe the people here have lived here for generations, and they have some resistance to poisonous gas and waste gas." Lao Sa is very interested in this city. He feels that there will be a lot of interesting things here, and a lot of interesting people, " Well everyone, since you can't handle the exhaust gas, let's go to the upper floor of Zaan first, it should be much better than here."

No one objected, everyone wanted to change to a place with better air.

The place they were teleported to was an uninhabited roof. Everyone went downstairs first, and then they went to Zaun's big elevator with Lao Sa, who had already gathered information from their souls and was familiar with the place. There was the fastest elevator. The way to reach the upper floors.

As it was, Neeko made herself and Willump and Gnar invisible, and only the others walked down the street as they were.

However, before Lao Sa and his party could take a good look at this unfamiliar city, they were surrounded by a group of guys who looked like local gangsters.

"Outsiders." A young man with hair combed like a cockscomb said arrogantly, "A young woman and a group of children, what are you doing here?"

"Damn it." Rui'er understood what Nunu's magic was saying. "Is Zaun all this kind of guy? It's not surprising."

"Welcome to Zaun." Lao Sa smiled like a local.



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