"I... I understand, you wait a moment." Adusa said.

"Ah?" Lu Sa just sighed with emotion, and didn't expect to actually be able to express milk, but Adusa seemed to want to do something.

I saw Adusa stretched out her hand, and the sweet tea originally placed on the table flew out of the pot and into Adusa's hand.

Adusa turned out to be an elementalist who could manipulate the flow of water.

"It's the first time for me. I don't know if it will be successful." Adusa gritted her teeth and gently put the sweet tea stream on her breasts, and the sweet tea actually penetrated Adusa's skin and drilled into it. into the breast.

"It's so bloated..." After all the sweet tea was infiltrated into her chest, Adusa felt a little uncomfortable. Under the surprised eyes of Lisa, Adusa's **** bulged again, and some liquid also came out of the pink buds. Spit up.

"Come on, **** it up." Adusha resisted her shyness and said, "Although it's not real milk, it's sweet, and if it's heated with my body temperature, it should be fine to drink."

It was the first time that Lao Sa saw this way, and he couldn't help but feel novel. He bit a **** and sucked hard.

Sweet tea with the same body temperature as Adusa poured into the mouth. Although it tasted very different from real milk, sweet tea was delicious to drink, and after entering Adusa's body, it also took on a strange fragrance, which was branded. Can't help sucking up with relish.

"Axiom at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty can even do this kind of thing, it's really amazing." Lao Sa said while sucking.

"Well...Is it possible to breastfeed like this? It's really good to be able to breastfeed even if you are not pregnant. Humans are stupid, but sometimes their brains are quite clever, remember..." Zyra was not idle. She curiously and carefully observed the movements of the two of them, in preparation for breastfeeding Lao Sa after she recovered.


"Ah... ah..." Adusa had never experienced such a strange feeling in her life, but the branded sucking really made her feel extremely comfortable, and the swelling in her **** gradually subsided, Adusa couldn't help but want to Lisa sucked faster, and her mouth was dry from the constant stimulation of pleasure.

Lasa raised her eyes and saw that Adusa's lips were a little dry, so she let go of her mouth, and then pushed her two **** to Adusa's mouth.

Adusa's **** are so big that the **** can even reach her lips. Adusa looked at the **** that had been scorched by the saliva, and asked, "You... what else do you want to do?"

"Sister Adusa, you look thirsty." Lao Sa said sincerely, "Let's drink together, then you won't be thirsty."

Adusa is not very calm now. She looked at her two pink **** and the crystal liquid overflowing from them. She really had the desire to suck: "Then... that's good... Let's **** together..."

So Adusa and Lisa's lips and tongues reached out to the two buds that were squeezed together, and while their lips and tongues touched, they drank the sweet tea in the chest intimately.

Adusa felt that this might be the most delicious morning tea she had ever eaten in her life.


Rosa yawned and walked out of Adusa's room. Adusa was exhausted by Rosa, so Rosa helped her cover the quilt and left.

"Am I betraying Sister Qiyana? No, no, I don't know who of them can provide the best axioms at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty." Lao Sa licked the still scented lips and said, "In short, who can Give me the best, and I will help whoever, and this is also for Annie and the others."

Lao Sa still feels a little weak, and Zyra's life force sucking makes him lacking energy today: "Go back to sleep..."

Just when Lasa was going to go back, another elementalist found Lasa and wanted to take him to talk to the third Yun Alai.

So Lao Sa came to the third Yun Alai's room, and her first sentence straight to the point was: "Second sister just talked to you, right? What benefits did she give you?"



"That child... is... terrifying... too skilled... so comfortable..."

- Adusa

Chapter 973: The Passionate Ixtar Girls (Part 1)

The third Yun Alai has his own plans.

Although the Yun Alais are obviously fighting against the most radical Qiyana, that is because Qiyana not only openly said that she wants to seize the throne, but also is the only great elemental envoy of Ixtar who has mastered the three axioms of the early Yuan Dynasty. They will all join forces to deal with Qiyana.

But in fact, they are not monolithic, and everyone without exception has their own abacus.

After all, there is only one throne. Even if some of them have no intention of competing for the throne, they still have to consider their own future. In any case, they must retain the capital to settle themselves in the surging battle for the throne.

And the ambition of the third Yun Alai does not stop there.

After the first Yoen Alai Iniesa was broken by Qiyana's legs and lost the eligibility to inherit the throne, in the order of elder and youngest, the second Yoen Ale Adusha took over the succession.

But if Adusa also had an accident, then the right of inheritance would go to the third Yun Alai. This is her ambition.

But she will not recklessly and openly show her ambitions for the throne like Qiyana. If she uses the same way as Qiyana to surprise her second sister, then she will be the next person to be targeted, which is what she does not want saw.

Although as Yuen Alai, the princess of the entire Ixtar, everyone's elemental magic talent is beyond ordinary people, but Qiyana is a monster-level existence, and her strength makes her so reckless.

But the third Yun Alai does not have the talent of Qiyana, and she has to be as low-key as possible.

So, when the overlord Losa appeared, what the third Yun Alai saw was not crisis, but hope.

Of course, it is impossible for her to marry an outsider, Ro Sa, who would not be able to inherit the throne, but she very much hopes that Ro Sa can marry Adusa, so that she can get the inheritance without any effort.

In addition, last night, Adusa also went to her room to discuss with her, saying that you must not trust Lisa, which made the third Yun Alai see how afraid of Lisa. Choose her.

Although the Adusa from last night looked a little strange, unlike her usual time, she occasionally spoke with a big tongue, but the third Yun Alai was convinced that this was Adusa's panic.

Then what the third Yun Alai needs to do is very simple, that is, let Lao Sa choose Adusa.

But she was also afraid that Adusa and Lao Sa would make a deal and sacrifice her original sacrifice, so as soon as Lao Sa left Adusa's room, the third Yun Alai invited Lao Sa to her room, hoping to get something.

So, when the third Yuen Alai asked what benefit Adusa had given to Lu Sa, Lu Sa answered very honestly: "Sister Adusa will give me and my partners the best axiom study in the early Yuan Dynasty. surroundings."

The third Yun Alai suddenly frowned: "I can also give you this, and I can add more, as long as you want, I can find a way to get it for you, as long as you don't help my second sister And ten sisters, just stand on my side."

"Why does everyone want to win me over?" Lao Sa's face was full of doubts. "Is this what Syndra's mother said, the peach blossom period that every boy goes through? Am I too popular?"

"It's a good thing that you are popular." Zyra laughed. "It means that you are very attractive as a male. This is the most powerful weapon in nature. For you, of course, the more women, the better."

"Really?" Lao Sa was not very sure, he remembered something, and said to the third Yun Alai, "By the way, Sister Adusa also asked me to **** her breasts."

"What!" The third Yun Alai was so frightened that he almost jumped up, seriously suspecting that his ears had heard it wrong.

"It's true, we even kissed." Lao Sa said and licked his lips, "It tastes really good."

The third Yuen Alai was in shock. She couldn't believe that the second sister, who was dignified in her manners and always behaved with courtesy, actually took action against such a young child.

"Did the second sister like this? Or did she see that the power of the overlord would be her help? Or did she do it to win over Qiyana?" The third Yun'Alai didn't know, she only knew One thing - if even her second sister is willing to make a commitment to win over the child in front of her, then it means that he must have such value.

The third Yuen Alai didn't even bother, she desperately wanted the throne, and she knew that she was not strong among the sisters whether it was talent, skill or supporters behind her. If she wanted to be on the throne, she must have Something more powerful than the other sisters - Awakening.

"I can give it to you too!" The third Yun Alai slapped the table, for fear that he would repent and grab Li Sa's hand and press it on his chest.

Lao Sa's eyes widened, and he touched a pair of chests with satisfaction, and now another pair came to the door, beautifully like a dream.

"Ixtar girls are really enthusiastic." Losa was very moved.

Seeing that Lao Sa did not speak, but just smiled, the third Yun Alai thought he was looking down on him, and immediately made up his mind, tore off the clothes on his body directly, exposing the important parts in front of Lao Sa.

"Don't be shy... Don't be afraid... He's just a child whose hair hasn't even grown yet. At most, he can only touch and kiss, he can't get you pregnant..." The third Yun Alai comforted himself in this way, and at the same time put Roza hugged him tightly and hugged him tightly.

"You can treat me whatever you want." The third Yun Alai tried his best to smile at Lao Sa, "How about it? Second sister can't give you this, right?"

Luo Sa looked at the deep cleavage that was close at hand. Although she was a little tired, she was still aroused by interest, and said, "Sister Adusa also breastfeeding me."

"Nursing? Second sister, she's pregnant?"

"No, she uses water magic."

"This way..." The third Yun Alai's eyes flickered, and then she snapped her fingers, "Don't worry! I will do better than the second sister!"

With the snap of the third Yun Alai's fingers, several humanoid sculptures composed of soft elastic rubber surrounded Lao Sa.

Each one looks exactly the same as the third Yun Alai.

"Although I don't understand the Axiom of Running Water, the Axiom of Rock, Earth, Vegetation and Trees will definitely make you more comfortable... This is rubber, Ixtar's specialty, it must be very comfortable..." The third Yun Alai bit the brand Sa's ears uttered the first words she used to flirt in her life, "We...whatever you do...however you want,

It's ok..."



"Humans really know how to play, there are so many creativity..."

- Zyra

Chapter 974: The Passionate Ixtar Girls (Part 2)

Night falls.

Roza walked out of the room of the eighth Yun Alai.

"I'm really exhausted..." Lao Sa stretched out.

"I don't think you're very happy?" Zyra laughed, "In one day, all the Yun Alai from the second to the eighth made out, I don't know if you are too charming, or it's just a coincidence. ."

"It must be my charm." Losa said confidently, "Look at so many sisters who take turns inviting me to have **** with them, Ixtar is such a good place."

Lao Sa has indeed experienced an unforgettable day, and a full seven Yun Alai want to make out with him one after another.

The second Yun Alai fed him with the axiom of water flow, using sweet tea instead of milk, and gave Lu Sa a sweet morning tea.

The third Yun Alai used the axiom of plants and trees to please her with the dolls made of rubber. The soft elastic rubber dolls felt no worse than real people.

After coming out from the third Yun Alai, Zyra suddenly became interested, and said to Lao Sa that she should let the next Yun Alai do what, saying that she wanted to exercise her imagination, but Lao Sa did not Opinion, and instead of Zyra, make a request to the Yun Alai who are going to see him next.

I have to say, Zyra is very imaginative.

The fourth Yun Alai used the fire axiom to heat up her body. It was lunchtime. The fourth Yun Alai used herself as a baking pan, smeared it with oil, and let it burn on her brown tender body. On the barbecue, the balsamic barbecue tastes amazing, especially the sausages grilled in the private parts, the taste is simply amazing.

The fifth Yun Alai used the axiom of the wind to let Lao Sa use the wind as the cradle of the swing, and took a very comfortable nap with her breasts, although because Zyra had been sucking his vitality, she woke up after taking a nap. After that, I was still not in a good mood, but I really slept very well that night.

The sixth Yun Alai used the Thunder Axiom to give Lisa a thunder whip and let Lisa beat his body. Li Sa actually didn't quite understand why she seemed to be quite comfortable, she was obviously incontinent with the electric shock whip, but she was very satisfied, so Li Sa thought about it and let it go.

The seventh Yun Alai is also the axiom of plants and trees in practice. She summoned many vines to bind herself, and let the nectar on it cover her body and let Lisa lick and eat. Zyra looked so inspired by this, she said that she would play with Lasa once when she recovered.

Finally came to the room of the eighth Yun Alai, she practiced the axiom of rock and earth. So Zyra instructed Rosa to show her, and the eighth Yun Alai tried to open the wall with Geotechnical Axiom, and then Zyra let Rosa scratch her itch. Alai's neck was stuck in the wall, causing her body to stay in the room and her head to go to the bathroom. Zyra asked Lisa to take the opportunity to do various things to the eighth Yun Alai's body until Finally she collapsed to the ground.

"I really learned a lot today." Zyra was also very satisfied, "I originally thought that human mating was inefficient and boring, and it took so long to copulate successfully, but it is quite interesting after in-depth understanding. I've recovered my body and I'll play with you slowly."

"Okay." Lao Sa also missed Zyla's fragrant body.

"Hehe, in this way, except for the biggest Iniesa, you seem to have made out with all the Yuen Alai." Zyra said, "It's a pity that you can't get them pregnant yet, otherwise you just let them get pregnant. They are all pregnant, you can simply rule the whole of Ixtar."

"Isn't Ixtar not letting foreigners rule?"

"When you let all the Yuntars get pregnant with your children, then you can't help them...hehehe..."

"Forget it, I'm not interested in the throne. Sister Zyra, are you interested? If you have one, I can try hard."

"Actually, I'm not too interested. I just think that when I recover, there will be a place large enough for me to spread thorns and flowers." Zyra said her true thoughts.

"Ah...then I'll try to figure out a way in the future...I'm so sleepy..." Lu Sa was in a bad mental state, and after spending such a day, he was really sleepy and started to walk to his room. , I didn't plan to eat dinner, I just went to bed.

But as soon as Lao Sa returned to the room, he found that everyone had gathered here, even Qiyana.

"Little wolf!" Nunu waved at the little wolf, "Where have you gone? Are you waiting for you?"

"Is something wrong?" Lao Sa scratched his head and entered the room.

Qiyana grabbed Lisa and said, "Is your sister taking turns seeing you today? How is it? What benefits did they give you?"

"Just like you, Sister Qiyana." Lao Sa said truthfully, the other Yun Alai really didn't give him anything extra.

"Huh? They actually do this? I thought they would try to lure you at all costs. It seems that my sisters are smarter than I thought." Qiyana said disappointedly.

Qiyana didn't know that her sisters had paid a very "heavy" price one by one.

"Huh? Why is your body so fragrant?" Qiyana smelled Lao Sa and found that he had a fragrance on his body.

"Oh, I had roast meat for lunch."

"It's not that kind of fragrance, it's more like a woman's fragrance... Forget it." Qiyana let go of the brand in disapproval. From her point of view, it was right for the brand to get in and out of so many women's boudoirs.

On the other side, Annie asked Neeko quietly: "Sister Neeko, are you sure that Sister Qiyana's sisters hate Brand Sa?"

"Trust me, you don't have to worry about what Neeko does!" Neeko said with absolute certainty, "You don't think Brand Sa is so annoying, don't those pretty girls do him any good? It must be like they hate Brand Sa, rest assured."

"Then... that's good..." Annie felt that the depression that was blocking her chest was reduced a lot, and even she didn't know how her depression came from.

"Okay, let's get down to business." Qiyana clapped her hands, "Don't sleep tonight, go to Vidalion with me."

"Vidarian?" Lu Sa's eyes lit up. Qiyana had said that name before, "You said it, where you can learn the axioms of the early Yuan Dynasty, right?"

"Yes." The corners of Qiyana's mouth raised, "Worship me. I have successfully arranged a place for you to go to Vidarian. If you are lucky, you can start learning the axioms at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty tonight."



Vidalian, meaning - "the center of the world".

- Ixtar Talker

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