Even Udyr, the mighty beast spirit walker, was impressed by Ionia's way of cultivation. He traveled thousands of miles to the east with the monk, and there must be something unique about it.

Quinn checked the axles of the carriage. This carriage was prepared by Lestara. It looked very plain and didn't look like a noble car at all.

Mrs. Lestara also wore very simple clothes, dressing herself as an ordinary businessman. After all, she wanted to cross the land of Noxus, and traveling as a Demacian noble was no different from courting death.

At Lothar's request, Lestara agreed to take him with him, on the condition that, upon reaching Ionia, Lothar would act as a tour guide to show her the way.

How could Lothar recognize the way of Ionia, but he agreed first, and everything would be discussed after arriving in Ionia first.

Lestara came to Quinn with the map in good spirits. They had already worked out the route across the Noxian road and were now working on the details.

"Lady Lestara, this is the last time I'll ask you." Quinn said solemnly, "Are you really going to take this risk? Noxus' attack on Demacia was so fierce this year, maybe we can wait. Let's go a year or two."

"No!" Lestara categorically refused, "I have to go this year! She might not be here if I go late!"


"You'll know then." Le Stara didn't seem to want to say who "she" was for the time being.

Lestara put away the map and looked Quinn up and down.

The girl was wearing extremely simple linen clothes today, which could hardly conceal her compelling heroic spirit.

"You just wear this and go with me" Le Stara was very dissatisfied.

Quinn looked at herself, and didn't think anything was wrong: "Is there a problem? I can't wear armor when I travel in a low-key manner."

"I'm not talking about the armor!" Lestara pressed Quinn's shoulders. "You're a girl in bloom! Isn't it a waste of youth to dress up a little bit?"

"..." Quinn was speechless.

Lothar snickered on the side, and he found that Hua Luo, who was standing on the bird stand, also showed a very humane smile, which made him feel even more funny.

"Mrs. Lestara." Quinn tried to convince the beautiful woman, "We are going out in a low-key way, and we shouldn't be overdressed."

"There's no girl your age who doesn't pay attention to grooming herself! You look like a flower **** with withered grass, that's what makes people suspicious." Lestara turned around in front of Quinn Circle, the skirt of the long skirt fluttered, "If you see it, this is the most natural look."

Quinn felt a tightness in her chest and made her last struggle: "I don't have a skirt..."

"It's alright, I already expected your temperament, and I have prepared a lot for you!" Lestara took out a suitcase from the carriage, which was filled with various low-cut tops, short skirts, and stockings. and high heels.

"Mrs. Lestara, are you kidding me?" Quinn's face was black.

"Of course not, come in and change!" Lestara dragged Quinn into the carriage with a smile. "You are limited to choose one set within ten minutes! Then throw away your linen clothes!"

"Pfft..." Lothar couldn't help it, and when he thought of Quinn's bitter face, he felt the chill on his body weakened a little.

Lestara noticed Lothar's laughter and turned around: "By the way, you forgot your name, I still don't know what to call you."

"Whatever..." Lothar suddenly wondered if he had set himself on fire.

"That's right!" Lestara interrupted Lothar suddenly excitedly. "Since you forgot your name and you are an Ionian, let me give you an Ionian name!"

"Need not……"

Before Lothar could finish speaking, Lestara got into the carriage to look for something.

Lothar suddenly realized how Quinn was feeling now. This beautiful Demacian noblewoman was indeed a little hard to resist.

After a while, Le Stara came out with a tattered book: "This is the Ionian dictionary written in Demacian that I only found after searching the whole country. Unfortunately, it was already there when I found it. In this way, only a small part of the text can be read clearly."

Lothar raised her eyebrows, this lady's enthusiasm for Ionia was indeed a bit abnormal.

Lestara carefully flipped through the dictionary, looking for a satisfactory word: "Wait, in the name of the Bouvier family, I promise to give you a nice name."

Lothar wanted to say no, but he felt that he would not be able to stop Lestara, so he wisely kept his mouth shut.

"I'm about to have a third name." Lothar couldn't help thinking, "How many people in this world can have three names?"

"Le...Mrs. Lestara..." While Lestara was still happily naming Lothar, Quinn's timid voice came from the carriage.

"Have you changed your clothes? Then come out first."

The curtains of the carriage were opened, and Quinn blushed and walked out of the car, clutching his chest.

Even Lothar, who had seen many beautiful women, couldn't help but light up when he saw Quinn.

The goose-yellow low-cut tunic highlighted Quinn's beautiful curves. It was not obvious that she was wearing light armor before, but Quinn's figure was quite predictable.

The lower body is a light and fluffy short skirt, the skirt can't even cover half of the thighs, the white stockings are just over the knees, and there is a large area of ​​white and greasy skin between the skirt and the stockings.

On the feet are a pair of beautiful and concise leather boots without high heels, which are convenient and beautiful to move.

Le Stara clapped her hands with satisfaction: "That's right, how can our daughter of Demacia not be beautiful?"

Quinn grabbed the hem of the skirt with both hands, as if trying to lengthen the skirt a little bit: "I haven't worn such a short skirt... It's too inconvenient..."

"Aesthetics is the most important thing." Le Stara looked at Quinn with great relief. "If you walk around the street like this, you will definitely fascinate a lot of guys. You are right, Luo Ji"

Losar was taken aback: "Are you calling me?"

Lestara held up the dictionary: "Luoji, Ionian, means light rain that falls from the sky. You fell from the sky. It was raining when we first met, so it was called Luoji. I thought Looking for words like ice, but unfortunately this book doesn't have it."

"Light rain in the sky...what a perfunctory name..." Losar complained in his heart, but it didn't show it on the surface.

Quinn put a holster on his arm and let Valor step on it. The blue-feathered falcon seemed a little unaccustomed to Quinn's attire, and kept staring at her.

"What are you looking at, believe it or not, I will also ask Madame Lestara to wear a skirt for you." Quinn flicked Hua Luo's little head, and Falcon hurriedly retracted his head, looking like he really didn't want to wear a skirt.

Quinn glanced at Lothar intentionally or unintentionally. The boy who suddenly appeared was full of mysteries, and Quinn didn't believe him 100% yet.

Everything was ready, Lothar got a new name, Quinn got new clothes, Lestara was very emotional, and the group of three officially set off.

What they will pass through is the land of Noxus, the most powerful empire in Valoran.


The number of people smuggling from Demacia to Noxus has increased in recent years.

Most of them were wizards and their families, and Demacia's strict ban on magic forced those born with magic to leave Demacia and come to Noxus.

If these people are not controlled, they will affect the stability of the Noxian border. But there are also many seedlings with strong magic talent. It is suggested that they should be captured as much as possible, and then integrated into our army.

--Excerpt from Swain's Book of Remonstrance to His Majesty Emperor Darkwell

Chapter 123 Entry

Rat Assassin Guild.

Katerina Bailai lay bored on the leather chair, her slender legs stared at the wooden table, and she was playing with a knife blade quickly in her hand.

This knife is not small, the blade length is as long as Katerina's forearm, and the weight is naturally not light, but it is very unreasonable to fly between Katerina's slender fingers, like a knife flying in the flowers. butterfly.

Katerina is a pretty beautiful woman, although she is still quite young from the outside, but she has a kind of breathtaking beauty.

Katerina's long bright red hair was not tied up, and was casually scattered behind her head. She was quite scantily clad, with only a leather corset on top and skinny leather pants on the bottom. Usually there are only two kinds of women who dare to dress so boldly outside - prostitutes who want to attract customers, or strong men who are not afraid of being attracted by pornographic ghosts.

Judging from the row of bright knives hanging from Katarina's waist, she was clearly the latter.

The two corpses of assassins under her leather chair also proved this. The two idiots became fascinated after seeing Katerina. In this remote border of the empire, it is almost a hundred years to meet such a beauty. They didn't control their lower bodies and approached Katerina rashly, wanting to kiss Fang Ze.

In the end, the only thing they kissed was Katerina's blade.

The president of the Rat Hunter Assassin Guild was sweating, and his gaze towards Katarina's gorgeous body was not only not obscene, but even full of fear. It took him half his life to take the position of president. The girl only came for a day and he had to give up his seat, and he bowed and kneeled in front of her.

"Damn it! Why would such a big man come to us..." The president kept scolding in his heart. He could sit on the position of the president, of course, he was not a blind person. When he saw Katerina's almost extreme murder After the trick, he knew that the young woman in front of him was something he couldn't afford to offend.

"Your guild, why is it called the Rat?" Katarina asked suddenly, her voice sharp as a blade.

The guild leader shook his body: "This guild is mainly tasked with assassinating Demacians, we generally call them mice. Demacia completely bans magic, and there are often mages smuggled into Noxus, so we will will put them..."

"Kill" Katarina raised her eyebrows.

The president laughed bitterly: "You are joking, these stowaways are generally not oily, we all catch them and sell them to the nobles or the army."

"Cut, it's boring." Katarina threw out the flying knife, the blade brushed the president's face, and stabbed into the wooden wall behind him.

The president's back was wet in an instant, his face was slightly hot, and a shallow wound slowly opened.

"With this group of **** in your guild, you can also catch the mages. I don't think any mages in the army can come and kill you all." Katarina stepped on the corpse under her feet.

The president swallowed his saliva: "You're joking, the mages in the army are naturally not something we can deal with. Those smuggled Demacian mages have not received magic training in their country, and all magic is used blindly. Good to deal with."

"No wonder." Katerina yawned, "Sure enough, only pedantic countries can raise incompetent people, and Demacia is just like that."

"Yes, yes..." The president said with a smile.

"My father is really, why should I come here first in such a boring place?" Katerina stood up and stretched. Her **** body made her lower body feel ready to move. He hurriedly leaned forward to prevent Katerina from finding out. .

Katarina dragged her cheeks and thought for a while: "I don't know how long it will take for my father to come. Your guild should have an information Internet cafe? Get me some Demacian targets and pass the time."

The president said yes again and again, but he was even more afraid of this girl who took killing as a pastime.

This is still a girl, clearly a butcher.

The president took down a map from the bookcase, and offered the map with both hands with a smile on his face: "Smugglers don't come every day. This map marks the places where stowaways must pass to enter. You can go there. Waiting there for the rabbit."

"Okay, I'll try my luck today and see how many people I can kill." Katerina glanced at the map, but didn't take it, she seemed to have memorized all the contents, "I'll be back before tomorrow morning and prepare one for me. The best room should have a bathtub of clean hot water, a table of your special dishes, and two maids to serve me. By the way, also prepare incense for me, I only need Shurima. Bai Shaxiang, do you understand?"

The president was stunned for a moment, and Katerina's sudden demands made him dazed.

"I don't like repeating my words." Katerina took out a throwing knife from her waist.

"I understand, I understand!" The president nodded, "I'll prepare now."

"Very good." Katarina retracted the flying knife, twisting her slender waist and walking out the door.

"That, miss..." The president asked cautiously, rubbing his hands together, "May I ask, who is your father... who sent you here..."

Katerina smiled slightly, and her red lips evoked a beautiful arc: "You better, don't ask too many questions that shouldn't be asked."

Katarina's fingertips moved, and a flying knife flew towards the president's crotch.

The president fell to the ground in fright, and the flying knife was inserted into the wooden floor in front of his crotch, less than half an inch away from the lifeblood.

Katerina smiled: "If it's still so dishonest the next time you see me, I'll cut it off."

After speaking, Katarina opened the door and walked out.

The president fell to the ground weakly, breathing heavily. , Only then did he realize that he had wet his pants.


Quinn drives the carriage, and Valor flies over her on alert.

They have successfully bypassed the Demacian border guards and the Noxian border guards. Although this is not easy, with the help of Valor in the air, Quinn easily found the breakthrough and entered smoothly. in Noxus.

After entering the country, Lestara chose to take the main road, which would be safer and faster. Although he might be stopped by the Noxian army he encountered by chance, Lestara was well prepared.

"The military discipline of Noxus is far less strict than that of Demacia." Lestara sat in the carriage and said to Lothar, "Emperor Darkwill of Noxus is a careerist. It is said that as long as the army can achieve its goals, military discipline and style are secondary. If we encounter an investigation by the army, a little bribe will usually let us go."

Lothar's face was pale. Although he had come to a warmer river valley, the season was approaching winter, and the trees on both sides of the road had almost lost half of their leaves. Lothar was unbearably cold, and a slight movement of his joints would cause severe pain.

"She's a kind-hearted aristocrat," Lothar thought to himself, looking at the beautiful woman who kept telling him about the Noxian situation. "Just a little talkative."

"Luoji, do you have a lover?" Lestara asked suddenly.

Lothar didn't react for a while, he just walked away for a while, why the topic suddenly jumped to this.

"No... No, I can't remember." Lothar replied after pretending to think hard.

"Ah!" Lestara covered her mouth, "Aren't you Ionians relatively late bloomers? There are a lot of people in Demacia getting married at your age."

Lothar really didn't want to continue the topic: "What about Quinn, is she married?"

Quinn frowned outside the carriage, the boy actually led the fire to her.

"Alas." Lestara exaggeratedly sighed, "This child knows to run in the wild all day long, especially after joining the army. If this continues, she will become an old girl."

Lothar laughed, reluctantly agreeing with Lestara.

Lestara seemed to be excited, and kept gossiping to Lothar: "Fiona, the eldest daughter of the Laurent family, has refused all suitors for almost five years. The daughter of the Crown Guards, Lack Shanna made a declaration of not marrying a few years ago, and the whole aristocratic circle was in a frenzy at that time. There was also Vayne Shauna, the widow of the rich man. I heard that many young talents went to propose to her, and all of them were rejected. Get out!"

The corners of Lothar's eyes flickered, and he actually heard the names of two acquaintances from Lestara's gossip.

Le Stara said with a sad face: "Our Demacia daughters are both strong and beautiful, but they are all too assertive, and they don't think about the future because of their youth. The last time I met His Majesty, I went in. I have been advised that the habit of not marrying must not be allowed to prevail in Demacia. Our population in Demacia is smaller than that of Noxus, and we must ensure that there are prosperous descendants."

Quinn's mouth twitched when she heard it outside the carriage. She knew that Le Stara couldn't have said so much to Luo Ji, an outsider she had just met. Le Stara's purpose was to tell herself.

Lothar also understood the meaning of Lestara's words. He glanced at the curtain of the carriage. Quinn's slender back was printed on the curtain, which was really beautiful.

The relationship between Le Stara and Quinn seems to be unusual, like family members and friends. Le Stara trusts Quinn very much, but Quinn has always used honorifics to Le Stara to explain the relationship between them. There is an identity gap.

Lestara caught Lothar's gaze: "Luo Ji, what do you think of this girl Quinn?"

Lothar and Quinn tensed at the same time.

"How is it?" Lothar murmured inwardly, "Men's wife, wild girl, bitter and mean girl... These must not be said..."

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