"Push!" Lothar spat out a mouthful of blood, and the cold blood stained Katerina's neck.

At the same time, Lothar's mouth spurted out a hoarfrost-like chill, covering half of Katarina's face with frost.

The pain caused by the cold was worse than the blade of a knife, and it almost cracked the flesh. Katerina knew she couldn't go on any longer, so she hurriedly let go of her legs: "Stop!"

Lothar didn't expect that he would be able to squirt this thing out. He closed his mouth and let the cold air return to his belly.

Katerina flipped her wrist, and the flying knife at her fingertips ejected, but the target of the stab was not Lothar, but the oil lamp hanging from the beam.

The hemp rope tied to the oil lamp was cut, and the still burning lamp smashed straight towards Lothar's back.

But the flames didn't last long, and there was a white chill that was visible to the naked eye around Lothar. After the oil lamp fell on Lothar's back, there was no response, and it just rolled to the ground.


Always be careful with female assassins, especially those with good physique and beautiful female assassins.

To ask why, it is because they are not only attractive and dangerous, but also have more places to hide knives than men.

I'm not kidding.

— Noxian Assassin dirty jokes

Chapter 127 Katarina

"Stop playing tricks!" Lothar endured the pain in his waist and said sharply, "Say your name."

"Ka... Katarina..." Katarina clenched her silver teeth, she was completely helpless, and the last knife on her body couldn't help her out of the predicament. To make matters worse, her whole body was almost frozen, and she couldn't move a finger.

This was the biggest humiliation she had ever suffered, being hugged naked by a strange man who agreed to be naked, and her life being pinched in his hands.

"Your identity." Seeing Katerina settle down, Lothar continued to ask.

"Thorn... Assassin..." Katarina said with pale lips.

"Why did you kill me, and who ordered you to attack the two women who were with me?"

"No one is just me...I want to kill someone on a whim...just met you..."

"On a whim." Lothar was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect to get this answer.

After loosening his teeth a little, Lothar continued to ask, "Where are they?"

"No...don't know...your magic trapped me...they escape..."

Lothar was a little confused. His plan was to follow Lestara to Ionia, but now it has turned into this.

Lothar thought for a while without thinking of what to do next, and let go.

He raised his head and looked at the girl under him.

Contrary to Lothar's expectations, the girl who wanted to kill him was quite beautiful, not inferior to any woman he had ever seen, but Lothar didn't like the undisguised disgust and sullenness on her face.

"What monster are you?" Katarina looked at Lothar's right eye in shock. Although there was still blood, it had healed as before.

"I'm not a monster, I have a name, my name is..." Lothar hesitated, "My name is Luo Ji."

Katerina's chest was heaving, one third from anger, one third from cold, and one third from shame.

Lothar felt quite comfortable. The girl who had just left the bath was warm and moist, and the fragrant nephrite jade in her arms relieved his coldness.

Lothar's chest felt the trembling peaks and peaks in Katarina's chest, and she couldn't help but glance down.

"It's beautiful," Lothar said.

"What are you looking at!" Katerina hissed, her legs wanting to flutter, but her muscles were frozen, "I must poke your eyes out!"

"Didn't you already poke..." Lothar was speechless for a while.

"What should I do next?" Lothar was a little confused, "Quin and the others probably thought I was dead, and they definitely wouldn't come to me based on our friendship, so how do I get to Ionia? "

Lothar looked at the glamorous girl under him again: "Want to kill her? But what's the benefit of killing her? Will killing her bring trouble?"

Lothar lay dumbfounded on top of Katarina without saying a word.

Katerina gradually calmed down from the shock and anger at the beginning. She is not a young chick who has never killed anyone, nor is she a eldest lady who regards fame as more important than her life. This boy did indeed beat her. , Katarina couldn't think of how to deal with his terrible frost magic and his physique that never died.

So now, the important thing is not to seek an opportunity to turn defeat into victory, but to tell the boy's words and know his identity.

"Hello." Katarina called out, "you're Demacian"

Lothar was stunned: "No."

"Then why are you speaking Demacian"

"I will."

"Where are you from?"

"Ai...Ionia..." Lothar decided to continue the lie.

"Sure enough." Katerina had no doubts about him, and Lothar did look like an Ionian in terms of foreign trade. "What are you doing in Noxus?"

Lothar thought for a while: "I just passed by, I just want to go back to Ionia."

Katerina's eyes showed obvious disbelief: "A person as powerful as you would deliberately pass by at this time"

"At this time," Lothar didn't understand, "what's wrong with this time?"

Katerina sneered: "There is a limit to pretending to be stupid."

Lothar was at a loss, he really didn't know what was going on.

"Are you a mage?"

"Reluctantly... sort of."

"Why don't you die"

"I do not know either."

The two just chatted with each other one by one, and they were both testing each other hoping to extract more information from each other's mouth.

Both Lothar and Katerina seem to have forgotten one thing—they are still in a state of zero-distance skin-to-skin.

Interrupting Lothar and Katarina's conversation was an icy blade.

The blade was inserted straight into the center of the back of Lothar's head. Lothar's eyes were white, and his head hung down weakly, and he just happened to kiss Katerina's lips.

Katerina didn't react for a while, why did Lothar suddenly kiss her, and she gave her first kiss so hastily.

"You're disappointing me." A man's voice sounded in the room.

Katarina's breathing stagnated, as if a stone was stuck in her throat, she said with difficulty, "Father."

Katarina could not see her father's figure, Lothar's face blocked all her vision, and her limbs were still locked by Lothar, unable to move.

The man's voice was as deep as a rock: "I trained you to be a knife, but you lost."

Katerina turned her head, emptied her lips, and said anxiously, "Listen to my explanation! He..."

"I don't need an excuse, Katarina." The man walked up to Katerina, "Look at how embarrassing you are now."

Katarina only saw her father's boots, his body hidden in the shadows.

Katerina didn't say a word, she knew her father, she had let him down, no amount of words were quibbles.

But Katerina spoke anyway, she had to remind her father: "This guy is immortal!"

"I know." The man picked up Lothar with ease, "Is it stumbling you if you don't die? Did I let you dissect so many people in vain? The knife has been stuck in the brain stem and will not die Can't wake up either."

Katerina was lying on the ground, frozen and unable to move at all. She was ashamed and shameless to face her father with her ugly face.

"Sober up, come back to the capital to see me in a month." The man saw that the blade on the back of Lothar's head was pushed out a little by the gushing blood, he reached out and pressed it down again, "You can catch it within this time. At least ten smugglers from Demacia, or you won't have to come back."

Katerina's eyes widened, and there was an unspeakable grief in her pupils: "Are you going back to the imperial capital? I'm here to do these chores, right? When will I get the real task?"

The man didn't speak, but his eyes told Katerina one thing - she was not qualified to ask too much.

"Yes..." Katerina turned her head sideways, her long red hair covering her expression.

The man carried Lothar on his shoulders and left without looking back.

Katerina stayed alone in the room, silent, and the cold touch of the boy named Luo Ji still lingered on her.

Katerina bit her lip, and the blood slowly dripped to the ground.

Along with dripping, there were uncontrollable hot tears gushing out of his eyes.


Katarina, whose name cannot be verified, age unknown.

Currently not working for any Assassin Guild, suspected to be working for a big figure in the Empire.

Good at using flying knives and curved blades, the assassination method is quite bloody. At present, there are 34 assassination incidents suspected to be directly related to Katerina, and none of them left any alive.

In addition, any attempt to investigate Katarina's identity has ended in failure, and it is suspected that some big man has withheld all relevant information about Katarina.

— "The Noxian Assassin Directory"

Chapter 128 Swain

Capital of Noxus.

A military carriage drove unhindered on the main road late at night, unstoppable by soldiers, because the emblem on the carriage marked one thing—the vehicle of an imperial general.

A statue is placed at intervals on both sides of the main road. The statue is engraved with a wolf with a vague shape, whose body is wild and disordered, like a shadow in motion. The moonlight sprinkled on the statues like a stone sinking into the sea, without adding any agility to these statues.

The carriage drove straight to a hidden cellar, and after a while, a completely different carriage drove out from the other side of the cellar.

The man sat quietly on the carriage, his expression shrouded in darkness, only the sharp eyes that seemed to be able to cut through everything were incomparably clear in the shadows.

The man is very patient. Every time he returns to the imperial capital, he has to change to a few carriages before going to his real destination. Although it is a little troublesome, it is very effective in getting rid of some malicious people.

The last ordinary carriage that the man rode in came to a dilapidated mansion.

The house seemed to have been neglected for a long time, with ivy crawling all over the walls, the ash at the gate was as thick as a carpet, and there was no light shining through the windows. From the outside, it looked like a dead house.

The driver lifted the curtain and nodded slightly to the man.

The man took out a huge wooden box from the camera obscura under the seat and disappeared into the carriage with it.

The night wind was blowing, and the house was still dead, as if only a few ivy leaves had moved slightly.

The man appeared on the second floor of the house, and the floor was covered with dust. He walked forward, carrying a heavy box, but he did not leave any footprints on the ground.

He came to a door, which was left open, only a gap was exposed.

The man pushed it away, and the room was empty, except for a table, a chair, and a fireplace covered with cobwebs, completely devoid of the breath of life.

There is one more person.

An old man who is approaching his twilight years.

The old man was full of white hair, looking at the wolf, and was writing something with a feather pen. There was no light in the room, and he was writing with a little moonlight leaking in from the window.

The man closed the door with his backhand and put the big wooden box on the ground: "I've brought the person you want."

The old man didn't look up, just nodded slightly: "Thank you, you can go."

The man didn't leave, but was silent for a while and said, "Why do you really want to do this? Swain."

Swain dipped his quill in ink. "I have to."


"No but." Swain's tone was soft, but for some reason there was an irrefutable majesty, "It will be over soon, success or failure has nothing to do with you, you will always be Noxus. General, no one can change. You better take care of your daughter, she is very lost now."

The shadow hid all the man's expression, he didn't say anything, and disappeared silently.

Swain finished his writing patiently, put the quill back in the holder, and stood up.

The old man was tall and stood tall and straight, but the sleeve of his left arm was shrunk, as if there was nothing inside.

A crow appeared from somewhere in the room. It was slightly larger than the average crow, and its dark crow feathers glowed with an evil dark red light.

The weirdest thing is that this crow has four eyes.

Swain remained standing quietly, watching the crow fly to the side of the wooden box and peck open the copper lock on the wooden box with its beak.

A "squeak" sounded, and the wooden box was automatically opened.

The temperature of the room dropped suddenly, as if being swept by a cold current, and a thin white frost began to condense on the ground.

The wooden box was already filled with ice crystals, and there was a boy lying on his side.

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