The death toll was 6,578.

— "Imperial Arena Death Toll: Noxian Year 998"

Chapter 134 Frozen

Zasen inhaled slightly, wondering what kind of perfume Lady Elise was wearing, and the fragrance she smelled in a room alone with her was better than any flower he knew.

"'s her body fragrance"

As soon as this idea appeared in Zasen's mind, he couldn't get rid of it. He secretly glanced at Ms. Elise's rounded chest curve. If he could bury his face in it and take a deep breath... it would be a sacrifice …oh no, both estates are worth the price of bliss.

Zasen felt that the blood flow in his body accelerated a lot, and he wanted to show himself more.

Zasen knew that he was not handsome enough or tall enough, but Zasen was convinced that he had a good eloquence and a sincere heart.

"Ms. Elise, do you know why the title of Voiga is [Intestinal Eater]"

Elise tilted her head slightly, as if thinking.

This simple action directly slowed Zasen's heartbeat by half a beat.

"Because it likes to eat intestines?" Elise's voice was as deep and silky as black silk, "I also like beef intestine soup."

"Ms. Elise, you are so cute." Zasen praised from the bottom of his heart, "Voga likes to eat live human intestines, and every one of its opponents is disemboweled by it and pulled out its intestines. Come and eat alive!"

"Ah!" Elise lightly covered her mouth, as if to hide her surprise.

"You don't have to be surprised, trolls are such a savage race." Zasen proudly showed off his knowledge, "I've seen Vogga pull a liquidator's intestines out eight or nine meters before, like sucking noodles. It **** in the same way!"

"The wolf spirit is on top, this is too cruel." Elise seemed to cover her flat belly with some fear, "Can a human's intestines be so long?"

"Of course, maybe you can have a feast for your eyes today." Zasen's eyes were almost straight, and he wished that he would take this noble lady of national beauty in his arms and declare that he would protect her with his life.

"Really?" Elise pressed her chest up and down, the looming snow-white flesh at her cleavage made Zasen unable to move her eyes, "Then I'm... I'm looking forward to it..."

With the exit of the host Carl, and the luxuries cautiously loosening the shackles on Voggar, this much-anticipated duel officially began.

Angrily, Yuga picked up the heavy iron ball on the ground that used to tie his ankles, and smashed it hard at the iron gate where the wrestlers were evacuating. However, the customs of the arena have been in Noxus for hundreds of years, and the security facilities are so complete that even a troll cannot break the door and lock.

Roaring angrily at the door for a while, Yuga turned around and looked at the only living thing in the entire battlefield other than it - a thin human.

Lothar looked at the troll carefully. Compared with what he had seen before, although Oggar was not small, his body was obviously much thinner than that of the adult trolls in the Freljord.

"Did the people in the arena deliberately starve it..." Cold air surged between Lothar's hands, and several ice picks slowly formed in it.

But Lothar was stunned for a moment, and he saw Vogga's eyes.

There was sadness and despair in his eyes.

Lothar removed the ice pick.

The emotion in Oggar's eyes soon faded, turning into pure hunger and anger, roaring and pounding the ground, rushing towards Lothar with unstoppable speed.

"Oh! Our big star [Intestinal Eater] Kaggar took the lead in launching the attack! By the way, he hasn't eaten for a week, and he must have been hungry!" The host Karl's commentary was fast, he Passionate voices spread throughout the arena through amplification magic, "Let's see how this mage liquidator will respond!"

Lothar stood there, waiting motionless.

" this the mage being frightened? Does he want to meet a troll's sprint head-on? He won't..." Even Karl, who had seen countless duels, raised his voice in surprise.

The troll's sprinting speed on the flat ground was even faster than that of the cheetah. Even Karl's fast-paced speech couldn't finish this sentence, and Voggar had already rushed in front of Lothar.

A fist the size of a vomita grinding disc hangs high above Lothar's head, and with just one click, this fragile human body will turn into a fleshy mud.

The audience in the arena looked forward to it, and most of the reason they paid to come here was to see the grand scene of blood and flesh.



What appeared in front of the audience was no blood, only ice.

It was an almost outrageous radioactive ice layer, completely covering half of the battlefield.

The whole arena was dead silent.

No one could see how this huge ice filled half of the arena in an instant. The audience couldn't understand what was going on in front of them. The audience who were closer to the giant ice began to feel the skin tingling, and the audience was in the front. The audience suffered, their bodies were covered with frost, and the temperature of the entire arena dropped suddenly.

Inside the battlefield, the new mage liquidator was still standing there, as if he had done nothing.

At a very close distance in front of him, the troll Yuga was frozen in the ice, unable to move. Its fist was only two meters away from the mage, and it only took a single hit.

Everyone was stunned by this deviance from common sense. It is well known that mages have the ability to change nature, but mages who can do so much...

Carl felt that the hairstyle of his cockscomb head seemed to collapse. He suppressed the shock in his heart and cleared his throat in a panic: "I declare! [Intestinal Eater] Vogga is incapacitated! This duel is the new clearing. Man wins!"

"Oh oh oh oh!"

A violent roar broke out in the arena, and the audience roared wildly, but at this time, the target of their roar was no longer the troll, but the powerful mage.

In their opinion, the mage did not move a single step from the beginning to the end of the battle, but just stood quietly, which was enough to prove his strength.

Noxus has always respected the strong.

"Noisy...noisy..." Losar thought.

No one noticed that at this moment, Lothar was trembling slightly all over, and his expression was extremely dull, as if he had been hit by evil.

The chill revealed from the depths of his bone marrow eroded his whole body, and his saliva, blood and even brain were frozen a little. If it were an ordinary person, he would have already died, and the faint heat in his blood was fighting against it. , which saved Lothar's life.

"Damn... I accidentally made a mistake in control..." Lothar's mind was dizzy and heavy. His practice of ice magic was short. Although he had unparalleled magic power in the body, he couldn't do it freely. To endure the backlash it brings. It's okay to release some small magic, but it is difficult to control the scale once the more violent powerful magic is released.

He originally just wanted to make a big ice cube to freeze the vomit directly, but he didn't expect... to make such a big one.

"Although Swain seems to make me win a little more beautiful... But it seems to be too much..." Lothar's mind slowly recovered, and his thoughts gradually became more active, "No, I seem to be standing for too long, I can't let people see that I'm strong from the outside and hard at work."

Lothar struggled to lift his heavy legs, and left the battlefield in awe or fervor.

"I really want to go back and take a hot bath..." This is the only thought of Lothar now.


Taking a bath is quite helpful. The stimulation of water temperature can speed up human blood circulation and enhance metabolism.

It is generally recommended that the bath temperature be between 35 degrees Celsius and 39 degrees Celsius. Baths that exceed 40 degrees Celsius may have negative effects on the body, and if the temperature rises further, it may be dangerous. Do not soak for long periods of time.

—Healthy Living, published by Piltover University Press

Chapter 135 After the War

Zason's jaw dropped to his knees.

The direction of the release of the huge radial ice block was just opposite the noble seat they made. The cold current filled the entire noble seat.

But when he thought that there was a stunning beauty beside him, Zasen still held back, he couldn't lose his demeanor.

"Wait! Elise must be very cold now!" Zasen was overjoyed, he seemed to have found a God-given opportunity, "I can justifiably hold her in my arms!"

Zason couldn't wait to turn his head to Elise, hoping to see the beauty weakly in need of her help.

But Zasen was disappointed, he only saw Elise resting her chin with one hand, her thin body did not tremble at all, and her eyes hidden behind the veil were just staring at the arena quietly.

"It's really an accident..." Zasen hid his shivering hands under the pillow, "I didn't expect this mage to be so strong. Even if he goes to the army, he can at least get a high position, right?"

Elise didn't answer Zasen's words, she just sat like that, her delicate curves looked like a painting.

Zasen suddenly shuddered, and he didn't know whether it was caused by the chill of the giant ice or the woman's silence.

"What a pity," said Elise.

"Unfortunately..." Zasen was a little stunned, "What a pity?"

Zasen saw the red lip under the black veil rise slightly.

"It's a pity that I couldn't see the grand scene of the living being gutted." Elise stood up and put on her pure black lace gloves.

Zasen reacted immediately, he hurriedly picked up Elise's cloak and draped it over her shoulders.

Elise secured the cloak with an eight-claw brooch and walked towards the door.

"You... where are you going?" Zasen asked hurriedly, "Is there still a duel you haven't finished yet?"

"I'm tired, I'll go back first." Elise said without looking back.

"But..." Zasen wanted to say something to keep his dream lover, but Elise ignored him at all and pushed out the door accompanied by the waiter.

Only then did Zasen realize that he seemed to be a little carried away today, thinking that Elise had begun to slowly throw into his arms.

This is just an illusion, and Elise is not one of those silly innocent ladies.

Who taught her to be Elise, Elise Zaafan, the leader of the Zaafan family, a flower that is difficult for ordinary people to pick.

One of the most powerful women in Noxus.

Crow felt like his heart was about to jump out.

"Why is that Ionian so strong! He can't even get close to him! Isn't he an ice mage!" Crow was so anxious that he almost ran towards the host.

There, Cockscomb host Carl is talking to a guy.

"Brother-in-law!" Crow anxiously ran to Carl's side, "You have to save me!"

Karl gave Crow a cold look, and waved the other one to retreat: "Call me in charge in the arena! I know everything about you."

"I know...I know"

Carl pointed to the giant ice in the battlefield: "Do you think I didn't find someone to investigate what's going on after seeing this thing? You are really brave enough to actually arrange a troll for that strong man. Be an opponent!"

Crow was about to cry: "I...I know he's so strong! I think he looks like an underage Ionian. He was obsessed for a while, just...just..."

Karl stretched out his hand and told Crow not to say anything more: "It's useless what you say now, as long as the strong man is not stupid, he can see that you are targeting him, if he gets angry and spreads fire all over the arena, it will be troublesome. ."

"Then... what to do then?"

"What else can you do? You and I go to apologize to him face to face! Seek forgiveness!"


"But what?"

"But he's an Ionian!" In addition to fear, Crow's eyes were full of disgust.

Carl slapped Crow mercilessly: "Anyway, you are still in the army, and you have worked with me for so long! Why don't you even understand this truth!"

Crowe covered his cheeks in a daze, his expression sluggish: "What... what's the reason?"

"A big fist is the last word!" Carl dragged Crow away with hatred for his incompetence, "As long as he is a strong man, even if he is a dog, a fly, or a piece of shit, you have to be shy. Please! This is Noxus!"

Lothar was distressed.

He was in so much pain that he wanted to go directly back to Swain's house, but who knew that a few smiling arena administrators approached him and invited him to wait first.

Lothar thought for a while, and it seemed a bit strange to just leave like this, so he agreed.

Lothar sat on the soft sofa, raised his head and drank the tenth cup of hot water brought by the waiter.

It's a pity that the effect is not great. The steaming water begins to cool rapidly as soon as it is imported. It can't warm up Lothar at all, it can only be said to be a comfort.

After waiting for a while, the cockscomb head host Karl came with a smile on his face.

Lothar noticed the red slap print on Crow's face, and he was a little amused: "It seems that he has been taught a lesson."

"Lord Luoji, right?" Carl sat enthusiastically opposite Lothar, using the second highest honorific in Noxian language, the highest honorific can only be used for His Majesty the Emperor, "You Such a powerful mage actually condescends to come to my arena as a liquidator, it really makes our place shine."

Lothar felt a little uncomfortable, but fortunately, he had already heard Swain say that speeches in the upper circles of Noxus were so disgusting that he could not wait to hold the other party up to the sky.

Lothar clasped his arms so that the two could not see their trembling fingers: "I don't need to be polite. If you have something important, tell me quickly, I'm in a hurry."

"Go back to take a bath." Lothar thought.

Carl thought Luo Ji was already angry, and said shyly: "Don't worry, I'm here to apologize to you on behalf of the arena."

"Apologize for what?" Lothar secretly laughed, but still asked knowingly.

Carl slapped Crow **** the back.

Crow shivered all over, and stepped forward with a trembling tone: "Luo... Lord Luoji, I'm really sorry, due to a small negligence, the opponent I arranged for you today was not [Intestinal Eater] Voggar, it should be another A new liquidator is right."

"Have you found such an excuse..." Lothar secretly said, the arena side came up with such a rhetoric, and he had no good reason to make things difficult.

In fact, Lothar doesn't bother to waste time on such trivial matters. He now wants to go home to take a bath and cook hot soup.

"But Swain seems to have made me pretend to be a bit stronger." Lothar was really tired. In the country of Noxus, if you want to rise to a high position, not only strength, but also temperament can't be tolerated.

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