
"Cry again! If you cry again, I will leave you in the old town!"

——Noxus used to frighten children

Chapter 139: Killed

Crowe walked uncomfortably in front of the Ice Mage.

The mage was playing with a small knife in his hand, and the blade flew up and down his fingertips. Crow didn't know what he was doing, and he didn't ask too much.

"Lord Luoji, this is the rest room for you." Crowe said politely, his eyes almost squeezed into a slit.

Lothar glanced at it. It was much more spacious than the room he stayed in when he first came to the arena. There was actually a pretty animal-eared Vastaya girl in it. She hurriedly stood up after seeing Luo Ji coming. He got up and bowed respectfully to him.

"This is..." Lothar held the knife and looked at Crowe with a frown.

Crow smiled secretly and said in a low voice: "This is the young chick we specially arranged for you, and no other man has touched it. It is a part of your compensation, and she will be yours in the future."

Lothar had a headache, "Do you want to accept it... I can't possibly take her back to Swain's place..."

Lothar waved his hand: "Take her away, I am here to be the liquidator, not to find a woman."

Crow's face froze, and he hurriedly let the Vastaya girl leave. The girl trotted out in embarrassment. Before leaving, she glanced at Lothar in disappointment or relief.

Lothar snorted coldly and walked into the lounge.

Crow followed in silence, he was afraid that his arrangement would annoy the mage, and he broke out in cold sweat.

Lothar sat on the sofa and continued to play with the knife with his fingertips: "Don't arrange these for me in the future, or else get out of here."

"Yes yes yes!" Crowe was so frightened that he almost fell down, he said cautiously, "Lord Luoji, if you tell me what kind of compensation you want, we can arrange it for you, no matter how precious it is. , as long as we can get your forgiveness, we will get it for you."

Lothar thought for a while: "He said so, or I'll make a request... In fact, I really want to get some Noxus black powder, but this thing is a military item, so I make such a request. I'm afraid it will cause trouble..."

Lothar stared at the low table: "I'm not interested in money. If you can find some books or objects related to magic for me, then it will be a thing of the past."

"Yes! No problem!" Crowe suddenly came to the spirit, as long as he knew the needs of the mage, then the next thing was nothing more than spending money and connections. Although things that have something to do with magic have always been valuable, Crow has made a lot of money by working in the arena for so many years.

Thinking that the Master was willing to let go of the past and finally put down the stone that had been hanging on Crow's heart for several days, he happily brought tea and water to Losar: "By the way, Lord Luoji, let me tell you about today's duel arrangements."

"Hmm..." Losa drank the hot tea to ease the chill in her body a little.

Crow took out a booklet from his bag and handed it to Lothar with a face full of flattery: "Today's arrangement is as usual, the morning is the beast fight, the afternoon is the liquidator's duel, and there will be a special rule fight in the evening, you see which one you like. One?"

"Just duel with the liquidators." Lothar also learned about the situation in the arena in advance. The liquidator's final in the afternoon has always been the most spectator and the most popular, which helped him to make a name for himself.

"Hao Le! You see which opponent you want to choose"

"Can you choose your own opponent?"

"This... is usually arranged by our side through the record, but as compensation for you, it is completely possible for you to choose your own opponent."

Lothar sneered in his heart: "This is Noxus. If you have power and status, you can ignore the rules."

Lothar casually flipped through: "Who is the strongest liquidator who appeared today?"

"Of course it's you..."

"I mean except me."

"Uh..." Crowe pointed to a name on the roster, "He, Klaus, has a record of forty-seven wins and one draw."

"It's him." Lothar threw the booklet on Crow. "You go, don't bother me until it's my turn."

"Yes, yes..." Crow was holding the booklet, and he didn't dare to show any dissatisfaction on his face, "This... There is one more small matter."

"Come on." Lothar pretended to be impatient.

Crow hurriedly said: "That's it, you are a rare mage liquidator, the arena intends to publicize you, and wants to upgrade you directly from an unnamed liquidator to a named liquidator, every time you win in the future, They will all get a share from the ticket money. Can you tell me what title you want to take?"

"Title" Lothar remembered the nicknames he had heard the last time he came to the arena.

【Bengshan Hammer】, 【Iron Pig】, 【Intestine Eater】.

"Stupid." Lothar said coldly, "I don't want any title, just use my real name."

"This...but this is the rules of the arena..." Crow was a little embarrassed.

"Do you still want to tell me these rules?" Lothar threatened, feeling that he too had grown accustomed to the rules of the country of Noxus.

"Don't dare!" Crow swallowed his saliva. "It's just that without a resounding title, the publicity effect may not be great..."

Lothar was taken aback for a moment, but he didn't think of this question.

"Is there no other way?"

Seeing that Lothar really didn't want the title, Crowe rolled his eyes: "Why don't you, you don't want the title, you can try to use a pseudonym for publicity, and the pseudonym can be a little more powerful."

"Do you have any good suggestions for pseudonyms?"

"My lord, your name means 'falling rain' in Ionian, right?"

"You can speak Ionian." Lothar was a little surprised.

"Hey, after all, I've also fought in Ionia for a few years, so I know a little bit." Crow smiled awkwardly, "In my humble opinion, it's better to call it by a pseudonym..."

"How about Falling Kill?" A familiar female voice suddenly interrupted Crow's words.

It was Elise, the beautiful woman who opened the door at some point and looked at Lothar with a small smile.

"How did she get in?" Lothar frowned slightly. Like last time, he didn't notice Elise's appearance at all.

Elise was dressed differently today. Although she was still wearing a black veil and a veil skirt, she had obviously undergone quite fine tailoring. Compared with the previous dress, she was a little more modest and conservative. Elise's new clothes this time were quite experienced.

Two high forks were cut at the thighs, revealing white and smooth skin, and the neckline was much lower, and she was ready to show her firmness and fullness. She also wore a ruby ​​necklace, which just happened to be squeezed between the deep grooves.

Crow drooled a little when he saw it, but he responded quickly and hurriedly looked away. Although he didn't know which family the lady in front of him belonged to, no matter how he thought about it, it wasn't something he could covet.

Lothar rested his head on one hand and did not speak.

Elise sat gracefully beside Lothar. Unlike last time, this time even when there were other people around, Elise sat directly close to Lothar.

Crow's face was full of surprise, and he didn't understand what the relationship between the two was.

"What do you think?" Elise tilted her head and looked into Lothar's eyes. "How can I get my name?"

Lothar didn't say a word, he didn't want to reveal that he didn't know Ionian at all.

Crow's mind turned quickly: "This Ionian has climbed on this lady's high branch, and this time to please him, maybe it will be beneficial to me..."

Thinking of this, Crowe bowed respectfully to Lothar and Elise: "It's a good name for Madam! Replace the word '霎' with the word 'kill', which is not only the same pronunciation in Ionian, but also in Nuo. It also means 'kill' in Texas, which is perfect for liquidators! Wonderful! Wonderful!"

Lothar didn't pay much attention to Crowe's flattery. He felt the strong aroma and cold touch from the woman next to him.

"What the **** does this woman want to do?" Lothar didn't think he had the charm to make a woman fall in her arms when she saw him, let alone the patriarch of a big Noxian family.

Elise still kept smiling, as quiet as a flower.


Never trust a beautiful girl who suddenly shows affection to you.

Reality is not a romance novel, and love at first sight is just an unattainable luxury.

——Excerpt from Noxian tragic poem "The Man Bitten by the Black Widow"

Chapter 140: Sheep Spirit and Wolf Spirit

Elise took Lothar's arm and walked with him in the preparation area of ​​the arena.

Lothar did not reject Elise's invitation. After all, he might have to join the Za'afan family in the future, so he couldn't have a deadlocked relationship with this woman.

Although there are beauties around, Lothar is always on guard against Elise. Noxus is no better than the wilderness of the Freljord. Every living thing here is always thinking about interests and conspiracies.

In fact, there are not many liquidators in the preparation area of ​​the arena. Liquidators have their own lounges. Most of the beasts here are caged.

"Did you know? It's the Scaled Eater." Elise pointed to a three-tall snake-necked snapping turtle-like beast, "This is a monster only found in southern Ionia, and it is said that it even has cannons. Can't even break through its shell."

"How do I know that, I'm not an Ionian..." Lothar glanced at the Scaled Eater. It looked very bad, its eyes were slack, and several arena managers kept using it. The torch poked at it, causing it to whimper.

"What are they doing?" asked Lothar.

Elise was closer to Lothar, and there was even a soft touch in some parts of Lothar's arm: "They're stimulating it, stimulating its ferocity to play."

Lothar resisted such an approach in his heart. Although the Freljords also hunted wild beasts, they held a respectful attitude towards the prey, even a rabbit. It was their death that made the Freljord countless. tribal life.

But Lothar didn't show it on his face, he watched with a cold eye, and continued to be dragged around by Elise.

Elise kept asking questions along the way, from what kind of girl Lothar likes to his first love, not a fool can see what Elise wants to do to him.

Lothar kept her cold personality as much as possible, and kept reciting Ashe's name in her heart. Elise is indeed a fairy-like woman. Whether it is her appearance, her way of speaking, or her unique temperament, she can make men fascinated, not to mention that she is still boldly showing her love to Lothar. Lothar can feel the surprise of others along the way. And jealous eyes are like awns on the back.

"That's enough..." Even without Swain's request, Lothar began to have the idea of ​​gaining aristocratic status earlier, at least he wouldn't be stabbed in the spine by such a strange gaze.

Elise didn't seem to care at all, instead she pressed closer and closer to Lothar.

"Cough cough." Lothar coughed twice, "Ms. Elise, maybe you can be a little more reserved when you are outside."

"Outside," Elise's ruby-colored eyes flashed with a smile, "In private, can I have **** with you to the fullest? How about tonight?"

Saying that, Elise took Lothar's hand and gently stuffed it into the high fork of her skirt.

"Aishie Ashish..." Lothar kept using his wife's appearance to counteract Elise's charm.

"I still have a duel this afternoon, and I'm afraid I will have no energy after the duel." Rosa quickly pulled out his hand and made a random excuse.

"Haha..." Elise smiled coquettishly, "It's okay, I have a lot of energy-boosting supplements and medicines at home, and the effects are outstanding."

As Elise spoke, her slender hand slowly stroked down Lothar's waist.

"Look! It's the troll that I fought against!" Lothar glanced at a big blue man, hurriedly shook off Elise, and strode in that direction.

Elise's beautiful eyes flowed, and the tip of her tongue brushed her lips lightly, closely following Lothar.

"This woman is really annoying." Lothar reluctantly walked to the side of the frost troll Yuga, the big guy fell to the ground with his eyes blank.

Lothar frowned, grabbed an arena staff member next to Yuga and asked, "What's wrong with it?"

The staff was shaken by the cold air on Lothar's body. He immediately recognized that standing in front of him was the mage liquidator who had fought with Voiga, and replied respectfully: "Hello, sir, this giant The devil is dead."

"Dead?" Lothar looked at Vogga unexpectedly, and it really didn't get angry, "I didn't kill it?"

"It's like this," the staff explained. "We dug it out of your magic that day, but it got sick after that and just died this morning."

Lothar's face was normal, he knew the terrifying physique of trolls, and it was almost impossible for a troll that could eat carrion, bones, and even stones to get sick.

Unless it is already extremely weak.

"You didn't cure it"

"You're kidding, my lord, where can we find a doctor who can heal trolls."

Lothar was silent.

"What's the matter?" Elise walked silently to Lothar's side and wrapped her arms around him again.

"Nothing." Lothar sighed inwardly.

"That's right! It's funny too." The arena staff suddenly remembered something, "Last night, I didn't sleep uncharacteristically, I just kept yelling at the sky and roaring out the blood, I guess it's not Blind roar may have a few more days to live, trolls are really stupid."

Losar looked at the staff coldly.

The staff shuddered. He originally wanted to tell a funny story to be close to the mage and the noble lady beside him, but judging from the mage's expression, it seemed to be of no use.

"What did it growl?" asked Lothar.

"Ah this..." The staff member was stunned for a moment, scratching his head, "It seems to be yelling...Houm"

Lothar knew what the vomit was.

That's Freljord, which means home.

Lothar looked at the troll's corpse, thin and haggard, with dilated pupils in its eyes and blood and saliva flowing from its mouth.

"Is it calling home before dying?" Elise said suddenly.

Lothar was a little surprised. He didn't expect that Elise seemed to understand Freljord.

"It's pitiful, but it is a warrior who has fought for a long time." Elise's hand gently stroked the troll's finger, "May you leave under the guidance of the wolf spirit."

The staff quickly flattered: "This lady, your kindness is as unparalleled as your beauty."

"Ah, that's really an award." Elise seemed to smile happily.

Lothar ignored the hypocritical flattery, and just muttered to the troll in his heart: "I hope it is not the wolf spirit but the sheep spirit that will take you away. May it give you rest in peace."

The troll was motionless, nothing but nothing in his eyes.

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