Lonely Attack on the Different World

Apparently we need some extra production of sexy monastic clothes before we leave! I want to see it.

Day 115 Evening Church Royal Castle

Busy, busy reports of a possible rage and immediate events to decide on and a lot of things to look into. "First, build a team." We set up each committee just as you told us, and the details are precisely the part that will guide you… Instructions… Instructions…

"Dear Arianna, I have a report," "Princess Ariel, I have a question for you," "I have a complaint for Archbishop Arianna..." "Dear Arianna Liu, excuse me, I bit you (Kiri! ……

"I don't mind the name, no honor or title required. First, report! But please don't bite me when Master Yao is around, that's all he'll remember!

The Church always corrects the Church by setting up a royal audit body after separating the Orthodox Church from the national government, aiming to regenerate. There are only a few things we can do to get back to true doctrine, liberate the beasts and abolish slavery, and there are too many things we have to do. But I want to tell you what I saw with these eyes, the stories of the brave children fighting demons on the border, the beastly people who care kindly about their families, and the brave men fighting the labyrinth at the bottom of the earth. Because I've seen it with these eyes.

"All the cities have raised the royal flag, no civil unrest"

"We are currently assembling all troops at the Imperial border, and the Imperial soldiers are withdrawing and no fighting is taking place."

"We have received the original draft of the Judicial, Administrative Enforcement Letter. We are currently working on confirming deficiencies."

Detailed matters overlap that change the way the state operates without causing confusion. Allocate overlapping content according to business, clearly understand the location of responsibility and jurisdiction, unify what has been done customarily on a city-by-state basis as state discipline. I didn't even do that, that's why the country messed up.

"The election of the Court of First Instance has been completed, and it is now reported that we shall begin with a review of the laws of the present Church in the light of the new laws of the Kingdom of Diorail."

Firstly, the development of equal and fair laws. Inequalities and distortions born in that permanent custom, where the churches of each city were partitioned without even unifying the tax system.

"An arrangement has been made with the Church in the system of inspectors, please confirm."

"What did the Archbishops tell you?

Currently, there are only seven archbishops and high bishops, still only in the form of a council system. In the phase of starting a radical review of the Church's way from here, we will abolish the bad system and create a new Church and Patriarchate's way while minimizing the current confusion while promulgating new laws. There is no way to go, but there is only the future ahead.

"There was a large number of deficiencies in the registry book, and we asked for human resources for an urgent investigation."

"Three new cities have submitted double books, which will require an accounting audit after an investigation"

One thing was not in strict compliance with the law, the guiding principles of the state were twisted by each faction and there was no control of the state. Royal neglect, the only royal guiding principle of a powerless name had no power to guide the nation, powerlessness is the greatest neglect. We had things to do before we prayed, things to do as kings instead of begging God.

"Oronov and Hodal superiors have fled, and the gendarmerie is currently searching"

Corruption, embezzlement and crime are rampant, revealed one after the other, and the majority of them belong to those who serve God.

"This is Arianna, she's got wrinkles between her eyebrows. No, you were Her Royal Highness Princess Ariel here, when you get older, you don't have a head inside."

"Tired, do you want mushrooms? And then you line up all the paperwork and call all the reps here, okay?

Archbishop Stecatel with the librarian? From behind it appeared Yao, you're not supposed to be the kind of body that walks well, but you're not the kind of body that can get up. Yao's body as seen in "Spiritual Vision" was cruel "Hido," as if it had been thoroughly destroyed and crushed by fine dust by the time it was cruel.

I have stood on the battlefield, hanging people's lives in this hand, and seen many dead and crying cruel worlds. I've seen ten thousand painful deaths so cruel that I've turned a blind eye, a more tragic body than many screaming for hurt and anguish, a scar engraved on a spirit body so strange that it's not dead, the pain of that wound cruelly erodes the spirit because it's alive, it's a scar of severe pain engraved in a memory that plays beautifully on the outside but won't heal, won't even heal.

We all don't know how miraculous it is that this guy is standing and laughing right now, so I can't say crying. Now I can see why Merotosum, the king of the border so glorified as Dealsez, king of Diorel, and the male of the continent, has been thanked so far.

The border I saw was full of happiness, the brutal one I was hearing was not there. Yes, this man came to me with all the cruelty of the border, so cruelty was crushed. Happiness was overflowing... he came to me with all the cruelty, and he kept sprinkling only happiness. So I can stand, because that's what happens all the time.

After discussing the matter in person, the legendary Virgin Faleria was laid down, and the truth was revealed, but she refused to go out into the world. He said that his body was finished with the ghost and the eternal dead, and that even if he were saved from it and became the body of man, he was no longer the body of man... the Labyrinth Emperor, too mighty a power in the world of man, that it would therefore be imperative to be feared and abhorred.

Tragedy. But that's not the sad end. I'm sure you're destined to be crushed by the immense happiness that surpasses what a deeply painful past you've had, because you've met Mr. Yao. Because that's the beginning of the comedy Happy Ending.

As you all did, as we did, I'm sure Master Farelia has decided to do the same.

Thousands of pens run, 10,000 pieces of paper dance, instructions and paperwork become mountains and librarians read and classify and sort at an awesome rate, blueprints and spreadsheets are written up and stacked, the mountains of problems that just took years and a halfway through are crumbled and blown up, there are roads to be made, the future of this country...... uh, this can never be raised, not even by King Diorail or Uncle Omui. So I bow my head this way with tears overflowing.

Everyone is amazed and admired, blinded by its tremendous speed... now I know, the elaborate magic control that was like a miracle is disturbed without a shadow to see, concentrating on all nerves and desperately controlling and manipulating the demon hand. Normally I wouldn't ask the librarian to check it out, I didn't need to ask for it if you were far away until yesterday...

Not in the black hood I'm used to seeing, but in clothes, in personal clothes, not in shoes, not in equipment, wearing only Katyusha and a ring in light clothing with no gloves, no canes. I can't equip, I can't control it, so I have minimal gear, and still my magic is disturbed and desperately contained while I get a face that doesn't seem like anything.

And give verbal and floating instructions, some occasionally pinch disagreements, but follow them in silence and frightening, yet the Knights and the heads of blacksmiths and mining guilds turn their teeth to their temperament as well... How stupid.

When I said it was the conference "Hangover," you all went into the adjacent lounge, and the door closed, and the sound of the stiff knocking against the wall rang, and when the door opened again, everyone was getting better and more cooperative as if people had changed.

I just took it out of my hand, "The Glove of Mental Destruction", right? Don't talk to me. I thought I'd "wrecked my mind" on the wall, didn't I? It's a break room over there, but you can't rest until you've got your face all over the wall!

"Well, that's all you asked for, 'cause Grandpa Chira asked you to, right? Yeah, the exchange terms for those books are" Mal Secret! A Selected Sister Inventory of All Factions of the Church (Latest Version) "What, I didn't know you had it all up to three sizes. Don't be afraid! This needs sightseeing (Kiri!

It doesn't look like anything, it looks troublesome, but a flowing sweat I've never seen before is telling my cheeks. While I was in this country, I told them all about the future of this country, and I agreed to it all...

Roll the book, freshly made book. That's the new law of this country, the road to happiness for this reborn country. Such books are piled up and filled with books ranging from laws and administrations to reviews of the family registration system to agricultural reform to zoning and water remediation, education books on the new laws of industry to the reorganization of industry, and content and textbooks to be taught in the establishment of schools.

"We just finished organizing, we just got the basics, right? It's the real deal since I read this and accomplished it, the situation and the public opinion change from day to day, so even this book I have now is old. From now on, I will have to add, sharpen, rewrite, and write with continuous cotton each time I coordinate with others. This is just the beginning, isn't it?

That said, the librarian gave me an inventory. I've seen Mr. Yao with these eyes, that's why I would never say crying, but I cry, do you read all this?

The inventory contained a summary of all the books I had to read and what I needed for the moment, thank you, librarian. (sobbing)

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