Lonely Attack on the Different World

The picnic sounds like a boom, so I took a ride, but I just got here, didn't I?

Day 119 After noon Border Wilderness

Picnic with the orphans. I handed out the souvenir "Talisman" crown talisman "Talisman effect + DEF, and in return I told my sisters I was going to make a crown and go to the flower garden, so the labyrinth starts tomorrow, so I quickly went on a picnic to the flower garden to make a real" Real "crown with the orphans wearing the" Talisman "crown.

And Moff and the crying Beast sisters... I thought they were abused by the orphans and they were impressed, they were not discriminated against in the Wang capital, but they felt a little distance... Yeah, the Beauty Girl Beast sisters had an intimate atmosphere instead of attracting eyes, and the tension was contagious all the way around because her face was so nervous because it was the city of the first people.

But the border is fine. He speaks easily and laughs at me. The orphans are nostalgic and hugging moffs, and they must have been glad to have had plenty of ears attached to the dog ears of chemolympic pyjamas and cat ears. Yeah, the Real Beauty Girl Beast sisters were very popular because Chemomimi Boom was here before we went out.

I cry when I'm happy with that, and when I'm praised for being cute, I cry, and when I'm tender, I cry again because the orphans take turns. Okay, okay, I cry for you. There's no beast discrimination in the kingdom itself, and the border is a beast boom, right? Yeah, now we'll be selling Chemomi goods again!

"That's weighty enough, but why do I have to travel in a pile of orphans every time I get crushed by the Orphans Mountains? Yeah, I can't dodge an orphan Infinite Orbital Flight Object (launcher) because I can't use walking, that's why I wanted to tweak it by the time I got back to the perimeter...... heavy! Besides, Mr. Pompoko is mixed up and heavy! That's, uh-huh! It's the same thing you admitted to Pompo! Yeah, and the reply is gazigazi? It's getting wild!? Welcome back to the woods, haaaa!

Apparently I need more raccoon avoidance head gear than a flower crown, even though the raccoon repels... Chili Pepper Hat "Red Cap"... Yeah, I'm going bald!

"Okay here, then? The flower gardens, the scenery, the woods over there, the demons, the stones, the foundations of the great master, are peaceful? Yeah, I knew the border would be profitable, the ingredients in the Beast Nation were worth going to, but the Great Labyrinth of the Patriarchate was also the seductive" Nice "attitude" Buddy "of convincing value (value), but in the end, old Boko doesn't make any money, does he, Demon Stone? It's useless to live or die, so you're going to be an old man or something. BBQ, then!

"" "" B-B-Q! B-B-Q! B-B-Q! B-B-Q! ………… "" "" (Dong Dong, Dong Dong…)

The earth shakes. Yeah, let's wait normally, shall we? You behave badly because the orphan imitates you, the woman who steps on your feet...... is scared, so she unleashes a super-fast BBQ skewer warhead style blade perforation bullet by new sorcery on the hustle and bustle of shield and sword sounding Mojas! Magic gathers on the skewer and starts spinning fast, firing and accelerating like a bounce! Did you do that?

Damn, I stopped the interception in the wild and ran away! Did they spot that dumping defenses and avoiding skewers the moment they fired was a full armor piercing bullet specification? Just a look.

"" "Oh, my God! It would have been a real mess right now! You got goosebumps all over your body!

"No, Mocha can't even use it for fried chicken because even goosebumps expand Mocha's infection," he said! Bad behavior! Orphans imitate! Mocha infects "Depression"! I mean, why would you just come back at dinner when you went to see her?

Ota and the others were called to the consulate, but they didn't show up to talk about agricultural policy. It looks like the four-wheel "Norfolk" farming method is about to start when the natural compost system is ready? I don't understand how many times I've heard all kinds of fertilizers come, but I dare you to do four-wheeled "Norfolk" farming, but if you come to another world, there's an absolute teaching that says you have to do four-wheeled "Norfolk" farming? Yeah, we have fertilizer, so we're supposed to be able to get wheat all the time, right?

"" "No, it's a BBQ, right? And then I was still diving into the labyrinth, so I thought I'd eat BBQ and then go? BBQ yet?

"Go now! Why is BBQ above her? I'm gonna snitch!

"" "Oh, and ask for her takeout too...... duhhhhhhh!

Shit, do you want to avoid Fire Barrett, too? Breathe deeply and quietly, burn only your heart and your consciousness is calm. I pour my attention into breathing, mix it up, put it on the bloodstream, and run all over my body with magic.

"Heh heh heh, I don't have a girlfriend = good nerve trying to get an old boy high school student to burn up to her share of BBQ! All right, let's bake! Let's bake it right away, let's bake Mocha! Gather round, Magic Vegetarian, Desolate Magic, Tremble, Heart" Heart ", manifest the ultimate magic" If you say Moga is extinguished, or Moga is not cured if you die, then you should extinguish it "My demon... Behu!

"" "You're in danger! What if something happens to the orphans or the BBQ!? And then I told you to ban the Vanish!

Angry? I mean, he slapped "Ha"! She doesn't know the mourning of a sad boy in high school that she can't do?

"No, normally you make me disappear, you make her and the labyrinth love" ahhh ♡ "BBQ burn to lonely" Lonely "boys high school, right? Even skewering them is already hot, isn't it? Yeah, if you don't stick it tight and burn it, it won't go away, so stick to the core and dissolve Yaku, okay? Sounds creepy, huh?

"" "" Because you don't have to burn, BBQ! Quick! ""

(Poyo poyo!)

He scolded me! I mean, you just want a BBQ, don't you? The BBQ is baked regardless of magic or skill, but don't you even get your hands on the BBQ until the cooking department's daughter? It's better if you cook it by hand with wonder, but it's just baking, so why me? Strange?

"I'm cooked, I'm made, I have plenty to eat." Yeah, I can't get bigger without eating a lot, but the size is sometimes brutal and overnourishing, but some of them are asthmatic about poverty and poorly phased... duhhhhhhhhhh!! So, Vice Chairman A, I finally found out that you've extremed eight knife streams, so will you not stab me at the same time with eight iron skewers? Oh, no! That's a geographically disparate society between the mountains and the Great Plains. Seriously dangerous!? "

Eight iron skewers. It's not a threat in itself. It's a skewer for BBQ, but it's a threat when subA manipulates it! Eight slashes flash under one will. The BBQ skewer's exact indiscriminate fire. Eight skewers rush into the Yangtze Feint. Yeah, it's wild and crazy!

"Don't avoid it... don't stab me! Yeah, no!

"Hey, there's no chest circumference amazingly but there's no threat... duh wow! No, he said he didn't! What, were you whining? On Twitter? No, it's all just" today "if you're talking, so it's no problem! I'm not guilty because I'm free to put it in the wrong place, am I? Yeah, because we prioritize the new product" Poyon (Abra) Excessive Bra "? What, 5cm is reckless!... and you have trouble forcefully telling me to compromise on 4,99cm? Even if they ask for a hundredth of a millimeter of precision, it's Poyon, right? (Shakeen!) Yes, let me make it! Your choice!"

Seriously, I was scared! Orthodox swordsmanship is a big girl, but if it's just swordsmanship, I'm scared of Deputy A, and I'm terribly scared when eight swords strike me at the same time, crossing six demons who usually stand defensively. I'm extra scared of being plain silent!?

Lose by hand. But now because magic control is unintelligible and rampant, tentacles in front of orphans against high school girls are dangerous, I'm sure even the optical camouflage Mosaic by phantoms can cause R15 an inevitable catastrophe. Yeah, looks like we need practice this evening!

Finally calm down mealtime. Billboard daughters and tail-going daughters get trapped by the Beast sisters, orphans cheek BQ looking delicious (in a raccoon mix), sleeping daughters seem to enjoy being surrounded by the girls too...... and three daughters running around with horses and orphans. Or the three young girls?

Running around with a black ribbon and a lace mini wimp, sounds like a lot of pleasure to see if this is your first experience. Your horse is running around, and Mr. Slime is joining Po Po. Yeah, I'm glad it sounded fun and happy.

Poor maiden with the same face as a triplet, an innocent infancy and lusciousness reminiscent of an elaborate and artistic bisque doll. The only difference is the ponytail tied with a black lace ribbon, right tail and left tail hairstyle and different colored sloped neckline (choker)...... yeah, Demon Size and the others seem to enjoy it too. By the way, I'm about the same toddler size as the orphans now, but since I'm free to go to my sister's size, I struggled to make a piece of change in size, dominated by elastic lace, but once it was all-size compatible. Well, when I was an adult buddy, I ate a little and the lace was stretched and transparent, but that's a good one!

I was in the cathedral before I became Cathedral, and the triplets of the drops of the "Triple Head Evil Idol" LV100 called "The Fake Soul Bar The Holy Gear to Give Life to the False" came back to life even if I hadn't taken it as an item for your sleeping daughter to wake up and resurrect, and it had been stored as surplus mystery gear all along. Yeah, I remember it right, didn't I?

And I've always wondered, Mr. Demon Says. Demon Swordmaster had a body, or the sword was a divine sword, not a demon. Then I wondered if the demon sizes could be the demon "demon" form, only the sickle form, and then it got superior and became Mr. Arch Demon Death Sickle, but the Great Sickle just got extravagant?

Yeah, Mr. Demon Says is the savior of the border that drove the magic vegetables out of logging the border covered in the Devil's Forest. And even in the Patriarchate (...) he defended the Sister Daughter, who fought out on the front lines of the army, and the sneaky ladies were escorting him, and the special medal was Mr. Demon Says, an activity that the ladies admired with their mouths together.

So I thought it would be a reward. I put a string through the ball and then asked if it was there. I didn't know if I could humanize it, but the moment I showed it, I was happy to fly around with an awesome reaction, so when I hung one gradient ball on the sickle, I wrapped it in black and changed shape, turning into a human form. Well, if you're human, it's easy to eat rice, and you can play with everyone, because Mr. Demon Says is close to the orphans...

And I got people's bodies. Except the clothes weren't included in the gear Options, and something was at stake when I rushed to put on my matching clothes, but turned down the minisca sailor clothes to the sisterly little devil beauties of the adult beauty! Yeah, that was bad.

So when I asked him if he couldn't be a child while making clothes, he said, "Sickle Size" was the only one. So I shrunk to orphan size, so I made the stretch costume "All Size Wimpy" and put it on, and I liked it, and I'm still running around with the orphans cheerfully with the wimpy.

Yeah, it sounds like fun and I'd rather look like a kid. Even if you know a sickle, it's dangerous for a boy high school student when his adult "adult" little demonic beauty sister misses him with her usual sleigh, but let him be a child because a boy high school student's desire for a sickle was a critical situation for the complete extinction of his liking beyond the case! Yeah, Mr. Demon is some kind of porn!

Well, this much deserves it. Only Mr. Demon Says has a past where he took him out and forced him into service without consent, now he's a regular servant who improves his employment relationship and doesn't force him, and he pays with treats, but if he's not happy, he'll win a bee.

Whatever. He escorted me to the felling of the Devil's Forest, the Otta Mochas, and he did a lot of work with the girls escort... now all my classmates are alive because of the Demon Says, because so many people are saving lives. So it's a favor, if you're staying with me, you deserve to be treated well.

"" "Thanks for the rice (BBQ) and souvenirs too, brother! Yes, this!

(pull) (((...!

The orphans, Demon Says and even Mr. Slime wore a ton of real "Real" floral crowns like mountains and behaved like sweets in return.

Are you happy to destroy the tea? Oh, were the orphans Castella from the beginning? Well, I suppose the treats you eat outside are also extraordinary because they are even shaved up to the girls who should have eaten scattered. No matter where you eat, I'm not the same as I am... No, it's nothing. Yeah, let's not clam!

Why is everyone here? I didn't know the day would come when light qigong would be broken so soon...

It's a fairy art. It's a fairy trick, isn't it? You think you can bump a Immortal with a clam... you're scared of being a high school girl!?

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