Lonely Attack on the Different World

I misled you with the 683rd part flow, but I'm not sure I've forgotten, and I'm sure

Day 136 Before noon Labyrinth 8F

On the run - Boys' high school students are life travelers with displaced "even" dormant souls, plainly speaking, they fled because they were scared out of their minds by the women in special subjects.

"It was some kind of scary jito, but you didn't like the" Full Belly Law Daughter Law (Poco Poco) Coalition, "and you thought" Another belly is a stepped belly and found "and" I have a short stomach and I'm fat "was something too? No, I didn't or didn't remember some runaway writing in kanji like that?

(Poyo poyo)


The demonic corpse turns into a demonic stone. After all, the labyrinth is overwhelmingly faster in demon petrification, and there is a huge difference in time between demon petrification if you kill it completely and if it was a bug breath. I mean, the speed of demonic petrification because it's an overwhelming bump, in the middle labyrinth, the destructive power of the demon daughters and Mr. Slime seems to be overkill...... no turnout!

A large group of "Poison Ant LV8" will be scattered with the raid named Running Out, wiped out at the same time as entering... If the enemy thinks Mr. Slime, the demon daughters also seem to have a high ability to run out! In a flash of Sanjo's Great Sickle tearing the ground apart, a swirling vortex of iron balls crushing the ants, and an instant in which Mr. Slime sticks and kills Po Po, the boys' high school students seem to have lagged behind in an awesome pose with their special attack clothes.

But every day, four labyrinth royals push me out, and leave me alone. Boys in the moat, high school, they're not Dada! Accelerating and rushing through the moments of time, but the embroidered sphere of the "Weapon Daughter Furnace Sisters" and the embroidered back and "Celestial Viscosity Monopoly" enters and exits the demonic flock, have you been pushed back and forth?

Again, Ant? Is that an ant nest? While I was thinking so, the Great Sickles and the storm of slaughter and the storm of annihilation of the iron sphere swept away, and the viscous pompous pompous storm stormed around the brutal puffy puffy puffy. He's just in an orphanage in a boulder, he's breathing well, but the collaboration is exquisite, and the iron ball violence shoots and wields around the area gathered away from the big sickle, which rumbles from the three directions, and when he crashes, Mr. Slime can eat him. And you're at a disadvantage to be busy in a well-dressed pose just because you're a labyrinth sweep and assault sweep, or sloppy special attack clothes!

For once, the devil's daughters' special attack clothes also conform to combat use, but they are not as defensive as Dress Armor, but there seems to be no need to worry about them in the middle labyrinth. The demon daughters aren't weaponized, and I'm like, "Mocha splitter." Like that? "There is no need for a demon-daughter combined weapon (wappon) because it is an exercise. Yeah, I feel like Mr. Favor is being wiped out publicly and plainly for swinging a young girl in some dark basement?

"But you're scared when you get home? Some kind of vicious ochojito that even feels the ability to kill in the ocho eye jito power of the chairmen of the armored committee, I managed to mislead them with the morning special attack clothes and the treat" treat ", but it was the vengeful eyes" jito "! That's bad, isn't it?


"" "" … (Kokukoku) ""

Last night I asked Mr. Rafflesia and Mr. Tentacles every day to teach Mr. Snake "Hud" Mr. Chicken "Coca" Mr. Lizard "Basi" and the elephants were very active, and the chairmen of the armored committee were also a huge leap forward, smothered in big letters with great admiration and cramps, but they were ok? Mr. Elephant worked so hard in the endless inbound battle of East Pennsylvania, and that's already worked so hard to incidentally with his tits and tits raging, right?

Perhaps the evolution of the elephant, which also allows for greater and freer movement and deformation, combines vibration with the ability to draw motion, is due to "sexual emperor" and "body smelting". Perhaps the fairy system of "Alchemy" and "In-room" is also involved, but it can be said that its ravaging internal destructive ability was a tremendous offensive ability that can also be described as the fluctuating "Overdrive" of the boys' high school color "Shocking Pink". Yeah, good luck!

"No, I saw it when you returned it to me. It sucked that you were laughing and flying crying, with a broken face? Yeah, you broke it in the Ikenai Dialogue of the Beauty Labyrinth Character Collapse, and you felt embarrassed and beyond the lights on your morning ochojito, didn't you? Yeah, there was a bad case where the witness was going to be erased, wasn't there?

Those were dangerous eyes. I'm sure the revenge spiral is becoming a tornado, ascending to heaven and evolving into a heavenly mutant octopus, huh? That was the danger that a hurricane mixer could descend into the other world. I'm fucked tonight!

"Another ant, or a memories of Ant Day, and soon to be remembered, you're an ant, but you don't have a presence? Even though I do (Doyah?

………… …………

"Hey, let's still stop being silent about leaving, it works plain for the minds and likes of boys in high school! That hurts!"

And the other reason why you've been running away and deploying your Special Attack clothes is the women's army! Yes, it looks like that pill sucked too bad, but it was persistent, and it's still dangerous for Mr. Elephant to be a thug! Now, eating high school girls munchkin raw meat pressed competing buns is sure to make a case, Rather than reason being pampered by elephants and endangered, thin with paper armor what is it!!

"I mean, the chairman of the committee was too close to suck, even hiding that deep V-neck in a special attack suit was too close to turn his neck away so elephant wouldn't try to see it!! Yeah, the chairman of the committee is always close, right?

(Pom pom)

Because suddenly, if Mr. Elephant suddenly started vibrating or something, it would be a case of arrest and summary execution before the case, it might have evolved, but if you can't control it, it was a dangerous evolution that could be on the same level as people with a perverse nature. When Evolution Evolution comes out, the elephant will even have the vibration "Vibration" feature, and when it comes out, it's out! I'm so out that I've already compiled about 27 out accounts, and it feels so out that the game ends instantly with a one-out at the start of the game!!

I'm flying when I think it's a lot of ants. "Bite Termite LV31" army, acting like an ant buddy in termite termite, but not actually an ant, cockroach buddy insect syllabus cockroach eyes, the termite was irrelevant in bee buddy, right?

After spraying oil misty because it's creepy and dull with wind magic, the firebomb Fireball comes from the shade away. No oil, but termites look creepy, but if you think you're one of G's, you can't fight melee! The roaring explosions and blasts, the burning, the heat and the heat waves are hot and unlikely to get you inside for a while.

But you still can't run out of drugs? The overexposed personal clothes of the women are very bad for the elephant peacefully and I tried to wear the special attack clothes for the number of people, but since ancient times, the Yankee children have many beauties (except those who are not beautiful), and there is a theory that the beautiful JKs are not good for the new door "genre" if the special attack clothes are suitable for the guide and the special attack clothes? Yeah, I made it too tight!

"This medicine is getting a lot weaker, but it's working for a long time. I mean, that one last night sucked! If you were a naked, beautiful sister in the street, you could have pushed down a sleeping beast in a high school boy, Beast, wild elephant awakening, Beast Mode, in a rampage crisis, right? That awakens the inner beast. Forbidden medicine, all right. Name it" Chemorin Z "! Like?"

That's why I can't wear hipster armor, that's why I can't arm myself. I tried hipster armor in the morning, but I said, "Shackeen!" "Shakeen!" "Shacky, shh! ♪ It was so busy leaving it open! Besides," Shakeen! "after" Paoooooon! "Hello, but the case is too certain to be equipped, that's it!!

Speaking of beetles, he's a beetle, but he's an "Armor Ant LV32" armored "Armor" Ant, if he's big but crawling, he steps through his head with seismic legs from above, and if he stands up, he jumps on empty foot and stomps his head to pieces. You're a bigger ant than me when you get up, and you don't seem to mind a big demon to feel guilty when you step on a tiny ant? Are you trying to bite me a little bit? Well, let's step on it, I'm getting tired of all the ants!

(Puyo puyo?)

"No, you're not mad at me, are you? If you can, study hard and think that you can do everything... It's true that the sooner the craftsman, the better, you can't go wrong because there is a feeling that you can only wear it as a child. Besides, he said the class is coming to take it, and you can always come and visit and stay? Or the neighborhood? Like?"

I just regretted it. There were more things I wanted to teach you, there were more things I wanted to feed you, I wanted you to play more and make you laugh until now, and I wanted you to be stronger, there are so many of them that I'm countless dissatisfied with you. It's just... even though I remain unemployed with Hikikomori, the orphan got a job first!?

Hey, seriously, my liking sucks, I'm still pulling my little orphan off working. Older unemployed what-! No, it's definitely "overkill" in a public overkill with killing power beyond fatal injury!!

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