“And that’s all.”

“So something like that happened.”

The three of them were considerably shocked after hearing about what I went through. Well, despite everything that happened, I have already recovered, so I didn’t find it as surprising as they did, objectively speaking.

“Regardless, if you stand by my side with these kind of rumours flowing around… that’s why I don’t want you around me often. Yuki is my boss; Hinata, the school’s nurse; and Utano, you are my old acquaintance. Our relationship should stay this way. Professional.”

[ED: Recap: He’s referring to Yuki wishing to use him as arm-candy in front of her parents; and he doesn’t want them to become closer to him, friends or otherwise.]


The three of them kept silent, resulting in a quiet ambiance hanging around the room. A relationship with someone is not something that can change just from speaking about your past. And I would feel terrible if bad rumors started circulating about them just from them interacting with me. How would the prospect not trouble them?

“Well, that’s all what I wanted to say. Don’t think about it too much. I’m going to sleep. Please close the door on your way out. Also, the keys, lock the door, and you can return them to me on  the morrow.”

I went decided for sleep, laying down and closing my eyes, my mind slowly drifting as I remembered more of my past.


My eyes snapped open. What time is it? It was hard to tell from window shrouded by curtain, but still, it didn’t look like morning yet. With that thought, I reached over, searching for my watch.

“Already up, Yuuki?”

I jumped, my head whirling round towards, and as it did, I saw Yuuki sitting calmly on a chair near the bed.

I sighed.

“Yuuki? You’re still here?”

“Just go back to sleep. There’s nothing to worry about.”

As I was getting up, she gently stopped me, and pressed me back down. How nostalgic… my mother would do the same to me back then. No, wait, this is not the time to be thinking about that.

“Yuki, shouldn’t you have gone back? What about the bookstore?”

“Don’t worry about it. And I’ll give you the day off tomorrow. You seemed pretty tired today, so for now, just take a rest and don’t think about anything.”

“I..I… Ok.”

Judging from her expression, I decided to give up on persuading her. My words would just end up on deaf ears, anyway.

Yuki took the towel I had on my forehead, dampened it, and placed it back. The cool touch felt good; It seems I still have a fever.

“Goodnight, Yuuki.”

And with that, I fell into a deep slumber, yielding to Yuki’s warmth.


When I woke up in the morning, that the feeling of dullness and sluggishness had lessened considerably. I still had a small fever, though, but this was better than nothing.

“Good morning. How are you feeling?”


Yuki was still sitting in the same place as yesterday. Don’t tell me…

“Did you stay here all this time?”

“Yeah, I was worried about you. I will place your clothes here, change them after getting up. I will go prepare something light for breakfast.”

“Ah… sure. Thanks.”

“Really, what’s going on with her?” I mumbled as I headed to the toilet. I wonder what she was doing here until now. I can’t understand why she treats me like this despite hearing about my past. Women. I guess I’ll check on her state later. I’m kinda worried about her… in a different meaning.

Afterwards, I snuck into the living room and glanced at her back. Why is she doing all of this in my house? Why do all of this for me?

“Let’s use this and that for Yuuki…” I heard her giggle.

Such spirit! And just for making me breakfast. I’m really happy to be eating Yuki’s homemade breakfast and all, but her mood… such gusto….suspicious.

~~~~Piin Poon~

Hm? The sound of the doorbell rang. With Yuki so ‘busy’, I went to check who it was as she didn’t even seem to have noticed the bell.

“Yes,” I called out. I hadn’t even checked the peephole, and just opened the door, only to find Hinata and Utano standing there.

“Uum…Hello?… Why are you here?”

“Humu… I wanted to taste Yuki’s homemade breakfast you see.”

A school nurse intruding on the property of her ill student to eat his breakfast? … Are you really a nurse?!

“I”m still a sexy nurse in spite of everything, you know?”

I didn’t even have to say anything… “Don’t put that sentence in an interrogative form please.”

“That means I am sexy after all.”

As usual, speaking with Hinata only crumbled my peace of mind. That woman sure knows how to tease.

“Good morning, Yuuki. How are you feeling today?”

“I feel a lot better than yesterday. How about you Utano, is it fine to miss your job?”

“… Yeah. From today on I will be working as counselor; at the same post as Hinata.”

“Hmm? Doesn’t that mean…”

“From now on I will be by your side.”

That’s not the problem here. If these two started working at the same school I attend, I’m the one who will end up with an even bigger headache. Especially because of the tricks up Hinata’s sleeves.

“So, are you going to let us in? I’m starving and don’t have much energy left.”

“Okay, okay. Go ahead.” I waved them in.

“Excuse me for the intrusion.”

“Sorry for the disturbance.” Utano and Hinata said.

The two were lead into the living room.

“Yuki… Hinata and Utano are here!”

“Okay. But Yuuki, shouldn’t you be sleeping?”

“Ah, I just got up to go to the toilet is all.”

“Can’t be helped then. In that case, I have just finished making breakfast so try eating what you can.”

Yuki placed grilled fish, miso soup, and a few other dishes on the table.

“I’m excited to try your cooking, Yuki.” Utano said.

“This looks pretty good.” I inwardly drooled.

Hinata smirked. “… Ohoho, this looks like it will be a great treat.”

“Yes. Well then, please go ahead.”

We started eating Yuki’s cooked rice. It tasted great as usual, which made me feel relieved. I wonder how long it was since I last ate cooked rice in the morning. Probably since the days when my mother was still alive.

“So, why are the three of you in my place? I think I told you to not get concerned with me yesterday…”

It was a nice meal, nice atmosphere, but I wanted to get to the main topic. It’s always best to settle troubles as soon as possible.

“Yuuki. I wanted to talk to you about that,” Yuki said as she looked me right in the eyes. “Ever since I met you, I couldn’t tell how bitter life had been for you, and so I was shocked after I heard about it. But when you tried to distance yourself from us for our sakes, I began thinking about it more and more, and I finally realized something.”

Yuki looked at me with an unwavering gaze.

“Kiriyama Yuuki, I love you.

“And no matter what past you had, I will always be by your side.”


My mind went blank. I had no words. This was the first time that something like this had ever happened to me. It was sudden, and by of all people, Yuki. A beautiful, and heartfelt woman.

“Humu… I’m sorry to intrude in you little world but, I’m also interested in Yuuki. I think things could go smoothly if I was with him, no? So I’m not intending to lose out. To top it off, Despite knowing my personality, Yuuki has never complained. Makes me pretty happy, you know? That’s why I want to be his girlfriend.”


This sudden… Am I perhaps going to die? God is flipping the laws of the world just to appease my soul before it enters a forever torment? That is the only reason I can think of!!

“I love him too. That’s why from now on I will stay close to him. I love you, Yuuki.”

“Utano, you too?”

What am I supposed to do here? The progress of the situation depended solely on my answer. I knew that at least. But…how should I answer? I mean, I’m not experienced with this… and should I even be with a woman? My life, my history is not suited for….

“Yuuki,” Yuki’s voice was clear, drawing me from my thoughts. “We will love you despite what’s happened. So don’t let it detain you. Make a decision from what you want. Not what you think you should want. No matter who you chose, or what you chose to do, we will accept it.”

So she has accepted me for who I am and what I have done and still wants to be with me? A woman like her… She deserves an answer.

“I… I lost everything because I killed someone. With me, you may not live an easy life anymore. But despite that, if you all still willing to bear through the storm to come then please… be mine as I will be yours.”

I bowed down. These kind of times are scary since I’ve never experienced them. I couldn’t help but feel nervous.

“There was no doubt in my mind, Yuuki.”

“Of course.”

“I’m yours.”

And like that, I made my first step into making my harem.

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