Lone Harem Meister Chapter 19: Loner Moves

Edited by JFantasyBoooks

Currently in Utano’s room.

“…does the room look clean?”

“Yeah, it does.”

“…does it look pretty?”

“Yeah, very pretty.”


“If you’re moving out, then at least prepare your luggage!? The room is still the intact!…”

“…having a clean room is the best.”

“It’s not that big of a deal to get the room dirty when you’re preparing to leave. You should be more focused on what will happen if you don’t get ready in time.”


Did I do something to be marked as such? I only told the truth.

“Well, you should hurry up. The carriers will be here this evening.”

“… I know. So help me out a little. Help me first arrange that section over there.”

“Yeah, yeah…”

Utano and I started sorting out what she wanted to bring and what was give away or throw away in her closet. Despite that, there wasn’t a considerable amount of thing with her, so we should be able to make in time the carriers arrive.

Suddenly, I heard Utana say, “Look at this. Does it suit me?”


She held in her hands a pair of lacey, black shorts.

“What are you showing me out of the blue?”


“That’s not the point here! Whatever, let’s hurry.”

“Should I put it on…now?” Her lips quirked

“Ey!? Don’t take off your trousers! We’re on the middle of finishing up our arrangements, so help me settle things up already… ”

“I shall wear it for our first night then.”

I didn’t comment at that.

“Oh, I get it.”

Finally she came back to her sense. Well, she was just a bit excited earlier.

“…I can just make this night as our first.”


What did she just say? Oh, I get it. I misheard her.

“We’re going to use that bed, right?”

“…It wasn’t my misunderstanding in the end! Utano?!”

“It’s fine. No problem at all.”

“All that I can see is problems though…”

Utano caught me from my right hand and dragged me. Since she was a police officer in the past, pulling me and pushing me down on the bed was an easy task for her. Her hands were pressed against my chest, her legs wrapped over my waist as she stared down on me.

“Uum…Isn’t this kinda…?”

“Shh. Don’t worry. Leave everything to me.”

“No, Utano! Your face is close! Too close!”

“That’s because,” she whispered softly into my ear, “I love you.”

She brushed her lips up my cheek and to mine. Damn it, do all women smell this good? Wait, this is not the time to be thinking about something like this!


This is bad! I can’t speak! Will she kiss me in the end? Is this okay!?

[TL: Stop acting like a little b-…whatever.]

[ED: I was just about to say it if you weren’t.]

“Utano?” I heard a voice call. “I’m coming in.”

At that moment, the door opened and Hinata and Yuki came in.


Utano’s sigh reverberated in the room.

“Oya? Things seems to be interesting here. Let me join you as well.” Hinata threw herself near my right side before the last of those words passed her lips. Her face was close to mine. Why haven’t I noticed how pretty she was? Oh, no. Will I be able to hold onto my reason?

“Not bad. So this is how it feels to be next to Yuuki…”

“I will lay on the other side.”

Utano shifted to my left. This is nice…wait. Shouldn’t we be focusing on moving?

As if reading my mind, one said, “No need for concern. We can postpone it for tomorrow.

“For now, let us fully enjoy our time.”

It would be nice if they could stop pressing their chest against my arms. This can’t be happening! Are you fine with this?

“Stop playing around!! Everyone will help get Utano ready!!”

Ah, Yuki is angry.

“I understand what you’re feeling, however, we should properly finish what we’ve started! Staying like this will also cause troubles for the carriers.”

“Yeah, well then Yuki, shall we resume the preparations?”


I took advantage of Yuki’s words to slip out from those two. Wow, it’s like I’ve regained control.

“It can’t be helped, then.” Utano shrugged. “Let’s do this.”


Just why are the two people who are supposed to be moving not seeming to be interested in doing as such at all? Yuki and I are here to help you, you know?

“How is the arrangement going in Hinata’s place?”

“I organized 90 per cent of the room. Hinata did mostly nothing to help in the process”

Don’t push your work to someone who’s helping out! They’re being reliant on Yuki too much lately.

“Well then, Yuki, let’s get done with this. Can I entrust my clothes to you?”

“Sure. Well then, let’s do our best.”


In the end, we ended up doing most of the work, Yuki and I. Well…

[TL: This sentence doesn’t really say what I wrote. It says “we ended up like this” only. So I added the “most of the work” part for the sake of context.]

“This is the last one.”

“Thanks for the hard work.”

“We barely managed to make it in the evening when the transporters arrived.”

“Fuu…Hinata, you didn’t do anything.”

“It’s fine. Enjoying one’s time is also important, you know.”

“… You’re enjoying too much time.”

Unlike Hinata, Utano had helped us a little bit in the process. I’ll keep in mind that this nurse is useless in these kind of situations.

“Did you just think about something rude now?”

“You’re imagining things. More importantly, the two of you are going to stay at my place tonight?”

“Take care of me.”

“…Yes please.”

Well, I was expecting such a turn of event. But there was a problem…

“What are we going to do about dinner? It will be too late for Yuki to make it after we’re done transferring the luggage over.”

“You’re right…”

Yuki seems to be worried. It either her or me who prepared the dishes, after all.

“Let eat out today. It will be comfortable for all of us to only take a bath and sleep once we’re at your place.”

“Yeah. That would be better indeed; I’m pretty tired today.”

“If Yuuki is agreeing then I wouldn’t mind either.”

“… I also approve this idea.”

With that, today’s dinner was decided to be outside. However, another problem outbreaks from this conclusion.

“But, I think it would be best to go to a place where we’re not likely to be found out together.”

“Fumu… You got a point. In that case, even if it will cost a bit expensive, let’s choose a store with an attached private room.”

“… Don’t tell me, we’re going to that place?”

“It’s not a problem, is it?”

“… It should be fine if we go there.”

Well, Utano is recommending it as well, so everything should go smoothly.

“I can see the transporters coming from the window. Let’s get done with this quickly and go out for dinner!”

After finishing to move everything, we went to eat outside. I’m looking forward to see the store we’re heading to.

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