Since you can't leave, then... let's fight!

Let's fight!

The black hair is flying, and the beautiful man is holding the Akasaka sword, approaching the tree demon!

At this moment, as if the tree demon's body was dotted with countless precious stones, dots of red light flashed out.

It was through these red lights that bursts of fiery fire poured out, spraying towards Feng Chuge who was about to face her!

Feng Chuge was startled suddenly, and ran away.

Those fires sprayed straight on the rock wall behind Feng Chuge.

In an instant, where the flames reached, those mountain walls were all turned into powder...

Seeing Feng Chuge avoiding it, the tree demon also seemed a little unconvinced.

The red light on his body continued to flicker.

Suddenly, a strong wind blew up all around, and then, thicker branches stretched out from the tree demon's body!

Seeing this situation, Feng Chuge's pupils shrank violently!

Her blue body is like a ghost, tossing and going between the branches at a high speed.

The red light flashed, and the Akasaka Sword cut off all the vines surrounding her!

However, just like those man-eating vines before, these vines have just been cut off, and new ones have grown!

Countless vines are like the minions of a group of demons, clawing and clawing around her.

At the same time, the strong airflow oppressed her almost out of breath.

Coupled with the thin air here, Feng Chuge's face turned slightly pale, and his mind was blank for bursts.

At this moment, the tree demon spewed out a ball of fire again.

Feng Chuge was surrounded by those vines and had no choice but to hide to the side.

This mass of fire came straight towards her.

The firelight reflected in her dark pupils.

But just when the fire light was about to touch her, a ball of spiritual fire shot out from the cinnabar on her forehead, and it vigorously resisted the fire of the tree demon!

The stronger the mental power, the stronger the lethality of the spiritual fire.

Right now, when the two fires are confronting each other, the surrounding temperature has already gradually increased.

I don't know if it's because of the high temperature or something else, but Feng Chuge's face slowly turned red, and sweat poured down from his forehead!

"Little girl, don't struggle anymore, you can't resist me." At this time, there was a sound from the direction of the tree demon. "You disturbed my sleep, I will not spare you!"

As the words fell, the tree demon's fire suddenly became extremely powerful!

boom! !

With a loud noise, the fire of the tree demon suddenly broke through Feng Chuge's spiritual fire, and attacked in Feng Chuge's direction!

Feng Chuge was shocked!

Gather all the spiritual power from the dantian and deflect the fire!

Swish Swish Swish!

The fire landed on several vines not far away, and in an instant, those vines turned into ashes.

"Little girl, you really have some skills! However, the game only ends here!" There seemed to be a bit of a smile in the low voice, but listening carefully, it was cold to the bone.

When the dryad's voice fell, the atmosphere in the entire Dead Sea changed again.

At this moment, the body of the tree demon suddenly pierced the ground and rushed towards Feng Chuge! !

From all directions, even the eyes of the vines came, trying to wrap Feng Chuge around! !

The confrontation with the tree demon just now had almost exhausted Feng Chuge's eight levels of strength.

Right now, she couldn't get up anymore.


She cannot die here.

She had to find Tianni and open the third layer of space.

Seeing the tree demon coming towards her, seeing the red eye-like things on the tree demon, Feng Chuge's expression flashed suddenly, he jumped up, and went straight forward!

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