Seeing this woman, Baili Yunhe's expression changed!

He still remembers how she sat on that monster and looked at her like a queen!

Thinking of her appearance at that time, Baili Yunhe couldn't help feeling a little afraid from the bottom of his heart.

However, thinking that there are so many people walking with him today, and Feng Chuge is just a woman on the road alone, the fear in my heart slowly dissipated.

Baili Yunhe was originally a womanizer.

From the first time I saw Feng Chuge, I wanted to take Feng Chuge into my pocket.

And now, his chance seems to have finally arrived...

"Girl, what a coincidence to meet again." Thus, Baili Yunhe stepped forward, looked at Feng Chuge, and greeted Feng Chuge very warmly.

The little tree demon jumped into Feng Chuge's hands again when he saw a stranger.

Feng Chuge hid it in his sleeve, raised his eyes, and glanced at Baili Yunhe. "It's a coincidence."

Seeing Feng Chuge's expression, Baili Yunhe was furious.

But thinking of something again, he crossed his arms and looked at Feng Chuge arrogantly. "Girl, do you know why you have been unimpeded this way?"

Feng Chuge originally wanted to leave directly, she didn't intend to entangle him too much.

After all, he was poisoned by her before, and he died soon.

Now, hearing his words, Feng Chuge stopped in his tracks and raised his eyebrows. "Oh why?"

Baili Yunhe had a bit of complacency on his face. "That's because our Baili family sacrificed to the sea before we came, and the Sea God blessed us not to let monsters block our way."

Feng Chuge's red lips were slightly hooked, but her eyes were full of contempt!


Fuck you Poseidon!

Obviously she had just subdued the tree demon in advance, otherwise, they wouldn't know where to reincarnate now!

"Why, you don't believe it?" Baili Yunhe frowned as if seeing Feng Chuge's disbelief. "Don't you know? I heard that there used to be many monsters in the Dead Sea, but we haven't encountered any of them now. What does this mean? It's still useful for our Baili family to sacrifice to the sea."

Baili Yunhe was still talking about something, Feng Chuge frowned.

In an instant, the tree demon flew out of Feng Chuge's sleeve, and landed on the ground far away without everyone noticing.

After landing, suddenly, countless vines came here!

"Ah! What's that?" Someone finally noticed something was wrong and let out a low cry!

In the distance, countless vines sprouted and seemed to trap them.

Baili Yunhe's expression changed with fright, and he raised his foot and wanted to run away.

"Ah, Mr. Baili, didn't you just say that you can't meet monsters after offering sacrifices to the sea? What is this?" Feng Chuge pretended to be surprised, stared at Baili Yunhe, and asked.

At this moment, Baili Yunhe's face was pale.

He turned his head to look at Feng Chuge, wanting to say something, but met Feng Chuge's cold eyes.

There was a smile on the corner of her lips, but the light in her eyes was so cold.

A bad premonition suddenly appeared in his heart, but without him thinking about it, the man-eating vine was already wrapped around his body, and then it tightened suddenly!

"Ah!!" With a short cry, Baili Yunhe's body was completely taken away by the man-eating vines, and he disappeared without a trace!

"Tsk, it seems that even the sea god can't bless you." Feng Chuge clicked his lips lightly, sighed, then raised his feet, and went in another direction without looking back.

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