A month is too long for her.

She must find Tianni as soon as possible and become stronger as soon as possible, otherwise, she will not be able to go to the Hermit Clan of Xilong!

Feeling the fortitude in Feng Chuge's whole body, the tree demon didn't say much anymore. "Okay, then master, I will help you!"

Deep in the Dead Sea.

It was a tightly shut door.

Outside the gate, a monster is resting!

This monster is huge in size and terrifying in appearance. Its body is covered with scales, its head has long mane hair, and those sharp claws are emitting a little bit of cold light in the air!

Looking at it, Feng Chuge's pupils shrank!

This form, this appearance, she has seen in ancient books!

"Isn't this gluttonous?"

"Yes, Sanmiao is commonly known as Taotie. Hey, you know that?"

Feng Chuge rolled his eyes fiercely.

She naturally knew that Taotie was one of the four ancient fierce beasts, with a hostile aura all over her body.

Right now, he actually met Taotie...

Things seem to be not so simple.

But not far away, the monster was closing its eyes, as if taking a nap.

Suddenly, it opened its eyes slightly as if it had sensed something.

Opening his eyes, he glanced at several people not far away, Taotie immediately stood up from the ground!

A pair of eyes stared fixedly at Feng Chuge, opened his mouth wide, and neighed.


The roar sounded, and in an instant, the entire Dead Sea was once again in turmoil! !

On the top of the North Sea, there was a stormy wave, which swept all the ships on the sea into the sea...

Not far away, the group of people who were about to leave here felt the vibration of the ground and panicked!

"Sure enough...there are monsters! Go! Go!"

However, just as they were walking out, the rocks on all sides fell to the ground one after another, blocking their way forward!

"Ah! Oops! The intersection is blocked!"

In just a moment, this kind of person's heart became a mess...

And here, Taotie stood outside the gate, confronting Feng Chuge!

The time was too late, Feng Chuge's expression flickered, and finally he raised his body, stepped forward and started her attack!

Seeing Feng Chuge attacking, Taotie roared again, it glared its eyes angrily, and roared...




There were three more roars, and in an instant, three mountain-sized wind blades shot straight at Feng Chuge from Taotie's mouth. When they struck, they turned into countless dagger-sized wind blades in mid-air!

When the wind blade was facing forward, it surrounded Feng Chuge.

Afterwards, he stabbed fiercely towards Feng Chuge!

Feng Chuge was shocked! The body turned into a bolt of lightning, flying up and down!

Suddenly, she stopped abruptly!

Akasaka sword rises!

The red light swept across the air, slashing towards those wind blades!

In an instant, all the wind blades were cut off!

The black hair is flying, and the blue clothes are dazzling.

In mid-air, that beautiful woman's face was full of murder.

It was at this moment that Taotie finally realized that something was wrong, it was furious, and with a roar, it jumped up and rushed towards Feng Chuge!

Damn humans! It even tried to challenge its gluttonous majesty! Then it makes her die ugly!

Taotie's body was very huge, and as it soared up, Feng Chuge felt that the world was darkened for a few minutes!

Its speed is very fast, but Feng Chuge's speed is even faster.

When it attacks, avoid it!

At the same time, the Dryad also retreated, and with a call, countless vines and flowers sprang up all around!

At this moment, there are countless flowers and vines.

Countless chills, countless bloodthirsty.

All of a sudden, there was a surge of wind and clouds, and the killing intent rose.

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