If the delay continues, once the gate of the dead sea is closed, she will have to wait another month.

She... really can't afford to wait.

Taotie stood aside, looking at the woman who suddenly stood up again, a bit of astonishment flashed in his eyes.

It originally thought that after its kill just now, she should take the initiative to admit defeat, but it didn't expect...

Feng Chuge's killing intent finally aroused Taotie's fighting mentality thoroughly!

Taotie roared again.

As soon as the wind blade came out, it wrapped around Feng Chuge.

On the other side, Taotie and Suzaku are locked in a fierce battle!

In the Dead Sea, a strong airflow erupted at this moment, the airflow was very powerful, and it vaguely carried the aura of destroying heaven and earth.

The air flow flew up, and in an instant, all the rocks within a hundred meters were reduced to dust.

Feng Chuge's black hair flew up, holding the red Chixiao sword, smashed all the wind blades once again, and then went straight towards Taotie without stopping.

Right now, Taotie is in a fierce battle with Suzaku.

Suzaku spewed fire from its mouth, and kept going towards Taotie.

At the same time, the white tiger and other three divine beasts also took advantage of Taotie's unpreparedness and came out of the colorful space to trap Taotie!

"Master! Quick!!" The three divine beasts locked Taotie's throat, making it difficult for him to move.

Taotie's whole body kept writhing in place, and at the same time let out a painful growl!

At this moment, Feng Chuge, who just broke all the wind blades, noticed the situation here, and there was a little joy in his eyes!

Don't miss this opportunity, now is undoubtedly the best opportunity to deal with Taotie!

She leaped forward, and an extremely dazzling red light shone on the Scarlet Firmament Sword!

With a low growl, Feng Chuge gathered all the strength in his body, and ruthlessly stabbed Taotie's abdomen!

"Roar!!" At this moment, Taotie let out a heart-piercing neigh. It twisted its body vigorously, and an unprecedentedly powerful air burst out from its body, forcefully shaking the three divine beasts away. !

Even Feng Chuge and the Chixiao sword stuck in its abdomen were shaken to the side.

In mid-air, Feng Chuge adjusted his body posture neatly, and when he landed, he landed on the ground with the Chi Xiao sword, and then he stabilized his body without falling down.

She squatted on the ground, looking at the seemingly crazy Taotie in the distance, the coldness in her eyes became even worse...


At this moment, there is only one word in her mind!

Only by killing Taotie can we go in and get the heavenly mud and moonlight beads.

Taotie is one of the four fierce beasts, and no one can tame it. It is rumored that gluttony can only bring bad luck to people.

Moreover, the crystal core of the beast is also very useful, so now, she can only kill it!

Taotie was still screaming in pain, and the whole ground kept shaking.

Not far away, the group of people trapped at the exit all turned pale with fright.

"Quick! Get these rocks out of the way! Otherwise we really can't get out!"

A group of people tried hard to remove the rocks, but found that their legs and feet were all weak, and they couldn't move those rocks at all...

The strength of these people is not strong.

On this Yuntian Continent, there are very few people who can reach the realm of Lingjun Lingsheng, let alone gods and spirits.

Of these people, the strongest is the Lingzun Lingzong.

It's just because Ri Yiye is blind, thinking that this kind of strength has already reached its peak, and never thought that he will encounter such a situation...

There are rocks blocking the way in front, beasts howling behind, and the ground under their feet is still shaking.

In an instant, all faces were ashen...

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