Hearing this voice, Feng Chuge was startled!

She raised her hand, and in an instant, she put everything into the colorful space, then raised her body and flew out!

However, just when they arrived at the exit, they saw a group of people sitting on one side with pale faces.

This group of people is exactly the group from the Baili family!

Just now when they heard various noises inside, they were all scared out of their wits.

"Look...that...isn't that the girl from before?" Someone saw Feng Chuge sharply.

At that moment, everyone turned their heads and looked away.

"Didn't there be a monster screaming inside just now? Why can she come out?" Someone wondered.

"Really? The monster screamed so miserable just now..." Just as he was talking, the man exclaimed! "God! Could it be... she killed the monster?"

"Look! There are bloodstains on her body!" Another exclamation.

For an instant, everyone looked at the blood stains on Feng Chuge's body.

That's right, it was blood, and her face was slightly pale, obviously exhausted!

In an instant, everyone concluded that she killed the monster!

Master Baili, Baili Yunhe's father, has already woken up from a coma.

He raised his eyes and looked at Feng Chuge, who was in a hurry, with a cold expression.

Suddenly, he stood up and walked to Feng Chuge. "The girl just killed the monster inside?"

Feng Chuge had no time to waste words with them, she just walked forward.

"Girl, I advise you to hand over the treasure inside first!"

Feng Chuge ignored it and continued to move forward. However, Master Baili flew forward and blocked Feng Chuge. "If you can't hand over the treasure, don't even think about leaving!"

Master Baili had a ferocious look on his face at the moment, and his whole face was full of greed.

Feng Chuge squinted her eyes, looked at him, his eyes were cold, and then she gritted her teeth. "court death!"

Raise your hand, just one palm, and slap him completely into the air!

Going forward, I saw a group of stones blocking there.

Feng Chuge's expression turned cold, he raised the Chixiao sword, smashed the stone into pieces, and then went out without looking back.

All the people inside were astonished to see Feng Chuge slapping Master Baili away effortlessly.

Coupled with the fact that the stone blocking them was also broken, their expressions finally recovered slowly.

"That monster must have been beaten to death by that girl. She was able to defeat the master in one fell swoop, so she must be very powerful!" someone said.

"Yes! I don't think the girl took anything with her, only a box in her hand...how about...let's look inside, maybe we can find a lot of treasures! Anyway, the gate of the Dead Sea will be open for a long time today. "

All of a sudden, everyone responded and went inside...

How did they know that because Feng Chuge killed Taotie, the gate of the Dead Sea will be closed early today!

Now they turned back to look for treasures. Although they would not encounter monsters, there was a dead silence in the Dead Sea.

There is no food, no water, and even the air is extremely thin.

A normal person living here would starve to death or die from excessive oxygen deprivation within two or three days.

And now, they will be locked inside for a month!

This... doomed their deaths!

When they turned back, Feng Chuge had already passed the entrance of the vortex.

Sure enough, as the emperor said, the gate of the Dead Sea is about to close, and the white vortex is slowly shrinking.

Seeing that the vortex was about to disappear, she speeded up and quickly rushed into the vortex...

At the last second when the vortex was closed, he passed through the vortex and returned to the surface of the North Sea!

On the surface of the sea, there was still strong wind and heavy rain.

Feng Chuge raised his hands, and a protective cover covered his whole body to avoid the impact of rain.

Then, Xuanwu was summoned.

On the vast sea, except for the stormy waves, only the figures of Xuan Wu and Feng Chuge are left...

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