These days, Fengyuelou's strength has grown stronger, and has already fully expanded to the entire Sky Continent.

And after going through so many things, Feng Chuge's name has already been heard all over the continent.

Inside the Fengyue Restaurant, the storyteller stood on the high platform, telling all kinds of deeds of that strange woman vividly, and here, there were continuous applause from all directions!

After the storyteller finished speaking, everyone praised him. "Okay! One more part! One more part!"

The storyteller had a smile on his face. "That's fine! I'll tell you another story about the marriage between Miss Feng and Junshang..."

Just as he was about to continue talking, a strange sound suddenly came from not far away.

Looking from a distance, I saw a stunning woman in green clothes sitting on the side, her expression was not looking good.

"Girl, are you feeling alright?" The person next to her looked at her like this and stepped forward to ask.

The woman didn't speak, but bit her lip, with a cold light in her eyes.

His gaze was like a torch, and he locked on the storyteller just now, "What did you just say?"

Surprised by the girl's sudden change, the storyteller was a little taken aback. "Girl, what... what's wrong...?"

"I asked you what you just said?"

"I said... I'll tell you one more... about the big... big wedding between Miss Feng and Junshang..."

"Crack!" At this moment, the cup in the woman's hand was crushed into pieces by her.

Seeing this posture, everyone was shocked.

This girl seems to be so powerful!

"Let me ask you, the Feng girl you are talking about is Feng Chuge?" Suddenly, the woman suddenly raised her eyes, and in an instant, her eyes were full of coldness!

"Yes... yes..." The storyteller was completely taken aback by her.

Where on earth is this woman who came out of? The hostility on his body is so heavy!

Seeing how beautiful she is, how can she be so scary?

"You said her so well, that girl asked you, that Feng Chuge, who is more beautiful than this girl?" She was still sitting on the side, looking like a weak woman, but like this His posture has long made everyone afraid to make a sound.

Mr. Storyteller was very embarrassed.

Obviously, it must be Miss Feng who wants to be beautiful!

But the girl in front of me didn't seem to be a good person either.

While he was hesitating, suddenly a chopstick shot over and penetrated straight into his palm, causing him to growl in pain.


At this moment, all the people around were completely frightened, and everyone was too frightened to speak out.

Fengyue Restaurant is Feng Chuge's property.

As far as Feng Chuge's property is concerned, Feng Chuge has left behind a communication post.

Just blow the whistle, Feng Chuge will feel it, and then he will know that something is wrong here.

So now, on the second floor, the shopkeeper looked at the posture below, and was so frightened that he blew his whistle.

It was obvious that the girl below was coming for their master.

This matter must be let the master come forward!

On the first floor, Lin Shuiyue leaned lazily aside.

She has a natural baby face, with a sweetness in her stunning beauty.

If this kind of woman had not been witnessed by everyone, everyone would never have imagined that she was so cruel and merciless.

The storyteller had already fainted from the pain, but Lin Shuiyue still refused to let him go, just picked up a chopstick again and turned it lightly in his hand.

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