"Miss, something has happened!" As soon as she saw Feng Chuge coming out, Lu Zhu hurried forward.

Feng Chuge stabilized his body. "What's wrong? So anxious."

"Miss, it seems that something happened to Fengyue Restaurant." There was a little anxiety in Lu Zhu's eyes. "This is the first time that Fengyue Restaurant has sent us a signal. In the past, the people in Fengyue Restaurant would solve it by themselves. Miss, tell me, did something really big happen?"

Feng Chuge frowned slightly upon hearing the sound. "Calm down, I'll go take a look."

"Miss, don't you want to practice? Why don't you let me go with Bi Luo?"

"You two can't even deal with so many people in Fengyue Building. What's the use of you two going? Besides, I've been promoted several levels in a row, so it's time to call it a day." Feng Chuge sighed slightly. "I'll go take a shower first and come out later."

"Okay." Bi Luo and Lu Zhu nodded.

Feng Chuge entered the colorful space again.

This time, she went to the second floor.

In the space on the second floor, the holy water of the heavenly spirit is still flowing.

Feng Chuge drew out the holy water of the heavenly spirit from it, poured it into a bucket, channeled his spiritual power, and heated the water slightly.

In an instant, white smoke rose above the holy water of Tianling.

Looking around, she stretched out her hand, shielding the entire surrounding of the bathtub, and then stepped into the water.

The dense heat rose, and Feng Chuge lay in the bathtub, letting the holy water of the heavenly spirit seep into every pore of her wantonly.

This is heavenly holy water!

The holy water of the heavenly spirit that is regarded as the most precious treasure on the mainland.

Now, Feng Chuge regards it as bath water.

If you say it, the people outside will be so shocked that their eyeballs will drop.

At the same time, outside, the Dryad leaned against the barrier, listening to the sound of running water inside.

It scratched at the barrier, and finally curled its lips somewhat helplessly.

"Little sapling, what are you doing?" The elf suddenly noticed the movement of the tree demon, and flew forward to ask.

"Master, it's so embarrassing to hide in it and take a bath..."

Little Sweetheart glared at the tree demon fiercely, and then ruthlessly pulled up one of its emerald green branches. "Well, you tree demon, you actually want to belittle the master, I'll tell the master later."

"Ahhh, I was wrong, I was wrong...don't tell the master, don't..." The tree demon has suffered from Feng Chuge, so it knows that if the master finds out, it will probably die at that time Got to waste half of it.

"It's okay if you don't tell me!" Little Sweetheart rolled her eyes. "Call my sister to listen."

Little sweetheart's immature face was full of smiles.

The dryad turned his head and stopped barking!

Obviously she looks so small.

Its majestic plant demon king, don't succumb to the lust of such a little girl!

"No? Then I will tell the master! There is also the man of dragon blood. Let me tell you, that is the master's dear husband! He is very powerful. If he knows that you want to peek at the master's bath, he will I will definitely pluck your skin and pick all your leaves!"

The little sweetheart spoke vividly, and at the same time did not forget to accompany it with actions.

That look, after all, frightened the tree demon.

The tree demon had never seen Di Juechen before, but he thought to himself that someone who could subdue a female overlord like his master must be very powerful if he wanted to.

It shivered slightly, and finally gave in to the little sweetheart.

"Okay, sister... don't tell the master."

Hearing someone calling her sister, Little Sweetheart raised her eyebrows enjoying herself. "Hmm... good job..."

They didn't know at all that their words were completely heard by Feng Chuge inside!

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