That laughter was weird and presumptuous.

In an instant, the entire room was full of treachery.

But on the other side, Feng Chuge returned to Tiandi Mansion after finishing these matters.

As soon as she went back, she got into the colorful space.

After successive promotions before, her spiritual power was originally unstable. But after fighting Lin Shuiyue, his spiritual power stabilized surprisingly.

This can be regarded as an unexpected harvest.

After entering the space, the Dryad and Little Sweetheart rushed over to curry favor with Feng Chuge.

"Master, are you tired outside? Can my little sweetheart beat your back?"

"Master, Cong Cong can scratch itches, scratch it for you?" This is the first time the tree demon calls itself Cong Cong, even though it doesn't like this name very much...

Feng Chuge was picking up a glass of heavenly holy water and intending to drink it, but when he heard this, he suddenly sprayed the water out of his mouth, and all of it poured on Little Sweetheart's body.

Little sweetheart went crazy.

woo woo...

It's not her who will be watered, but Scallion!

"Okay, you two stop being so courteous." Feng Chuge raised his eyes, looking at the little sweetheart and the tree demon who were about to cry without tears. "If you don't have anything to show your courtesy, you can either rape or steal."

"No, you are our master, we should treat you like this." The dryad laughed.

"Really?" Feng Chuge turned her head, her eyes fell on the tree demon, her eyes flickered slightly, her dark pupils kept turning, and her eyes were full of cunning. "In this case, come and pass by with me!"

"What... what?" The tree demon was startled.

"Fight with you, use all your strength. Also, sweetheart, go and call Huahua and Routuan to fight with me together."

It is not enough to increase spiritual power, the main task now is to improve combat effectiveness.

Fists are the last word.

Little Sweetheart heard the sound, and didn't dare to neglect at all, and hurriedly went to the first floor to find Huahua and Routuan.

"Come on! Dryad, show your strength when we first met." Feng Chuge was already ready.

The tree demon wanted to cry but had no tears.

Play the strength of the first meeting?

Does this mean that it will be beaten by the owner like the first time?


Thinking this way in his heart, the tree demon dared not go against Feng Chuge's wishes at all.

Originally, it had done bad things before, so now, the dryad still takes root in the distance, slowly grows bigger, pulls out its branches, and strikes at Feng Chuge!

At that moment, the atmosphere in the entire colorful space suddenly changed.

There was a hint of excitement in Feng Chuge's eyes.

She jumped up and confronted the tree demon's branch!

In an instant, the two fell into a fierce battle!

Huahua and Routuan had already arrived here, watching the fierce battle here, the two swallowed their saliva one after another.

They felt that the master had become much stronger again!

In the distance, the dark blue color flew up and down, entangled with the tree demon.

The tree demon didn't dare to be negligent, because it found that the master had really played it this time, and if he was a little negligent, he was afraid that it would end badly.

Feng Chuge always had a powerful spiritual force all over his body, confronting the man-eating vine.

Finally, after an unknown amount of time, with the sound of an explosion, the tree demon's man-eating vine branches were blasted, and the tree demon's entire branch was also knocked back a lot.

Feng Chuge, on the other hand, stood there, panting and sweating profusely.

"Master, you have won..." The dryad's deep and hoarse voice sounded, and there was a bit of relief and a bit of exhaustion in that voice.

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