Feng Chuge slowly opened his eyes, and as the pain dissipated, the blood on his face gradually recovered.

"Girl, try it and see if there is any difference in your body?"

Hearing the sound, Feng Chuge released a little mental power!

This time, the mental power was released faster than before!

Feng Chuge was surprised.

"Look, I'm not wrong." The emperor's face was particularly proud. After he finished speaking, he jumped onto a fruit tree not far away, and picked a fruit at will. Chewed up.

"So, now I can fully advance to the spell master?"

"You can try it." Patriarch Di wiped his mouth, "Girl, I remember you brought back a copy of "Spiritual Talisman" from the Dead Sea last time, show it to the old man..."

Feng Chuge glanced at him twice, then took the book from his arms.

Seeing this book, the ancestor God made a move and took it over.

After turning a few pages, the surprise in the eyes of the emperor's ancestors became more and more profound. "Good stuff, oops, good stuff."

"Old Ancestor..." Feng Chuge opened his mouth seeing the astonished expression of the Ancestor Emperor, but before the words could be uttered, the Ancestor Emperor jumped down from the tree and stuffed the "Spiritual Talisman" into her arms middle. "Girl, just practice according to the above, and at the same time, the old man, I will help you. I can guarantee that you will break through the great spell master in the shortest time!"

"How long is the shortest time?" Feng Chuge asked with a flash of expression.

"Half a year!"

"Too long..." Feng Chuge didn't even think about it, and shook his head in denial.

"Half a year from intermediate spell master to crossing two realms directly to senior spell master, that's already fast, okay?" Emperor Patriarch rolled his eyes fiercely and said.

You know, there are hardly many spell masters in this entire continent, let alone great spell masters.

It took only half a year to go from intermediate spells to big spells. If it were someone else, I'm afraid they would really be envious.

This girl is... still too slow!

"I can't wait that long." Looking into the eyes of the emperor's ancestor, Feng Chuge sighed, then lightly shook his head.

"Then how long can you take it?"

Feng Chuge raised his eyes, looked into the distance, his expression flickered, and after a long time, he opened his mouth quietly. "The longest...one month."

"One month! Is... still the longest? Girl, this is impossible!" Patriarch Di was startled.

Feng Chuge let out a long sigh. "That's all, I will work hard to improve my spiritual power."

With that said, Feng Chuge turned around and sat cross-legged on the ground, intending to start absorbing the aura in the space.

"Hey, wait." Suddenly, Patriarch Emperor seemed to have thought of something, "Girl, I thought of it, there is a treasure that can help people gather spiritual power in the shortest time."


Patriarch Emperor smiled softly...

"Girl, this time, you really have to rely on the help of my ancestor! Let's go out first, and then you come with me."

Emperor Patriarch walked ahead, Feng Chuge followed without hesitation.

After getting out of the space, the two went to the wilderness of the back mountain of Tiandifu together.

The ancestor narrowed his eyes, and suddenly bit his finger, bleeding out. After that, he waved his hand slightly in the air, and he didn't know what he was muttering.

After an unknown amount of time, he suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the silent mid-air.

"You are all here, old guys, long time no see..."

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