"Mobilize the elements, extract the essence and remove the bad, and raise the purest element in the air to enhance the spiritual power."

The Emperor Patriarch was still talking, while Feng Chuge listened to his words and began to activate his mental power again.

Since the last time the emperor emperor opened up the oppressed meridian for her, her mental power has really improved a lot faster!

Right now, as the spiritual power and mental power are poured into a Zhou Tian in the air, the extremely dark dzi floating in the midair is slowly overflowing with light.

Feng Chuge focused slightly, and began to filter various elements in the air, slowly inhaling the purest elements...

After running for an unknown number of cycles, Feng Chuge could clearly feel that the spiritual power in her body was slowly increasing, and that spiritual vein seemed to become stronger and stronger!

"Girl, I'll transfer part of my spiritual power to you again!" Seeing this situation, the Emperor Patriarch said, and then jumped behind Feng Chuge.

Hearing these words, Feng Chuge was slightly startled.

Turn mental power?

She just made such a joke with him last time, but she didn't expect Patriarch Emperor to come for it?

Xu Shi sensed Feng Chuge's thoughts, and the Emperor Patriarch laughed. "Old man, I have too much spiritual power to use up. I will transfer some points to you, so that your spell master will be able to advance faster."

Following his words, his palm landed on an acupuncture point on her head, pinpointed the spiritual vein that belonged to the spiritual power, and then passed the spiritual power inward...

During this process, the light on the very dark dzi bead gradually became stronger and stronger!

It was during this process that Feng Chuge only felt various sensations in his body constantly.

Sometimes it's like fire, sometimes it's like ice...

Finally, after an unknown amount of time, the light of the extremely dark dzi reached a peak, and the pain in his body finally dissipated slowly.

At the same time, Patriarch Di came down from mid-air and sat limply on one side. "Girl, all the spiritual power that should be transferred to you has been transferred, and the rest is up to you. According to the "Spirit Talisman" to cultivate through the extremely dark dzi, I can guarantee that you will be able to use it for a month at most. You must be able to reach the realm of a great spell master."

Feng Chuge finally opened his eyes.

She felt the change in her body and mobilized her mental power a little. At the moment, her mental power was so strong that she was pleasantly surprised.

"Okay, girl Chu Ge, I'm really going to sleep, don't disturb me. For three days, don't disturb me again."

"Okay." Looking at the appearance of the ancestor who could barely open his eyes, Feng Chuge said with a light smile.

At this point, the ancestor lay directly on the ground, and fell asleep as soon as he touched the ground!

Feng Chuge raised his lips, then turned his head, looked at the extremely dark dzi in front of him, and started to practice again...


At the same time, within the hidden clan of Xilong.

In the hall, Chi Yutian sat on a high seat, his whole body shining with golden light.

Underneath, the man in black robe standing proudly is Di Juechen!

At this moment, Chi Yutian's eyes were full of anger. "Di Juechen, you are so ignorant that you tried to escape from here time and time again! You even killed all my guards! If it weren't for your dragon blood, I really wish I could strangle you to death with one hand?"

Di Juechen stood underneath, without a single crack on his handsome face.

He raised his head and looked at Chi Yutian coldly. "You can strangle me, dragon's blood? Tsk... I don't care!"

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