"Master Dragon Girl, what do you mean?" Lin Shuiyue was a little elusive about Chi Yutian's thoughts.

"What I mean is that Feng Chuge must have cast a Gu on Juechen! I can sense the aura of that Gu on Juechen's body!" Chi Yutian said coldly.

On the side, Lin Shuiyue was shocked when she heard this. "Really? How could this be?"

"My child, continue to listen to me. This Gu is so powerful that even I can't resist it, but I have a way to undo this Gu, and kill two birds with one stone." Chi Yutian's eyes faintly A little light flashed.

"What method?"

"Kill the person who made the Gu! And then the effect of the previous Gu will be transferred to the person who made the Gu..."

Lin Shuiyue's expression flashed. "That is to say, if I kill Feng Chuge, all the effects of Gu will be transferred to me, and Juechen will..."

Speaking of this, Lin Shuiyue realized that she had accidentally slipped her thoughts out of her mouth, so she covered her mouth suddenly, not daring to continue speaking.

However, Chi Yutian just nodded. "That's right!"

"Why did Lady Dragon tell me this? Could it be that...you want me to kill Feng Chuge?" Lin Shuiyue couldn't figure out what Chi Yutian was thinking, so she just asked tentatively.

"That's right, you are the only daughter-in-law I recognize, as long as you kill Feng Chuge, all of Chen's thoughts will be transferred to you..." Chi Yutian sighed as he said. "Hey, I really don't want that bitch to become my daughter-in-law. Her existence will only harm Chen, and it will also harm our Xilong Yin clan."

Lin Shuiyue's complexion gradually improved, and there was a hint of anticipation in her eyes.

Right now, listening to Chi Yutian's words, and thinking about Di Juechen's obedience to her once she killed Feng Chuge, he couldn't help being elated. "Really? Lady Dragon, what you said is true?"

"Yeah... I didn't want to say this at first, but I really can't bear to see Chen become like this for such a femme fatale woman." Chi Yutian said, holding Lin Shuiyue's hand tightly. hand. "Shuiyue girl, it's up to you, as long as you kill Feng Chuge, everything will be on the right track!"

"Okay! I will definitely kill her!" Lin Shuiyue gritted her teeth, and there was a faint light in her eyes.

"I have a few treasures here, you take them, these will help you." Chi Yutian took out a few things from his arms and put them in Lin Shuiyue's hands.

"Master Dragon Girl, Shuiyue will definitely live up to your expectations."

"That's fine, it's up to you..." Chi Yutian stroked Lin Shuiyue's hair. "I still have something to do, so I have to go first. Remember, the sooner the better... I will help you in the dark." Saying that, Chi Yutian stood up and walked out.

Lin Shuiyue looked at Chi Yutian's leaving figure, and her whole body was enveloped in a burst of great joy.

Looking at the few treasures in hand, her eyes were bright.

She believed that with the help of Lady Longnu, she would be able to successfully kill Feng Chuge!

On the other side, Chi Yutian walked out from Lin Shuiyue, her lips were always sullen...

Sensing the fierceness on Lin Shuiyue's body inside, the corners of Chi Yutian's lips became even more curved...

Look, didn't she just find someone to kill Feng Chuge?

In this way, she didn't do it herself~

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