In Skynet, watching Lin Shuiyue's attack, Feng Chuge's eyes were full of solemnity.

She has tried countless times, and she can't break free from this Skynet.

Right now, trapped by Skynet, she can't use her full spiritual power at all.

Although it is still possible to fight against Lin Shuiyue, it is not a solution to be tied up like this.

The surrounding air blades came towards her, Feng Chuge overflowed with spiritual power and completely smashed those air blades, at the same time, completely resisted Lin Shuiyue!

In the current battle, Feng Chuge had no advantage at all.

When Feng Chuge hit her, Lin Shuiyue had already stepped back a few steps.

"Feng Chuge, let me tell you, you are no longer my opponent in this situation. Even if I can't kill you right now, I will drag you to death. Hahaha..." Lin Shuiyue's face was ruthless.

The current situation is completely in her favor, she doesn't believe that she can't kill Feng Chuge! !

In the cold wind, behind the mountain.

Lin Shuiyue's laughter resounded throughout the entire back mountain, which seemed particularly strange...

But said another place...

For five whole days and five leaves, Mozun Jili followed Yao Ye closely, no matter where Yao Ye went, he always followed.

Yaoye is almost going crazy...

"Master, don't follow me? I'll call you master." Yao Ye's face collapsed, looking at Ji Li, the previous arrogance has long since disappeared, looking at Ji Li, a little subdued.

Ji Li remained expressionless. "no!"

"I beg you, don't follow me, okay? I'm really about to collapse." Yao Ye scratched her head violently.

"No." Ji Li said again.

Yaoye was at a loss for words.

He turned his head, looked at Ji Li who was following him stubbornly, and curled his lips suddenly. "Come on, tell me, what else would you say other than "no"?"

Ji Li just raised his eyes, and coldly glanced at Yao Ye twice. "Take me to find the beauty."

"Why are you looking for her?" Yao Ye was always puzzled. "Have you taken a fancy to Xiao Ge'er? Have you fallen in love with her?"

"No." Ji Li shook his head.

"Damn!!" Yao Ye was furious! "You don't like her and you still have to pester me to find her? Are you sick?"

"If you don't like her, can't you go to her?" Ji Li glanced at Yao Ye, his expression seemed to say, you are an idiot.

Seeing Ji Li's eyes, Yao Ye twitched again. "Then tell me, why do you have to find Xiao Ge'er?"

"The beauty said that there is a man who is stronger than me and more handsome than me. I must see him. I don't believe that there is a man who is stronger or more powerful than me in this world."

The moment Ji Li's voice fell to the ground, Yao Ye almost vomited blood.

He was still wondering why Ji Li had to go to Xiao Ge'er, the relationship was because of this reason! !

Yao Ye moved her lips, and was about to say something, but suddenly noticed something wrong!

His expression turned cold, and he closed his eyes slightly, sensing something, the next moment, he opened them suddenly.

At the same time, there was seriousness in those red eyes!

"No, Xiao Geer is in danger!"

"The beauty is in danger?" Ji Li narrowed his eyes slightly, looking at Yao Ye.

Yao Ye didn't pay any attention to Ji Li, but raised her body and hurried to another direction.

That direction is obviously the direction of Tiandifu.

And Ji Li, seeing Yao Ye leaving so quickly, hastily followed behind...

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