Within Skynet, Feng Chuge's consciousness had almost been emptied.

Right now after hearing that voice, she raised her eyes in a trance, looking at the man in red in front of her, Feng Chuge's red lips were drawn slightly. "I'm fine..."

After saying this, she fainted.

His face was pale, and the spiritual power in his body was almost emptied by Tiantianwang.

On the silver thread of the net that day, bursts of light rose.

"Xiao Ge'er? Xiao Ge'er?" Yao Ye called eagerly, but Feng Chuge had already passed out.

Yao Ye's red eyes became more and more red, she raised her hand, and stepped forward to take away the sky net, but with his touch, the sky net became tighter and tighter.

"Don't waste your time, this is Skynet, you can't break it." On the side, Ji Li looked at this scene and spoke slowly.

Only then did Yaoye's hand stop. "so what should I do now?"

"To untie the bell, the person who tied the bell is the same. Only the person who controls the skynet and binds her can untie the skynet." Ji Li said, turned his head, and glanced at Lin who was already stunned not far away. water moon.

Following Ji Li's direction, Yao Ye also looked at Lin Shuiyue...

Because of the blow just now, Lin Shuiyue is still a little bit overwhelmed.

Now, after seeing the faces of Yaoye and Jili clearly, she gasped in surprise!

The looks of these two men are actually on par with Di Juechen!

She looked at them obsessively, and at the same time, a little bit of resentment grew in her heart...

Feng Chuge, why are there so many beautiful men around her? Why?

Suddenly, thinking of something again, Lin Shuiyue's eyes became extremely fierce!

Gu poison!


It must be that Feng Chuge poisoned these beautiful men, so these men surrounded him.

After she killed Feng Chuge, Lin Shuiyue would be surrounded by these beautiful men.

While Lin Shuiyue was having these unrealistic dreams, Yao Ye had already flown to her side.

At this moment, Yao Ye folded her arms around her chest and looked down at Lin Shuiyue who fell on the ground. "This Skynet, is it yours?"

"Yes, it's mine..." Lin Shuiyue paused for a moment, ignoring the pain on her body, a little red light appeared on her face. "Young Master, I know, that bitch must have controlled you with poison. Don't worry, Young Master, when I kill that bitch, I will be able to rescue you!"

Gu poison? Bitch? kill her?

Listening to Lin Shuiyue's words, Yao Ye suddenly cast a sharp chill in his eyes!

"My lord, why don't you speak?" Seeing Yao Ye standing aside without saying a word, Lin Shuiyue slowly got up from the ground, stepped forward, stretched out her hand, trying to touch Yao Ye...

But at this time, Yao Ye suddenly stretched out his long legs, and kicked hard! "Get out, you nympho! How dare you call my little Geer a nympho, I'll kick you to death!"

This kick reveals almost ten layers of spiritual power.

With one kick, Lin Shuiyue's body, which originally wanted to move forward, suddenly rose from midair, drew a perfect arc in the air, and then fell hard to the ground again!

Still puzzled, Yao Ye stepped forward, a strong force rose from his body, and was about to smash Lin Shuiyue.

At this time, Jili's voice sounded beside her ear, "You should work harder, don't kill her, kill her, then the beauty's Skynet will be unbreakable."

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