The two of them over there roared as if there were tens of thousands of grass and mud horses in their hearts, while Ji Li looked at Yao Ye with a calm expression on his face.

Yao Ye pouted. "Then I'd better stay in this space."

It's better to stay inside than outside, at least, he's not the only one here...

Feng Chuge didn't care about them any more, and started to practice.

In the distance, Little Sweetheart shyly hid behind her, watching the two men not far away...

"Little sweetheart, what are you doing?" Routuan came from the side, looked at the blushing and suspicious expression of Little Sweetheart, and asked.

"There are so many beautiful men." Little Sweetheart said, pointing in the direction where Yao Ye and Ji Li were.

Routuan obeyed, and was about to look up when a figure jumped out in front of her, blocking her view.

"Huahua, what are you doing?" Routuan asked in surprise as she looked at Huahua who popped out suddenly.

"Don't look at other men."

The meatball choked violently, her face flushed red...

Hahaha! ! Nima! The flower has been like a log, is this enlightened?


Another few days passed.

Last time, Feng Chuge's spiritual power was almost absorbed by Tiantianwang, but now after recovering, his spiritual power has improved to a higher level.

The so-called putting them to death and then reborn may be talking about this truth.

Right now, in just three days, she has advanced two levels again, breaking through the third level of fairy spirit in one fell swoop!

Opening her eyes again, Feng Chuge's eyes were full of surprises!

On the other side, Ji Li watched Feng Chuge's advancement speed, looked sideways, and asked Yao Ye. "It turns out that human beings practice spiritual power like this. I thought it would be so painful!"

The corner of Yaoye's lips twitched slightly.

He really didn't want to tell Ji Li that Feng Chuge's speed was a pervert that was rarely encountered in ten thousand years!

Colorful space + abnormal talent + goddess blood + five veins all opened up = abnormal.

"Why do you have such an expression?" Looking at Yao Ye who was speechless, Ji Li asked.

"I really don't want to tell you that throughout the ages, there is only one person who cultivates faster than her. The rest of the people, even if they spend their entire lives, can hardly cultivate to the realm of gods."

"Oh? Who?" Ji Li picked his eyes with some interest.

"Nong, Xiao Ge'er's husband...Di Juechen..."

"It's him again..." Ji Li narrowed his eyes.

A little bit of anticipation flickered in his eyes.

It had been a long time since he had met anyone who could defeat him.

Today's Lonely, just like Dugu seeks defeat, the heights are overwhelming, what he longs for most is to find someone who can truly defeat him.

Thinking about it, Ji Li took a step forward, looked at Feng Chuge, and said. "Beauty, I see that your strength is strong enough. With such strength, you should be able to kill the Xilong hermit."

"Not enough." Feng Chuge shook his head. When Di Juechen was taken away, he was at the fifth level of the fairy spirit.

That kind of strength is much stronger than her.

"We don't know what kind of strong man we will meet in the future, so now, the stronger the better. And my spell master has not yet reached a certain level."

"It's enough." Ji Li couldn't wait to have a good fight with Di Juechen. "This seat lends you the army of monsters. This guy also has an army of monsters. I'm not afraid that the Xilong clan will be razed to the ground! As for the spell master you mentioned, what is it? It is comparable to monsters and monsters." Beast?"

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